authorChristian Urban <christian.urban@kcl.ac.uk>
Tue, 01 Sep 2020 16:00:37 +0100 (2020-09-01)
changeset 752 c0bdd4ad69ca
parent 751 4b208d81e002
child 753 d94fdbef1a4f
Binary file coursework/cw01.pdf has changed
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-% !TEX program = xelatex
-\section*{Coursework 1}
-This coursework is worth 5\% and is due on \cwONE{} at 18:00. You are
-asked to implement a regular expression matcher and submit a document
-containing the answers for the questions below. You can do the
-implementation in any programming language you like, but you need to
-submit the source code with which you answered the questions,
-otherwise a mark of 0\% will be awarded. You can submit your answers
-in a txt-file or pdf.  Code send as code. Please package everything
-inside a zip-file that creates a directory with the name
-\noindent on my end. Thanks!
-It should be understood that the work you submit represents
-your own effort. You have not copied from anyone else. An
-exception is the Scala code I showed during the lectures or
-uploaded to KEATS, which you can freely use.\bigskip
-If you have any questions, please send me an email in \textbf{good}
-The task is to implement a regular expression matcher based on
-derivatives of regular expressions. The implementation should
-be able to deal with the usual (basic) regular expressions
-\ZERO,\; \ONE,\; c,\; r_1 + r_2,\; r_1 \cdot r_2,\; r^*
-but also with the following extended regular expressions:
-  $[c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_n]$ & a set of characters---for character ranges\\
-  $r^+$ & one or more times $r$\\
-  $r^?$ & optional $r$\\
-  $r^{\{n\}}$ & exactly $n$-times\\
-  $r^{\{..m\}}$ & zero or more times $r$ but no more than $m$-times\\
-  $r^{\{n..\}}$ & at least $n$-times $r$\\
-  $r^{\{n..m\}}$ & at least $n$-times $r$ but no more than $m$-times\\
-  $\sim{}r$ & not-regular-expression of $r$\\
-\noindent You can assume that $n$ and $m$ are greater or equal than
-$0$. In the case of $r^{\{n,m\}}$ you can also assume $0 \le n \le m$.\bigskip
-\noindent {\bf Important!} Your implementation should have explicit
-case classes  for the basic regular expressions, but also explicit case
-classes for
-the extended regular expressions.\footnote{Please call them
-  \code{RANGE}, \code{PLUS}, \code{OPTIONAL}, \code{NTIMES},
-  \code{UPTO}, \code{FROM} and \code{BETWEEN}.} 
-  That means do not treat the extended regular expressions
-by just translating them into the basic ones. See also Question 3,
-where you are asked to explicitly give the rules for \textit{nullable}
-and \textit{der} for the extended regular expressions. Something like
-\[der\,c\,(r^+) \dn der\,c\,(r\cdot r^*)\]
-\noindent is \emph{not} allowed as answer in Question 3 and \emph{not}
-allowed in your code.\medskip
-The meanings of the extended regular expressions are
-  $L([c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_n])$ & $\dn$ & $\{[c_1], [c_2], \ldots, [c_n]\}$\\ 
-  $L(r^+)$                  & $\dn$ & $\bigcup_{1\le i}.\;L(r)^i$\\
-  $L(r^?)$                  & $\dn$ & $L(r) \cup \{[]\}$\\
-  $L(r^{\{n\}})$             & $\dn$ & $L(r)^n$\\
-  $L(r^{\{..m\}})$           & $\dn$ & $\bigcup_{0\le i \le m}.\;L(r)^i$\\
-  $L(r^{\{n..\}})$           & $\dn$ & $\bigcup_{n\le i}.\;L(r)^i$\\
-  $L(r^{\{n..m\}})$          & $\dn$ & $\bigcup_{n\le i \le m}.\;L(r)^i$\\
-  $L(\sim{}r)$              & $\dn$ & $\Sigma^* - L(r)$
-\noindent whereby in the last clause the set $\Sigma^*$ stands
-for the set of \emph{all} strings over the alphabet $\Sigma$
-(in the implementation the alphabet can be just what is
-represented by, say, the type \pcode{Char}). So $\sim{}r$
-means in effect ``all the strings that $r$ cannot match''.\medskip 
-Be careful that your implementation of \textit{nullable} and
-\textit{der} satisfies for every regular expression $r$ the following
-two properties (see also Question 3):
-\item $\textit{nullable}(r)$ if and only if $[]\in L(r)$
-\item $L(der\,c\,r) = Der\,c\,(L(r))$
-\subsection*{Question 1 (Unmarked)}
-What is your King's email address (you will need it in
-Question 5)?
-\subsection*{Question 2 (Unmarked)}
-Can you please list all programming languages in which you have
-already written programs (include only instances where you have spent
-at least a good working day fiddling with a program)?  This is just
-for my curiosity to estimate what your background is.
-\subsection*{Question 3}
-From the
-lectures you have seen the definitions for the functions
-\textit{nullable} and \textit{der} for the basic regular
-expressions. Implement and write down the rules for the extended
-regular expressions:
-\begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {\hspace{2mm}}c@ {\hspace{2mm}}l@ {}}
-  $\textit{nullable}([c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_n])$  & $\dn$ & $?$\\
-  $\textit{nullable}(r^+)$                   & $\dn$ & $?$\\
-  $\textit{nullable}(r^?)$                   & $\dn$ & $?$\\
-  $\textit{nullable}(r^{\{n\}})$              & $\dn$ & $?$\\
-  $\textit{nullable}(r^{\{..m\}})$            & $\dn$ & $?$\\
-  $\textit{nullable}(r^{\{n..\}})$            & $\dn$ & $?$\\
-  $\textit{nullable}(r^{\{n..m\}})$           & $\dn$ & $?$\\
-  $\textit{nullable}(\sim{}r)$              & $\dn$ & $?$
-\begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {\hspace{2mm}}c@ {\hspace{2mm}}l@ {}}
-  $der\, c\, ([c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_n])$  & $\dn$ & $?$\\
-  $der\, c\, (r^+)$                   & $\dn$ & $?$\\
-  $der\, c\, (r^?)$                   & $\dn$ & $?$\\
-  $der\, c\, (r^{\{n\}})$              & $\dn$ & $?$\\
-  $der\, c\, (r^{\{..m\}})$           & $\dn$ & $?$\\
-  $der\, c\, (r^{\{n..\}})$           & $\dn$ & $?$\\
-  $der\, c\, (r^{\{n..m\}})$           & $\dn$ & $?$\\
-  $der\, c\, (\sim{}r)$               & $\dn$ & $?$\\
-Remember your definitions have to satisfy the two properties
-\item $\textit{nullable}(r)$ if and only if $[]\in L(r)$
-\item $L(der\,c\,r)) = Der\,c\,(L(r))$
-Given the definitions of \textit{nullable} and \textit{der}, it is
-easy to implement a regular expression matcher.  Test your regular
-expression matcher with (at least) the examples:
-  string & $a^?$ & $\sim{}a$ & $a^{\{3\}}$ & $(a^?)^{\{3\}}$ & $a^{\{..3\}}$ &
-     $(a^?)^{\{..3\}}$ & $a^{\{3..5\}}$ & $(a^?)^{\{3..5\}}$ \\\hline
-  $[]$           &&&&&&& \\\hline 
-  \texttt{a}     &&&&&&& \\\hline 
-  \texttt{aa}    &&&&&&& \\\hline 
-  \texttt{aaa}   &&&&&&& \\\hline 
-  \texttt{aaaaa} &&&&&&& \\\hline 
-  \texttt{aaaaaa}&&&&&&& \\
-Does your matcher produce the expected results? Make sure you
-also test corner-cases, like $a^{\{0\}}$!
-\subsection*{Question 4}
-As you can see, there are a number of explicit regular expressions
-that deal with single or several characters, for example:
-  $c$ & matches a single character\\  
-  $[c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_n]$ & matches a set of characters---for character ranges\\
-  $\textit{ALL}$ & matches any character
-The latter is useful for matching any string (for example
-by using $\textit{ALL}^*$). In order to avoid having an explicit constructor
-for each case, we can generalise all these cases and introduce a single
-constructor $\textit{CFUN}(f)$ where $f$ is a function from characters
-to booleans. In Scala code this would look as follows:
-abstract class Rexp
-case class CFUN(f: Char => Boolean) extends Rexp 
-The idea is that the function $f$ determines which character(s)
-are matched, namely those where $f$ returns \texttt{true}.
-In this question implement \textit{CFUN} and define
-\begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {\hspace{2mm}}c@ {\hspace{2mm}}l@ {}}
-  $\textit{nullable}(\textit{CFUN}(f))$  & $\dn$ & $?$\\
-  $\textit{der}\,c\,(\textit{CFUN}(f))$  & $\dn$ & $?$
-\noindent in your matcher and then also give definitions for
-\begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {\hspace{2mm}}c@ {\hspace{2mm}}l@ {}}
-  $c$  & $\dn$ & $\textit{CFUN}(?)$\\
-  $[c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_n]$  & $\dn$ & $\textit{CFUN}(?)$\\
-  $\textit{ALL}$  & $\dn$ & $\textit{CFUN}(?)$
-You can either add the constructor $CFUN$ to your implementation in
-Question 3, or you can implement this questions first
-and then use $CFUN$ instead of \code{RANGE} and \code{CHAR} in Question 3.
-\subsection*{Question 5}
-Suppose $[a\mbox{-}z0\mbox{-}9\_\,.\mbox{-}]$ stands for the regular expression
-Define in your code the following regular expression for email addresses
-([a\mbox{-}z0\mbox{-}9\_\,.-]^+)\cdot @\cdot ([a\mbox{-}z0\mbox{-}9\,.-]^+)\cdot .\cdot ([a\mbox{-}z\,.]^{\{2,6\}})
-\noindent and calculate the derivative according to your own email
-address. When calculating the derivative, simplify all regular
-expressions as much as possible by applying the
-following 7 simplification rules:
-$r \cdot \ZERO$ & $\mapsto$ & $\ZERO$\\ 
-$\ZERO \cdot r$ & $\mapsto$ & $\ZERO$\\ 
-$r \cdot \ONE$ & $\mapsto$ & $r$\\ 
-$\ONE \cdot r$ & $\mapsto$ & $r$\\ 
-$r + \ZERO$ & $\mapsto$ & $r$\\ 
-$\ZERO + r$ & $\mapsto$ & $r$\\ 
-$r + r$ & $\mapsto$ & $r$\\ 
-\noindent Write down your simplified derivative in a readable
-notation using parentheses where necessary. That means you
-should use the infix notation $+$, $\cdot$, $^*$ and so on,
-instead of raw code.\bigskip
-\subsection*{Question 6}
-Implement the simplification rules in your regular expression matcher.
-Consider the regular expression $/ \cdot * \cdot
-(\sim{}(\textit{ALL}^* \cdot * \cdot / \cdot \textit{ALL}^*)) \cdot *
-\cdot /$ and decide whether the following four strings are matched by
-this regular expression. Answer yes or no.
-\item \texttt{"/**/"}
-\item \texttt{"/*foobar*/"}
-\item \texttt{"/*test*/test*/"}
-\item \texttt{"/*test/*test*/"}
-\subsection*{Question 7}
-Let $r_1$ be the regular expression $a\cdot a\cdot a$ and $r_2$ be
-$(a^{\{19,19\}}) \cdot (a^?)$.\medskip
-Decide whether the following three
-strings consisting of $a$s only can be matched by $(r_1^+)^+$.
-Similarly test them with $(r_2^+)^+$. Again answer in all six cases
-with yes or no. \medskip
-These are strings are meant to be entirely made up of $a$s. Be careful
-when copy-and-pasting the strings so as to not forgetting any $a$ and
-to not introducing any other character.
-\item \texttt{"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\\
-\item \texttt{"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\\ 
-\item \texttt{"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\\ 
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-% !TEX program = xelatex
-\section*{Coursework 2}
-\noindent This coursework is worth 8\% and is due on \cwTWO{} at
-18:00. You are asked to implement the Sulzmann \& Lu lexer for the
-WHILE language. You can do the implementation in any programming
-language you like, but you need to submit the source code with which
-you answered the questions, otherwise a mark of 0\% will be
-awarded. You can submit your answers in a txt-file or as pdf. Code
-submit as code. Please package everything in a zip-file that creates a
-directory with the name \texttt{YournameYourfamilyname} on my end. Thanks!
-It should be understood that the work you submit represents
-your own effort. You have not copied from anyone else. An
-exception is the Scala code from KEATS and the code I showed
-during the lectures, which you can both freely use. You can
-also use your own code from the CW~1.
-\subsection*{Question 1}
-To implement a lexer for the WHILE language, you first
-need to design the appropriate regular expressions for the
-following eleven syntactic entities:
-\item keywords are
-\item operators are:
-\item letters are uppercase and lowercase
-\item symbols are letters plus the characters
-  \texttt{.},
-  \texttt{\_},
-  \texttt{>},
-  \texttt{<},
-  \texttt{=},
-  \texttt{;},
-  \texttt{,} and
-  \texttt{:}
-\item strings are enclosed by \texttt{"\ldots"} and consisting of
-  symbols, whitespaces and digits
-\item parentheses are \texttt{(}, \texttt{\{}, \texttt{)} and \texttt{\}}
-\item there are semicolons \texttt{;}
-\item whitespaces are either \texttt{" "} (one or more) or \texttt{$\backslash$n} or
-  \texttt{$\backslash$t}
-\item identifiers are letters followed by underscores \texttt{\_\!\_}, letters
-or digits
-\item numbers are \pcode{0}, \pcode{1}, \ldots and so on; give 
-a regular expression that can recognise \pcode{0}, but not numbers 
-with leading zeroes, such as \pcode{001}
-\item comments start with \texttt{//} and contain symbols, spaces and digits until the end of the line
-You can use the basic regular expressions 
-\ZERO,\; \ONE,\; c,\; r_1 + r_2,\; r_1 \cdot r_2,\; r^*
-but also the following extended regular expressions
-$[c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_n]$ & a set of characters\\
-$r^+$ & one or more times $r$\\
-$r^?$ & optional $r$\\
-$r^{\{n\}}$ & n-times $r$\\
-Later on you will also need the record regular expression:
-$REC(x:r)$ & record regular expression\\
-\noindent Try to design your regular expressions to be as
-small as possible. For example you should use character sets
-for identifiers and numbers. Feel free to use the general
-character constructor \textit{CFUN} introduced in CW 1.
-\subsection*{Question 2}
-Implement the Sulzmann \& Lu lexer from the lectures. For
-this you need to implement the functions $nullable$ and $der$
-(you can use your code from CW~1), as well as $mkeps$ and
-$inj$. These functions need to be appropriately extended for
-the extended regular expressions from Q1. Write down the 
-clauses for
-\begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {\hspace{2mm}}c@ {\hspace{2mm}}l@ {}}
-$mkeps([c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_n])$  & $\dn$ & $?$\\
-$mkeps(r^+)$                   & $\dn$ & $?$\\
-$mkeps(r^?)$                   & $\dn$ & $?$\\
-$mkeps(r^{\{n\}})$             & $\dn$ & $?$\medskip\\
-$inj\, ([c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_n])\,c\,\ldots$  & $\dn$ & $?$\\
-$inj\, (r^+)\,c\,\ldots$                   & $\dn$ & $?$\\
-$inj\, (r^?)\,c\,\ldots$                   & $\dn$ & $?$\\
-$inj\, (r^{\{n\}})\,c\,\ldots$             & $\dn$ & $?$\\
-\noindent where $inj$ takes three arguments: a regular
-expression, a character and a value. Test your lexer code
-with at least the two small examples below:
-regex: & string:\smallskip\\
-$a^{\{3\}}$ & $aaa$\\
-$(a + \ONE)^{\{3\}}$ & $aa$
-\noindent Both strings should be successfully lexed by the
-respective regular expression, that means the lexer returns 
-in both examples a value.
-Also add the record regular expression from the
-lectures to your lexer and implement a function, say
-\pcode{env}, that returns all assignments from a value (such
-that you can extract easily the tokens from a value).\medskip 
-Finally give the tokens for your regular expressions from Q1 and the
-\code{"read n;"}
-and use your \pcode{env} function to give the token sequence.
-\subsection*{Question 3}
-Extend your lexer from Q2 to also simplify regular expressions after
-each derivation step and rectify the computed values after each
-injection. Use this lexer to tokenize the programs in
-Figures~\ref{fib} -- \ref{collatz}. You can find the programms also on
-KEATS. Give the tokens of these programs where whitespaces are
-filtered out. Make sure you can tokenise \textbf{exactly} these
-\caption{Fibonacci program in the WHILE language.\label{fib}}
-\caption{The three-nested-loops program in the WHILE language. 
-(Usually used for timing measurements.)\label{loop}}
-\caption{A program that calculates factors for numbers in the WHILE
-  language.\label{factors}}
-\caption{A program that calculates the Collatz series for numbers
-  between 1 and 100.\label{collatz}}
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-% !TEX program = xelatex
-\section*{Coursework 3}
-\noindent This coursework is worth 10\% and is due on \cwTHREE{} at
-18:00. You are asked to implement a parser for the WHILE language and
-also an interpreter. You can do the implementation in any programming
-language you like, but you need to submit the source code with which
-you answered the questions, otherwise a mark of 0\% will be
-awarded. You should use the lexer from the previous coursework for the
-parser.  Please package everything(!) in a zip-file that creates a
-directory with the name \texttt{YournameYourFamilyname} on my end.
-It should be understood that the work you submit represents your own
-effort. You have not copied from anyone else. An exception is the
-Scala code I showed during the lectures or uploaded to KEATS, which
-you can both use. You can also use your own code from the CW~1 and
-\subsection*{Question 1}
-Design a grammar for the WHILE language and give the grammar
-rules. The main categories of non-terminals should be:
-\item arithmetic expressions (with the operations from the
-  previous coursework, that is \pcode{+}, \pcode{-}, \pcode{*},
-  \pcode{/} and \pcode{\%})
-\item boolean expressions (with the operations \pcode{==}, \pcode{<}, \pcode{>},
-  \code{>=}, \code{<=}, 
-  \code{!=}, \pcode{&&}, \pcode{||}, \pcode{true} and \pcode{false})
-\item single statements (that is \pcode{skip}, assignments, \pcode{if}s,
-  \pcode{while}-loops, \pcode{read} and \pcode{write})
-\item compound statements separated by semicolons
-\item blocks which are enclosed in curly parentheses
-Make sure the grammar is not left-recursive.
-\subsection*{Question 2}
-You should implement a parser for the WHILE language using parser
-combinators. Be careful that the parser takes as input a stream, or
-list, of \emph{tokens} generated by the tokenizer from the previous
-coursework. For this you might want to filter out whitespaces and
-comments. Your parser should be able to handle the WHILE programs in
-Figures~\ref{fib}, \ref{loop} and \ref{primes}.  In addition give the
-parse tree for the statement:
-if (a < b) then skip else a := a * b + 1
-A (possibly incomplete) datatype for parse trees in Scala is shown
-in Figure~\ref{trees}.
-abstract class Stmt
-abstract class AExp
-abstract class BExp 
-type Block = List[Stmt]
-case object Skip extends Stmt
-case class If(a: BExp, bl1: Block, bl2: Block) extends Stmt
-case class While(b: BExp, bl: Block) extends Stmt
-case class Assign(s: String, a: AExp) extends Stmt
-case class Read(s: String) extends Stmt
-case class WriteVar(s: String) extends Stmt  
-case class WriteStr(s: String) extends Stmt 
-                      // for printing variables and strings
-case class Var(s: String) extends AExp
-case class Num(i: Int) extends AExp
-case class Aop(o: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends AExp
-case object True extends BExp
-case object False extends BExp
-case class Bop(o: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends BExp
-case class Lop(o: String, b1: BExp, b2: BExp) extends BExp
-                     // logical operations: and, or
-\caption{The datatype for parse trees in Scala.\label{trees}}
-\subsection*{Question 3}
-Implement an interpreter for the WHILE language you designed
-and parsed in Question 1 and 2. This interpreter should take
-as input a parse tree. However be careful because, programs
-contain variables and variable assignments. This means
-you need to maintain a kind of memory, or environment,
-where you can look up a value of a variable and also
-store a new value if it is assigned. Therefore an
-evaluation function (interpreter) needs to look roughly as 
-eval_stmt(stmt, env)
-where \pcode{stmt} corresponds to the parse tree
-of the program and \pcode{env} is an environment
-acting as a store for variable values. 
-Consider the Fibonacci program in Figure~\ref{fib}.
-At the beginning of the program this store will be 
-empty, but needs to be extended in line 3 and 4 where 
-the variables \pcode{minus1} and \pcode{minus2}
-are assigned values. These values need to be reassigned in
-lines 7 and 8. The program should  be interpreted
-according to straightforward rules: for example an
-if-statement will ``run'' the if-branch if the boolean
-evaluates to \pcode{true}, otherwise the else-branch.
-Loops should be run as long as the boolean is \pcode{true}.
-Programs you should be able to run are shown in
-Figures \ref{fib} -- \ref{collatz}.
-Give some time measurements for your interpreter
-and the loop program in Figure~\ref{loop}. For example
-how long does your interpreter take when \pcode{start}
-is initialised with 100, 500 and so on. How far can
-you scale this value if you are willing to wait, say
-1 Minute?
-\caption{Fibonacci program in the WHILE language.\label{fib}}
-\caption{The three-nested-loops program in the WHILE language. 
-Usually used for timing measurements.\label{loop}}
-\caption{Prime number program.\label{primes}}
-\caption{Collatz series program.\label{collatz}}
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-% !TEX program = xelatex
-% Jasmin Tutorial
-\section*{Coursework 4}
-\noindent This coursework is worth 10\% and is due on \cwFOUR{}
-at 18:00. You are asked to implement a compiler for
-the WHILE language that targets the assembler language
-provided by Jasmin or Krakatau (both have very similar
-syntax). You can do the implementation in any programming
-language you like, but you need to submit the source code with
-which you answered the questions, otherwise a mark of 0\% will
-be awarded. You should use the lexer and parser from the
-previous courseworks. Please package \emph{everything}(!) in
-a zip-file that creates a directory with the name
-\texttt{YournameYourFamilyname} on my end.
-It should be understood that the work you submit represents
-your own effort. You have not copied from anyone else. An
-exception is the Scala code I showed during the lectures,
-which you can use. You can also use your own code from the
-CW~1, CW~2 and CW~3.
-\subsection*{Jasmin Assembler}
-The Jasmin assembler is available from
-There is a user guide for Jasmin
-\noindent and also a description of some of the instructions
-that the JVM understands
-\noindent If you generated a correct assembler file for
-Jasmin, for example \texttt{loops.j}, you can use
-\texttt{java -jar jasmin-2.4/jasmin.jar loops.j}
-\noindent in order to translate it into Java Byte Code. The
-resulting class file can be run with
-\texttt{java loops}
-\noindent where you might need to give the correct path to the
-class file. For example:
-\texttt{java -cp . loops/loops}
-\noindent There are also other resources about Jasmin on the
-Internet, for example
-\noindent and
-  \small\url{http://www.csc.villanova.edu/~tway/courses/csc4181/s2018/labs/lab4/JVM.pdf}
-\subsection*{Krakatau Assembler}
-The Krakatau assembler is available from
-\noindent This assembler requires Python and a package called
-\pcode{ply} available from
-\noindent This assembler is largely compatible with the Jasmin
-syntax---that means for the files we are concerned with here,
-it understands the same input syntax (no changes to your
-compiler need to be made; ok maybe some small syntactic
-adjustments are needed). You can generate Java Byte Code by
-\texttt{python Krakatau-master/assemble.py loops.j}
-\noindent where you may have to adapt the directory where
-Krakatau is installed (I just downloaded the zip file from
-Github and \pcode{Krakatau-master} was the directory where it
-was installed). Again the resulting class-file you can run with
-%\noindent You need to submit a document containing the answers
-%for the two questions below. You can do the implementation in
-%any programming language you like, but you need to submit the
-%source code with which you answered the questions. Otherwise
-%the submission will not be counted. However, the coursework
-%will \emph{only} be judged according to the answers. You can
-%submit your answers in a txt-file or as pdf.\bigskip
-\subsection*{Question 1}
-You need to lex and parse WHILE programs, and then generate
-Java Byte Code instructions for the Jasmin assembler (or
-Krakatau assembler). As solution you need to submit the
-assembler instructions for the Fibonacci and Factorial
-programs. Both should be so modified that a user can input on
-the console which Fibonacci number and which Factorial should
-be calculated. The Fibonacci program is given in
-Figure~\ref{fibs}. You can write your own program for
-calculating factorials. Submit your assembler code as
-a file that can be run, not as PDF-text.
-\caption{The Fibonacci program in the WHILE language.\label{fibs}}
-\subsection*{Question 2}
-Extend the syntax of your language so that it contains also
-\texttt{for}-loops, like
-\code{for} \;\textit{Id} \texttt{:=} \textit{AExp}\; \code{upto} 
-\;\textit{AExp}\; \code{do} \textit{Block} 
-\noindent The intended meaning is to first assign the variable
-\textit{Id} the value of the first arithmetic expression, test
-whether this value is less or equal than the value of the
-second arithmetic expression. If yes, go through the loop, and
-at the end increase the value of the loop variable by 1 and
-start again with the test. If no, leave the loop. For example
-the following instance of a \code{for}-loop is supposed to
-print out the numbers \pcode{2}, \pcode{3}, \pcode{4}.
-\begin{lstlisting}[language=While, numbers=none]
-for i := 2 upto 4 do {
-    write i	
-\noindent There are two ways how this can be implemented: one
-is to adapt the code generation part of the compiler and
-generate specific code for \code{for}-loops; the other is to
-translate the abstract syntax tree of \code{for}-loops into
-an abstract syntax tree using existing language constructs.
-For example the loop above could be translated to the
-following \code{while}-loop:
-\begin{lstlisting}[language=While, numbers=none]
-i := 2;
-while (i <= 4) do {
-    write i;
-    i := i + 1;
-\subsection*{Question 3}
-\noindent In this question you are supposed to give the
-assembler instructions for the program
-\begin{lstlisting}[language=While, numbers=none]
-for i := 1 upto 10 do {
-  for i := 1 upto 10 do {
-    write i
-  }
-Note that in this program the variable \pcode{i} is used
-twice. You need to make a decision how it should be compiled?
-Explain your decision and indicate what this program would
-print out.
-\subsection*{Further Information}
-The Java infrastructure unfortunately does not contain an
-assembler out-of-the-box (therefore you need to download the
-additional package Jasmin or Krakatau---see above). But it
-does contain a disassembler, called \texttt{javap}. A
-dissembler does the ``opposite'' of an assembler: it generates
-readable assembler code from Java Byte Code. Have a look at
-the following example: Compile using the usual Java compiler
-the simple Hello World program below:
-class HelloWorld {
-    public static void main(String[] args) {
-        System.out.println("Hello World!");
-    }
-You can use the command
-javap -v HelloWorld
-\noindent to see the assembler instructions of the Java Byte
-Code that has been generated for this program. You can compare
-this with the code generated for the Scala version of Hello
-object HelloWorld {
-   def main(args: Array[String]) {
-      println("Hello World!")
-  }
-\subsection*{Library Functions}
-You need to generate code for the commands \texttt{write} and
-\texttt{read}. This will require the addition of some
-``library'' functions to your generated code. The first
-command even needs two versions, because you need to write out
-an integer and string. The Java byte code will need two
-separate functions for this. For writing out an integer, you
-can use the assembler code
-\begin{lstlisting}[language=JVMIS, numbers=none]
-.method public static write(I)V 
-    .limit locals 1 
-    .limit stack 2  
-    getstatic java/lang/System/out Ljava/io/PrintStream; 
-    iload 0
-    invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream/println(I)V 
-    return 
-.end method
-\noindent This function will invoke Java's \texttt{println}
-function for integers. Then if you need to generate code for
-\texttt{write x} where \texttt{x} is an integer variable, you
-can generate
-\begin{lstlisting}[language=JVMIS, numbers=none]
-iload n 
-invokestatic XXX/XXX/write(I)V
-\noindent where \texttt{n} is the index where the value of the
-variable \texttt{x} is stored. The \texttt{XXX/XXX} needs to
-be replaced with the class name which you use to generate the
-code (for example \texttt{fib/fib} in case of the Fibonacci
-Writing out a string is similar. The corresponding library
-function uses strings instead of integers:
-\begin{lstlisting}[language=JVMIS, numbers=none]
-.method public static writes(Ljava/lang/String;)V
-   .limit stack 2
-   .limit locals 1
-   getstatic java/lang/System/out Ljava/io/PrintStream;
-   aload 0
-   invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream/println(Ljava/lang/String;)V
-   return
-.end method
-\noindent The code that needs to be generated for \code{write
-"some_string"} commands is
-ldc "some_string"
-invokestatic XXX/XXX/writes(Ljava/lang/String;)V
-\noindent Again you need to adjust the \texttt{XXX/XXX} part
-in each call.
-The code for \texttt{read} is more complicated. The reason is
-that inputting a string will need to be transformed into an
-integer. The code in Figure~\ref{read} does this. It can be
-called with
-invokestatic XXX/XXX/read()I 
-istore n
-where \texttt{n} is the index of the variable that requires an input. If you
-use Windows you need to take into account that a ``return'' is not just a newline,
-\code{'\\10'}, but \code{'\\13\\10'}. This means you need to change line~12 in 
-Figure~\ref{read} to \pcode{ldc 13}.  
-.method public static read()I 
-      .limit locals 10 
-      .limit stack 10
-      ldc 0 
-      istore 1  ; this will hold our final integer 
-      getstatic java/lang/System/in Ljava/io/InputStream; 
-      invokevirtual java/io/InputStream/read()I 
-      istore 2 
-      iload 2 
-      ldc 10  ; the newline delimiter for Unix (Windows 13)
-      isub 
-      ifeq Label2 
-      iload 2 
-      ldc 32   ; the space delimiter 
-      isub 
-      ifeq Label2
-      iload 2 
-      ldc 48   ; we have our digit in ASCII, have to subtract it from 48 
-      isub 
-      ldc 10 
-      iload 1 
-      imul 
-      iadd 
-      istore 1 
-      goto Label1 
-      ;when we come here we have our integer computed in Local Variable 1 
-      iload 1 
-      ireturn 
-.end method
-\caption{Assembler code for reading an integer from the console.\label{read}}
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-\section*{Coursework 5}
-\noindent This coursework is worth 12\% and is due on \cwFIVE{} at
-18:00. You are asked to implement a compiler targetting the LLVM-IR.
-You can do the implementation in any programming
-language you like, but you need to submit the source code with which
-you answered the questions, otherwise a mark of 0\% will be
-awarded. You should use the lexer from the previous coursework for the
-parser.  Please package everything(!) in a zip-file that creates a
-directory with the name \texttt{YournameYourFamilyname} on my end.
-It should be understood that the work you submit represents your own
-effort. You have not copied from anyone else. An exception is the
-Scala code I showed during the lectures or uploaded to KEATS, which
-you can both use. You can also use your own code from the CW~1 --
-\subsection*{Question 1}
-\subsection*{Question 2}
-\subsection*{Question 3}
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-\section*{Coursework (Strand 2)}
-\noindent This coursework is worth 20\% and is due on \cwISABELLE{} at
-18:00. You are asked to prove the correctness of the regular expression
-matcher from the lectures using the Isabelle theorem prover. You need to
-submit a theory file containing this proof and also a document
-describing your proof. The Isabelle theorem prover is available from
-\noindent This is an interactive theorem prover, meaning that
-you can make definitions and state properties, and then help
-the system with proving these properties. Sometimes the proofs
-are also completely automatic. There is a shortish user guide for
-Isabelle, called ``Programming and Proving in Isabelle/HOL''
-and also a longer (free) book at
-\noindent The Isabelle theorem prover is operated through the
-jEdit IDE, which might not be an editor that is widely known.
-JEdit is documented in
-\noindent If you need more help or you are stuck somewhere,
-please feel free to contact me (christian.urban at kcl.ac.uk). I
-am one of the main developers of Isabelle and have used it for
-approximately 16 years. One of the success stories of
-Isabelle is the recent verification of a microkernel operating
-system by an Australian group, see \url{http://sel4.systems}.
-Their operating system is the only one that has been proved
-correct according to its specification and is used for
-application where high assurance, security and reliability is
-needed (like in helicopters which fly over enemy territory).
-\subsection*{The Task}
-In this coursework you are asked to prove the correctness of the
-regular expression matcher from the lectures in Isabelle.  The matcher
-should be able to deal with the usual (basic) regular expressions
-\ZERO,\; \ONE,\; c,\; r_1 + r_2,\; r_1 \cdot r_2,\; r^*
-but also with the following extended regular expressions:
-  $r^{\{n\}}$ & exactly $n$-times\\
-  $r^{\{..m\}}$ & zero or more times $r$ but no more than $m$-times\\
-  $r^{\{n..\}}$ & at least $n$-times $r$\\
-  $r^{\{n..m\}}$ & at least $n$-times $r$ but no more than $m$-times\\
-  $\sim{}r$ & not-regular-expression of $r$\\
-You need to first specify what the matcher is
-supposed to do and then to implement the algorithm. Finally you need
-to prove that the algorithm meets the specification.  The first two
-parts are relatively easy, because the definitions in Isabelle will
-look very similar to the mathematical definitions from the lectures or
-the Scala code that is supplied at KEATS. For example very similar to
-Scala, regular expressions are defined in Isabelle as an inductive
-datatype rexp =
-| ONE
-| CHAR char
-| SEQ rexp rexp
-| ALT rexp rexp
-| STAR rexp
-\noindent The meaning of regular expressions is given as 
-$L(\ZERO)$  & $\dn$ & $\varnothing$   & \pcode{ZERO}\\
-$L(\ONE)$     & $\dn$ & $\{[]\}$        & \pcode{ONE}\\ 
-$L(c)$            & $\dn$ & $\{[c]\}$       & \pcode{CHAR}\\
-$L(r_1 + r_2)$     & $\dn$ & $L(r_1) \cup L(r_2)$ & \pcode{ALT}\\
-$L(r_1 \cdot r_2)$ & $\dn$ & $L(r_1) \,@\, L(r_2)$ & \pcode{SEQ}\\
-$L(r^*)$           & $\dn$ & $(L(r))^*$ & \pcode{STAR}\\
-\noindent You would need to implement this function in order
-to state the theorem about the correctness of the algorithm.
-The function $L$ should in Isabelle take a \pcode{rexp} as
-input and return a set of strings. Its type is
-\pcode{L} \pcode{::} \pcode{rexp} $\Rightarrow$ \pcode{string set}
-\noindent Isabelle treats strings as an abbreviation for lists
-of characters. This means you can pattern-match strings like
-lists. The union operation on sets (for the \pcode{ALT}-case)
-is a standard definition in Isabelle, but not the
-concatenation operation on sets and also not the
-star-operation. You would have to supply these definitions.
-The concatenation operation can be defined in terms of the
-append function, written \code{_ @ _} in Isabelle, for lists.
-The star-operation can be defined as a ``big-union'' of 
-powers, like in the lectures, or directly as an inductive set.
-The functions for the matcher are shown in
-Figure~\ref{matcher}. The theorem that needs to be proved is
-  "matches r s $\longleftrightarrow$ s $\in$ L r"
-\noindent which states that the function \emph{matches} is
-true if and only if the string is in the language of the
-regular expression. A proof for this lemma will need
-side-lemmas about \pcode{nullable} and \pcode{der}. An example
-proof in Isabelle that will not be relevant for the theorem
-above is given in Figure~\ref{proof}.
-  nullable :: "rexp $\Rightarrow$ bool"
-  "nullable ZERO = False"
-| "nullable ONE = True"
-| "nullable (CHAR _) = False"
-| "nullable (ALT r1 r2) = (nullable(r1) $\vee$ nullable(r2))"
-| "nullable (SEQ r1 r2) = (nullable(r1) $\wedge$ nullable(r2))"
-| "nullable (STAR _) = True"
-  der :: "char $\Rightarrow$ rexp $\Rightarrow$ rexp"
-  "der c ZERO = ZERO"
-| "der c ONE = ZERO"
-| "der c (CHAR d) = (if c = d then ONE else ZERO)"
-| "der c (ALT r1 r2) = ALT (der c r1) (der c r2)"
-| "der c (SEQ r1 r2) = 
-     (if (nullable r1) then ALT (SEQ (der c r1) r2) (der c r2)
-                       else SEQ (der c r1) r2)"
-| "der c (STAR r) = SEQ (der c r) (STAR r)"
-  ders :: "rexp $\Rightarrow$ string $\Rightarrow$ rexp"
-  "ders r [] = r"
-| "ders r (c # s) = ders (der c r) s"
-  matches :: "rexp $\Rightarrow$ string $\Rightarrow$ bool"
-  "matches r s = nullable (ders r s)" 
-\caption{The definition of the matcher algorithm in 
-  zeroable :: "rexp $\Rightarrow$ bool"
-  "zeroable ZERO = True"
-| "zeroable ONE = False"
-| "zeroable (CHAR _) = False"
-| "zeroable (ALT r1 r2) = (zeroable(r1) $\wedge$ zeroable(r2))"
-| "zeroable (SEQ r1 r2) = (zeroable(r1) $\vee$ zeroable(r2))"
-| "zeroable (STAR _) = False"
-  "zeroable r $\longleftrightarrow$ L r = {}"
-proof (induct)
-  case (ZERO)
-  have "zeroable ZERO" "L ZERO = {}" by simp_all
-  then show "zeroable ZERO $\longleftrightarrow$ (L ZERO = {})" by simp
-  case (ONE)
-  have "$\neg$ zeroable ONE" "L ONE = {[]}" by simp_all
-  then show "zeroable ONE $\longleftrightarrow$ (L ONE = {})" by simp
-  case (CHAR c)
-  have "$\neg$ zeroable (CHAR c)" "L (CHAR c) = {[c]}" by simp_all
-  then show "zeroable (CHAR c) $\longleftrightarrow$ (L (CHAR c) = {})" by simp
-  case (ALT r1 r2)
-  have ih1: "zeroable r1 $\longleftrightarrow$ L r1 = {}" by fact
-  have ih2: "zeroable r2 $\longleftrightarrow$ L r2 = {}" by fact
-  show "zeroable (ALT r1 r2) $\longleftrightarrow$ (L (ALT r1 r2) = {})" 
-    using ih1 ih2 by simp
-  case (SEQ r1 r2)
-  have ih1: "zeroable r1 $\longleftrightarrow$ L r1 = {}" by fact
-  have ih2: "zeroable r2 $\longleftrightarrow$ L r2 = {}" by fact
-  show "zeroable (SEQ r1 r2) $\longleftrightarrow$ (L (SEQ r1 r2) = {})" 
-    using ih1 ih2 by (auto simp add: Conc_def)
-  case (STAR r)
-  have "$\neg$ zeroable (STAR r)" "[] $\in$ L (r) ^ 0" by simp_all
-  then show "zeroable (STAR r) $\longleftrightarrow$ (L (STAR r) = {})" 
-    by (simp (no_asm) add: Star_def) blast
-\caption{An Isabelle proof about the function \texttt{zeroable}.\label{proof}}
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+\section*{Coursework 1}
+This coursework is worth 5\% and is due on \cwONE{} at 18:00. You are
+asked to implement a regular expression matcher and submit a document
+containing the answers for the questions below. You can do the
+implementation in any programming language you like, but you need to
+submit the source code with which you answered the questions,
+otherwise a mark of 0\% will be awarded. You can submit your answers
+in a txt-file or pdf.  Code send as code. Please package everything
+inside a zip-file that creates a directory with the name
+\noindent on my end. Thanks!
+It should be understood that the work you submit represents
+your own effort. You have not copied from anyone else. An
+exception is the Scala code I showed during the lectures or
+uploaded to KEATS, which you can freely use.\bigskip
+If you have any questions, please send me an email in \textbf{good}
+The task is to implement a regular expression matcher based on
+derivatives of regular expressions. The implementation should
+be able to deal with the usual (basic) regular expressions
+\ZERO,\; \ONE,\; c,\; r_1 + r_2,\; r_1 \cdot r_2,\; r^*
+but also with the following extended regular expressions:
+  $[c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_n]$ & a set of characters---for character ranges\\
+  $r^+$ & one or more times $r$\\
+  $r^?$ & optional $r$\\
+  $r^{\{n\}}$ & exactly $n$-times\\
+  $r^{\{..m\}}$ & zero or more times $r$ but no more than $m$-times\\
+  $r^{\{n..\}}$ & at least $n$-times $r$\\
+  $r^{\{n..m\}}$ & at least $n$-times $r$ but no more than $m$-times\\
+  $\sim{}r$ & not-regular-expression of $r$\\
+\noindent You can assume that $n$ and $m$ are greater or equal than
+$0$. In the case of $r^{\{n,m\}}$ you can also assume $0 \le n \le m$.\bigskip
+\noindent {\bf Important!} Your implementation should have explicit
+case classes  for the basic regular expressions, but also explicit case
+classes for
+the extended regular expressions.\footnote{Please call them
+  \code{RANGE}, \code{PLUS}, \code{OPTIONAL}, \code{NTIMES},
+  \code{UPTO}, \code{FROM} and \code{BETWEEN}.} 
+  That means do not treat the extended regular expressions
+by just translating them into the basic ones. See also Question 3,
+where you are asked to explicitly give the rules for \textit{nullable}
+and \textit{der} for the extended regular expressions. Something like
+\[der\,c\,(r^+) \dn der\,c\,(r\cdot r^*)\]
+\noindent is \emph{not} allowed as answer in Question 3 and \emph{not}
+allowed in your code.\medskip
+The meanings of the extended regular expressions are
+  $L([c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_n])$ & $\dn$ & $\{[c_1], [c_2], \ldots, [c_n]\}$\\ 
+  $L(r^+)$                  & $\dn$ & $\bigcup_{1\le i}.\;L(r)^i$\\
+  $L(r^?)$                  & $\dn$ & $L(r) \cup \{[]\}$\\
+  $L(r^{\{n\}})$             & $\dn$ & $L(r)^n$\\
+  $L(r^{\{..m\}})$           & $\dn$ & $\bigcup_{0\le i \le m}.\;L(r)^i$\\
+  $L(r^{\{n..\}})$           & $\dn$ & $\bigcup_{n\le i}.\;L(r)^i$\\
+  $L(r^{\{n..m\}})$          & $\dn$ & $\bigcup_{n\le i \le m}.\;L(r)^i$\\
+  $L(\sim{}r)$              & $\dn$ & $\Sigma^* - L(r)$
+\noindent whereby in the last clause the set $\Sigma^*$ stands
+for the set of \emph{all} strings over the alphabet $\Sigma$
+(in the implementation the alphabet can be just what is
+represented by, say, the type \pcode{Char}). So $\sim{}r$
+means in effect ``all the strings that $r$ cannot match''.\medskip 
+Be careful that your implementation of \textit{nullable} and
+\textit{der} satisfies for every regular expression $r$ the following
+two properties (see also Question 3):
+\item $\textit{nullable}(r)$ if and only if $[]\in L(r)$
+\item $L(der\,c\,r) = Der\,c\,(L(r))$
+\subsection*{Question 1 (Unmarked)}
+What is your King's email address (you will need it in
+Question 5)?
+\subsection*{Question 2 (Unmarked)}
+Can you please list all programming languages in which you have
+already written programs (include only instances where you have spent
+at least a good working day fiddling with a program)?  This is just
+for my curiosity to estimate what your background is.
+\subsection*{Question 3}
+From the
+lectures you have seen the definitions for the functions
+\textit{nullable} and \textit{der} for the basic regular
+expressions. Implement and write down the rules for the extended
+regular expressions:
+\begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {\hspace{2mm}}c@ {\hspace{2mm}}l@ {}}
+  $\textit{nullable}([c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_n])$  & $\dn$ & $?$\\
+  $\textit{nullable}(r^+)$                   & $\dn$ & $?$\\
+  $\textit{nullable}(r^?)$                   & $\dn$ & $?$\\
+  $\textit{nullable}(r^{\{n\}})$              & $\dn$ & $?$\\
+  $\textit{nullable}(r^{\{..m\}})$            & $\dn$ & $?$\\
+  $\textit{nullable}(r^{\{n..\}})$            & $\dn$ & $?$\\
+  $\textit{nullable}(r^{\{n..m\}})$           & $\dn$ & $?$\\
+  $\textit{nullable}(\sim{}r)$              & $\dn$ & $?$
+\begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {\hspace{2mm}}c@ {\hspace{2mm}}l@ {}}
+  $der\, c\, ([c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_n])$  & $\dn$ & $?$\\
+  $der\, c\, (r^+)$                   & $\dn$ & $?$\\
+  $der\, c\, (r^?)$                   & $\dn$ & $?$\\
+  $der\, c\, (r^{\{n\}})$              & $\dn$ & $?$\\
+  $der\, c\, (r^{\{..m\}})$           & $\dn$ & $?$\\
+  $der\, c\, (r^{\{n..\}})$           & $\dn$ & $?$\\
+  $der\, c\, (r^{\{n..m\}})$           & $\dn$ & $?$\\
+  $der\, c\, (\sim{}r)$               & $\dn$ & $?$\\
+Remember your definitions have to satisfy the two properties
+\item $\textit{nullable}(r)$ if and only if $[]\in L(r)$
+\item $L(der\,c\,r)) = Der\,c\,(L(r))$
+Given the definitions of \textit{nullable} and \textit{der}, it is
+easy to implement a regular expression matcher.  Test your regular
+expression matcher with (at least) the examples:
+  string & $a^?$ & $\sim{}a$ & $a^{\{3\}}$ & $(a^?)^{\{3\}}$ & $a^{\{..3\}}$ &
+     $(a^?)^{\{..3\}}$ & $a^{\{3..5\}}$ & $(a^?)^{\{3..5\}}$ \\\hline
+  $[]$           &&&&&&& \\\hline 
+  \texttt{a}     &&&&&&& \\\hline 
+  \texttt{aa}    &&&&&&& \\\hline 
+  \texttt{aaa}   &&&&&&& \\\hline 
+  \texttt{aaaaa} &&&&&&& \\\hline 
+  \texttt{aaaaaa}&&&&&&& \\
+Does your matcher produce the expected results? Make sure you
+also test corner-cases, like $a^{\{0\}}$!
+\subsection*{Question 4}
+As you can see, there are a number of explicit regular expressions
+that deal with single or several characters, for example:
+  $c$ & matches a single character\\  
+  $[c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_n]$ & matches a set of characters---for character ranges\\
+  $\textit{ALL}$ & matches any character
+The latter is useful for matching any string (for example
+by using $\textit{ALL}^*$). In order to avoid having an explicit constructor
+for each case, we can generalise all these cases and introduce a single
+constructor $\textit{CFUN}(f)$ where $f$ is a function from characters
+to booleans. In Scala code this would look as follows:
+abstract class Rexp
+case class CFUN(f: Char => Boolean) extends Rexp 
+The idea is that the function $f$ determines which character(s)
+are matched, namely those where $f$ returns \texttt{true}.
+In this question implement \textit{CFUN} and define
+\begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {\hspace{2mm}}c@ {\hspace{2mm}}l@ {}}
+  $\textit{nullable}(\textit{CFUN}(f))$  & $\dn$ & $?$\\
+  $\textit{der}\,c\,(\textit{CFUN}(f))$  & $\dn$ & $?$
+\noindent in your matcher and then also give definitions for
+\begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {\hspace{2mm}}c@ {\hspace{2mm}}l@ {}}
+  $c$  & $\dn$ & $\textit{CFUN}(?)$\\
+  $[c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_n]$  & $\dn$ & $\textit{CFUN}(?)$\\
+  $\textit{ALL}$  & $\dn$ & $\textit{CFUN}(?)$
+You can either add the constructor $CFUN$ to your implementation in
+Question 3, or you can implement this questions first
+and then use $CFUN$ instead of \code{RANGE} and \code{CHAR} in Question 3.
+\subsection*{Question 5}
+Suppose $[a\mbox{-}z0\mbox{-}9\_\,.\mbox{-}]$ stands for the regular expression
+Define in your code the following regular expression for email addresses
+([a\mbox{-}z0\mbox{-}9\_\,.-]^+)\cdot @\cdot ([a\mbox{-}z0\mbox{-}9\,.-]^+)\cdot .\cdot ([a\mbox{-}z\,.]^{\{2,6\}})
+\noindent and calculate the derivative according to your own email
+address. When calculating the derivative, simplify all regular
+expressions as much as possible by applying the
+following 7 simplification rules:
+$r \cdot \ZERO$ & $\mapsto$ & $\ZERO$\\ 
+$\ZERO \cdot r$ & $\mapsto$ & $\ZERO$\\ 
+$r \cdot \ONE$ & $\mapsto$ & $r$\\ 
+$\ONE \cdot r$ & $\mapsto$ & $r$\\ 
+$r + \ZERO$ & $\mapsto$ & $r$\\ 
+$\ZERO + r$ & $\mapsto$ & $r$\\ 
+$r + r$ & $\mapsto$ & $r$\\ 
+\noindent Write down your simplified derivative in a readable
+notation using parentheses where necessary. That means you
+should use the infix notation $+$, $\cdot$, $^*$ and so on,
+instead of raw code.\bigskip
+\subsection*{Question 6}
+Implement the simplification rules in your regular expression matcher.
+Consider the regular expression $/ \cdot * \cdot
+(\sim{}(\textit{ALL}^* \cdot * \cdot / \cdot \textit{ALL}^*)) \cdot *
+\cdot /$ and decide whether the following four strings are matched by
+this regular expression. Answer yes or no.
+\item \texttt{"/**/"}
+\item \texttt{"/*foobar*/"}
+\item \texttt{"/*test*/test*/"}
+\item \texttt{"/*test/*test*/"}
+\subsection*{Question 7}
+Let $r_1$ be the regular expression $a\cdot a\cdot a$ and $r_2$ be
+$(a^{\{19,19\}}) \cdot (a^?)$.\medskip
+Decide whether the following three
+strings consisting of $a$s only can be matched by $(r_1^+)^+$.
+Similarly test them with $(r_2^+)^+$. Again answer in all six cases
+with yes or no. \medskip
+These are strings are meant to be entirely made up of $a$s. Be careful
+when copy-and-pasting the strings so as to not forgetting any $a$ and
+to not introducing any other character.
+\item \texttt{"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\\
+\item \texttt{"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\\ 
+\item \texttt{"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\\ 
+%%% Local Variables: 
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+% !TEX program = xelatex
+\section*{Coursework 2}
+\noindent This coursework is worth 8\% and is due on \cwTWO{} at
+18:00. You are asked to implement the Sulzmann \& Lu lexer for the
+WHILE language. You can do the implementation in any programming
+language you like, but you need to submit the source code with which
+you answered the questions, otherwise a mark of 0\% will be
+awarded. You can submit your answers in a txt-file or as pdf. Code
+submit as code. Please package everything in a zip-file that creates a
+directory with the name \texttt{YournameYourfamilyname} on my end. Thanks!
+It should be understood that the work you submit represents
+your own effort. You have not copied from anyone else. An
+exception is the Scala code from KEATS and the code I showed
+during the lectures, which you can both freely use. You can
+also use your own code from the CW~1.
+\subsection*{Question 1}
+To implement a lexer for the WHILE language, you first
+need to design the appropriate regular expressions for the
+following eleven syntactic entities:
+\item keywords are
+\item operators are:
+\item letters are uppercase and lowercase
+\item symbols are letters plus the characters
+  \texttt{.},
+  \texttt{\_},
+  \texttt{>},
+  \texttt{<},
+  \texttt{=},
+  \texttt{;},
+  \texttt{,} and
+  \texttt{:}
+\item strings are enclosed by \texttt{"\ldots"} and consisting of
+  symbols, whitespaces and digits
+\item parentheses are \texttt{(}, \texttt{\{}, \texttt{)} and \texttt{\}}
+\item there are semicolons \texttt{;}
+\item whitespaces are either \texttt{" "} (one or more) or \texttt{$\backslash$n} or
+  \texttt{$\backslash$t}
+\item identifiers are letters followed by underscores \texttt{\_\!\_}, letters
+or digits
+\item numbers are \pcode{0}, \pcode{1}, \ldots and so on; give 
+a regular expression that can recognise \pcode{0}, but not numbers 
+with leading zeroes, such as \pcode{001}
+\item comments start with \texttt{//} and contain symbols, spaces and digits until the end of the line
+You can use the basic regular expressions 
+\ZERO,\; \ONE,\; c,\; r_1 + r_2,\; r_1 \cdot r_2,\; r^*
+but also the following extended regular expressions
+$[c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_n]$ & a set of characters\\
+$r^+$ & one or more times $r$\\
+$r^?$ & optional $r$\\
+$r^{\{n\}}$ & n-times $r$\\
+Later on you will also need the record regular expression:
+$REC(x:r)$ & record regular expression\\
+\noindent Try to design your regular expressions to be as
+small as possible. For example you should use character sets
+for identifiers and numbers. Feel free to use the general
+character constructor \textit{CFUN} introduced in CW 1.
+\subsection*{Question 2}
+Implement the Sulzmann \& Lu lexer from the lectures. For
+this you need to implement the functions $nullable$ and $der$
+(you can use your code from CW~1), as well as $mkeps$ and
+$inj$. These functions need to be appropriately extended for
+the extended regular expressions from Q1. Write down the 
+clauses for
+\begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {\hspace{2mm}}c@ {\hspace{2mm}}l@ {}}
+$mkeps([c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_n])$  & $\dn$ & $?$\\
+$mkeps(r^+)$                   & $\dn$ & $?$\\
+$mkeps(r^?)$                   & $\dn$ & $?$\\
+$mkeps(r^{\{n\}})$             & $\dn$ & $?$\medskip\\
+$inj\, ([c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_n])\,c\,\ldots$  & $\dn$ & $?$\\
+$inj\, (r^+)\,c\,\ldots$                   & $\dn$ & $?$\\
+$inj\, (r^?)\,c\,\ldots$                   & $\dn$ & $?$\\
+$inj\, (r^{\{n\}})\,c\,\ldots$             & $\dn$ & $?$\\
+\noindent where $inj$ takes three arguments: a regular
+expression, a character and a value. Test your lexer code
+with at least the two small examples below:
+regex: & string:\smallskip\\
+$a^{\{3\}}$ & $aaa$\\
+$(a + \ONE)^{\{3\}}$ & $aa$
+\noindent Both strings should be successfully lexed by the
+respective regular expression, that means the lexer returns 
+in both examples a value.
+Also add the record regular expression from the
+lectures to your lexer and implement a function, say
+\pcode{env}, that returns all assignments from a value (such
+that you can extract easily the tokens from a value).\medskip 
+Finally give the tokens for your regular expressions from Q1 and the
+\code{"read n;"}
+and use your \pcode{env} function to give the token sequence.
+\subsection*{Question 3}
+Extend your lexer from Q2 to also simplify regular expressions after
+each derivation step and rectify the computed values after each
+injection. Use this lexer to tokenize the programs in
+Figures~\ref{fib} -- \ref{collatz}. You can find the programms also on
+KEATS. Give the tokens of these programs where whitespaces are
+filtered out. Make sure you can tokenise \textbf{exactly} these
+\caption{Fibonacci program in the WHILE language.\label{fib}}
+\caption{The three-nested-loops program in the WHILE language. 
+(Usually used for timing measurements.)\label{loop}}
+\caption{A program that calculates factors for numbers in the WHILE
+  language.\label{factors}}
+\caption{A program that calculates the Collatz series for numbers
+  between 1 and 100.\label{collatz}}
+%%% Local Variables: 
+%%% mode: latex
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+%%% End: 
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+% !TEX program = xelatex
+\section*{Coursework 3}
+\noindent This coursework is worth 10\% and is due on \cwTHREE{} at
+18:00. You are asked to implement a parser for the WHILE language and
+also an interpreter. You can do the implementation in any programming
+language you like, but you need to submit the source code with which
+you answered the questions, otherwise a mark of 0\% will be
+awarded. You should use the lexer from the previous coursework for the
+parser.  Please package everything(!) in a zip-file that creates a
+directory with the name \texttt{YournameYourFamilyname} on my end.
+It should be understood that the work you submit represents your own
+effort. You have not copied from anyone else. An exception is the
+Scala code I showed during the lectures or uploaded to KEATS, which
+you can both use. You can also use your own code from the CW~1 and
+\subsection*{Question 1}
+Design a grammar for the WHILE language and give the grammar
+rules. The main categories of non-terminals should be:
+\item arithmetic expressions (with the operations from the
+  previous coursework, that is \pcode{+}, \pcode{-}, \pcode{*},
+  \pcode{/} and \pcode{\%})
+\item boolean expressions (with the operations \pcode{==}, \pcode{<}, \pcode{>},
+  \code{>=}, \code{<=}, 
+  \code{!=}, \pcode{&&}, \pcode{||}, \pcode{true} and \pcode{false})
+\item single statements (that is \pcode{skip}, assignments, \pcode{if}s,
+  \pcode{while}-loops, \pcode{read} and \pcode{write})
+\item compound statements separated by semicolons
+\item blocks which are enclosed in curly parentheses
+Make sure the grammar is not left-recursive.
+\subsection*{Question 2}
+You should implement a parser for the WHILE language using parser
+combinators. Be careful that the parser takes as input a stream, or
+list, of \emph{tokens} generated by the tokenizer from the previous
+coursework. For this you might want to filter out whitespaces and
+comments. Your parser should be able to handle the WHILE programs in
+Figures~\ref{fib}, \ref{loop} and \ref{primes}.  In addition give the
+parse tree for the statement:
+if (a < b) then skip else a := a * b + 1
+A (possibly incomplete) datatype for parse trees in Scala is shown
+in Figure~\ref{trees}.
+abstract class Stmt
+abstract class AExp
+abstract class BExp 
+type Block = List[Stmt]
+case object Skip extends Stmt
+case class If(a: BExp, bl1: Block, bl2: Block) extends Stmt
+case class While(b: BExp, bl: Block) extends Stmt
+case class Assign(s: String, a: AExp) extends Stmt
+case class Read(s: String) extends Stmt
+case class WriteVar(s: String) extends Stmt  
+case class WriteStr(s: String) extends Stmt 
+                      // for printing variables and strings
+case class Var(s: String) extends AExp
+case class Num(i: Int) extends AExp
+case class Aop(o: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends AExp
+case object True extends BExp
+case object False extends BExp
+case class Bop(o: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends BExp
+case class Lop(o: String, b1: BExp, b2: BExp) extends BExp
+                     // logical operations: and, or
+\caption{The datatype for parse trees in Scala.\label{trees}}
+\subsection*{Question 3}
+Implement an interpreter for the WHILE language you designed
+and parsed in Question 1 and 2. This interpreter should take
+as input a parse tree. However be careful because, programs
+contain variables and variable assignments. This means
+you need to maintain a kind of memory, or environment,
+where you can look up a value of a variable and also
+store a new value if it is assigned. Therefore an
+evaluation function (interpreter) needs to look roughly as 
+eval_stmt(stmt, env)
+where \pcode{stmt} corresponds to the parse tree
+of the program and \pcode{env} is an environment
+acting as a store for variable values. 
+Consider the Fibonacci program in Figure~\ref{fib}.
+At the beginning of the program this store will be 
+empty, but needs to be extended in line 3 and 4 where 
+the variables \pcode{minus1} and \pcode{minus2}
+are assigned values. These values need to be reassigned in
+lines 7 and 8. The program should  be interpreted
+according to straightforward rules: for example an
+if-statement will ``run'' the if-branch if the boolean
+evaluates to \pcode{true}, otherwise the else-branch.
+Loops should be run as long as the boolean is \pcode{true}.
+Programs you should be able to run are shown in
+Figures \ref{fib} -- \ref{collatz}.
+Give some time measurements for your interpreter
+and the loop program in Figure~\ref{loop}. For example
+how long does your interpreter take when \pcode{start}
+is initialised with 100, 500 and so on. How far can
+you scale this value if you are willing to wait, say
+1 Minute?
+\caption{Fibonacci program in the WHILE language.\label{fib}}
+\caption{The three-nested-loops program in the WHILE language. 
+Usually used for timing measurements.\label{loop}}
+\caption{Prime number program.\label{primes}}
+\caption{Collatz series program.\label{collatz}}
+%%% Local Variables: 
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% End: 
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+% !TEX program = xelatex
+% Jasmin Tutorial
+\section*{Coursework 4}
+\noindent This coursework is worth 10\% and is due on \cwFOUR{}
+at 18:00. You are asked to implement a compiler for
+the WHILE language that targets the assembler language
+provided by Jasmin or Krakatau (both have very similar
+syntax). You can do the implementation in any programming
+language you like, but you need to submit the source code with
+which you answered the questions, otherwise a mark of 0\% will
+be awarded. You should use the lexer and parser from the
+previous courseworks. Please package \emph{everything}(!) in
+a zip-file that creates a directory with the name
+\texttt{YournameYourFamilyname} on my end.
+It should be understood that the work you submit represents
+your own effort. You have not copied from anyone else. An
+exception is the Scala code I showed during the lectures,
+which you can use. You can also use your own code from the
+CW~1, CW~2 and CW~3.
+\subsection*{Jasmin Assembler}
+The Jasmin assembler is available from
+There is a user guide for Jasmin
+\noindent and also a description of some of the instructions
+that the JVM understands
+\noindent If you generated a correct assembler file for
+Jasmin, for example \texttt{loops.j}, you can use
+\texttt{java -jar jasmin-2.4/jasmin.jar loops.j}
+\noindent in order to translate it into Java Byte Code. The
+resulting class file can be run with
+\texttt{java loops}
+\noindent where you might need to give the correct path to the
+class file. For example:
+\texttt{java -cp . loops/loops}
+\noindent There are also other resources about Jasmin on the
+Internet, for example
+\noindent and
+  \small\url{http://www.csc.villanova.edu/~tway/courses/csc4181/s2018/labs/lab4/JVM.pdf}
+\subsection*{Krakatau Assembler}
+The Krakatau assembler is available from
+\noindent This assembler requires Python and a package called
+\pcode{ply} available from
+\noindent This assembler is largely compatible with the Jasmin
+syntax---that means for the files we are concerned with here,
+it understands the same input syntax (no changes to your
+compiler need to be made; ok maybe some small syntactic
+adjustments are needed). You can generate Java Byte Code by
+\texttt{python Krakatau-master/assemble.py loops.j}
+\noindent where you may have to adapt the directory where
+Krakatau is installed (I just downloaded the zip file from
+Github and \pcode{Krakatau-master} was the directory where it
+was installed). Again the resulting class-file you can run with
+%\noindent You need to submit a document containing the answers
+%for the two questions below. You can do the implementation in
+%any programming language you like, but you need to submit the
+%source code with which you answered the questions. Otherwise
+%the submission will not be counted. However, the coursework
+%will \emph{only} be judged according to the answers. You can
+%submit your answers in a txt-file or as pdf.\bigskip
+\subsection*{Question 1}
+You need to lex and parse WHILE programs, and then generate
+Java Byte Code instructions for the Jasmin assembler (or
+Krakatau assembler). As solution you need to submit the
+assembler instructions for the Fibonacci and Factorial
+programs. Both should be so modified that a user can input on
+the console which Fibonacci number and which Factorial should
+be calculated. The Fibonacci program is given in
+Figure~\ref{fibs}. You can write your own program for
+calculating factorials. Submit your assembler code as
+a file that can be run, not as PDF-text.
+\caption{The Fibonacci program in the WHILE language.\label{fibs}}
+\subsection*{Question 2}
+Extend the syntax of your language so that it contains also
+\texttt{for}-loops, like
+\code{for} \;\textit{Id} \texttt{:=} \textit{AExp}\; \code{upto} 
+\;\textit{AExp}\; \code{do} \textit{Block} 
+\noindent The intended meaning is to first assign the variable
+\textit{Id} the value of the first arithmetic expression, test
+whether this value is less or equal than the value of the
+second arithmetic expression. If yes, go through the loop, and
+at the end increase the value of the loop variable by 1 and
+start again with the test. If no, leave the loop. For example
+the following instance of a \code{for}-loop is supposed to
+print out the numbers \pcode{2}, \pcode{3}, \pcode{4}.
+\begin{lstlisting}[language=While, numbers=none]
+for i := 2 upto 4 do {
+    write i	
+\noindent There are two ways how this can be implemented: one
+is to adapt the code generation part of the compiler and
+generate specific code for \code{for}-loops; the other is to
+translate the abstract syntax tree of \code{for}-loops into
+an abstract syntax tree using existing language constructs.
+For example the loop above could be translated to the
+following \code{while}-loop:
+\begin{lstlisting}[language=While, numbers=none]
+i := 2;
+while (i <= 4) do {
+    write i;
+    i := i + 1;
+\subsection*{Question 3}
+\noindent In this question you are supposed to give the
+assembler instructions for the program
+\begin{lstlisting}[language=While, numbers=none]
+for i := 1 upto 10 do {
+  for i := 1 upto 10 do {
+    write i
+  }
+Note that in this program the variable \pcode{i} is used
+twice. You need to make a decision how it should be compiled?
+Explain your decision and indicate what this program would
+print out.
+\subsection*{Further Information}
+The Java infrastructure unfortunately does not contain an
+assembler out-of-the-box (therefore you need to download the
+additional package Jasmin or Krakatau---see above). But it
+does contain a disassembler, called \texttt{javap}. A
+dissembler does the ``opposite'' of an assembler: it generates
+readable assembler code from Java Byte Code. Have a look at
+the following example: Compile using the usual Java compiler
+the simple Hello World program below:
+class HelloWorld {
+    public static void main(String[] args) {
+        System.out.println("Hello World!");
+    }
+You can use the command
+javap -v HelloWorld
+\noindent to see the assembler instructions of the Java Byte
+Code that has been generated for this program. You can compare
+this with the code generated for the Scala version of Hello
+object HelloWorld {
+   def main(args: Array[String]) {
+      println("Hello World!")
+  }
+\subsection*{Library Functions}
+You need to generate code for the commands \texttt{write} and
+\texttt{read}. This will require the addition of some
+``library'' functions to your generated code. The first
+command even needs two versions, because you need to write out
+an integer and string. The Java byte code will need two
+separate functions for this. For writing out an integer, you
+can use the assembler code
+\begin{lstlisting}[language=JVMIS, numbers=none]
+.method public static write(I)V 
+    .limit locals 1 
+    .limit stack 2  
+    getstatic java/lang/System/out Ljava/io/PrintStream; 
+    iload 0
+    invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream/println(I)V 
+    return 
+.end method
+\noindent This function will invoke Java's \texttt{println}
+function for integers. Then if you need to generate code for
+\texttt{write x} where \texttt{x} is an integer variable, you
+can generate
+\begin{lstlisting}[language=JVMIS, numbers=none]
+iload n 
+invokestatic XXX/XXX/write(I)V
+\noindent where \texttt{n} is the index where the value of the
+variable \texttt{x} is stored. The \texttt{XXX/XXX} needs to
+be replaced with the class name which you use to generate the
+code (for example \texttt{fib/fib} in case of the Fibonacci
+Writing out a string is similar. The corresponding library
+function uses strings instead of integers:
+\begin{lstlisting}[language=JVMIS, numbers=none]
+.method public static writes(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+   .limit stack 2
+   .limit locals 1
+   getstatic java/lang/System/out Ljava/io/PrintStream;
+   aload 0
+   invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream/println(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+   return
+.end method
+\noindent The code that needs to be generated for \code{write
+"some_string"} commands is
+ldc "some_string"
+invokestatic XXX/XXX/writes(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+\noindent Again you need to adjust the \texttt{XXX/XXX} part
+in each call.
+The code for \texttt{read} is more complicated. The reason is
+that inputting a string will need to be transformed into an
+integer. The code in Figure~\ref{read} does this. It can be
+called with
+invokestatic XXX/XXX/read()I 
+istore n
+where \texttt{n} is the index of the variable that requires an input. If you
+use Windows you need to take into account that a ``return'' is not just a newline,
+\code{'\\10'}, but \code{'\\13\\10'}. This means you need to change line~12 in 
+Figure~\ref{read} to \pcode{ldc 13}.  
+.method public static read()I 
+      .limit locals 10 
+      .limit stack 10
+      ldc 0 
+      istore 1  ; this will hold our final integer 
+      getstatic java/lang/System/in Ljava/io/InputStream; 
+      invokevirtual java/io/InputStream/read()I 
+      istore 2 
+      iload 2 
+      ldc 10  ; the newline delimiter for Unix (Windows 13)
+      isub 
+      ifeq Label2 
+      iload 2 
+      ldc 32   ; the space delimiter 
+      isub 
+      ifeq Label2
+      iload 2 
+      ldc 48   ; we have our digit in ASCII, have to subtract it from 48 
+      isub 
+      ldc 10 
+      iload 1 
+      imul 
+      iadd 
+      istore 1 
+      goto Label1 
+      ;when we come here we have our integer computed in Local Variable 1 
+      iload 1 
+      ireturn 
+.end method
+\caption{Assembler code for reading an integer from the console.\label{read}}
+%%% Local Variables: 
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+%%% End: 
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+% !TEX program = xelatex
+\section*{Coursework 5}
+\noindent This coursework is worth 12\% and is due on \cwFIVE{} at
+18:00. You are asked to implement a compiler targetting the LLVM-IR.
+You can do the implementation in any programming
+language you like, but you need to submit the source code with which
+you answered the questions, otherwise a mark of 0\% will be
+awarded. You should use the lexer from the previous coursework for the
+parser.  Please package everything(!) in a zip-file that creates a
+directory with the name \texttt{YournameYourFamilyname} on my end.
+It should be understood that the work you submit represents your own
+effort. You have not copied from anyone else. An exception is the
+Scala code I showed during the lectures or uploaded to KEATS, which
+you can both use. You can also use your own code from the CW~1 --
+\subsection*{Question 1}
+\subsection*{Question 2}
+\subsection*{Question 3}
+%%% Local Variables: 
+%%% mode: latex
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+%%% End: 
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+% !TEX program = xelatex
+\section*{Coursework (Strand 2)}
+\noindent This coursework is worth 20\% and is due on \cwISABELLE{} at
+18:00. You are asked to prove the correctness of the regular expression
+matcher from the lectures using the Isabelle theorem prover. You need to
+submit a theory file containing this proof and also a document
+describing your proof. The Isabelle theorem prover is available from
+\noindent This is an interactive theorem prover, meaning that
+you can make definitions and state properties, and then help
+the system with proving these properties. Sometimes the proofs
+are also completely automatic. There is a shortish user guide for
+Isabelle, called ``Programming and Proving in Isabelle/HOL''
+and also a longer (free) book at
+\noindent The Isabelle theorem prover is operated through the
+jEdit IDE, which might not be an editor that is widely known.
+JEdit is documented in
+\noindent If you need more help or you are stuck somewhere,
+please feel free to contact me (christian.urban at kcl.ac.uk). I
+am one of the main developers of Isabelle and have used it for
+approximately 16 years. One of the success stories of
+Isabelle is the recent verification of a microkernel operating
+system by an Australian group, see \url{http://sel4.systems}.
+Their operating system is the only one that has been proved
+correct according to its specification and is used for
+application where high assurance, security and reliability is
+needed (like in helicopters which fly over enemy territory).
+\subsection*{The Task}
+In this coursework you are asked to prove the correctness of the
+regular expression matcher from the lectures in Isabelle.  The matcher
+should be able to deal with the usual (basic) regular expressions
+\ZERO,\; \ONE,\; c,\; r_1 + r_2,\; r_1 \cdot r_2,\; r^*
+but also with the following extended regular expressions:
+  $r^{\{n\}}$ & exactly $n$-times\\
+  $r^{\{..m\}}$ & zero or more times $r$ but no more than $m$-times\\
+  $r^{\{n..\}}$ & at least $n$-times $r$\\
+  $r^{\{n..m\}}$ & at least $n$-times $r$ but no more than $m$-times\\
+  $\sim{}r$ & not-regular-expression of $r$\\
+You need to first specify what the matcher is
+supposed to do and then to implement the algorithm. Finally you need
+to prove that the algorithm meets the specification.  The first two
+parts are relatively easy, because the definitions in Isabelle will
+look very similar to the mathematical definitions from the lectures or
+the Scala code that is supplied at KEATS. For example very similar to
+Scala, regular expressions are defined in Isabelle as an inductive
+datatype rexp =
+| ONE
+| CHAR char
+| SEQ rexp rexp
+| ALT rexp rexp
+| STAR rexp
+\noindent The meaning of regular expressions is given as 
+$L(\ZERO)$  & $\dn$ & $\varnothing$   & \pcode{ZERO}\\
+$L(\ONE)$     & $\dn$ & $\{[]\}$        & \pcode{ONE}\\ 
+$L(c)$            & $\dn$ & $\{[c]\}$       & \pcode{CHAR}\\
+$L(r_1 + r_2)$     & $\dn$ & $L(r_1) \cup L(r_2)$ & \pcode{ALT}\\
+$L(r_1 \cdot r_2)$ & $\dn$ & $L(r_1) \,@\, L(r_2)$ & \pcode{SEQ}\\
+$L(r^*)$           & $\dn$ & $(L(r))^*$ & \pcode{STAR}\\
+\noindent You would need to implement this function in order
+to state the theorem about the correctness of the algorithm.
+The function $L$ should in Isabelle take a \pcode{rexp} as
+input and return a set of strings. Its type is
+\pcode{L} \pcode{::} \pcode{rexp} $\Rightarrow$ \pcode{string set}
+\noindent Isabelle treats strings as an abbreviation for lists
+of characters. This means you can pattern-match strings like
+lists. The union operation on sets (for the \pcode{ALT}-case)
+is a standard definition in Isabelle, but not the
+concatenation operation on sets and also not the
+star-operation. You would have to supply these definitions.
+The concatenation operation can be defined in terms of the
+append function, written \code{_ @ _} in Isabelle, for lists.
+The star-operation can be defined as a ``big-union'' of 
+powers, like in the lectures, or directly as an inductive set.
+The functions for the matcher are shown in
+Figure~\ref{matcher}. The theorem that needs to be proved is
+  "matches r s $\longleftrightarrow$ s $\in$ L r"
+\noindent which states that the function \emph{matches} is
+true if and only if the string is in the language of the
+regular expression. A proof for this lemma will need
+side-lemmas about \pcode{nullable} and \pcode{der}. An example
+proof in Isabelle that will not be relevant for the theorem
+above is given in Figure~\ref{proof}.
+  nullable :: "rexp $\Rightarrow$ bool"
+  "nullable ZERO = False"
+| "nullable ONE = True"
+| "nullable (CHAR _) = False"
+| "nullable (ALT r1 r2) = (nullable(r1) $\vee$ nullable(r2))"
+| "nullable (SEQ r1 r2) = (nullable(r1) $\wedge$ nullable(r2))"
+| "nullable (STAR _) = True"
+  der :: "char $\Rightarrow$ rexp $\Rightarrow$ rexp"
+  "der c ZERO = ZERO"
+| "der c ONE = ZERO"
+| "der c (CHAR d) = (if c = d then ONE else ZERO)"
+| "der c (ALT r1 r2) = ALT (der c r1) (der c r2)"
+| "der c (SEQ r1 r2) = 
+     (if (nullable r1) then ALT (SEQ (der c r1) r2) (der c r2)
+                       else SEQ (der c r1) r2)"
+| "der c (STAR r) = SEQ (der c r) (STAR r)"
+  ders :: "rexp $\Rightarrow$ string $\Rightarrow$ rexp"
+  "ders r [] = r"
+| "ders r (c # s) = ders (der c r) s"
+  matches :: "rexp $\Rightarrow$ string $\Rightarrow$ bool"
+  "matches r s = nullable (ders r s)" 
+\caption{The definition of the matcher algorithm in 
+  zeroable :: "rexp $\Rightarrow$ bool"
+  "zeroable ZERO = True"
+| "zeroable ONE = False"
+| "zeroable (CHAR _) = False"
+| "zeroable (ALT r1 r2) = (zeroable(r1) $\wedge$ zeroable(r2))"
+| "zeroable (SEQ r1 r2) = (zeroable(r1) $\vee$ zeroable(r2))"
+| "zeroable (STAR _) = False"
+  "zeroable r $\longleftrightarrow$ L r = {}"
+proof (induct)
+  case (ZERO)
+  have "zeroable ZERO" "L ZERO = {}" by simp_all
+  then show "zeroable ZERO $\longleftrightarrow$ (L ZERO = {})" by simp
+  case (ONE)
+  have "$\neg$ zeroable ONE" "L ONE = {[]}" by simp_all
+  then show "zeroable ONE $\longleftrightarrow$ (L ONE = {})" by simp
+  case (CHAR c)
+  have "$\neg$ zeroable (CHAR c)" "L (CHAR c) = {[c]}" by simp_all
+  then show "zeroable (CHAR c) $\longleftrightarrow$ (L (CHAR c) = {})" by simp
+  case (ALT r1 r2)
+  have ih1: "zeroable r1 $\longleftrightarrow$ L r1 = {}" by fact
+  have ih2: "zeroable r2 $\longleftrightarrow$ L r2 = {}" by fact
+  show "zeroable (ALT r1 r2) $\longleftrightarrow$ (L (ALT r1 r2) = {})" 
+    using ih1 ih2 by simp
+  case (SEQ r1 r2)
+  have ih1: "zeroable r1 $\longleftrightarrow$ L r1 = {}" by fact
+  have ih2: "zeroable r2 $\longleftrightarrow$ L r2 = {}" by fact
+  show "zeroable (SEQ r1 r2) $\longleftrightarrow$ (L (SEQ r1 r2) = {})" 
+    using ih1 ih2 by (auto simp add: Conc_def)
+  case (STAR r)
+  have "$\neg$ zeroable (STAR r)" "[] $\in$ L (r) ^ 0" by simp_all
+  then show "zeroable (STAR r) $\longleftrightarrow$ (L (STAR r) = {})" 
+    by (simp (no_asm) add: Star_def) blast
+\caption{An Isabelle proof about the function \texttt{zeroable}.\label{proof}}
+%%% Local Variables: 
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--- a/mk	Tue Sep 01 15:57:55 2020 +0100
+++ b/mk	Tue Sep 01 16:00:37 2020 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 set -e
-subdirs=${1:-"slides handouts hws coursework"} 
+subdirs=${1:-"slides handouts hws cws"} 
 for sd in $subdirs; do
   cd $sd