1 \documentclass[a4paper,UKenglish]{lipics} |
2 \usepackage{graphic} |
3 \usepackage{data} |
4 \usepackage{tikz-cd} |
5 %\usepackage{algorithm} |
6 \usepackage{amsmath} |
7 \usepackage[noend]{algpseudocode} |
8 \usepackage{enumitem} |
9 \usepackage{nccmath} |
10 |
11 \definecolor{darkblue}{rgb}{0,0,0.6} |
12 \hypersetup{colorlinks=true,allcolors=darkblue} |
13 \newcommand{\comment}[1]% |
14 {{\color{red}$\Rightarrow$}\marginpar{\raggedright\small{\bf\color{red}#1}}} |
15 |
16 % \documentclass{article} |
17 %\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} |
18 %\usepackage[english]{babel} |
19 %\usepackage{listings} |
20 % \usepackage{amsthm} |
21 %\usepackage{hyperref} |
22 % \usepackage[margin=0.5in]{geometry} |
23 %\usepackage{pmboxdraw} |
24 |
25 \title{POSIX Regular Expression Matching and Lexing} |
26 \author{Chengsong Tan} |
27 \affil{King's College London\\ |
28 London, UK\\ |
29 \texttt{chengsong.tan@kcl.ac.uk}} |
30 \authorrunning{Chengsong Tan} |
31 \Copyright{Chengsong Tan} |
32 |
33 \newcommand{\dn}{\stackrel{\mbox{\scriptsize def}}{=}}% |
34 \newcommand{\ZERO}{\mbox{\bf 0}} |
35 \newcommand{\ONE}{\mbox{\bf 1}} |
36 \def\bders{\textit{bders}} |
37 \def\lexer{\mathit{lexer}} |
38 \def\blexer{\textit{blexer}} |
39 \def\blexers{\mathit{blexer\_simp}} |
40 \def\mkeps{\mathit{mkeps}} |
41 \def\bmkeps{\textit{bmkeps}} |
42 \def\inj{\mathit{inj}} |
43 \def\Empty{\mathit{Empty}} |
44 \def\Left{\mathit{Left}} |
45 \def\Right{\mathit{Right}} |
46 \def\Stars{\mathit{Stars}} |
47 \def\Char{\mathit{Char}} |
48 \def\Seq{\mathit{Seq}} |
49 \def\Der{\mathit{Der}} |
50 \def\nullable{\mathit{nullable}} |
51 \def\Z{\mathit{Z}} |
52 \def\S{\mathit{S}} |
53 \def\flex{\textit{flex}} |
54 \def\rup{r^\uparrow} |
55 \def\retrieve{\textit{retrieve}} |
56 \def\AALTS{\textit{AALTS}} |
57 \def\AONE{\textit{AONE}} |
58 %\theoremstyle{theorem} |
59 %\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} |
60 %\theoremstyle{lemma} |
61 %\newtheorem{lemma}{Lemma} |
62 %\newcommand{\lemmaautorefname}{Lemma} |
63 %\theoremstyle{definition} |
64 %\newtheorem{definition}{Definition} |
65 \algnewcommand\algorithmicswitch{\textbf{switch}} |
66 \algnewcommand\algorithmiccase{\textbf{case}} |
67 \algnewcommand\algorithmicassert{\texttt{assert}} |
68 \algnewcommand\Assert[1]{\State \algorithmicassert(#1)}% |
69 % New "environments" |
70 \algdef{SE}[SWITCH]{Switch}{EndSwitch}[1]{\algorithmicswitch\ #1\ \algorithmicdo}{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicswitch}% |
71 \algdef{SE}[CASE]{Case}{EndCase}[1]{\algorithmiccase\ #1}{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmiccase}% |
72 \algtext*{EndSwitch}% |
73 \algtext*{EndCase}% |
74 |
75 |
76 \begin{document} |
77 |
78 \maketitle |
79 |
80 \begin{abstract} |
81 Brzozowski introduced in 1964 a beautifully simple algorithm for |
82 regular expression matching based on the notion of derivatives of |
83 regular expressions. In 2014, Sulzmann and Lu extended this |
84 algorithm to not just give a YES/NO answer for whether or not a |
85 regular expression matches a string, but in case it does also |
86 answers with \emph{how} it matches the string. This is important for |
87 applications such as lexing (tokenising a string). The problem is to |
88 make the algorithm by Sulzmann and Lu fast on all inputs without |
89 breaking its correctness. We have already developed some |
90 simplification rules for this, but have not yet proved that they |
91 preserve the correctness of the algorithm. We also have not yet |
92 looked at extended regular expressions, such as bounded repetitions, |
93 negation and back-references. |
94 \end{abstract} |
95 |
96 \section{Introduction} |
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 \noindent\rule[0.5ex]{\linewidth}{1pt} |
101 Between the 2 bars are the new materials.\\ |
102 In the past 6 months I was trying to prove that the bit-coded algorithm is correct. |
103 \begin{center} |
104 $\blexers \;r \; s = \blexer \; r \; s$ |
105 \end{center} |
106 \noindent |
107 To prove this, we need to prove these two functions produce the same output |
108 whether or not $r \in L(r)$. |
109 Given the definition of $\blexer$ and $\blexers$: |
110 \begin{center} |
111 \begin{tabular}{lcl} |
112 $\textit{blexer}\;r\,s$ & $\dn$ & |
113 $\textit{let}\;a = (r^\uparrow)\backslash s\;\textit{in}$\\ |
114 & & $\;\;\textit{if}\; \textit{bnullable}(a)$\\ |
115 & & $\;\;\textit{then}\;\textit{decode}\,(\textit{bmkeps}\,a)\,r$\\ |
116 & & $\;\;\textit{else}\;\textit{None}$ |
117 \end{tabular} |
118 \end{center} |
119 |
120 \begin{center} |
121 \begin{tabular}{lcl} |
122 $\textit{blexer\_simp}\;r\,s$ & $\dn$ & |
123 $\textit{let}\;a = (r^\uparrow)\backslash_{simp}\, s\;\textit{in}$\\ |
124 & & $\;\;\textit{if}\; \textit{bnullable}(a)$\\ |
125 & & $\;\;\textit{then}\;\textit{decode}\,(\textit{bmkeps}\,a)\,r$\\ |
126 & & $\;\;\textit{else}\;\textit{None}$ |
127 \end{tabular} |
128 \end{center} |
129 \noindent |
130 it boils down to proving the following two propositions(depending on which |
131 branch in the if-else clause is taken): |
132 |
133 \begin{itemize} |
134 |
135 \item{} |
136 When s is a string in the language L(r), \\ |
137 $\textit{bmkeps} (r^\uparrow)\backslash_{simp}\, s = \textit{bmkeps} (r^\uparrow)\backslash s$, \\ |
138 \item{} |
139 when s is not a string of the language L(ar) |
140 ders\_simp(ar, s) is not nullable |
141 \end{itemize} |
142 The second one is relatively straightforward using isabelle to prove. |
143 The first part requires more effort. |
144 It builds on the result that the bit-coded algorithm without simplification |
145 produces the correct result: |
146 \begin{center} |
147 $\blexer \;r^\uparrow s = \lexer \; r\; s$ |
148 \end{center} |
149 \noindent |
150 the definition of lexer and its correctness is |
151 omitted(see \cite{AusafDyckhoffUrban2016}). |
152 if we can prove that the bit-coded algorithm with simplification produces |
153 the same result as the original bit-coded algorithm, |
154 then we are done. |
155 The correctness proof of |
156 \begin{center} |
157 $\blexer \; r^\uparrow s = \lexer \;r \;s$ |
158 \end{center} |
159 \noindent |
160 might provide us insight into proving |
161 \begin{center} |
162 $\blexer \; r^\uparrow \;s = \blexers \; r^\uparrow \;s$ |
163 \end{center} |
164 \noindent |
165 (that is also |
166 why we say the new proof builds on the older one). |
167 The proof defined the function $\flex$ as another way of |
168 expressing the $\lexer$ function: |
169 \begin{center} |
170 $\lexer \;r\; s = \flex \;\textit{id} \; r\;s \;(\mkeps \; r\backslash s)$ |
171 \end{center}. |
172 \noindent |
173 (proof for the above equality will be explained later) |
174 The definition of $flex$ is as follows: |
175 \begin{center} |
176 \begin{tabular}{lcl} |
177 $\textit{flex} \;r\; f\; (c\!::\!s) $ & $\dn$ & $\textit{flex} \; (r\backslash c) \;(\lambda v. f (inj \; r \; c \; v)) \;s$ \\ |
178 $\textit{flex} \;r\; f\; [\,] $ & $\dn$ & $f$ |
179 \end{tabular} |
180 \end{center} |
181 \noindent |
182 here $\flex$ essentially does lexing by |
183 stacking up injection functions while doing derivatives, |
184 explicitly showing the order of characters being |
185 injected back in each step. |
186 With $\flex$ we can write $\lexer$ this way: |
187 \begin{center} |
188 $\lexer \;r\; s = \flex \;id \; r\;s \;(\mkeps r\backslash s)$ |
189 \end{center} |
190 \noindent |
191 $\flex$ focuses on |
192 the injections instead |
193 of the derivatives , |
194 compared |
195 to the original definition of $\lexer$, |
196 which puts equal amount of emphasis on |
197 injection and derivative with respect to each character: |
198 \begin{center} |
199 \begin{tabular}{lcl} |
200 $\textit{lexer} \; r\; (c\!::\!s) $ & $\dn$ & $\textit{case} \; \lexer \; (r\backslash c) \;s \; \textit{of}$ \\ |
201 & & $\textit{None} \; \Longrightarrow \; \textit{None}$\\ |
202 & & $\textbar \; v \; \Longrightarrow \; \inj \; r\;c\;v$\\ |
203 $\textit{lexer} \; r\; [\,] $ & $\dn$ & $\textit{if} \; \nullable (r) \; \textit{then} \; \mkeps (r) \; \textit{else} \;None$ |
204 \end{tabular} |
205 \end{center} |
206 \noindent |
207 Using this feature of $\flex$ we can rewrite the lexing |
208 $w.r.t \; s @ [c]$ in term of lexing |
209 $w.r.t \; s$: |
210 \begin{center} |
211 $\flex \; r \; id \; (s@[c]) \; v = \flex \; r \; id \; s \; (inj \; (r\backslash s) \; c\; v)$. |
212 \end{center} |
213 \noindent |
214 this allows us to use |
215 the inductive hypothesis to get |
216 \begin{center} |
217 $ \flex \; r\; id\; (s@[c])\; v = \textit{decode} \;( \textit{retrieve}\; (\rup \backslash s) \; (\inj \; (r\backslash s) \;c\;v)\;) r$ |
218 \end{center} |
219 \noindent |
220 By using a property of retrieve we have the $\textit{RHS}$ of the above equality is |
221 $decode (retrieve (r^\uparrow \backslash(s @ [c])) v) r$, and this gives the |
222 main lemma result: |
223 \begin{center} |
224 $ \flex \;r\; id \; (s@[c]) \; v =\textit{decode}(\textit{retrieve} (\rup \backslash (s@[c])) \;v) r$ |
225 \end{center} |
226 \noindent |
227 To use this lemma result for our |
228 correctness proof, simply replace the $v$ in the |
229 $\textit{RHS}$ of the above equality with |
230 $\mkeps\;(r\backslash (s@[c]))$, and apply the lemma that |
231 |
232 \begin{center} |
233 $\textit{decode} \; \bmkeps \; \rup \; r = \textit{decode} \; (\textit{retrieve} \; \rup \; \mkeps(r)) \;r$ |
234 \end{center} |
235 \noindent |
236 We get the correctness of our bit-coded algorithm: |
237 \begin{center} |
238 $\flex \;r\; id \; s \; (\mkeps \; r\backslash s) = \textit{decode} \; \bmkeps \; \rup\backslash s \; r$ |
239 \end{center} |
240 \noindent |
241 The bridge between the above chain of equalities |
242 is the use of $\retrieve$, |
243 if we want to use a similar technique for the |
244 simplified version of algorithm, |
245 we face the problem that in the above |
246 equalities, |
247 $\retrieve \; a \; v$ is not always defined. |
248 for example, |
249 $\retrieve \; \AALTS(Z, \AONE(S), \AONE(S)) \; \Left(\Empty)$ |
250 is defined, but not $\retrieve \; \AONE(\Z\S) \; \Left(\Empty)$, |
251 though we can extract the same POSIX |
252 bits from the two annotated regular expressions. |
253 That means, if we |
254 want to prove that |
255 \begin{center} |
256 $\textit{decode} \; \bmkeps \; \rup\backslash s \; r = \textit{decode} \; \bmkeps \; \rup\backslash_{simp} s \; r$ |
257 \end{center} |
258 \noindent |
259 holds by using $\retrieve$, |
260 we probably need to prove an equality like below: |
261 \begin{center} |
262 %$\retrieve \; \rup\backslash_{simp} s \; \mkeps(r\backslash_{simp} s)=\textit{retrieve} \; \rup\backslash s \; \mkeps(r\backslash s)$ |
263 $\retrieve \; \rup\backslash_{simp} s \; \mkeps(r\backslash s)=\textit{retrieve} \; \rup\backslash s \; \mkeps(r\backslash s)$ |
264 \end{center} |
265 \noindent |
266 we would need to rectify the value $\mkeps(r\backslash s)$ into something simpler |
267 to make the retrieve function defined.\\ |
269 The vsimp function, defined as follows |
270 tries to simplify the value in lockstep with |
271 regular expression:\\ |
272 |
273 |
274 The problem here is that |
275 |
276 we used retrieve for the key induction: |
277 $decode (retrieve (r\backslash (s @ [c])) v) r $ |
278 $decode (retrieve (r\backslash s) (inj (r\backslash s) c v)) r$ |
279 Here, decode recovers a value that corresponds to a match(possibly partial) |
280 from bits, and the bits are extracted by retrieve, |
281 and the key value $v$ that guides retrieve is |
282 $mkeps r\backslash s$, $inj r c (mkeps r\backslash s)$, $inj (inj (v))$, ...... |
283 if we can |
284 the problem is that |
285 need vsiimp to make a value that is suitable for decoding |
286 $Some(flex rid(s@[c])v) = Some(flex rids(inj (r\backslash s)cv))$ |
287 another way that christian came up with that might circumvent the |
288 prblem of finding suitable value is by not stating the visimp |
289 function but include all possible value in a set that a regex is able to produce, |
290 and proving that both r and sr are able to produce the bits that correspond the POSIX value |
291 |
292 produced by feeding the same initial regular expression $r$ and string $s$ to the |
293 two functions $ders$ and $ders\_simp$. |
294 The reason why |
295 Namely, if $bmkeps( r_1) = bmkeps(r_2)$, then we |
296 |
297 |
298 If we define the equivalence relation $\sim_{m\epsilon}$ between two regular expressions |
299 $r_1$ and $r_2$as follows: |
300 $r_1 \sim_{m\epsilon} r_2 \iff bmkeps(r_1)= bmkeps(r_2)$ |
301 (in other words, they $r1$ and $r2$ produce the same output under the function $bmkeps$.) |
302 Then the first goal |
303 might be restated as |
304 $(r^\uparrow)\backslash_{simp}\, s \sim_{m\epsilon} (r^\uparrow)\backslash s$. |
305 I tried to establish an equivalence relation between the regular experssions |
306 like dddr dddsr,..... |
307 but right now i am only able to establish dsr and dr, using structural induction on r. |
308 Those involve multiple derivative operations are harder to prove. |
309 Two attempts have been made: |
310 (1)induction on the number of der operations(or in other words, the length of the string s), |
311 the inductive hypothesis was initially specified as |
312 "For an arbitrary regular expression r, |
313 For all string s in the language of r whose length do not exceed |
314 the number n, ders s r me derssimp s r" |
315 and the proof goal may be stated as |
316 "For an arbitrary regular expression r, |
317 For all string s in the language of r whose length do not exceed |
318 the number n+1, ders s r me derssimp s r" |
319 the problem here is that although we can easily break down |
320 a string s of length n+1 into s1@list(c), it is not that easy |
321 to use the i.h. as a stepping stone to prove anything because s1 may well be not |
322 in the language L(r). This inhibits us from obtaining the fact that |
323 ders s1 r me derssimps s1 r. |
324 Further exploration is needed to amend this hypothesis so it includes the |
325 situation when s1 is not nullable. |
326 For example, what information(bits? |
327 values?) can be extracted |
328 from the regular expression ders(s1,r) so that we can compute or predict the possible |
329 result of bmkeps after another derivative operation. What function f can used to |
330 carry out the task? The possible way of exploration can be |
331 more directly perceived throught the graph below: |
332 find a function |
333 f |
334 such that |
335 f(bders s1 r) |
336 = re1 |
337 f(bderss s1 r) |
338 = re2 |
339 bmkeps(bders s r) = g(re1,c) |
340 bmkeps(bderssimp s r) = g(re2,c) |
341 and g(re1,c) = g(re2,c) |
342 The inductive hypothesis would be |
343 "For all strings s1 of length <= n, |
344 f(bders s1 r) |
345 = re1 |
346 f(bderss s1 r) |
347 = re2" |
348 proving this would be a lemma for the main proof: |
349 the main proof would be |
350 " |
351 bmkeps(bders s r) = g(re1,c) |
352 bmkeps(bderssimp s r) = g(re2,c) |
353 for s = s1@c |
354 " |
355 and f need to be a recursive property for the lemma to be proved: |
356 it needs to store not only the "after one char nullable info", |
357 but also the "after two char nullable info", |
358 and so on so that it is able to predict what f will compute after a derivative operation, |
359 in other words, it needs to be "infinitely recursive"\\ |
360 To prove the lemma, in other words, to get |
361 "For all strings s1 of length <= n+1, |
362 f(bders s1 r) |
363 = re3 |
364 f(bderss s1 r) |
365 = re4"\\ |
366 from\\ |
367 "For all strings s1 of length <= n, |
368 f(bders s1 r) |
369 = re1 |
370 f(bderss s1 r) |
371 = re2"\\ |
372 it might be best to construct an auxiliary function h such that\\ |
373 h(re1, c) = re3\\ |
374 h(re2, c) = re4\\ |
375 and re3 = f(bder c (bders s1 r))\\ |
376 re4 = f(simp(bder c (bderss s1 r))) |
377 The key point here is that we are not satisfied with what bders s r will produce under |
378 bmkeps, but also how it will perform after a derivative operation and then bmkeps, and two |
379 derivative operations and so on. In essence, we are preserving the regular expression |
380 itself under the function f, in a less compact way than the regluar expression: we are |
381 not just recording but also interpreting what the regular expression matches. |
382 In other words, we need to prove the properties of bderss s r beyond the bmkeps result, |
383 i.e., not just the nullable ones, but also those containing remaining characters.\\ |
384 (2)we observed the fact that |
385 erase sdddddr= erase sdsdsdsr |
386 that is to say, despite the bits are being moved around on the regular expression |
387 (difference in bits), the structure of the (unannotated)regular expression |
388 after one simplification is exactly the same after the |
389 same sequence of derivative operations |
390 regardless of whether we did simplification |
391 along the way. |
392 However, without erase the above equality does not hold: |
393 for the regular expression |
394 $(a+b)(a+a*)$, |
395 if we do derivative with respect to string $aa$, |
396 we get |
397 %TODO |
398 sdddddr does not equal sdsdsdsr sometimes.\\ |
399 For example, |
400 |
401 This equicalence class method might still have the potential of proving this, |
402 but not yet |
403 i parallelly tried another method of using retrieve\\ |
404 |
405 |
406 |
407 \noindent\rule[0.5ex]{\linewidth}{1pt} |
408 |
409 This PhD-project is about regular expression matching and |
410 lexing. Given the maturity of this topic, the reader might wonder: |
411 Surely, regular expressions must have already been studied to death? |
412 What could possibly be \emph{not} known in this area? And surely all |
413 implemented algorithms for regular expression matching are blindingly |
414 fast? |
415 |
416 Unfortunately these preconceptions are not supported by evidence: Take |
417 for example the regular expression $(a^*)^*\,b$ and ask whether |
418 strings of the form $aa..a$ match this regular |
419 expression. Obviously this is not the case---the expected $b$ in the last |
420 position is missing. One would expect that modern regular expression |
421 matching engines can find this out very quickly. Alas, if one tries |
422 this example in JavaScript, Python or Java 8 with strings like 28 |
423 $a$'s, one discovers that this decision takes around 30 seconds and |
424 takes considerably longer when adding a few more $a$'s, as the graphs |
425 below show: |
426 |
427 \begin{center} |
428 \begin{tabular}{@{}c@{\hspace{0mm}}c@{\hspace{0mm}}c@{}} |
429 \begin{tikzpicture} |
430 \begin{axis}[ |
431 xlabel={$n$}, |
432 x label style={at={(1.05,-0.05)}}, |
433 ylabel={time in secs}, |
434 enlargelimits=false, |
435 xtick={0,5,...,30}, |
436 xmax=33, |
437 ymax=35, |
438 ytick={0,5,...,30}, |
439 scaled ticks=false, |
440 axis lines=left, |
441 width=5cm, |
442 height=4cm, |
443 legend entries={JavaScript}, |
444 legend pos=north west, |
445 legend cell align=left] |
446 \addplot[red,mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] table {re-js.data}; |
447 \end{axis} |
448 \end{tikzpicture} |
449 & |
450 \begin{tikzpicture} |
451 \begin{axis}[ |
452 xlabel={$n$}, |
453 x label style={at={(1.05,-0.05)}}, |
454 %ylabel={time in secs}, |
455 enlargelimits=false, |
456 xtick={0,5,...,30}, |
457 xmax=33, |
458 ymax=35, |
459 ytick={0,5,...,30}, |
460 scaled ticks=false, |
461 axis lines=left, |
462 width=5cm, |
463 height=4cm, |
464 legend entries={Python}, |
465 legend pos=north west, |
466 legend cell align=left] |
467 \addplot[blue,mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] table {re-python2.data}; |
468 \end{axis} |
469 \end{tikzpicture} |
470 & |
471 \begin{tikzpicture} |
472 \begin{axis}[ |
473 xlabel={$n$}, |
474 x label style={at={(1.05,-0.05)}}, |
475 %ylabel={time in secs}, |
476 enlargelimits=false, |
477 xtick={0,5,...,30}, |
478 xmax=33, |
479 ymax=35, |
480 ytick={0,5,...,30}, |
481 scaled ticks=false, |
482 axis lines=left, |
483 width=5cm, |
484 height=4cm, |
485 legend entries={Java 8}, |
486 legend pos=north west, |
487 legend cell align=left] |
488 \addplot[cyan,mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] table {re-java.data}; |
489 \end{axis} |
490 \end{tikzpicture}\\ |
491 \multicolumn{3}{c}{Graphs: Runtime for matching $(a^*)^*\,b$ with strings |
492 of the form $\underbrace{aa..a}_{n}$.} |
493 \end{tabular} |
494 \end{center} |
495 |
496 \noindent These are clearly abysmal and possibly surprising results. One |
497 would expect these systems to do much better than that---after all, |
498 given a DFA and a string, deciding whether a string is matched by this |
499 DFA should be linear in terms of the size of the regular expression and |
500 the string? |
501 |
502 Admittedly, the regular expression $(a^*)^*\,b$ is carefully chosen to |
503 exhibit this super-linear behaviour. But unfortunately, such regular |
504 expressions are not just a few outliers. They are actually |
505 frequent enough to have a separate name created for |
506 them---\emph{evil regular expressions}. In empiric work, Davis et al |
507 report that they have found thousands of such evil regular expressions |
508 in the JavaScript and Python ecosystems \cite{Davis18}. Static analysis |
509 approach that is both sound and complete exists\cite{17Bir}, but the running |
510 time on certain examples in the RegExLib and Snort regular expressions |
511 libraries is unacceptable. Therefore the problem of efficiency still remains. |
512 |
513 This superlinear blowup in matching algorithms sometimes causes |
514 considerable grief in real life: for example on 20 July 2016 one evil |
515 regular expression brought the webpage |
516 \href{http://stackexchange.com}{Stack Exchange} to its |
517 knees.\footnote{\url{https://stackstatus.net/post/147710624694/outage-postmortem-july-20-2016}} |
518 In this instance, a regular expression intended to just trim white |
519 spaces from the beginning and the end of a line actually consumed |
520 massive amounts of CPU-resources---causing web servers to grind to a |
521 halt. This happened when a post with 20,000 white spaces was submitted, |
522 but importantly the white spaces were neither at the beginning nor at |
523 the end. As a result, the regular expression matching engine needed to |
524 backtrack over many choices. In this example, the time needed to process |
525 the string was $O(n^2)$ with respect to the string length. This |
526 quadratic overhead was enough for the homepage of Stack Exchange to |
527 respond so slowly that the load balancer assumed there must be some |
528 attack and therefore stopped the servers from responding to any |
529 requests. This made the whole site become unavailable. Another very |
530 recent example is a global outage of all Cloudflare servers on 2 July |
531 2019. A poorly written regular expression exhibited exponential |
532 behaviour and exhausted CPUs that serve HTTP traffic. Although the |
533 outage had several causes, at the heart was a regular expression that |
534 was used to monitor network |
535 traffic.\footnote{\url{https://blog.cloudflare.com/details-of-the-cloudflare-outage-on-july-2-2019/}} |
536 |
537 The underlying problem is that many ``real life'' regular expression |
538 matching engines do not use DFAs for matching. This is because they |
539 support regular expressions that are not covered by the classical |
540 automata theory, and in this more general setting there are quite a few |
541 research questions still unanswered and fast algorithms still need to be |
542 developed (for example how to treat efficiently bounded repetitions, negation and |
543 back-references). |
544 %question: dfa can have exponential states. isn't this the actual reason why they do not use dfas? |
545 %how do they avoid dfas exponential states if they use them for fast matching? |
546 |
547 There is also another under-researched problem to do with regular |
548 expressions and lexing, i.e.~the process of breaking up strings into |
549 sequences of tokens according to some regular expressions. In this |
550 setting one is not just interested in whether or not a regular |
551 expression matches a string, but also in \emph{how}. Consider for |
552 example a regular expression $r_{key}$ for recognising keywords such as |
553 \textit{if}, \textit{then} and so on; and a regular expression $r_{id}$ |
554 for recognising identifiers (say, a single character followed by |
555 characters or numbers). One can then form the compound regular |
556 expression $(r_{key} + r_{id})^*$ and use it to tokenise strings. But |
557 then how should the string \textit{iffoo} be tokenised? It could be |
558 tokenised as a keyword followed by an identifier, or the entire string |
559 as a single identifier. Similarly, how should the string \textit{if} be |
560 tokenised? Both regular expressions, $r_{key}$ and $r_{id}$, would |
561 ``fire''---so is it an identifier or a keyword? While in applications |
562 there is a well-known strategy to decide these questions, called POSIX |
563 matching, only relatively recently precise definitions of what POSIX |
564 matching actually means have been formalised |
565 \cite{AusafDyckhoffUrban2016,OkuiSuzuki2010,Vansummeren2006}. Such a |
566 definition has also been given by Sulzmann and Lu \cite{Sulzmann2014}, |
567 but the corresponding correctness proof turned out to be faulty |
568 \cite{AusafDyckhoffUrban2016}. Roughly, POSIX matching means matching |
569 the longest initial substring. In the case of a tie, the initial |
570 sub-match is chosen according to some priorities attached to the regular |
571 expressions (e.g.~keywords have a higher priority than identifiers). |
572 This sounds rather simple, but according to Grathwohl et al \cite[Page |
573 36]{CrashCourse2014} this is not the case. They wrote: |
574 |
575 \begin{quote} |
576 \it{}``The POSIX strategy is more complicated than the greedy because of |
577 the dependence on information about the length of matched strings in the |
578 various subexpressions.'' |
579 \end{quote} |
580 |
581 \noindent |
582 This is also supported by evidence collected by Kuklewicz |
583 \cite{Kuklewicz} who noticed that a number of POSIX regular expression |
584 matchers calculate incorrect results. |
585 |
586 Our focus in this project is on an algorithm introduced by Sulzmann and |
587 Lu in 2014 for regular expression matching according to the POSIX |
588 strategy \cite{Sulzmann2014}. Their algorithm is based on an older |
589 algorithm by Brzozowski from 1964 where he introduced the notion of |
590 derivatives of regular expressions~\cite{Brzozowski1964}. We shall |
591 briefly explain this algorithm next. |
592 |
593 \section{The Algorithm by Brzozowski based on Derivatives of Regular |
594 Expressions} |
595 |
596 Suppose (basic) regular expressions are given by the following grammar: |
597 \[ r ::= \ZERO \mid \ONE |
598 \mid c |
599 \mid r_1 \cdot r_2 |
600 \mid r_1 + r_2 |
601 \mid r^* |
602 \] |
603 |
604 \noindent |
605 The intended meaning of the constructors is as follows: $\ZERO$ |
606 cannot match any string, $\ONE$ can match the empty string, the |
607 character regular expression $c$ can match the character $c$, and so |
608 on. |
609 |
610 The ingenious contribution by Brzozowski is the notion of |
611 \emph{derivatives} of regular expressions. The idea behind this |
612 notion is as follows: suppose a regular expression $r$ can match a |
613 string of the form $c\!::\! s$ (that is a list of characters starting |
614 with $c$), what does the regular expression look like that can match |
615 just $s$? Brzozowski gave a neat answer to this question. He started |
616 with the definition of $nullable$: |
617 \begin{center} |
618 \begin{tabular}{lcl} |
619 $\nullable(\ZERO)$ & $\dn$ & $\mathit{false}$ \\ |
620 $\nullable(\ONE)$ & $\dn$ & $\mathit{true}$ \\ |
621 $\nullable(c)$ & $\dn$ & $\mathit{false}$ \\ |
622 $\nullable(r_1 + r_2)$ & $\dn$ & $\nullable(r_1) \vee \nullable(r_2)$ \\ |
623 $\nullable(r_1\cdot r_2)$ & $\dn$ & $\nullable(r_1) \wedge \nullable(r_2)$ \\ |
624 $\nullable(r^*)$ & $\dn$ & $\mathit{true}$ \\ |
625 \end{tabular} |
626 \end{center} |
627 This function simply tests whether the empty string is in $L(r)$. |
628 He then defined |
629 the following operation on regular expressions, written |
630 $r\backslash c$ (the derivative of $r$ w.r.t.~the character $c$): |
631 |
632 \begin{center} |
633 \begin{tabular}{lcl} |
634 $\ZERO \backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\ZERO$\\ |
635 $\ONE \backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\ZERO$\\ |
636 $d \backslash c$ & $\dn$ & |
637 $\mathit{if} \;c = d\;\mathit{then}\;\ONE\;\mathit{else}\;\ZERO$\\ |
638 $(r_1 + r_2)\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $r_1 \backslash c \,+\, r_2 \backslash c$\\ |
639 $(r_1 \cdot r_2)\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\mathit{if} \, nullable(r_1)$\\ |
640 & & $\mathit{then}\;(r_1\backslash c) \cdot r_2 \,+\, r_2\backslash c$\\ |
641 & & $\mathit{else}\;(r_1\backslash c) \cdot r_2$\\ |
642 $(r^*)\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $(r\backslash c) \cdot r^*$\\ |
643 \end{tabular} |
644 \end{center} |
645 |
646 %Assuming the classic notion of a |
647 %\emph{language} of a regular expression, written $L(\_)$, t |
648 |
649 \noindent |
650 The main property of the derivative operation is that |
651 |
652 \begin{center} |
653 $c\!::\!s \in L(r)$ holds |
654 if and only if $s \in L(r\backslash c)$. |
655 \end{center} |
656 |
657 \noindent |
658 For us the main advantage is that derivatives can be |
659 straightforwardly implemented in any functional programming language, |
660 and are easily definable and reasoned about in theorem provers---the |
661 definitions just consist of inductive datatypes and simple recursive |
662 functions. Moreover, the notion of derivatives can be easily |
663 generalised to cover extended regular expression constructors such as |
664 the not-regular expression, written $\neg\,r$, or bounded repetitions |
665 (for example $r^{\{n\}}$ and $r^{\{n..m\}}$), which cannot be so |
666 straightforwardly realised within the classic automata approach. |
667 For the moment however, we focus only on the usual basic regular expressions. |
668 |
669 |
670 Now if we want to find out whether a string $s$ matches with a regular |
671 expression $r$, we can build the derivatives of $r$ w.r.t.\ (in succession) |
672 all the characters of the string $s$. Finally, test whether the |
673 resulting regular expression can match the empty string. If yes, then |
674 $r$ matches $s$, and no in the negative case. To implement this idea |
675 we can generalise the derivative operation to strings like this: |
676 |
677 \begin{center} |
678 \begin{tabular}{lcl} |
679 $r \backslash (c\!::\!s) $ & $\dn$ & $(r \backslash c) \backslash s$ \\ |
680 $r \backslash [\,] $ & $\dn$ & $r$ |
681 \end{tabular} |
682 \end{center} |
683 |
684 \noindent |
685 and then define as regular-expression matching algorithm: |
686 \[ |
687 match\;s\;r \;\dn\; nullable(r\backslash s) |
688 \] |
689 |
690 \noindent |
691 This algorithm looks graphically as follows: |
692 \begin{equation}\label{graph:*} |
693 \begin{tikzcd} |
694 r_0 \arrow[r, "\backslash c_0"] & r_1 \arrow[r, "\backslash c_1"] & r_2 \arrow[r, dashed] & r_n \arrow[r,"\textit{nullable}?"] & \;\textrm{YES}/\textrm{NO} |
695 \end{tikzcd} |
696 \end{equation} |
697 |
698 \noindent |
699 where we start with a regular expression $r_0$, build successive |
700 derivatives until we exhaust the string and then use \textit{nullable} |
701 to test whether the result can match the empty string. It can be |
702 relatively easily shown that this matcher is correct (that is given |
703 an $s = c_0...c_{n-1}$ and an $r_0$, it generates YES if and only if $s \in L(r_0)$). |
704 |
705 |
706 \section{Values and the Algorithm by Sulzmann and Lu} |
707 |
708 One limitation of Brzozowski's algorithm is that it only produces a |
709 YES/NO answer for whether a string is being matched by a regular |
710 expression. Sulzmann and Lu~\cite{Sulzmann2014} extended this algorithm |
711 to allow generation of an actual matching, called a \emph{value} or |
712 sometimes also \emph{lexical value}. These values and regular |
713 expressions correspond to each other as illustrated in the following |
714 table: |
715 |
716 |
717 \begin{center} |
718 \begin{tabular}{c@{\hspace{20mm}}c} |
719 \begin{tabular}{@{}rrl@{}} |
720 \multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{\textbf{Regular Expressions}}\medskip\\ |
721 $r$ & $::=$ & $\ZERO$\\ |
722 & $\mid$ & $\ONE$ \\ |
723 & $\mid$ & $c$ \\ |
724 & $\mid$ & $r_1 \cdot r_2$\\ |
725 & $\mid$ & $r_1 + r_2$ \\ |
726 \\ |
727 & $\mid$ & $r^*$ \\ |
728 \end{tabular} |
729 & |
730 \begin{tabular}{@{\hspace{0mm}}rrl@{}} |
731 \multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{\textbf{Values}}\medskip\\ |
732 $v$ & $::=$ & \\ |
733 & & $\Empty$ \\ |
734 & $\mid$ & $\Char(c)$ \\ |
735 & $\mid$ & $\Seq\,v_1\, v_2$\\ |
736 & $\mid$ & $\Left(v)$ \\ |
737 & $\mid$ & $\Right(v)$ \\ |
738 & $\mid$ & $\Stars\,[v_1,\ldots\,v_n]$ \\ |
739 \end{tabular} |
740 \end{tabular} |
741 \end{center} |
742 |
743 \noindent |
744 No value corresponds to $\ZERO$; $\Empty$ corresponds to $\ONE$; |
745 $\Char$ to the character regular expression; $\Seq$ to the sequence |
746 regular expression and so on. The idea of values is to encode a kind of |
747 lexical value for how the sub-parts of a regular expression match the |
748 sub-parts of a string. To see this, suppose a \emph{flatten} operation, |
749 written $|v|$ for values. We can use this function to extract the |
750 underlying string of a value $v$. For example, $|\mathit{Seq} \, |
751 (\textit{Char x}) \, (\textit{Char y})|$ is the string $xy$. Using |
752 flatten, we can describe how values encode lexical values: $\Seq\,v_1\, |
753 v_2$ encodes a tree with two children nodes that tells how the string |
754 $|v_1| @ |v_2|$ matches the regex $r_1 \cdot r_2$ whereby $r_1$ matches |
755 the substring $|v_1|$ and, respectively, $r_2$ matches the substring |
756 $|v_2|$. Exactly how these two are matched is contained in the children |
757 nodes $v_1$ and $v_2$ of parent $\textit{Seq}$. |
758 |
759 To give a concrete example of how values work, consider the string $xy$ |
760 and the regular expression $(x + (y + xy))^*$. We can view this regular |
761 expression as a tree and if the string $xy$ is matched by two Star |
762 ``iterations'', then the $x$ is matched by the left-most alternative in |
763 this tree and the $y$ by the right-left alternative. This suggests to |
764 record this matching as |
765 |
766 \begin{center} |
767 $\Stars\,[\Left\,(\Char\,x), \Right(\Left(\Char\,y))]$ |
768 \end{center} |
769 |
770 \noindent |
771 where $\Stars \; [\ldots]$ records all the |
772 iterations; and $\Left$, respectively $\Right$, which |
773 alternative is used. The value for |
774 matching $xy$ in a single ``iteration'', i.e.~the POSIX value, |
775 would look as follows |
776 |
777 \begin{center} |
778 $\Stars\,[\Seq\,(\Char\,x)\,(\Char\,y)]$ |
779 \end{center} |
780 |
781 \noindent |
782 where $\Stars$ has only a single-element list for the single iteration |
783 and $\Seq$ indicates that $xy$ is matched by a sequence regular |
784 expression. |
785 |
786 The contribution of Sulzmann and Lu is an extension of Brzozowski's |
787 algorithm by a second phase (the first phase being building successive |
788 derivatives---see \eqref{graph:*}). In this second phase, a POSIX value |
789 is generated in case the regular expression matches the string. |
790 Pictorially, the Sulzmann and Lu algorithm is as follows: |
791 |
792 \begin{ceqn} |
793 \begin{equation}\label{graph:2} |
794 \begin{tikzcd} |
795 r_0 \arrow[r, "\backslash c_0"] \arrow[d] & r_1 \arrow[r, "\backslash c_1"] \arrow[d] & r_2 \arrow[r, dashed] \arrow[d] & r_n \arrow[d, "mkeps" description] \\ |
796 v_0 & v_1 \arrow[l,"inj_{r_0} c_0"] & v_2 \arrow[l, "inj_{r_1} c_1"] & v_n \arrow[l, dashed] |
797 \end{tikzcd} |
798 \end{equation} |
799 \end{ceqn} |
800 |
801 \noindent |
802 For convenience, we shall employ the following notations: the regular |
803 expression we start with is $r_0$, and the given string $s$ is composed |
804 of characters $c_0 c_1 \ldots c_{n-1}$. In the first phase from the |
805 left to right, we build the derivatives $r_1$, $r_2$, \ldots according |
806 to the characters $c_0$, $c_1$ until we exhaust the string and obtain |
807 the derivative $r_n$. We test whether this derivative is |
808 $\textit{nullable}$ or not. If not, we know the string does not match |
809 $r$ and no value needs to be generated. If yes, we start building the |
810 values incrementally by \emph{injecting} back the characters into the |
811 earlier values $v_n, \ldots, v_0$. This is the second phase of the |
812 algorithm from the right to left. For the first value $v_n$, we call the |
813 function $\textit{mkeps}$, which builds the lexical value |
814 for how the empty string has been matched by the (nullable) regular |
815 expression $r_n$. This function is defined as |
816 |
817 \begin{center} |
818 \begin{tabular}{lcl} |
819 $\mkeps(\ONE)$ & $\dn$ & $\Empty$ \\ |
820 $\mkeps(r_{1}+r_{2})$ & $\dn$ |
821 & \textit{if} $\nullable(r_{1})$\\ |
822 & & \textit{then} $\Left(\mkeps(r_{1}))$\\ |
823 & & \textit{else} $\Right(\mkeps(r_{2}))$\\ |
824 $\mkeps(r_1\cdot r_2)$ & $\dn$ & $\Seq\,(\mkeps\,r_1)\,(\mkeps\,r_2)$\\ |
825 $mkeps(r^*)$ & $\dn$ & $\Stars\,[]$ |
826 \end{tabular} |
827 \end{center} |
828 |
829 |
830 \noindent There are no cases for $\ZERO$ and $c$, since |
831 these regular expression cannot match the empty string. Note |
832 also that in case of alternatives we give preference to the |
833 regular expression on the left-hand side. This will become |
834 important later on about what value is calculated. |
835 |
836 After the $\mkeps$-call, we inject back the characters one by one in order to build |
837 the lexical value $v_i$ for how the regex $r_i$ matches the string $s_i$ |
838 ($s_i = c_i \ldots c_{n-1}$ ) from the previous lexical value $v_{i+1}$. |
839 After injecting back $n$ characters, we get the lexical value for how $r_0$ |
840 matches $s$. For this Sulzmann and Lu defined a function that reverses |
841 the ``chopping off'' of characters during the derivative phase. The |
842 corresponding function is called \emph{injection}, written |
843 $\textit{inj}$; it takes three arguments: the first one is a regular |
844 expression ${r_{i-1}}$, before the character is chopped off, the second |
845 is a character ${c_{i-1}}$, the character we want to inject and the |
846 third argument is the value ${v_i}$, into which one wants to inject the |
847 character (it corresponds to the regular expression after the character |
848 has been chopped off). The result of this function is a new value. The |
849 definition of $\textit{inj}$ is as follows: |
850 |
851 \begin{center} |
852 \begin{tabular}{l@{\hspace{1mm}}c@{\hspace{1mm}}l} |
853 $\textit{inj}\,(c)\,c\,Empty$ & $\dn$ & $Char\,c$\\ |
854 $\textit{inj}\,(r_1 + r_2)\,c\,\Left(v)$ & $\dn$ & $\Left(\textit{inj}\,r_1\,c\,v)$\\ |
855 $\textit{inj}\,(r_1 + r_2)\,c\,Right(v)$ & $\dn$ & $Right(\textit{inj}\,r_2\,c\,v)$\\ |
856 $\textit{inj}\,(r_1 \cdot r_2)\,c\,Seq(v_1,v_2)$ & $\dn$ & $Seq(\textit{inj}\,r_1\,c\,v_1,v_2)$\\ |
857 $\textit{inj}\,(r_1 \cdot r_2)\,c\,\Left(Seq(v_1,v_2))$ & $\dn$ & $Seq(\textit{inj}\,r_1\,c\,v_1,v_2)$\\ |
858 $\textit{inj}\,(r_1 \cdot r_2)\,c\,Right(v)$ & $\dn$ & $Seq(\textit{mkeps}(r_1),\textit{inj}\,r_2\,c\,v)$\\ |
859 $\textit{inj}\,(r^*)\,c\,Seq(v,Stars\,vs)$ & $\dn$ & $Stars((\textit{inj}\,r\,c\,v)\,::\,vs)$\\ |
860 \end{tabular} |
861 \end{center} |
862 |
863 \noindent This definition is by recursion on the ``shape'' of regular |
864 expressions and values. To understands this definition better consider |
865 the situation when we build the derivative on regular expression $r_{i-1}$. |
866 For this we chop off a character from $r_{i-1}$ to form $r_i$. This leaves a |
867 ``hole'' in $r_i$ and its corresponding value $v_i$. |
868 To calculate $v_{i-1}$, we need to |
869 locate where that hole is and fill it. |
870 We can find this location by |
871 comparing $r_{i-1}$ and $v_i$. For instance, if $r_{i-1}$ is of shape |
872 $r_a \cdot r_b$, and $v_i$ is of shape $\Left(Seq(v_1,v_2))$, we know immediately that |
873 % |
874 \[ (r_a \cdot r_b)\backslash c = (r_a\backslash c) \cdot r_b \,+\, r_b\backslash c,\] |
875 |
876 \noindent |
877 otherwise if $r_a$ is not nullable, |
878 \[ (r_a \cdot r_b)\backslash c = (r_a\backslash c) \cdot r_b,\] |
879 |
880 \noindent |
881 the value $v_i$ should be $\Seq(\ldots)$, contradicting the fact that |
882 $v_i$ is actually of shape $\Left(\ldots)$. Furthermore, since $v_i$ is of shape |
883 $\Left(\ldots)$ instead of $\Right(\ldots)$, we know that the left |
884 branch of \[ (r_a \cdot r_b)\backslash c = |
885 \bold{\underline{ (r_a\backslash c) \cdot r_b} }\,+\, r_b\backslash c,\](underlined) |
886 is taken instead of the right one. This means $c$ is chopped off |
887 from $r_a$ rather than $r_b$. |
888 We have therefore found out |
889 that the hole will be on $r_a$. So we recursively call $\inj\, |
890 r_a\,c\,v_a$ to fill that hole in $v_a$. After injection, the value |
891 $v_i$ for $r_i = r_a \cdot r_b$ should be $\Seq\,(\inj\,r_a\,c\,v_a)\,v_b$. |
892 Other clauses can be understood in a similar way. |
893 |
894 %\comment{Other word: insight?} |
895 The following example gives an insight of $\textit{inj}$'s effect and |
896 how Sulzmann and Lu's algorithm works as a whole. Suppose we have a |
897 regular expression $((((a+b)+ab)+c)+abc)^*$, and want to match it |
898 against the string $abc$ (when $abc$ is written as a regular expression, |
899 the standard way of expressing it is $a \cdot (b \cdot c)$. But we |
900 usually omit the parentheses and dots here for better readability. This |
901 algorithm returns a POSIX value, which means it will produce the longest |
902 matching. Consequently, it matches the string $abc$ in one star |
903 iteration, using the longest alternative $abc$ in the sub-expression (we shall use $r$ to denote this |
904 sub-expression for conciseness): |
905 |
906 \[((((a+b)+ab)+c)+\underbrace{abc}_r)\] |
907 |
908 \noindent |
909 Before $\textit{inj}$ is called, our lexer first builds derivative using |
910 string $abc$ (we simplified some regular expressions like $\ZERO \cdot |
911 b$ to $\ZERO$ for conciseness; we also omit parentheses if they are |
912 clear from the context): |
913 |
914 %Similarly, we allow |
915 %$\textit{ALT}$ to take a list of regular expressions as an argument |
916 %instead of just 2 operands to reduce the nested depth of |
917 %$\textit{ALT}$ |
918 |
919 \begin{center} |
920 \begin{tabular}{lcl} |
921 $r^*$ & $\xrightarrow{\backslash a}$ & $r_1 = (\ONE+\ZERO+\ONE \cdot b + \ZERO + \ONE \cdot b \cdot c) \cdot r^*$\\ |
922 & $\xrightarrow{\backslash b}$ & $r_2 = (\ZERO+\ZERO+\ONE \cdot \ONE + \ZERO + \ONE \cdot \ONE \cdot c) \cdot r^* +(\ZERO+\ONE+\ZERO + \ZERO + \ZERO) \cdot r^*$\\ |
923 & $\xrightarrow{\backslash c}$ & $r_3 = ((\ZERO+\ZERO+\ZERO + \ZERO + \ONE \cdot \ONE \cdot \ONE) \cdot r^* + (\ZERO+\ZERO+\ZERO + \ONE + \ZERO) \cdot r^*) + $\\ |
924 & & $\phantom{r_3 = (} ((\ZERO+\ONE+\ZERO + \ZERO + \ZERO) \cdot r^* + (\ZERO+\ZERO+\ZERO + \ONE + \ZERO) \cdot r^* )$ |
925 \end{tabular} |
926 \end{center} |
927 |
928 \noindent |
929 In case $r_3$ is nullable, we can call $\textit{mkeps}$ |
930 to construct a lexical value for how $r_3$ matched the string $abc$. |
931 This function gives the following value $v_3$: |
932 |
933 |
934 \begin{center} |
935 $\Left(\Left(\Seq(\Right(\Seq(\Empty, \Seq(\Empty,\Empty))), \Stars [])))$ |
936 \end{center} |
937 The outer $\Left(\Left(\ldots))$ tells us the leftmost nullable part of $r_3$(underlined): |
938 |
939 \begin{center} |
940 \begin{tabular}{l@{\hspace{2mm}}l} |
941 & $\big(\underline{(\ZERO+\ZERO+\ZERO+ \ZERO+ \ONE \cdot \ONE \cdot \ONE) \cdot r^*} |
942 \;+\; (\ZERO+\ZERO+\ZERO + \ONE + \ZERO) \cdot r^*\big)$ \smallskip\\ |
943 $+$ & $\big((\ZERO+\ONE+\ZERO + \ZERO + \ZERO) \cdot r^* |
944 \;+\; (\ZERO+\ZERO+\ZERO + \ONE + \ZERO) \cdot r^* \big)$ |
945 \end{tabular} |
946 \end{center} |
947 |
948 \noindent |
949 Note that the leftmost location of term $(\ZERO+\ZERO+\ZERO + \ZERO + \ONE \cdot \ONE \cdot |
950 \ONE) \cdot r^*$ (which corresponds to the initial sub-match $abc$) allows |
951 $\textit{mkeps}$ to pick it up because $\textit{mkeps}$ is defined to always choose the |
952 left one when it is nullable. In the case of this example, $abc$ is |
953 preferred over $a$ or $ab$. This $\Left(\Left(\ldots))$ location is |
954 generated by two applications of the splitting clause |
955 |
956 \begin{center} |
957 $(r_1 \cdot r_2)\backslash c \;\;(when \; r_1 \; nullable) \, = (r_1\backslash c) \cdot r_2 \,+\, r_2\backslash c.$ |
958 \end{center} |
959 |
960 \noindent |
961 By this clause, we put $r_1 \backslash c \cdot r_2 $ at the |
962 $\textit{front}$ and $r_2 \backslash c$ at the $\textit{back}$. This |
963 allows $\textit{mkeps}$ to always pick up among two matches the one with a longer |
964 initial sub-match. Removing the outside $\Left(\Left(...))$, the inside |
965 sub-value |
966 |
967 \begin{center} |
968 $\Seq(\Right(\Seq(\Empty, \Seq(\Empty, \Empty))), \Stars [])$ |
969 \end{center} |
970 |
971 \noindent |
972 tells us how the empty string $[]$ is matched with $(\ZERO+\ZERO+\ZERO + \ZERO + \ONE \cdot |
973 \ONE \cdot \ONE) \cdot r^*$. We match $[]$ by a sequence of two nullable regular |
974 expressions. The first one is an alternative, we take the rightmost |
975 alternative---whose language contains the empty string. The second |
976 nullable regular expression is a Kleene star. $\Stars$ tells us how it |
977 generates the nullable regular expression: by 0 iterations to form |
978 $\ONE$. Now $\textit{inj}$ injects characters back and incrementally |
979 builds a lexical value based on $v_3$. Using the value $v_3$, the character |
980 c, and the regular expression $r_2$, we can recover how $r_2$ matched |
981 the string $[c]$ : $\textit{inj} \; r_2 \; c \; v_3$ gives us |
982 \begin{center} |
983 $v_2 = \Left(\Seq(\Right(\Seq(\Empty, \Seq(\Empty, c))), \Stars [])),$ |
984 \end{center} |
985 which tells us how $r_2$ matched $[c]$. After this we inject back the character $b$, and get |
986 \begin{center} |
987 $v_1 = \Seq(\Right(\Seq(\Empty, \Seq(b, c))), \Stars [])$ |
988 \end{center} |
989 for how |
990 \begin{center} |
991 $r_1= (\ONE+\ZERO+\ONE \cdot b + \ZERO + \ONE \cdot b \cdot c) \cdot r*$ |
992 \end{center} |
993 matched the string $bc$ before it split into two substrings. |
994 Finally, after injecting character $a$ back to $v_1$, |
995 we get the lexical value tree |
996 \begin{center} |
997 $v_0= \Stars [\Right(\Seq(a, \Seq(b, c)))]$ |
998 \end{center} |
999 for how $r$ matched $abc$. This completes the algorithm. |
1000 |
1001 %We omit the details of injection function, which is provided by Sulzmann and Lu's paper \cite{Sulzmann2014}. |
1002 Readers might have noticed that the lexical value information is actually |
1003 already available when doing derivatives. For example, immediately after |
1004 the operation $\backslash a$ we know that if we want to match a string |
1005 that starts with $a$, we can either take the initial match to be |
1006 |
1007 \begin{center} |
1008 \begin{enumerate} |
1009 \item[1)] just $a$ or |
1010 \item[2)] string $ab$ or |
1011 \item[3)] string $abc$. |
1012 \end{enumerate} |
1013 \end{center} |
1014 |
1015 \noindent |
1016 In order to differentiate between these choices, we just need to |
1017 remember their positions---$a$ is on the left, $ab$ is in the middle , |
1018 and $abc$ is on the right. Which of these alternatives is chosen |
1019 later does not affect their relative position because the algorithm does |
1020 not change this order. If this parsing information can be determined and |
1021 does not change because of later derivatives, there is no point in |
1022 traversing this information twice. This leads to an optimisation---if we |
1023 store the information for lexical values inside the regular expression, |
1024 update it when we do derivative on them, and collect the information |
1025 when finished with derivatives and call $\textit{mkeps}$ for deciding which |
1026 branch is POSIX, we can generate the lexical value in one pass, instead of |
1027 doing the rest $n$ injections. This leads to Sulzmann and Lu's novel |
1028 idea of using bitcodes in derivatives. |
1029 |
1030 In the next section, we shall focus on the bitcoded algorithm and the |
1031 process of simplification of regular expressions. This is needed in |
1032 order to obtain \emph{fast} versions of the Brzozowski's, and Sulzmann |
1033 and Lu's algorithms. This is where the PhD-project aims to advance the |
1034 state-of-the-art. |
1035 |
1036 |
1037 \section{Simplification of Regular Expressions} |
1038 |
1039 Using bitcodes to guide parsing is not a novel idea. It was applied to |
1040 context free grammars and then adapted by Henglein and Nielson for |
1041 efficient regular expression lexing using DFAs~\cite{nielson11bcre}. |
1042 Sulzmann and Lu took this idea of bitcodes a step further by integrating |
1043 bitcodes into derivatives. The reason why we want to use bitcodes in |
1044 this project is that we want to introduce more aggressive simplification |
1045 rules in order to keep the size of derivatives small throughout. This is |
1046 because the main drawback of building successive derivatives according |
1047 to Brzozowski's definition is that they can grow very quickly in size. |
1048 This is mainly due to the fact that the derivative operation generates |
1049 often ``useless'' $\ZERO$s and $\ONE$s in derivatives. As a result, if |
1050 implemented naively both algorithms by Brzozowski and by Sulzmann and Lu |
1051 are excruciatingly slow. For example when starting with the regular |
1052 expression $(a + aa)^*$ and building 12 successive derivatives |
1053 w.r.t.~the character $a$, one obtains a derivative regular expression |
1054 with more than 8000 nodes (when viewed as a tree). Operations like |
1055 $\textit{der}$ and $\nullable$ need to traverse such trees and |
1056 consequently the bigger the size of the derivative the slower the |
1057 algorithm. |
1058 |
1059 Fortunately, one can simplify regular expressions after each derivative |
1060 step. Various simplifications of regular expressions are possible, such |
1061 as the simplification of $\ZERO + r$, $r + \ZERO$, $\ONE\cdot r$, $r |
1062 \cdot \ONE$, and $r + r$ to just $r$. These simplifications do not |
1063 affect the answer for whether a regular expression matches a string or |
1064 not, but fortunately also do not affect the POSIX strategy of how |
1065 regular expressions match strings---although the latter is much harder |
1066 to establish. Some initial results in this regard have been |
1067 obtained in \cite{AusafDyckhoffUrban2016}. |
1068 |
1069 Unfortunately, the simplification rules outlined above are not |
1070 sufficient to prevent a size explosion in all cases. We |
1071 believe a tighter bound can be achieved that prevents an explosion in |
1072 \emph{all} cases. Such a tighter bound is suggested by work of Antimirov who |
1073 proved that (partial) derivatives can be bound by the number of |
1074 characters contained in the initial regular expression |
1075 \cite{Antimirov95}. He defined the \emph{partial derivatives} of regular |
1076 expressions as follows: |
1077 |
1078 \begin{center} |
1079 \begin{tabular}{lcl} |
1080 $\textit{pder} \; c \; \ZERO$ & $\dn$ & $\emptyset$\\ |
1081 $\textit{pder} \; c \; \ONE$ & $\dn$ & $\emptyset$ \\ |
1082 $\textit{pder} \; c \; d$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{if} \; c \,=\, d \; \{ \ONE \} \; \textit{else} \; \emptyset$ \\ |
1083 $\textit{pder} \; c \; r_1+r_2$ & $\dn$ & $pder \; c \; r_1 \cup pder \; c \; r_2$ \\ |
1084 $\textit{pder} \; c \; r_1 \cdot r_2$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{if} \; nullable \; r_1 $\\ |
1085 & & $\textit{then} \; \{ r \cdot r_2 \mid r \in pder \; c \; r_1 \} \cup pder \; c \; r_2 \;$\\ |
1086 & & $\textit{else} \; \{ r \cdot r_2 \mid r \in pder \; c \; r_1 \} $ \\ |
1087 $\textit{pder} \; c \; r^*$ & $\dn$ & $ \{ r' \cdot r^* \mid r' \in pder \; c \; r \} $ \\ |
1088 \end{tabular} |
1089 \end{center} |
1090 |
1091 \noindent |
1092 A partial derivative of a regular expression $r$ is essentially a set of |
1093 regular expressions that are either $r$'s children expressions or a |
1094 concatenation of them. Antimirov has proved a tight bound of the sum of |
1095 the size of \emph{all} partial derivatives no matter what the string |
1096 looks like. Roughly speaking the size sum will be at most cubic in the |
1097 size of the regular expression. |
1098 |
1099 If we want the size of derivatives in Sulzmann and Lu's algorithm to |
1100 stay below this bound, we would need more aggressive simplifications. |
1101 Essentially we need to delete useless $\ZERO$s and $\ONE$s, as well as |
1102 deleting duplicates whenever possible. For example, the parentheses in |
1103 $(a+b) \cdot c + bc$ can be opened up to get $a\cdot c + b \cdot c + b |
1104 \cdot c$, and then simplified to just $a \cdot c + b \cdot c$. Another |
1105 example is simplifying $(a^*+a) + (a^*+ \ONE) + (a +\ONE)$ to just |
1106 $a^*+a+\ONE$. Adding these more aggressive simplification rules helps us |
1107 to achieve the same size bound as that of the partial derivatives. |
1108 |
1109 In order to implement the idea of ``spilling out alternatives'' and to |
1110 make them compatible with the $\text{inj}$-mechanism, we use |
1111 \emph{bitcodes}. Bits and bitcodes (lists of bits) are just: |
1112 |
1113 %This allows us to prove a tight |
1114 %bound on the size of regular expression during the running time of the |
1115 %algorithm if we can establish the connection between our simplification |
1116 %rules and partial derivatives. |
1117 |
1118 %We believe, and have generated test |
1119 %data, that a similar bound can be obtained for the derivatives in |
1120 %Sulzmann and Lu's algorithm. Let us give some details about this next. |
1121 |
1122 |
1123 \begin{center} |
1124 $b ::= S \mid Z \qquad |
1125 bs ::= [] \mid b:bs |
1126 $ |
1127 \end{center} |
1128 |
1129 \noindent |
1130 The $S$ and $Z$ are arbitrary names for the bits in order to avoid |
1131 confusion with the regular expressions $\ZERO$ and $\ONE$. Bitcodes (or |
1132 bit-lists) can be used to encode values (or incomplete values) in a |
1133 compact form. This can be straightforwardly seen in the following |
1134 coding function from values to bitcodes: |
1135 |
1136 \begin{center} |
1137 \begin{tabular}{lcl} |
1138 $\textit{code}(\Empty)$ & $\dn$ & $[]$\\ |
1139 $\textit{code}(\Char\,c)$ & $\dn$ & $[]$\\ |
1140 $\textit{code}(\Left\,v)$ & $\dn$ & $\Z :: code(v)$\\ |
1141 $\textit{code}(\Right\,v)$ & $\dn$ & $\S :: code(v)$\\ |
1142 $\textit{code}(\Seq\,v_1\,v_2)$ & $\dn$ & $code(v_1) \,@\, code(v_2)$\\ |
1143 $\textit{code}(\Stars\,[])$ & $\dn$ & $[\Z]$\\ |
1144 $\textit{code}(\Stars\,(v\!::\!vs))$ & $\dn$ & $\S :: code(v) \;@\; |
1145 code(\Stars\,vs)$ |
1146 \end{tabular} |
1147 \end{center} |
1148 |
1149 \noindent |
1150 Here $\textit{code}$ encodes a value into a bitcodes by converting |
1151 $\Left$ into $\Z$, $\Right$ into $\S$, the start point of a non-empty |
1152 star iteration into $\S$, and the border where a local star terminates |
1153 into $\Z$. This coding is lossy, as it throws away the information about |
1154 characters, and also does not encode the ``boundary'' between two |
1155 sequence values. Moreover, with only the bitcode we cannot even tell |
1156 whether the $\S$s and $\Z$s are for $\Left/\Right$ or $\Stars$. The |
1157 reason for choosing this compact way of storing information is that the |
1158 relatively small size of bits can be easily manipulated and ``moved |
1159 around'' in a regular expression. In order to recover values, we will |
1160 need the corresponding regular expression as an extra information. This |
1161 means the decoding function is defined as: |
1162 |
1163 |
1164 %\begin{definition}[Bitdecoding of Values]\mbox{} |
1165 \begin{center} |
1166 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{1mm}}c@{\hspace{1mm}}l@{}} |
1167 $\textit{decode}'\,bs\,(\ONE)$ & $\dn$ & $(\Empty, bs)$\\ |
1168 $\textit{decode}'\,bs\,(c)$ & $\dn$ & $(\Char\,c, bs)$\\ |
1169 $\textit{decode}'\,(\Z\!::\!bs)\;(r_1 + r_2)$ & $\dn$ & |
1170 $\textit{let}\,(v, bs_1) = \textit{decode}'\,bs\,r_1\;\textit{in}\; |
1171 (\Left\,v, bs_1)$\\ |
1172 $\textit{decode}'\,(\S\!::\!bs)\;(r_1 + r_2)$ & $\dn$ & |
1173 $\textit{let}\,(v, bs_1) = \textit{decode}'\,bs\,r_2\;\textit{in}\; |
1174 (\Right\,v, bs_1)$\\ |
1175 $\textit{decode}'\,bs\;(r_1\cdot r_2)$ & $\dn$ & |
1176 $\textit{let}\,(v_1, bs_1) = \textit{decode}'\,bs\,r_1\;\textit{in}$\\ |
1177 & & $\textit{let}\,(v_2, bs_2) = \textit{decode}'\,bs_1\,r_2$\\ |
1178 & & \hspace{35mm}$\textit{in}\;(\Seq\,v_1\,v_2, bs_2)$\\ |
1179 $\textit{decode}'\,(\Z\!::\!bs)\,(r^*)$ & $\dn$ & $(\Stars\,[], bs)$\\ |
1180 $\textit{decode}'\,(\S\!::\!bs)\,(r^*)$ & $\dn$ & |
1181 $\textit{let}\,(v, bs_1) = \textit{decode}'\,bs\,r\;\textit{in}$\\ |
1182 & & $\textit{let}\,(\Stars\,vs, bs_2) = \textit{decode}'\,bs_1\,r^*$\\ |
1183 & & \hspace{35mm}$\textit{in}\;(\Stars\,v\!::\!vs, bs_2)$\bigskip\\ |
1184 |
1185 $\textit{decode}\,bs\,r$ & $\dn$ & |
1186 $\textit{let}\,(v, bs') = \textit{decode}'\,bs\,r\;\textit{in}$\\ |
1187 & & $\textit{if}\;bs' = []\;\textit{then}\;\textit{Some}\,v\; |
1188 \textit{else}\;\textit{None}$ |
1189 \end{tabular} |
1190 \end{center} |
1191 %\end{definition} |
1192 |
1193 Sulzmann and Lu's integrated the bitcodes into regular expressions to |
1194 create annotated regular expressions \cite{Sulzmann2014}. |
1195 \emph{Annotated regular expressions} are defined by the following |
1196 grammar:%\comment{ALTS should have an $as$ in the definitions, not just $a_1$ and $a_2$} |
1197 |
1198 \begin{center} |
1199 \begin{tabular}{lcl} |
1200 $\textit{a}$ & $::=$ & $\textit{ZERO}$\\ |
1201 & $\mid$ & $\textit{ONE}\;\;bs$\\ |
1202 & $\mid$ & $\textit{CHAR}\;\;bs\,c$\\ |
1203 & $\mid$ & $\textit{ALTS}\;\;bs\,as$\\ |
1204 & $\mid$ & $\textit{SEQ}\;\;bs\,a_1\,a_2$\\ |
1205 & $\mid$ & $\textit{STAR}\;\;bs\,a$ |
1206 \end{tabular} |
1207 \end{center} |
1208 %(in \textit{ALTS}) |
1209 |
1210 \noindent |
1211 where $bs$ stands for bitcodes, $a$ for $\bold{a}$nnotated regular |
1212 expressions and $as$ for a list of annotated regular expressions. |
1213 The alternative constructor($\textit{ALTS}$) has been generalized to |
1214 accept a list of annotated regular expressions rather than just 2. |
1215 We will show that these bitcodes encode information about |
1216 the (POSIX) value that should be generated by the Sulzmann and Lu |
1217 algorithm. |
1218 |
1219 |
1220 To do lexing using annotated regular expressions, we shall first |
1221 transform the usual (un-annotated) regular expressions into annotated |
1222 regular expressions. This operation is called \emph{internalisation} and |
1223 defined as follows: |
1224 |
1225 %\begin{definition} |
1226 \begin{center} |
1227 \begin{tabular}{lcl} |
1228 $(\ZERO)^\uparrow$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{ZERO}$\\ |
1229 $(\ONE)^\uparrow$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{ONE}\,[]$\\ |
1230 $(c)^\uparrow$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{CHAR}\,[]\,c$\\ |
1231 $(r_1 + r_2)^\uparrow$ & $\dn$ & |
1232 $\textit{ALTS}\;[]\,List((\textit{fuse}\,[\Z]\,r_1^\uparrow),\, |
1233 (\textit{fuse}\,[\S]\,r_2^\uparrow))$\\ |
1234 $(r_1\cdot r_2)^\uparrow$ & $\dn$ & |
1235 $\textit{SEQ}\;[]\,r_1^\uparrow\,r_2^\uparrow$\\ |
1236 $(r^*)^\uparrow$ & $\dn$ & |
1237 $\textit{STAR}\;[]\,r^\uparrow$\\ |
1238 \end{tabular} |
1239 \end{center} |
1240 %\end{definition} |
1241 |
1242 \noindent |
1243 We use up arrows here to indicate that the basic un-annotated regular |
1244 expressions are ``lifted up'' into something slightly more complex. In the |
1245 fourth clause, $\textit{fuse}$ is an auxiliary function that helps to |
1246 attach bits to the front of an annotated regular expression. Its |
1247 definition is as follows: |
1248 |
1249 \begin{center} |
1250 \begin{tabular}{lcl} |
1251 $\textit{fuse}\;bs\,(\textit{ZERO})$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{ZERO}$\\ |
1252 $\textit{fuse}\;bs\,(\textit{ONE}\,bs')$ & $\dn$ & |
1253 $\textit{ONE}\,(bs\,@\,bs')$\\ |
1254 $\textit{fuse}\;bs\,(\textit{CHAR}\,bs'\,c)$ & $\dn$ & |
1255 $\textit{CHAR}\,(bs\,@\,bs')\,c$\\ |
1256 $\textit{fuse}\;bs\,(\textit{ALTS}\,bs'\,as)$ & $\dn$ & |
1257 $\textit{ALTS}\,(bs\,@\,bs')\,as$\\ |
1258 $\textit{fuse}\;bs\,(\textit{SEQ}\,bs'\,a_1\,a_2)$ & $\dn$ & |
1259 $\textit{SEQ}\,(bs\,@\,bs')\,a_1\,a_2$\\ |
1260 $\textit{fuse}\;bs\,(\textit{STAR}\,bs'\,a)$ & $\dn$ & |
1261 $\textit{STAR}\,(bs\,@\,bs')\,a$ |
1262 \end{tabular} |
1263 \end{center} |
1264 |
1265 \noindent |
1266 After internalising the regular expression, we perform successive |
1267 derivative operations on the annotated regular expressions. This |
1268 derivative operation is the same as what we had previously for the |
1269 basic regular expressions, except that we beed to take care of |
1270 the bitcodes: |
1271 |
1272 %\begin{definition}{bder} |
1273 \begin{center} |
1274 \begin{tabular}{@{}lcl@{}} |
1275 $(\textit{ZERO})\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{ZERO}$\\ |
1276 $(\textit{ONE}\;bs)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{ZERO}$\\ |
1277 $(\textit{CHAR}\;bs\,d)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & |
1278 $\textit{if}\;c=d\; \;\textit{then}\; |
1279 \textit{ONE}\;bs\;\textit{else}\;\textit{ZERO}$\\ |
1280 $(\textit{ALTS}\;bs\,as)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & |
1281 $\textit{ALTS}\;bs\,(as.map(\backslash c))$\\ |
1282 $(\textit{SEQ}\;bs\,a_1\,a_2)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & |
1283 $\textit{if}\;\textit{bnullable}\,a_1$\\ |
1284 & &$\textit{then}\;\textit{ALTS}\,bs\,List((\textit{SEQ}\,[]\,(a_1\,\backslash c)\,a_2),$\\ |
1285 & &$\phantom{\textit{then}\;\textit{ALTS}\,bs\,}(\textit{fuse}\,(\textit{bmkeps}\,a_1)\,(a_2\,\backslash c)))$\\ |
1286 & &$\textit{else}\;\textit{SEQ}\,bs\,(a_1\,\backslash c)\,a_2$\\ |
1287 $(\textit{STAR}\,bs\,a)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & |
1288 $\textit{SEQ}\;bs\,(\textit{fuse}\, [\Z] (r\,\backslash c))\, |
1289 (\textit{STAR}\,[]\,r)$ |
1290 \end{tabular} |
1291 \end{center} |
1292 %\end{definition} |
1293 |
1294 \noindent |
1295 For instance, when we unfold $\textit{STAR} \; bs \; a$ into a sequence, |
1296 we need to attach an additional bit $Z$ to the front of $r \backslash c$ |
1297 to indicate that there is one more star iteration. Also the $SEQ$ clause |
1298 is more subtle---when $a_1$ is $\textit{bnullable}$ (here |
1299 \textit{bnullable} is exactly the same as $\textit{nullable}$, except |
1300 that it is for annotated regular expressions, therefore we omit the |
1301 definition). Assume that $bmkeps$ correctly extracts the bitcode for how |
1302 $a_1$ matches the string prior to character $c$ (more on this later), |
1303 then the right branch of $ALTS$, which is $fuse \; bmkeps \; a_1 (a_2 |
1304 \backslash c)$ will collapse the regular expression $a_1$(as it has |
1305 already been fully matched) and store the parsing information at the |
1306 head of the regular expression $a_2 \backslash c$ by fusing to it. The |
1307 bitsequence $bs$, which was initially attached to the head of $SEQ$, has |
1308 now been elevated to the top-level of $ALTS$, as this information will be |
1309 needed whichever way the $SEQ$ is matched---no matter whether $c$ belongs |
1310 to $a_1$ or $ a_2$. After building these derivatives and maintaining all |
1311 the lexing information, we complete the lexing by collecting the |
1312 bitcodes using a generalised version of the $\textit{mkeps}$ function |
1313 for annotated regular expressions, called $\textit{bmkeps}$: |
1314 |
1315 |
1316 %\begin{definition}[\textit{bmkeps}]\mbox{} |
1317 \begin{center} |
1318 \begin{tabular}{lcl} |
1319 $\textit{bmkeps}\,(\textit{ONE}\;bs)$ & $\dn$ & $bs$\\ |
1320 $\textit{bmkeps}\,(\textit{ALTS}\;bs\,a::as)$ & $\dn$ & |
1321 $\textit{if}\;\textit{bnullable}\,a$\\ |
1322 & &$\textit{then}\;bs\,@\,\textit{bmkeps}\,a$\\ |
1323 & &$\textit{else}\;bs\,@\,\textit{bmkeps}\,(\textit{ALTS}\;bs\,as)$\\ |
1324 $\textit{bmkeps}\,(\textit{SEQ}\;bs\,a_1\,a_2)$ & $\dn$ & |
1325 $bs \,@\,\textit{bmkeps}\,a_1\,@\, \textit{bmkeps}\,a_2$\\ |
1326 $\textit{bmkeps}\,(\textit{STAR}\;bs\,a)$ & $\dn$ & |
1327 $bs \,@\, [\S]$ |
1328 \end{tabular} |
1329 \end{center} |
1330 %\end{definition} |
1331 |
1332 \noindent |
1333 This function completes the value information by travelling along the |
1334 path of the regular expression that corresponds to a POSIX value and |
1335 collecting all the bitcodes, and using $S$ to indicate the end of star |
1336 iterations. If we take the bitcodes produced by $\textit{bmkeps}$ and |
1337 decode them, we get the value we expect. The corresponding lexing |
1338 algorithm looks as follows: |
1339 |
1340 \begin{center} |
1341 \begin{tabular}{lcl} |
1342 $\textit{blexer}\;r\,s$ & $\dn$ & |
1343 $\textit{let}\;a = (r^\uparrow)\backslash s\;\textit{in}$\\ |
1344 & & $\;\;\textit{if}\; \textit{bnullable}(a)$\\ |
1345 & & $\;\;\textit{then}\;\textit{decode}\,(\textit{bmkeps}\,a)\,r$\\ |
1346 & & $\;\;\textit{else}\;\textit{None}$ |
1347 \end{tabular} |
1348 \end{center} |
1349 |
1350 \noindent |
1351 In this definition $\_\backslash s$ is the generalisation of the derivative |
1352 operation from characters to strings (just like the derivatives for un-annotated |
1353 regular expressions). |
1354 |
1355 The main point of the bitcodes and annotated regular expressions is that |
1356 we can apply rather aggressive (in terms of size) simplification rules |
1357 in order to keep derivatives small. We have developed such |
1358 ``aggressive'' simplification rules and generated test data that show |
1359 that the expected bound can be achieved. Obviously we could only |
1360 partially cover the search space as there are infinitely many regular |
1361 expressions and strings. |
1362 |
1363 One modification we introduced is to allow a list of annotated regular |
1364 expressions in the \textit{ALTS} constructor. This allows us to not just |
1365 delete unnecessary $\ZERO$s and $\ONE$s from regular expressions, but |
1366 also unnecessary ``copies'' of regular expressions (very similar to |
1367 simplifying $r + r$ to just $r$, but in a more general setting). Another |
1368 modification is that we use simplification rules inspired by Antimirov's |
1369 work on partial derivatives. They maintain the idea that only the first |
1370 ``copy'' of a regular expression in an alternative contributes to the |
1371 calculation of a POSIX value. All subsequent copies can be pruned away from |
1372 the regular expression. A recursive definition of our simplification function |
1373 that looks somewhat similar to our Scala code is given below: |
1374 %\comment{Use $\ZERO$, $\ONE$ and so on. |
1375 %Is it $ALTS$ or $ALTS$?}\\ |
1376 |
1377 \begin{center} |
1378 \begin{tabular}{@{}lcl@{}} |
1379 |
1380 $\textit{simp} \; (\textit{SEQ}\;bs\,a_1\,a_2)$ & $\dn$ & $ (\textit{simp} \; a_1, \textit{simp} \; a_2) \; \textit{match} $ \\ |
1381 &&$\quad\textit{case} \; (\ZERO, \_) \Rightarrow \ZERO$ \\ |
1382 &&$\quad\textit{case} \; (\_, \ZERO) \Rightarrow \ZERO$ \\ |
1383 &&$\quad\textit{case} \; (\ONE, a_2') \Rightarrow \textit{fuse} \; bs \; a_2'$ \\ |
1384 &&$\quad\textit{case} \; (a_1', \ONE) \Rightarrow \textit{fuse} \; bs \; a_1'$ \\ |
1385 &&$\quad\textit{case} \; (a_1', a_2') \Rightarrow \textit{SEQ} \; bs \; a_1' \; a_2'$ \\ |
1386 |
1387 $\textit{simp} \; (\textit{ALTS}\;bs\,as)$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{distinct}( \textit{flatten} ( \textit{map simp as})) \; \textit{match} $ \\ |
1388 &&$\quad\textit{case} \; [] \Rightarrow \ZERO$ \\ |
1389 &&$\quad\textit{case} \; a :: [] \Rightarrow \textit{fuse bs a}$ \\ |
1390 &&$\quad\textit{case} \; as' \Rightarrow \textit{ALTS}\;bs\;as'$\\ |
1391 |
1392 $\textit{simp} \; a$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{a} \qquad \textit{otherwise}$ |
1393 \end{tabular} |
1394 \end{center} |
1395 |
1396 \noindent |
1397 The simplification does a pattern matching on the regular expression. |
1398 When it detected that the regular expression is an alternative or |
1399 sequence, it will try to simplify its children regular expressions |
1400 recursively and then see if one of the children turn into $\ZERO$ or |
1401 $\ONE$, which might trigger further simplification at the current level. |
1402 The most involved part is the $\textit{ALTS}$ clause, where we use two |
1403 auxiliary functions $\textit{flatten}$ and $\textit{distinct}$ to open up nested |
1404 $\textit{ALTS}$ and reduce as many duplicates as possible. Function |
1405 $\textit{distinct}$ keeps the first occurring copy only and remove all later ones |
1406 when detected duplicates. Function $\textit{flatten}$ opens up nested \textit{ALTS}. |
1407 Its recursive definition is given below: |
1408 |
1409 \begin{center} |
1410 \begin{tabular}{@{}lcl@{}} |
1411 $\textit{flatten} \; (\textit{ALTS}\;bs\,as) :: as'$ & $\dn$ & $(\textit{map} \; |
1412 (\textit{fuse}\;bs)\; \textit{as}) \; @ \; \textit{flatten} \; as' $ \\ |
1413 $\textit{flatten} \; \textit{ZERO} :: as'$ & $\dn$ & $ \textit{flatten} \; as' $ \\ |
1414 $\textit{flatten} \; a :: as'$ & $\dn$ & $a :: \textit{flatten} \; as'$ \quad(otherwise) |
1415 \end{tabular} |
1416 \end{center} |
1417 |
1418 \noindent |
1419 Here $\textit{flatten}$ behaves like the traditional functional programming flatten |
1420 function, except that it also removes $\ZERO$s. Or in terms of regular expressions, it |
1421 removes parentheses, for example changing $a+(b+c)$ into $a+b+c$. |
1422 |
1423 Suppose we apply simplification after each derivative step, and view |
1424 these two operations as an atomic one: $a \backslash_{simp}\,c \dn |
1425 \textit{simp}(a \backslash c)$. Then we can use the previous natural |
1426 extension from derivative w.r.t.~character to derivative |
1427 w.r.t.~string:%\comment{simp in the [] case?} |
1428 |
1429 \begin{center} |
1430 \begin{tabular}{lcl} |
1431 $r \backslash_{simp} (c\!::\!s) $ & $\dn$ & $(r \backslash_{simp}\, c) \backslash_{simp}\, s$ \\ |
1432 $r \backslash_{simp} [\,] $ & $\dn$ & $r$ |
1433 \end{tabular} |
1434 \end{center} |
1435 |
1436 \noindent |
1437 we obtain an optimised version of the algorithm: |
1438 |
1439 \begin{center} |
1440 \begin{tabular}{lcl} |
1441 $\textit{blexer\_simp}\;r\,s$ & $\dn$ & |
1442 $\textit{let}\;a = (r^\uparrow)\backslash_{simp}\, s\;\textit{in}$\\ |
1443 & & $\;\;\textit{if}\; \textit{bnullable}(a)$\\ |
1444 & & $\;\;\textit{then}\;\textit{decode}\,(\textit{bmkeps}\,a)\,r$\\ |
1445 & & $\;\;\textit{else}\;\textit{None}$ |
1446 \end{tabular} |
1447 \end{center} |
1448 |
1449 \noindent |
1450 This algorithm keeps the regular expression size small, for example, |
1451 with this simplification our previous $(a + aa)^*$ example's 8000 nodes |
1452 will be reduced to just 6 and stays constant, no matter how long the |
1453 input string is. |
1454 |
1455 |
1456 |
1457 \section{Current Work} |
1458 |
1459 We are currently engaged in two tasks related to this algorithm. The |
1460 first task is proving that our simplification rules actually do not |
1461 affect the POSIX value that should be generated by the algorithm |
1462 according to the specification of a POSIX value and furthermore obtain a |
1463 much tighter bound on the sizes of derivatives. The result is that our |
1464 algorithm should be correct and faster on all inputs. The original |
1465 blow-up, as observed in JavaScript, Python and Java, would be excluded |
1466 from happening in our algorithm. For this proof we use the theorem prover |
1467 Isabelle. Once completed, this result will advance the state-of-the-art: |
1468 Sulzmann and Lu wrote in their paper~\cite{Sulzmann2014} about the |
1469 bitcoded ``incremental parsing method'' (that is the lexing algorithm |
1470 outlined in this section): |
1471 |
1472 \begin{quote}\it |
1473 ``Correctness Claim: We further claim that the incremental parsing |
1474 method in Figure~5 in combination with the simplification steps in |
1475 Figure 6 yields POSIX parse tree [our lexical values]. We have tested this claim |
1476 extensively by using the method in Figure~3 as a reference but yet |
1477 have to work out all proof details.'' |
1478 \end{quote} |
1479 |
1480 \noindent |
1481 We like to settle this correctness claim. It is relatively |
1482 straightforward to establish that after one simplification step, the part of a |
1483 nullable derivative that corresponds to a POSIX value remains intact and can |
1484 still be collected, in other words, we can show that |
1485 %\comment{Double-check....I |
1486 %think this is not the case} |
1487 %\comment{If i remember correctly, you have proved this lemma. |
1488 %I feel this is indeed not true because you might place arbitrary |
1489 %bits on the regex r, however if this is the case, did i remember wrongly that |
1490 %you proved something like simplification does not affect $\textit{bmkeps}$ results? |
1491 %Anyway, i have amended this a little bit so it does not allow arbitrary bits attached |
1492 %to a regex. Maybe it works now.} |
1493 |
1494 \begin{center} |
1495 $\textit{bmkeps} \; a = \textit{bmkeps} \; \textit{bsimp} \; a\;($\textit{provided}$ \; a\; is \; \textit{bnullable} )$ |
1496 \end{center} |
1497 |
1498 \noindent |
1499 as this basically comes down to proving actions like removing the |
1500 additional $r$ in $r+r$ does not delete important POSIX information in |
1501 a regular expression. The hard part of this proof is to establish that |
1502 |
1503 \begin{center} |
1504 $ \textit{blexer}\_{simp}(r, \; s) = \textit{blexer}(r, \; s)$ |
1505 \end{center} |
1506 %comment{This is not true either...look at the definion blexer/blexer-simp} |
1507 |
1508 \noindent That is, if we do derivative on regular expression $r$ and then |
1509 simplify it, and repeat this process until we exhaust the string, we get a |
1510 regular expression $r''$($\textit{LHS}$) that provides the POSIX matching |
1511 information, which is exactly the same as the result $r'$($\textit{RHS}$ of the |
1512 normal derivative algorithm that only does derivative repeatedly and has no |
1513 simplification at all. This might seem at first glance very unintuitive, as |
1514 the $r'$ could be exponentially larger than $r''$, but can be explained in the |
1515 following way: we are pruning away the possible matches that are not POSIX. |
1516 Since there could be exponentially many |
1517 non-POSIX matchings and only 1 POSIX matching, it |
1518 is understandable that our $r''$ can be a lot smaller. we can still provide |
1519 the same POSIX value if there is one. This is not as straightforward as the |
1520 previous proposition, as the two regular expressions $r'$ and $r''$ might have |
1521 become very different. The crucial point is to find the |
1522 $\textit{POSIX}$ information of a regular expression and how it is modified, |
1523 augmented and propagated |
1524 during simplification in parallel with the regular expression that |
1525 has not been simplified in the subsequent derivative operations. To aid this, |
1526 we use the helper function retrieve described by Sulzmann and Lu: |
1527 \begin{center} |
1528 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{2mm}}c@{\hspace{2mm}}l@{}} |
1529 $\textit{retrieve}\,(\textit{ONE}\,bs)\,\Empty$ & $\dn$ & $bs$\\ |
1530 $\textit{retrieve}\,(\textit{CHAR}\,bs\,c)\,(\Char\,d)$ & $\dn$ & $bs$\\ |
1531 $\textit{retrieve}\,(\textit{ALTS}\,bs\,a::as)\,(\Left\,v)$ & $\dn$ & |
1532 $bs \,@\, \textit{retrieve}\,a\,v$\\ |
1533 $\textit{retrieve}\,(\textit{ALTS}\,bs\,a::as)\,(\Right\,v)$ & $\dn$ & |
1534 $bs \,@\, \textit{retrieve}\,(\textit{ALTS}\,bs\,as)\,v$\\ |
1535 $\textit{retrieve}\,(\textit{SEQ}\,bs\,a_1\,a_2)\,(\Seq\,v_1\,v_2)$ & $\dn$ & |
1536 $bs \,@\,\textit{retrieve}\,a_1\,v_1\,@\, \textit{retrieve}\,a_2\,v_2$\\ |
1537 $\textit{retrieve}\,(\textit{STAR}\,bs\,a)\,(\Stars\,[])$ & $\dn$ & |
1538 $bs \,@\, [\S]$\\ |
1539 $\textit{retrieve}\,(\textit{STAR}\,bs\,a)\,(\Stars\,(v\!::\!vs))$ & $\dn$ &\\ |
1540 \multicolumn{3}{l}{ |
1541 \hspace{3cm}$bs \,@\, [\Z] \,@\, \textit{retrieve}\,a\,v\,@\, |
1542 \textit{retrieve}\,(\textit{STAR}\,[]\,a)\,(\Stars\,vs)$}\\ |
1543 \end{tabular} |
1544 \end{center} |
1545 %\comment{Did not read further}\\ |
1546 This function assembles the bitcode |
1547 %that corresponds to a lexical value for how |
1548 %the current derivative matches the suffix of the string(the characters that |
1549 %have not yet appeared, but will appear as the successive derivatives go on. |
1550 %How do we get this "future" information? By the value $v$, which is |
1551 %computed by a pass of the algorithm that uses |
1552 %$inj$ as described in the previous section). |
1553 using information from both the derivative regular expression and the |
1554 value. Sulzmann and Lu poroposed this function, but did not prove |
1555 anything about it. Ausaf and Urban used it to connect the bitcoded |
1556 algorithm to the older algorithm by the following equation: |
1557 |
1558 \begin{center} $inj \;a\; c \; v = \textit{decode} \; (\textit{retrieve}\; |
1559 (r^\uparrow)\backslash_{simp} \,c)\,v)$ |
1560 \end{center} |
1561 |
1562 \noindent |
1563 whereby $r^\uparrow$ stands for the internalised version of $r$. Ausaf |
1564 and Urban also used this fact to prove the correctness of bitcoded |
1565 algorithm without simplification. Our purpose of using this, however, |
1566 is to establish |
1567 |
1568 \begin{center} |
1569 $ \textit{retrieve} \; |
1570 a \; v \;=\; \textit{retrieve} \; (\textit{simp}\,a) \; v'.$ |
1571 \end{center} |
1572 The idea is that using $v'$, a simplified version of $v$ that had gone |
1573 through the same simplification step as $\textit{simp}(a)$, we are able |
1574 to extract the bitcode that gives the same parsing information as the |
1575 unsimplified one. However, we noticed that constructing such a $v'$ |
1576 from $v$ is not so straightforward. The point of this is that we might |
1577 be able to finally bridge the gap by proving |
1578 |
1579 \begin{center} |
1580 $\textit{retrieve} \; (r^\uparrow \backslash s) \; v = \;\textit{retrieve} \; |
1581 (\textit{simp}(r^\uparrow) \backslash s) \; v'$ |
1582 \end{center} |
1583 |
1584 \noindent |
1585 and subsequently |
1586 |
1587 \begin{center} |
1588 $\textit{retrieve} \; (r^\uparrow \backslash s) \; v\; = \; \textit{retrieve} \; |
1589 (r^\uparrow \backslash_{simp} \, s) \; v'$. |
1590 \end{center} |
1591 |
1592 \noindent |
1593 The $\textit{LHS}$ of the above equation is the bitcode we want. This |
1594 would prove that our simplified version of regular expression still |
1595 contains all the bitcodes needed. The task here is to find a way to |
1596 compute the correct $v'$. |
1597 |
1598 The second task is to speed up the more aggressive simplification. Currently |
1599 it is slower than the original naive simplification by Ausaf and Urban (the |
1600 naive version as implemented by Ausaf and Urban of course can ``explode'' in |
1601 some cases). It is therefore not surprising that the speed is also much slower |
1602 than regular expression engines in popular programming languages such as Java |
1603 and Python on most inputs that are linear. For example, just by rewriting the |
1604 example regular expression in the beginning of this report $(a^*)^*\,b$ into |
1605 $a^*\,b$ would eliminate the ambiguity in the matching and make the time |
1606 for matching linear with respect to the input string size. This allows the |
1607 DFA approach to become blindingly fast, and dwarf the speed of our current |
1608 implementation. For example, here is a comparison of Java regex engine |
1609 and our implementation on this example. |
1610 |
1611 \begin{center} |
1612 \begin{tabular}{@{}c@{\hspace{0mm}}c@{\hspace{0mm}}c@{}} |
1613 \begin{tikzpicture} |
1614 \begin{axis}[ |
1615 xlabel={$n*1000$}, |
1616 x label style={at={(1.05,-0.05)}}, |
1617 ylabel={time in secs}, |
1618 enlargelimits=false, |
1619 xtick={0,5,...,30}, |
1620 xmax=33, |
1621 ymax=9, |
1622 scaled ticks=true, |
1623 axis lines=left, |
1624 width=5cm, |
1625 height=4cm, |
1626 legend entries={Bitcoded Algorithm}, |
1627 legend pos=north west, |
1628 legend cell align=left] |
1629 \addplot[red,mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] table {bad-scala.data}; |
1630 \end{axis} |
1631 \end{tikzpicture} |
1632 & |
1633 \begin{tikzpicture} |
1634 \begin{axis}[ |
1635 xlabel={$n*1000$}, |
1636 x label style={at={(1.05,-0.05)}}, |
1637 %ylabel={time in secs}, |
1638 enlargelimits=false, |
1639 xtick={0,5,...,30}, |
1640 xmax=33, |
1641 ymax=9, |
1642 scaled ticks=false, |
1643 axis lines=left, |
1644 width=5cm, |
1645 height=4cm, |
1646 legend entries={Java}, |
1647 legend pos=north west, |
1648 legend cell align=left] |
1649 \addplot[cyan,mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] table {good-java.data}; |
1650 \end{axis} |
1651 \end{tikzpicture}\\ |
1652 \multicolumn{3}{c}{Graphs: Runtime for matching $a^*\,b$ with strings |
1653 of the form $\underbrace{aa..a}_{n}$.} |
1654 \end{tabular} |
1655 \end{center} |
1656 |
1657 |
1658 Java regex engine can match string of thousands of characters in a few milliseconds, |
1659 whereas our current algorithm gets excruciatingly slow on input of this size. |
1660 The running time in theory is linear, however it does not appear to be the |
1661 case in an actual implementation. So it needs to be explored how to |
1662 make our algorithm faster on all inputs. It could be the recursive calls that are |
1663 needed to manipulate bits that are causing the slow down. A possible solution |
1664 is to write recursive functions into tail-recusive form. |
1665 Another possibility would be to explore |
1666 again the connection to DFAs to speed up the algorithm on |
1667 subcalls that are small enough. This is very much work in progress. |
1668 |
1669 \section{Conclusion} |
1670 |
1671 In this PhD-project we are interested in fast algorithms for regular |
1672 expression matching. While this seems to be a ``settled'' area, in |
1673 fact interesting research questions are popping up as soon as one steps |
1674 outside the classic automata theory (for example in terms of what kind |
1675 of regular expressions are supported). The reason why it is |
1676 interesting for us to look at the derivative approach introduced by |
1677 Brzozowski for regular expression matching, and then much further |
1678 developed by Sulzmann and Lu, is that derivatives can elegantly deal |
1679 with some of the regular expressions that are of interest in ``real |
1680 life''. This includes the not-regular expression, written $\neg\,r$ |
1681 (that is all strings that are not recognised by $r$), but also bounded |
1682 regular expressions such as $r^{\{n\}}$ and $r^{\{n..m\}}$). There is |
1683 also hope that the derivatives can provide another angle for how to |
1684 deal more efficiently with back-references, which are one of the |
1685 reasons why regular expression engines in JavaScript, Python and Java |
1686 choose to not implement the classic automata approach of transforming |
1687 regular expressions into NFAs and then DFAs---because we simply do not |
1688 know how such back-references can be represented by DFAs. |
1689 We also plan to implement the bitcoded algorithm |
1690 in some imperative language like C to see if the inefficiency of the |
1691 Scala implementation |
1692 is language specific. To make this research more comprehensive we also plan |
1693 to contrast our (faster) version of bitcoded algorithm with the |
1694 Symbolic Regex Matcher, the RE2, the Rust Regex Engine, and the static |
1695 analysis approach by implementing them in the same language and then compare |
1696 their performance. |
1697 |
1698 \bibliographystyle{plain} |
1699 \bibliography{root} |
1700 |
1701 |
1702 \end{document} |