1 package RexpRelated |
2 import scala.language.implicitConversions |
3 import scala.language.reflectiveCalls |
4 import scala.annotation.tailrec |
5 import scala.util.Try |
6 |
7 abstract class Bit |
8 case object Z extends Bit |
9 case object S extends Bit |
10 case class C(c: Char) extends Bit |
11 |
12 |
13 abstract class Rexp |
14 case object ZERO extends Rexp |
15 case object ONE extends Rexp |
16 case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp |
17 case class ALTS(rs: List[Rexp]) extends Rexp |
18 case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp |
19 case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp |
20 case class RECD(x: String, r: Rexp) extends Rexp |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 object Rexp{ |
25 type Bits = List[Bit] |
26 // abbreviations |
27 type Mon = (Char, Rexp) |
28 type Lin = Set[Mon] |
29 def ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) = ALTS(List(r1, r2)) |
30 def PLUS(r: Rexp) = SEQ(r, STAR(r)) |
31 def AALT(bs: Bits, r1: ARexp, r2: ARexp) = AALTS(bs, List(r1, r2)) |
32 |
33 |
34 def distinctBy[B, C](xs: List[B], f: B => C, acc: List[C] = Nil): List[B] = xs match { |
35 case Nil => Nil |
36 case (x::xs) => { |
37 val res = f(x) |
38 if (acc.contains(res)) distinctBy(xs, f, acc) |
39 else x::distinctBy(xs, f, res::acc) |
40 } |
41 } |
42 // some convenience for typing in regular expressions |
43 def charlist2rexp(s : List[Char]): Rexp = s match { |
44 case Nil => ONE |
45 case c::Nil => CHAR(c) |
46 case c::s => SEQ(CHAR(c), charlist2rexp(s)) |
47 } |
48 implicit def string2rexp(s : String) : Rexp = charlist2rexp(s.toList) |
49 |
50 implicit def RexpOps(r: Rexp) = new { |
51 def | (s: Rexp) = ALT(r, s) |
52 def % = STAR(r) |
53 def ~ (s: Rexp) = SEQ(r, s) |
54 } |
55 |
56 implicit def stringOps(s: String) = new { |
57 def | (r: Rexp) = ALT(s, r) |
58 def | (r: String) = ALT(s, r) |
59 def % = STAR(s) |
60 def ~ (r: Rexp) = SEQ(s, r) |
61 def ~ (r: String) = SEQ(s, r) |
62 def $ (r: Rexp) = RECD(s, r) |
63 } |
64 |
65 // translation into ARexps |
66 def fuse(bs: Bits, r: ARexp) : ARexp = r match { |
67 case AZERO => AZERO |
68 case AONE(cs) => AONE(bs ++ cs) |
69 case ACHAR(cs, f) => ACHAR(bs ++ cs, f) |
70 case AALTS(cs, rs) => AALTS(bs ++ cs, rs) |
71 case ASEQ(cs, r1, r2) => ASEQ(bs ++ cs, r1, r2) |
72 case ASTAR(cs, r) => ASTAR(bs ++ cs, r) |
73 } |
74 |
75 def internalise(r: Rexp) : ARexp = r match { |
76 case ZERO => AZERO |
77 case ONE => AONE(Nil) |
78 case CHAR(c) => ACHAR(Nil, c) |
79 case ALTS(List(r1, r2)) => |
80 AALTS(Nil, List(fuse(List(Z), internalise(r1)), fuse(List(S), internalise(r2)))) |
81 case ALTS(r1::rs) => { |
82 val AALTS(Nil, rs2) = internalise(ALTS(rs)) |
83 AALTS(Nil, fuse(List(Z), internalise(r1)) :: rs2.map(fuse(List(S), _))) |
84 } |
85 case SEQ(r1, r2) => ASEQ(Nil, internalise(r1), internalise(r2)) |
86 case STAR(r) => ASTAR(Nil, internalise(r)) |
87 case RECD(x, r) => internalise(r) |
88 } |
89 |
90 internalise(("a" | "ab") ~ ("b" | "")) |
91 |
92 def decode_aux(r: Rexp, bs: Bits) : (Val, Bits) = (r, bs) match { |
93 case (ONE, bs) => (Empty, bs) |
94 case (PRED(f), C(c)::bs) => (Chr(c), bs) |
95 case (ALTS(r::Nil), bs) => decode_aux(r, bs)//this case seems tailor made for those who want to simplify the regex before der or simp |
96 case (ALTS(rs), bs) => bs match { |
97 case Z::bs1 => { |
98 val (v, bs2) = decode_aux(rs.head, bs1) |
99 (Left(v), bs2) |
100 } |
101 case S::bs1 => { |
102 val (v, bs2) = decode_aux(ALTS(rs.tail), bs1) |
103 (Right(v), bs2) |
104 } |
105 } |
106 case (SEQ(r1, r2), bs) => { |
107 val (v1, bs1) = decode_aux(r1, bs) |
108 val (v2, bs2) = decode_aux(r2, bs1) |
109 (Sequ(v1, v2), bs2) |
110 } |
111 case (STAR(r1), S::bs) => { |
112 val (v, bs1) = decode_aux(r1, bs) |
113 //println(v) |
114 val (Stars(vs), bs2) = decode_aux(STAR(r1), bs1) |
115 (Stars(v::vs), bs2) |
116 } |
117 case (STAR(_), Z::bs) => (Stars(Nil), bs) |
118 case (RECD(x, r1), bs) => { |
119 val (v, bs1) = decode_aux(r1, bs) |
120 (Rec(x, v), bs1) |
121 } |
122 } |
123 |
124 def decode(r: Rexp, bs: Bits) = decode_aux(r, bs) match { |
125 case (v, Nil) => v |
126 case _ => throw new Exception("Not decodable") |
127 } |
128 |
129 |
130 //erase function: extracts the regx from Aregex |
131 def erase(r:ARexp): Rexp = r match{ |
132 case AZERO => ZERO |
133 case AONE(_) => ONE |
134 case ACHAR(bs, f) => CHAR(f) |
135 case AALTS(bs, rs) => ALTS(rs.map(erase(_))) |
136 case ASEQ(bs, r1, r2) => SEQ (erase(r1), erase(r2)) |
137 case ASTAR(cs, r)=> STAR(erase(r)) |
138 } |
139 |
140 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------START OF NON-BITCODE PART |
141 // nullable function: tests whether the regular |
142 // expression can recognise the empty string |
143 def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match { |
144 case ZERO => false |
145 case ONE => true |
146 case CHAR(_) => false |
147 case ALTS(rs) => rs.exists(nullable) |
148 case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2) |
149 case STAR(_) => true |
150 case RECD(_, r) => nullable(r) |
151 //case PLUS(r) => nullable(r) |
152 } |
153 |
154 // derivative of a regular expression w.r.t. a character |
155 def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match { |
156 case ZERO => ZERO |
157 case ONE => ZERO |
158 case CHAR(f) => if (c == f) ONE else ZERO |
159 case ALTS(List(r1, r2)) => ALTS(List(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))) |
160 case SEQ(r1, r2) => |
161 if (nullable(r1)) ALTS(List(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))) |
162 else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2) |
163 case STAR(r) => SEQ(der(c, r), STAR(r)) |
164 case RECD(_, r1) => der(c, r1) |
165 //case PLUS(r) => SEQ(der(c, r), STAR(r)) |
166 } |
167 |
168 def flatten(v: Val) : String = v match { |
169 case Empty => "" |
170 case Chr(c) => c.toString |
171 case Left(v) => flatten(v) |
172 case Right(v) => flatten(v) |
173 case Sequ(v1, v2) => flatten(v1) + flatten(v2) |
174 case Stars(vs) => vs.map(flatten).mkString |
175 case Rec(_, v) => flatten(v) |
176 } |
177 |
178 // extracts an environment from a value |
179 def env(v: Val) : List[(String, String)] = v match { |
180 case Empty => Nil |
181 case Chr(c) => Nil |
182 case Left(v) => env(v) |
183 case Right(v) => env(v) |
184 case Sequ(v1, v2) => env(v1) ::: env(v2) |
185 case Stars(vs) => vs.flatMap(env) |
186 case Rec(x, v) => (x, flatten(v))::env(v) |
187 } |
188 |
189 |
190 // injection part |
191 def mkeps(r: Rexp) : Val = r match { |
192 case ONE => Empty |
193 case ALTS(List(r1, r2)) => |
194 if (nullable(r1)) Left(mkeps(r1)) else Right(mkeps(r2)) |
195 case SEQ(r1, r2) => Sequ(mkeps(r1), mkeps(r2)) |
196 case STAR(r) => Stars(Nil) |
197 case RECD(x, r) => Rec(x, mkeps(r)) |
198 //case PLUS(r) => Stars(List(mkeps(r))) |
199 } |
200 |
201 def inj(r: Rexp, c: Char, v: Val) : Val = (r, v) match { |
202 case (STAR(r), Sequ(v1, Stars(vs))) => Stars(inj(r, c, v1)::vs) |
203 case (SEQ(r1, r2), Sequ(v1, v2)) => Sequ(inj(r1, c, v1), v2) |
204 case (SEQ(r1, r2), Left(Sequ(v1, v2))) => Sequ(inj(r1, c, v1), v2) |
205 case (SEQ(r1, r2), Right(v2)) => Sequ(mkeps(r1), inj(r2, c, v2)) |
206 case (ALTS(List(r1, r2)), Left(v1)) => Left(inj(r1, c, v1)) |
207 case (ALTS(List(r1, r2)), Right(v2)) => Right(inj(r2, c, v2)) |
208 case (CHAR(_), Empty) => Chr(c) |
209 case (RECD(x, r1), _) => Rec(x, inj(r1, c, v)) |
210 //case (PLUS(r), Sequ(v1, Stars(vs))) => Stars(inj(r, c, v1)::vs) |
211 } |
212 def lex(r: Rexp, s: List[Char]) : Val = s match { |
213 case Nil => if (nullable(r)) mkeps(r) else throw new Exception("Not matched") |
214 case c::cs => inj(r, c, lex(der(c, r), cs)) |
215 } |
216 |
217 def lexing(r: Rexp, s: String) : Val = lex(r, s.toList) |
218 |
219 // some "rectification" functions for simplification |
220 def F_ID(v: Val): Val = v |
221 def F_RIGHT(f: Val => Val) = (v:Val) => Right(f(v)) |
222 def F_LEFT(f: Val => Val) = (v:Val) => Left(f(v)) |
223 def F_ALT(f1: Val => Val, f2: Val => Val) = (v:Val) => v match { |
224 case Right(v) => Right(f2(v)) |
225 case Left(v) => Left(f1(v)) |
226 } |
227 def F_SEQ(f1: Val => Val, f2: Val => Val) = (v:Val) => v match { |
228 case Sequ(v1, v2) => Sequ(f1(v1), f2(v2)) |
229 } |
230 def F_SEQ_Empty1(f1: Val => Val, f2: Val => Val) = |
231 (v:Val) => Sequ(f1(Empty), f2(v)) |
232 def F_SEQ_Empty2(f1: Val => Val, f2: Val => Val) = |
233 (v:Val) => Sequ(f1(v), f2(Empty)) |
234 def F_RECD(f: Val => Val) = (v:Val) => v match { |
235 case Rec(x, v) => Rec(x, f(v)) |
236 } |
237 def F_ERROR(v: Val): Val = throw new Exception("error") |
238 |
239 // simplification of regular expressions returning also an |
240 // rectification function; no simplification under STAR |
241 def simp(r: Rexp): (Rexp, Val => Val) = r match { |
242 case ALTS(List(r1, r2)) => { |
243 val (r1s, f1s) = simp(r1) |
244 val (r2s, f2s) = simp(r2) |
245 (r1s, r2s) match { |
246 case (ZERO, _) => (r2s, F_RIGHT(f2s)) |
247 case (_, ZERO) => (r1s, F_LEFT(f1s)) |
248 case _ => if (r1s == r2s) (r1s, F_LEFT(f1s)) |
249 else (ALTS(List(r1s, r2s)), F_ALT(f1s, f2s)) |
250 } |
251 } |
252 case SEQ(r1, r2) => { |
253 val (r1s, f1s) = simp(r1) |
254 val (r2s, f2s) = simp(r2) |
255 (r1s, r2s) match { |
256 case (ZERO, _) => (ZERO, F_ERROR) |
257 case (_, ZERO) => (ZERO, F_ERROR) |
258 case (ONE, _) => (r2s, F_SEQ_Empty1(f1s, f2s)) |
259 case (_, ONE) => (r1s, F_SEQ_Empty2(f1s, f2s)) |
260 case _ => (SEQ(r1s,r2s), F_SEQ(f1s, f2s)) |
261 } |
262 } |
263 case RECD(x, r1) => { |
264 val (r1s, f1s) = simp(r1) |
265 (RECD(x, r1s), F_RECD(f1s)) |
266 } |
267 case r => (r, F_ID) |
268 } |
269 /* |
270 val each_simp_time = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Long] |
271 val each_simp_timeb = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Long] |
272 */ |
273 def lex_simp(r: Rexp, s: List[Char]) : Val = s match { |
274 case Nil => { |
275 if (nullable(r)) { |
276 mkeps(r) |
277 } |
278 else throw new Exception("Not matched") |
279 } |
280 case c::cs => { |
281 val (r_simp, f_simp) = simp(der(c, r)) |
282 inj(r, c, f_simp(lex_simp(r_simp, cs))) |
283 } |
284 } |
285 |
286 def lexing_simp(r: Rexp, s: String) : Val = lex_simp(r, s.toList) |
287 |
288 //println(lexing_simp(("a" | "ab") ~ ("b" | ""), "ab")) |
289 |
290 // filters out all white spaces |
291 def tokenise(r: Rexp, s: String) = |
292 env(lexing_simp(r, s)).filterNot { _._1 == "w"} |
293 |
294 |
295 //reads the string from a file |
296 def fromFile(name: String) : String = |
297 io.Source.fromFile(name).mkString |
298 |
299 def tokenise_file(r: Rexp, name: String) = |
300 tokenise(r, fromFile(name)) |
301 |
302 // Testing |
303 //============ |
304 |
305 def time[T](code: => T) = { |
306 val start = System.nanoTime() |
307 val result = code |
308 val end = System.nanoTime() |
309 println((end - start)/1.0e9) |
310 result |
311 } |
312 |
313 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------END OF NON-BITCODE PART |
314 |
315 // bnullable function: tests whether the aregular |
316 // expression can recognise the empty string |
317 def bnullable (r: ARexp) : Boolean = r match { |
318 case AZERO => false |
319 case AONE(_) => true |
320 case ACHAR(_,_) => false |
321 case AALTS(_, rs) => rs.exists(bnullable) |
322 case ASEQ(_, r1, r2) => bnullable(r1) && bnullable(r2) |
323 case ASTAR(_, _) => true |
324 } |
325 |
326 def mkepsBC(r: ARexp) : Bits = r match { |
327 case AONE(bs) => bs |
328 case AALTS(bs, rs) => { |
329 val n = rs.indexWhere(bnullable) |
330 bs ++ mkepsBC(rs(n)) |
331 } |
332 case ASEQ(bs, r1, r2) => bs ++ mkepsBC(r1) ++ mkepsBC(r2) |
333 case ASTAR(bs, r) => bs ++ List(Z) |
334 } |
335 |
336 // derivative of a regular expression w.r.t. a character |
337 def bder(c: Char, r: ARexp) : ARexp = r match { |
338 case AZERO => AZERO |
339 case AONE(_) => AZERO |
340 case ACHAR(bs, f) => if (c == f) AONE(bs:::List(C(c))) else AZERO |
341 case AALTS(bs, rs) => AALTS(bs, rs.map(bder(c, _))) |
342 case ASEQ(bs, r1, r2) => |
343 if (bnullable(r1)) AALT(bs, ASEQ(Nil, bder(c, r1), r2), fuse(mkepsBC(r1), bder(c, r2))) |
344 else ASEQ(bs, bder(c, r1), r2) |
345 case ASTAR(bs, r) => ASEQ(bs, fuse(List(S), bder(c, r)), ASTAR(Nil, r)) |
346 } |
347 |
348 |
349 def ders (s: List[Char], r: Rexp) : Rexp = s match { |
350 case Nil => r |
351 case c::s => ders(s, der(c, r)) |
352 } |
353 |
354 // derivative w.r.t. a string (iterates bder) |
355 @tailrec |
356 def bders (s: List[Char], r: ARexp) : ARexp = s match { |
357 case Nil => r |
358 case c::s => bders(s, bder(c, r)) |
359 } |
360 |
361 def flats(rs: List[ARexp]): List[ARexp] = rs match { |
362 case Nil => Nil |
363 case AZERO :: rs1 => flats(rs1) |
364 case AALTS(bs, rs1) :: rs2 => rs1.map(fuse(bs, _)) ::: flats(rs2) |
365 case r1 :: rs2 => r1 :: flats(rs2) |
366 } |
367 def rflats(rs: List[Rexp]): List[Rexp] = rs match { |
368 case Nil => Nil |
369 case ZERO :: rs1 => rflats(rs1) |
370 case ALTS(rs1) :: rs2 => rs1 ::: rflats(rs2) |
371 case r1 :: rs2 => r1 :: rflats(rs2) |
372 } |
373 //val flats_time = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Long] |
374 //val dist_time = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Long] |
375 var flats_time = 0L |
376 var dist_time = 0L |
377 /* |
378 def bsimp(r: ARexp, depth: Int): ARexp = |
379 { |
380 r match { |
381 case ASEQ(bs1, r1, r2) => (bsimp(r1, depth), bsimp(r2, depth)) match { |
382 case (AZERO, _) => AZERO |
383 case (_, AZERO) => AZERO |
384 case (AONE(bs2), r2s) => fuse(bs1 ++ bs2, r2s) |
385 case (r1s, r2s) => ASEQ(bs1, r1s, r2s) |
386 } |
387 case AALTS(bs1, rs) => { |
388 depth match { |
389 case 0 => { |
390 flats(distinctBy(rs, erase)) match { |
391 case Nil => AZERO |
392 case s :: Nil => fuse(bs1, s) |
393 case rs => AALTS(bs1, rs) |
394 } |
395 } |
396 case n => { |
397 val rs_simp = rs.map(bsimp(_, n - 1)) |
398 val time2 = System.nanoTime() |
399 val flat_res = flats(rs_simp) |
400 val time3 = System.nanoTime() |
401 val dist_res = distinctBy(flat_res, erase) |
402 val time4 = System.nanoTime() |
403 flats_time = flats_time + time3 - time2 |
404 dist_time = dist_time + time4 - time3 |
405 //flats_time += time3 - time2 |
406 //dist_time += time4 - time3 |
407 //distinctBy(flats(rs.map(bsimp)), erase) match { |
408 dist_res match { |
409 case Nil => AZERO |
410 case s :: Nil => fuse(bs1, s) |
411 case rs => AALTS(bs1, rs) |
412 } |
413 } |
414 } |
415 } |
416 case r => r |
417 } |
418 } |
419 */ |
420 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------This bsimp is the original slow one |
421 |
422 def bsimp(r: ARexp): ARexp = r match { |
423 case ASEQ(bs1, r1, r2) => (bsimp(r1), bsimp(r2)) match { |
424 case (AZERO, _) => AZERO |
425 case (_, AZERO) => AZERO |
426 case (AONE(bs2), r2s) => fuse(bs1 ++ bs2, r2s) |
427 case (r1s, r2s) => ASEQ(bs1, r1s, r2s) |
428 } |
429 case AALTS(bs1, rs) => { |
430 val rs_simp = rs.map(bsimp) |
431 val time2 = System.nanoTime() |
432 val flat_res = flats(rs_simp) |
433 val time3 = System.nanoTime() |
434 val dist_res = distinctBy(flat_res, erase) |
435 val time4 = System.nanoTime() |
436 flats_time = flats_time + time3 - time2 |
437 dist_time = dist_time + time4 - time3 |
438 dist_res match { |
439 case Nil => AZERO |
440 case s :: Nil => fuse(bs1, s) |
441 case rs => AALTS(bs1, rs) |
442 } |
443 } |
444 case ASTAR(bs, r) => ASTAR(bs, bsimp(r)) |
445 case r => r |
446 } |
447 |
448 def bsimp_weakened(r: ARexp): ARexp = r match { |
449 case ASEQ(bs1, r1, r2) => (bsimp_weakened(r1), r2) match { |
450 case (AZERO, _) => AZERO |
451 case (_, AZERO) => AZERO |
452 case (AONE(bs2), r2s) => fuse(bs1 ++ bs2, r2s) |
453 case (r1s, r2s) => ASEQ(bs1, r1s, r2s) |
454 } |
455 case AALTS(bs1, rs) => { |
456 val rs_simp = rs.map(bsimp_weakened) |
457 val time2 = System.nanoTime() |
458 val flat_res = flats(rs_simp) |
459 val time3 = System.nanoTime() |
460 val dist_res = distinctBy(flat_res, erase) |
461 val time4 = System.nanoTime() |
462 flats_time = flats_time + time3 - time2 |
463 dist_time = dist_time + time4 - time3 |
464 dist_res match { |
465 case Nil => AZERO |
466 case s :: Nil => fuse(bs1, s) |
467 case rs => AALTS(bs1, rs) |
468 } |
469 } |
470 case ASTAR(bs, r) => ASTAR(bs, bsimp_weakened(r)) |
471 case r => r |
472 } |
473 |
474 def simp_weakened(r: Rexp): Rexp = r match { |
475 case SEQ(r1, r2) => (simp_weakened(r1), r2) match { |
476 case (ZERO, _) => ZERO |
477 case (_, ZERO) => ZERO |
478 case (ONE, r2s) => r2s |
479 case (r1s, r2s) => SEQ(r1s, r2s) |
480 } |
481 case ALTS(rs) => { |
482 val rs_simp = rs.map(simp_weakened) |
483 val flat_res = rflats(rs_simp) |
484 val dist_res = rs_simp.distinct |
485 dist_res match { |
486 case Nil => ZERO |
487 case s :: Nil => s |
488 case rs => ALTS(rs) |
489 } |
490 } |
491 case STAR(r) => STAR(simp_weakened(r)) |
492 case r => r |
493 } |
494 |
495 |
496 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------experiment bsimp |
497 /* |
498 def bders_simp (s: List[Char], r: ARexp) : ARexp = s match { |
499 case Nil => r |
500 case c::s => bders_simp(s, bsimp(bder(c, r))) |
501 } |
502 */ |
503 /* |
504 def time[T](code: => T) = { |
505 val start = System.nanoTime() |
506 val result = code |
507 val end = System.nanoTime() |
508 println((end - start)/1.0e9) |
509 result |
510 } |
511 */ |
512 // main unsimplified lexing function (produces a value) |
513 def blex(r: ARexp, s: List[Char]) : Bits = s match { |
514 case Nil => if (bnullable(r)) mkepsBC(r) else throw new Exception("Not matched") |
515 case c::cs => { |
516 val der_res = bder(c,r) |
517 blex(der_res, cs) |
518 } |
519 } |
520 |
521 def bpre_lexing(r: Rexp, s: String) = blex(internalise(r), s.toList) |
522 //def blexing(r: Rexp, s: String) : Val = decode(r, blex(internalise(r), s.toList)) |
523 |
524 var bder_time = 0L |
525 var bsimp_time = 0L |
526 var mkepsBC_time = 0L |
527 var small_de = 2 |
528 var big_de = 5 |
529 var usual_de = 3 |
530 |
531 def blex_simp(r: ARexp, s: List[Char]) : Bits = s match { |
532 case Nil => { |
533 if (bnullable(r)) { |
534 //println(asize(r)) |
535 val time4 = System.nanoTime() |
536 val bits = mkepsBC(r) |
537 val time5 = System.nanoTime() |
538 mkepsBC_time = time5 - time4 |
539 bits |
540 } |
541 else throw new Exception("Not matched") |
542 } |
543 case c::cs => { |
544 val time1 = System.nanoTime() |
545 val der_res = bder(c,r) |
546 val time2 = System.nanoTime() |
547 val simp_res = bsimp(der_res) |
548 val time3 = System.nanoTime() |
549 bder_time = bder_time + time2 - time1 |
550 bsimp_time = bsimp_time + time3 - time2 |
551 blex_simp(simp_res, cs) |
552 } |
553 } |
554 def blex_real_simp(r: ARexp, s: List[Char]): ARexp = s match{ |
555 case Nil => r |
556 case c::cs => blex_real_simp(bsimp(bder(c, r)), cs) |
557 } |
558 |
559 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------tests whether simp(simp(r)) == simp(r) holds true |
560 /* |
561 def blex_simp(r: ARexp, s: List[Char]) : Bits = s match { |
562 case Nil => { |
563 if (bnullable(r)) { |
564 //println(asize(r)) |
565 mkepsBC(r) |
566 } |
567 else throw new Exception("Not matched") |
568 } |
569 case c::cs => { |
570 val der_res = bder(c,r) |
571 val simp_res = bsimp(der_res) |
572 //val simp_res2 = bsimp(simp_res) |
573 //println("Size reduction from "+asize(der_res)+ " to " +asize(simp_res)+" to " + asize(simp_res2)) |
574 blex_simp(simp_res, cs) |
575 } |
576 } |
577 */ |
578 /* |
579 def lex_simp(r: Rexp, s: List[Char]) : Val = s match { |
580 case Nil => { |
581 if (nullable(r)) { |
582 mkeps(r) |
583 } |
584 else throw new Exception("Not matched") |
585 } |
586 case c::cs => { |
587 val start = System.nanoTime() |
588 val (r_simp, f_simp) = simp(der(c, r)) |
589 val end = System.nanoTime() |
590 println((end - start)/1.0e9) |
591 inj(r, c, f_simp(lex_simp(r_simp, cs))) |
592 } |
593 } |
594 */ |
595 |
596 //size: of a Aregx for testing purposes |
597 def size(r: Rexp) : Int = r match { |
598 case ZERO => 1 |
599 case ONE => 1 |
600 case CHAR(_) => 1 |
601 case SEQ(r1, r2) => 1 + size(r1) + size(r2) |
602 case ALTS(rs) => 1 + rs.map(size).sum |
603 case STAR(r) => 1 + size(r) |
604 } |
605 |
606 def asize(a: ARexp) = size(erase(a)) |
607 |
608 |
609 // decoding does not work yet |
610 def blexing_simp(r: Rexp, s: String) = { |
611 //flats_time.clear() |
612 //dist_time.clear() |
613 flats_time = 0L |
614 dist_time = 0L |
615 bder_time = 0L |
616 bsimp_time = 0L |
617 mkepsBC_time = 0L |
618 val start = System.nanoTime() |
619 val bit_code = blex_simp(internalise(r), s.toList) |
620 val end = System.nanoTime() |
621 println("total time: "+ (end - start)/1.0e9) |
622 println("spent on flats: " + (flats_time/(1.0e9))) |
623 println("spent on distinctBy: " + (dist_time/(1.0e9))) |
624 println("spent on bder: "+ bder_time/1.0e9) |
625 println("spent on bsimp: " + bsimp_time/1.0e9) |
626 println("spent on mkepsBC: " + mkepsBC_time/1.0e9) |
627 //println(s"The length of the string ${s.length}; length of bit sequence:") |
628 //println((bit_code.length)) |
629 //println(final_derivative) |
630 //bit_code |
631 //decode(r, bit_code) |
632 } |
633 |
634 |
635 |
636 |
637 |
638 // Lexing Rules for a Small While Language |
639 |
640 //symbols |
641 /* |
642 val SYM = PRED("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".contains(_)) |
643 |
644 //digits |
645 val DIGIT = PRED("0123456789".contains(_)) |
646 //identifiers |
647 val ID = SYM ~ (SYM | DIGIT).% |
648 //numbers |
649 val NUM = STAR(DIGIT) |
650 //keywords |
651 val KEYWORD : Rexp = "skip" | "while" | "do" | "if" | "then" | "else" | "read" | "write" | "true" | "false" |
652 val AKEYWORD: Rexp = ALTS(List("skip" , "while" , "do" , "if" , "then" , "else" , "read" , "write" , "true" , "false")) |
653 //semicolons |
654 val SEMI: Rexp = ";" |
655 //operators |
656 val OP: Rexp = ":=" | "==" | "-" | "+" | "*" | "!=" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" | "%" | "/" |
657 val AOP: Rexp = ALTS(List(":=" , "==" , "-" , "+" , "*" , "!=" , "<" , ">" , "<=" , ">=" , "%" , "/")) |
658 //whitespaces |
659 val WHITESPACE = PLUS(" " | "\n" | "\t") |
660 //parentheses |
661 val RPAREN: Rexp = ")" |
662 val LPAREN: Rexp = "(" |
663 val BEGIN: Rexp = "{" |
664 val END: Rexp = "}" |
665 //strings...but probably needs not |
666 val STRING: Rexp = "\"" ~ SYM.% ~ "\"" |
667 |
668 |
669 |
670 val WHILE_REGS = (("k" $ KEYWORD) | |
671 ("i" $ ID) | |
672 ("o" $ OP) | |
673 ("n" $ NUM) | |
674 ("s" $ SEMI) | |
675 ("str" $ STRING) | |
676 ("p" $ (LPAREN | RPAREN)) | |
677 ("b" $ (BEGIN | END)) | |
678 ("w" $ WHITESPACE)).% |
679 |
680 val AWHILE_REGS = ( |
681 ALTS( |
682 List( |
683 ("k" $ AKEYWORD), |
684 ("i" $ ID), |
685 ("o" $ AOP) , |
686 ("n" $ NUM) , |
687 ("s" $ SEMI) , |
688 ("str" $ STRING), |
689 ("p" $ (LPAREN | RPAREN)), |
690 ("b" $ (BEGIN | END)), |
691 ("w" $ WHITESPACE) |
692 ) |
693 ) |
694 ).% |
695 |
696 */ |
697 |
698 |
699 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------START OF NON-BITCODE PART (TESTING) |
700 /* |
701 // Two Simple While programs |
702 //======================== |
703 println("prog0 test") |
704 |
705 val prog0 = """read n""" |
706 println(env(lexing_simp(WHILE_REGS, prog0))) |
707 println(tokenise(WHILE_REGS, prog0)) |
708 |
709 println("prog1 test") |
710 |
711 val prog1 = """read n; write (n)""" |
712 println(tokenise(WHILE_REGS, prog1)) |
713 |
714 */ |
715 // Bigger Tests |
716 //============== |
717 |
718 def escape(raw: String): String = { |
719 import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ |
720 Literal(Constant(raw)).toString |
721 } |
722 |
723 val prog2 = """ |
724 write "Fib"; |
725 read n; |
726 minus1 := 0; |
727 minus2 := 1; |
728 while n > 0 do { |
729 temp := minus2; |
730 minus2 := minus1 + minus2; |
731 minus1 := temp; |
732 n := n - 1 |
733 }; |
734 write "Result"; |
735 write minus2 |
736 """ |
737 |
738 val prog3 = """ |
739 start := 1000; |
740 x := start; |
741 y := start; |
742 z := start; |
743 while 0 < x do { |
744 while 0 < y do { |
745 while 0 < z do { |
746 z := z - 1 |
747 }; |
748 z := start; |
749 y := y - 1 |
750 }; |
751 y := start; |
752 x := x - 1 |
753 } |
754 """ |
755 /* |
756 for(i <- 400 to 400 by 1){ |
757 println(i+":") |
758 blexing_simp(WHILE_REGS, prog2 * i) |
759 } */ |
760 |
761 /* |
762 for (i <- 2 to 5){ |
763 for(j <- 1 to 3){ |
764 println(i,j) |
765 small_de = i |
766 usual_de = i + j |
767 big_de = i + 2*j |
768 blexing_simp(AWHILE_REGS, prog2 * 100) |
769 } |
770 }*/ |
771 |
772 /* |
773 println("Tokens of prog2") |
774 println(tokenise(WHILE_REGS, prog2).mkString("\n")) |
775 |
776 val fib_tokens = tokenise(WHILE_REGS, prog2) |
777 fib_tokens.map{case (s1, s2) => (escape(s1), escape(s2))}.mkString(",\n") |
778 |
779 |
780 val test_tokens = tokenise(WHILE_REGS, prog3) |
781 test_tokens.map{case (s1, s2) => (escape(s1), escape(s2))}.mkString(",\n") |
782 */ |
783 |
784 /* |
785 println("time test for blexing_simp") |
786 for (i <- 1 to 1 by 1) { |
787 lexing_simp(WHILE_REGS, prog2 * i) |
788 blexing_simp(WHILE_REGS, prog2 * i) |
789 for( j <- 0 to each_simp_timeb.length - 1){ |
790 if( each_simp_timeb(j)/each_simp_time(j) >= 10.0 ) |
791 println(j, each_simp_timeb(j), each_simp_time(j)) |
792 } |
793 } |
794 */ |
795 |
796 |
797 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------END OF NON-BITCODE PART (TESTING) |
798 |
799 |
800 |
801 def clear() = { |
802 print("") |
803 //print("\33[H\33[2J") |
804 } |
805 |
806 //testing the two lexings produce the same value |
807 //enumerates strings of length n over alphabet cs |
808 def strs(n: Int, cs: String) : Set[String] = { |
809 if (n == 0) Set("") |
810 else { |
811 val ss = strs(n - 1, cs) |
812 ss ++ |
813 (for (s <- ss; c <- cs.toList) yield c + s) |
814 } |
815 } |
816 def enum(n: Int, s: String) : Stream[Rexp] = n match { |
817 case 0 => ZERO #:: ONE #:: s.toStream.map(CHAR) |
818 case n => { |
819 val rs = enum(n - 1, s) |
820 rs #::: |
821 (for (r1 <- rs; r2 <- rs) yield ALT(r1, r2)) #::: |
822 (for (r1 <- rs; r2 <- rs) yield SEQ(r1, r2)) #::: |
823 (for (r1 <- rs) yield STAR(r1)) |
824 } |
825 } |
826 |
827 //tests blexing and lexing |
828 def tests_blexer_simp(ss: Set[String])(r: Rexp) = { |
829 clear() |
830 //println(s"Testing ${r}") |
831 for (s <- ss.par) yield { |
832 val res1 = Try(Some(lexing_simp(r, s))).getOrElse(None) |
833 val res2 = Try(Some(blexing_simp(r, s))).getOrElse(None) |
834 if (res1 != res2) println(s"Disagree on ${r} and ${s}") |
835 if (res1 != res2) println(s" ${res1} != ${res2}") |
836 if (res1 != res2) Some((r, s)) else None |
837 } |
838 } |
839 |
840 |
841 |
842 //enum(3, "abc").map(tests_blexer_simp(strs(3, "abc"))).toSet |
843 /* |
844 def single_expression_explorer(ar: ARexp, ss: Set[String]): Unit = { |
845 for (s <- ss){ |
846 |
847 val der_res = bder(c, ar) |
848 val simp_res = bsimp(der_res) |
849 println(asize(der_res)) |
850 println(asize(simp_res)) |
851 single_expression_explorer(simp_res, (sc - c)) |
852 } |
853 }*/ |
854 |
855 //single_expression_explorer(internalise(("c"~("a"+"b"))%) , Set('a','b','c')) |
856 |
857 |
858 } |
859 |
860 import Rexp.Bits |
861 abstract class ARexp |
862 case object AZERO extends ARexp |
863 case class AONE(bs: Bits) extends ARexp |
864 case class ACHAR(bs: Bits, f: Char) extends ARexp |
865 case class AALTS(bs: Bits, rs: List[ARexp]) extends ARexp |
866 case class ASEQ(bs: Bits, r1: ARexp, r2: ARexp) extends ARexp |
867 case class ASTAR(bs: Bits, r: ARexp) extends ARexp |
868 |
869 |
870 |
871 abstract class Val |
872 case object Empty extends Val |
873 case class Chr(c: Char) extends Val |
874 case class Sequ(v1: Val, v2: Val) extends Val |
875 case class Left(v: Val) extends Val |
876 case class Right(v: Val) extends Val |
877 case class Stars(vs: List[Val]) extends Val |
878 case class Rec(x: String, v: Val) extends Val |
879 //case class Pos(i: Int, v: Val) extends Val |
880 case object Prd extends Val |