authorChristian Urban <christian dot urban at kcl dot ac dot uk>
Wed, 04 Dec 2013 01:51:22 +0000 (2013-12-04)
changeset 223 e4b29b57f6a3
parent 222 b712519b41d3
child 224 70198792c2aa
--- a/progs/fun.scala	Mon Dec 02 23:21:22 2013 +0000
+++ b/progs/fun.scala	Wed Dec 04 01:51:22 2013 +0000
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
   def apply(s: String) : RANGE = RANGE(s.toList)
 def NMTIMES(r: Rexp, n: Int, m: Int) = {
-  if(m < n) throw new IllegalArgumentException("the number m cannot be smaller than n.")
+  if (m < n) throw new IllegalArgumentException("the number m cannot be smaller than n.")
   else NUPTOM(r, n, m - n)
@@ -341,14 +341,6 @@
   (Defn ~ T_SEMI ~ Prog) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => x :: z : List[Decl] } ||
   (Exp ==> ((s) => List(Main(s)) : List[Decl]))
-// parser examples
-val p12_toks = tokenizer(fromFile("defs.rec"))
-val p12_ast = Prog.parse_all(p12_toks)
 // compiler - built-in functions 
 // copied from
@@ -431,57 +423,6 @@
     compile_exp(a1, env) ++ compile_exp(a2, env) ++ List("if_icmpgt " + jmp + "\n")
-def compile_expT(a: Exp, env : Mem, name: String) : Instrs = a match {
-  case Num(i) => List("ldc " + i.toString + "\n")
-  case Var(s) => List("iload " + env(s).toString + "\n")
-  case Aop("+", a1, a2) => compile_expT(a1, env, "") ++ compile_expT(a2, env, "") ++ List("iadd\n")
-  case Aop("-", a1, a2) => compile_expT(a1, env, "") ++ compile_expT(a2, env, "") ++ List("isub\n")
-  case Aop("*", a1, a2) => compile_expT(a1, env, "") ++ compile_expT(a2, env, "") ++ List("imul\n")
-  case Aop("/", a1, a2) => compile_expT(a1, env, "") ++ compile_expT(a2, env, "") ++ List("idiv\n")
-  case Aop("%", a1, a2) => compile_expT(a1, env, "") ++ compile_expT(a2, env, "") ++ List("irem\n")
-  case If(b, a1, a2) => {
-    val if_else = Fresh("If_else")
-    val if_end = Fresh("If_end")
-    compile_bexp(b, env, if_else) ++
-    compile_expT(a1, env, name) ++
-    List("goto " + if_end + "\n") ++
-    List("\n" + if_else + ":\n\n") ++
-    compile_expT(a2, env, name) ++
-    List("\n" + if_end + ":\n\n")
-  }
-  case Call(n, args) => if (name == n) { 
-    val stores = { case (x, y) => "istore " + y.toString + "\n" } 
-    args.flatMap(a => compile_expT(a, env, "")) ++
-    stores.reverse ++ 
-    List ("goto " + n + "_Start\n") 
-  } else {
-    val is = "I" * args.length
-    args.flatMap(a => compile_expT(a, env, "")) ++
-    List ("invokestatic XXX/XXX/" + n + "(" + is + ")I\n")
-  }
-  case Sequ(a1, a2) => {
-    compile_expT(a1, env, "") ++ List("pop\n") ++ compile_expT(a2, env, name)
-  }
-  case Write(a1) => {
-    compile_expT(a1, env, "") ++
-    List("dup\n",
-         "invokestatic XXX/XXX/write(I)V\n")
-  }
-def compile_bexpT(b: BExp, env : Mem, jmp: String) : Instrs = b match {
-  case Bop("==", a1, a2) => 
-    compile_expT(a1, env, "") ++ compile_expT(a2, env, "") ++ List("if_icmpne " + jmp + "\n")
-  case Bop("!=", a1, a2) => 
-    compile_expT(a1, env, "") ++ compile_expT(a2, env, "") ++ List("if_icmpeq " + jmp + "\n")
-  case Bop("<", a1, a2) => 
-    compile_expT(a1, env, "") ++ compile_expT(a2, env, "") ++ List("if_icmpge " + jmp + "\n")
-  case Bop("<=", a1, a2) => 
-    compile_expT(a1, env, "") ++ compile_expT(a2, env, "") ++ List("if_icmpgt " + jmp + "\n")
 def compile_decl(d: Decl) : Instrs = d match {
   case Def(name, args, a) => { 
     val env = args.zipWithIndex.toMap
@@ -490,21 +431,18 @@
          ".limit locals " + args.length.toString + "\n",
          ".limit stack " + (1 + max_stack_exp(a)).toString + "\n",
          name + "_Start:\n") ++   
-    //compile_exp(a, env) ++
-    compile_expT(a, env, name) ++
+    compile_exp(a, env) ++
          ".end method \n\n")
   case Main(a) => {
-    val main_begin = 
-      List(".method public static main([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n",
-           ".limit locals 200\n",
-           ".limit stack 200\n")
-    val main_end = 
-      List("invokestatic XXX/XXX/write(I)V\n",
-           "return\n",
-           ".end method\n")
-    main_begin ++ compile_exp(a, Map()) ++ main_end
+    List(".method public static main([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n",
+         ".limit locals 200\n",
+         ".limit stack 200\n") ++
+    compile_exp(a, Map()) ++
+    List("invokestatic XXX/XXX/write(I)V\n",
+         "return\n",
+         ".end method\n")
Binary file slides/slides10.pdf has changed
--- a/slides/slides10.tex	Mon Dec 02 23:21:22 2013 +0000
+++ b/slides/slides10.tex	Wed Dec 04 01:51:22 2013 +0000
@@ -18,63 +18,42 @@
+\tikzset{onslide/.code args={<#1>#2}{%
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+  \only#2{\begin{btHighlight}[#1]\bgroup\aftergroup\bt@HL@endenv}%
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+  \egroup
+  \tikz[#1]{%
+    \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{1pt}{0pt}}{\pgfpoint{\wd #2}{\ht #2}}%
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+  }%
 % beamer stuff 
 \renewcommand{\slidecaption}{AFL 10, King's College London, 4.~December 2013}
 \newcommand{\dn}{\stackrel{\mbox{\scriptsize def}}{=}}% for definitions
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@@ -112,24 +91,533 @@
-\frametitle{Revision: Proofs}
+\frametitle{Last Week}
+if \bl{$\varnothing$} does not occur in \bl{$r$} \;\;then\;\;\bl{$L(r) \not= \{\}$}
+holds, or equivalently
+\bl{$L(r) = \{\}$} \;\;implies\;\; \bl{$\varnothing$} occurs in \bl{$r$}.\pause
+\bl{\begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {\hspace{2mm}}c@ {\hspace{2mm}}l@ {}}
+$occurs(\varnothing)$      & $\dn$ & $true$\\
+$occurs(\epsilon)$           & $\dn$ &  $f\!alse$\\
+$occurs (c)$                    & $\dn$ &  $f\!alse$\\
+$occurs (r_1 + r_2)$       & $\dn$ &  $occurs(r_1) \vee occurs(r_2)$\\ 
+$occurs (r_1 \cdot r_2)$ & $\dn$ &  $occurs(r_1) \vee occurs(r_2)$\\
+$occurs (r^*)$                & $\dn$ & $occurs(r)$ \\
+\frametitle{Functional Programming}
+\begin{lstlisting}[basicstyle=\ttfamily, numbers=none]
+def fib(n) = if n == 0 then 0 
+             else if n == 1 then 1 
+             else fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
+def fact(n) = if n == 0 then 1 else n * fact(n - 1);
+def ack(m, n) = if m == 0 then n + 1
+                else if n == 0 then ack(m - 1, 1)
+                else ack(m - 1, ack(m, n - 1));
+def gcd(a, b) = if b == 0 then a else gcd(b, a % b);                
+\textit{Exp} & $\rightarrow$ &  \textit{Var} $|$ \textit{Num}\\
+              & $|$ & \textit{Exp} \texttt{+} \textit{Exp} $|$ ... $|$ ( \textit{Exp} )\\
+              & $|$ & \texttt{if}\; \textit{BExp} \;\texttt{then}\; \textit{Exp} \;\texttt{else}\; \textit{Exp}\\
+              & $|$ & \texttt{write}\;\textit{Exp}\\
+              & $|$ & \textit{Exp}\;\texttt{;}\;\textit{Exp}\\
+              & $|$ & \textit{FunName} \texttt{(}\textit{Exp},...,\textit{Exp}\texttt{)}\medskip\\
+\textit{BExp} & $\rightarrow$ & \ldots\medskip\\
+\textit{Decl} & $\rightarrow$ &  \textit{Def} \;\texttt{;}\; \textit{Decl}\\
+              & $|$ & \textit{Exp}\medskip\\
+\textit{Def} & 
+$\rightarrow$ &  \texttt{def} \textit{FunName}\texttt{(}\textit{x}$_1$,..., \textit{x}$_n$\texttt{)} \texttt{=} \textit{Exp}\\
+\begin{frame}[c, fragile]
+\frametitle{Abstract Syntax Tree}
+\begin{lstlisting}[language=Scala,basicstyle=\ttfamily, numbers=none]
+abstract class Exp
+abstract class BExp 
+abstract class Decl
+case class 
+  Def(name: String, args: List[String], body: Exp) 
+                                          extends Decl
+case class Main(e: Exp) extends Decl
+case class Call(name: String, args: List[Exp]) extends Exp
+case class If(a: BExp, e1: Exp, e2: Exp) extends Exp
+case class Write(e: Exp) extends Exp
+case class Var(s: String) extends Exp
+case class Num(i: Int) extends Exp
+case class Aop(o: String, a1: Exp, a2: Exp) extends Exp
+case class Sequ(e1: Exp, e2: Exp) extends Exp
+case class Bop(o: String, a1: Exp, a2: Exp) extends BExp
+\begin{frame}[c, fragile]
+\frametitle{Mathematical Functions}
+Compilation of some mathematical functions:
+\texttt{Aop("+", a1, a2)} & $\Rightarrow$ & \texttt{...iadd}\\
+\texttt{Aop("-", a1, a2)} & $\Rightarrow$ & \texttt{...isub}\\
+\texttt{Aop("*", a1, a2)} & $\Rightarrow$ & \texttt{...imul}\\
+\texttt{Aop("/", a1, a2)} & $\Rightarrow$ & \texttt{...idiv}\\
+\texttt{Aop("\%", a1, a2)} & $\Rightarrow$ & \texttt{...irem}\\
+\begin{frame}[c, fragile]
+\frametitle{Boolean Expressions}
+Compilation of boolean expressions:
+\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2mm and 4mm,
+ block/.style={rectangle, minimum size=1cm, draw=black, line width=1mm},
+ point/.style={rectangle, inner sep=0mm, minimum size=0mm, fill=red},
+ skip loop/.style={red, line width=1mm, to path={-- ++(0,-10mm) -| (\tikztotarget)}}]
+\node (A1) [point] {};
+\node (b) [block, right=of A1] {code of \bl{$b$}};
+\node (A2) [point, right=of b] {};
+\node (cs1) [block, right=of A2] {code of \bl{$cs_1$}};
+\node (A3) [point, right=of cs1] {};
+\node (cs2) [block, right=of A3] {code of \bl{$cs_2$}};
+\node (A4) [point, right=of cs2] {};
+\draw (A1) edge [->, red, line width=1mm] (b);
+\draw (b) edge [->, red, line width=1mm] (A2);
+\draw (A2) edge [skip loop] (A3);
+\draw (A3) edge [->, red, line width=1mm] (cs2);
+\draw (cs2) edge [->,red, line width=1mm] (A4);
+\node [below=of cs1] {\raisebox{-5mm}{\small{}conditional jump}};}
+\texttt{Bop("==", a1, a2)} & $\Rightarrow$ & \texttt{...if\_icmpne...}\\
+\texttt{Bop("!=", a1, a2)} & $\Rightarrow$ & \texttt{...if\_icmpeq...}\\
+\texttt{Bop("<", a1, a2)} & $\Rightarrow$ & \texttt{...if\_icmpge...}\\
+\texttt{Bop("<=", a1, a2)} & $\Rightarrow$ & \texttt{...if\_icmpgt...}\\
+\begin{frame}[t, fragile]
+Compiling \texttt{arg1 ; arg2}:
+\begin{lstlisting}[language=JVMIS,basicstyle=\ttfamily, numbers=none]
+\begin{frame}[t, fragile]
+Compiling \texttt{write(arg)}:
+\begin{lstlisting}[language=JVMIS,basicstyle=\ttfamily, numbers=none]
+invokestatic XXX/XXX/write(I)V
+\begin{lstlisting}[language=Scala,basicstyle=\ttfamily, numbers=none]
+case Write(a1) => {
+    compile_exp(a1, env) ++
+    List("dup\n",
+         "invokestatic XXX/XXX/write(I)V\n")
+  }
+\begin{frame}[c, fragile]
+\begin{lstlisting}[language=JVMIS,basicstyle=\ttfamily, numbers=none]
+.method public static write(I)V 
+   .limit locals 5 
+   .limit stack 5 
+   iload 0 
+   getstatic java/lang/System/out Ljava/io/PrintStream; 
+   swap 
+   invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream/println(I)V 
+   return 
+.end method
+\small We will need for definitions\\[-8mm]\mbox{}\footnotesize
+\begin{lstlisting}[language=JVMIS,basicstyle=\ttfamily, numbers=none]
+.method public static f (I...I)I
+  .limit locals ??
+  .limit stack ?? 
+  ??
+.end method
+\begin{frame}[c, fragile]
+\frametitle{Stack Estimation}
+\begin{lstlisting}[language=Scala,basicstyle=\ttfamily, numbers=none]
+def max_stack_exp(e: Exp): Int = e match {
+  case Call(_, args) =>
+  case If(a, e1, e2) => max_stack_bexp(a) + 
+  	(List(max_stack_exp(e1), max_stack_exp(e1)).max)
+  case Write(e) => max_stack_exp(e) + 1
+  case Var(_) => 1
+  case Num(_) => 1
+  case Aop(_, a1, a2) => 
+  	max_stack_exp(a1) + max_stack_exp(a2)
+  case Sequ(e1, e2) => 
+  	List(max_stack_exp(e1), max_stack_exp(e2)).max
+def max_stack_bexp(e: BExp): Int = e match {
+  case Bop(_, a1, a2) => 
+  	max_stack_exp(a1) + max_stack_exp(a2)
-\bl{$A \subseteq B$}\bigskip\bigskip\\
+\begin{lstlisting}[language=JVMIS,basicstyle=\ttfamily, numbers=none]
+.method public static suc(I)I 
+.limit locals 1
+.limit stack
+  iload 0
+  ldc 1
+  iadd
+  ireturn
+.end method 
+\draw (0,0) node[inner sep=2mm,fill=cream, ultra thick, draw=red, rounded corners=2mm] 
+\begin{lstlisting}[language=Lisp,basicstyle=\ttfamily, numbers=none]
+def suc(x) = x + 1;
+\begin{lstlisting}[language=JVMIS,basicstyle=\ttfamily, numbers=none]
+.method public static add(II)I 
+.limit locals 2
+.limit stack 4
+  iload 0
+  ldc 0
+  if_icmpne If_else_2
+  iload 1
+  goto If_end_3
+  iload 0
+  ldc 1
+  isub
+  iload 1
+  invokestatic defs/defs/add(II)I
+  invokestatic defs/defs/suc(I)I
+  ireturn
+.end method
+\draw (0,0) node[inner sep=2mm,fill=cream, ultra thick, draw=red, rounded corners=2mm] 
+\begin{lstlisting}[language=Lisp,basicstyle=\ttfamily, numbers=none]
+def add(x, y) = 
+    if x == 0 then y 
+    else suc(add(x - 1, y));
+\begin{lstlisting}[language=JVMIS,basicstyle=\ttfamily, numbers=none]
+.method public static facT(II)I 
+.limit locals 2
+.limit stack 4
+  iload 0
+  ldc 0	
+  if_icmpne If_else_2
+  iload 1
+  goto If_end_3
+  iload 0
+  ldc 1
+  isub
+  iload 0
+  iload 1
+  imul
+  invokestatic fact/fact/facT(II)I
+  ireturn
+.end method 
-\bl{$\forall e.\; e \in A \Rightarrow e \in B$}
+\draw (0,0) node[inner sep=2mm,fill=cream, ultra thick, draw=red, rounded corners=2mm] 
+\begin{lstlisting}[language=Lisp,basicstyle=\ttfamily, numbers=none]
+def facT(n, acc) = 
+  if n == 0 then acc 
+  else facT(n - 1, n * acc);
+\begin{lstlisting}[language=JVMIS,basicstyle=\ttfamily, numbers=none, escapeinside={(*@}{@*)}]
+.method public static facT(II)I 
+.limit locals 2
+.limit stack 4
+(*@\hl{facT\_Start:} @*)
+  iload 0
+  ldc 0
+  if_icmpne If_else_2
+  iload 1
+  goto If_end_3
+  iload 0
+  ldc 1
+  isub
+  iload 0
+  iload 1
+  imul
+  (*@\hl{istore 1} @*)
+  (*@\hl{istore 0} @*)
+  (*@\hl{goto facT\_Start} @*)
+  ireturn
+.end method 
+\draw (0,0) node[inner sep=2mm,fill=cream, ultra thick, draw=red, rounded corners=2mm] 
+\begin{lstlisting}[language=Lisp,basicstyle=\ttfamily, numbers=none]
+def facT(n, acc) = 
+  if n == 0 then acc 
+  else facT(n - 1, n * acc);
+\begin{frame}[c, fragile]
+\frametitle{Tail Recursion}
+A call to \texttt{f(args)} is usually compiled as\medskip
+{\small\begin{lstlisting}[basicstyle=\ttfamily, numbers=none]
+  args onto stack
+  invokestatic  .../f 
+A call is in tail position provided:\medskip
+\item \texttt{if Bexp then \hl{Exp} else \hl{Exp}}
+\item \texttt{Exp ; \hl{Exp}}
+\item \texttt{Exp  op Exp}
+then a call \texttt{f(args)} can be compiled as\medskip\small
+\begin{lstlisting}[basicstyle=\ttfamily, numbers=none]
+  prepare environment
+  jump to start of function
+\begin{frame}[c, fragile]
+\frametitle{Tail Recursive Call}
+\begin{lstlisting}[language=Scala,basicstyle=\ttfamily, numbers=none]
+def compile_expT(a: Exp, env: Mem, name: String): Instrs = 
+  ...
+  case Call(n, args) => if (name == n) 
+  { 
+    val stores = 
+       { case (x, y) => "istore " + y.toString + "\n" } 
+    args.flatMap(a => compile_expT(a, env, "")) ++
+    stores.reverse ++ 
+    List ("goto " + n + "_Start\n") 
+  } 
+  else 
+  {
+    val is = "I" * args.length
+    args.flatMap(a => compile_expT(a, env, "")) ++
+    List ("invokestatic XXX/XXX/" + n + "(" + is + ")I\n")
+  }
+There are more problems, than there are programs.\bigskip\bigskip\pause\\
+There must be a problem for which there is no program.