authorChristian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de>
Thu, 26 Sep 2019 10:59:52 +0100
changeset 632 b7b91158eded
parent 631 f618dd4de24a
child 633 e4889da2fe29
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/progs/bfi.scala	Thu Sep 26 10:59:52 2019 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+// An Interpreter for BF*** Programs
+import io.Source
+import scala.util._
+// loding a bf-file 
+def load_bff(name: String) : String = 
+  Try(Source.fromFile(name)("ISO-8859-1").mkString).getOrElse("")
+type Mem = Map[Int, Int]
+// reading and writing BF memory
+def sread(mem: Mem, mp: Int) : Int = 
+  mem.getOrElse(mp, 0)
+def write(mem: Mem, mp: Int, v: Int) : Mem =
+  mem.updated(mp, v)
+// Right and Left Jumps in BF loops
+def jumpRight(prog: String, pc: Int, level: Int) : Int = {
+  if (prog.length <= pc) pc 
+  else (prog(pc), level) match {
+    case (']', 0) => pc + 1
+    case (']', l) => jumpRight(prog, pc + 1, l - 1)
+    case ('[', l) => jumpRight(prog, pc + 1, l + 1)
+    case (_, l) => jumpRight(prog, pc + 1, l)
+  }
+def jumpLeft(prog: String, pc: Int, level: Int) : Int = {
+  if (pc < 0) pc 
+  else (prog(pc), level) match {
+    case ('[', 0) => pc + 1
+    case ('[', l) => jumpLeft(prog, pc - 1, l - 1)
+    case (']', l) => jumpLeft(prog, pc - 1, l + 1)
+    case (_, l) => jumpLeft(prog, pc - 1, l)
+  }
+def compute(prog: String, pc: Int, mp: Int, mem: Mem) : Mem = {
+  if (0 <= pc && pc < prog.length) { 
+    val (new_pc, new_mp, new_mem) = prog(pc) match {
+      case '>' => (pc + 1, mp + 1, mem)
+      case '<' => (pc + 1, mp - 1, mem)
+      case '+' => (pc + 1, mp, write(mem, mp, sread(mem, mp) + 1))
+      case '-' => (pc + 1, mp, write(mem, mp, sread(mem, mp) - 1))
+      case '.' => { print(sread(mem, mp).toChar); (pc + 1, mp, mem) }
+      case ',' => (pc + 1, mp, write(mem, mp, Console.in.read().toByte))
+      case '['  => if (sread(mem, mp) == 0) 
+                      (jumpRight(prog, pc + 1, 0), mp, mem) 
+                   else (pc + 1, mp, mem) 
+      case ']'  => if (sread(mem, mp) != 0) 
+                      (jumpLeft(prog, pc - 1, 0), mp, mem) 
+                   else (pc + 1, mp, mem) 
+      case _ => (pc + 1, mp, mem)
+    }		     
+    compute(prog, new_pc, new_mp, new_mem)	
+  }
+  else mem
+def run(prog: String, m: Mem = Map()) = compute(prog, 0, 0, m)
+def time_needed[T](n: Int, code: => T) = {
+  val start = System.nanoTime()
+  for (i <- 0 until n) code
+  val end = System.nanoTime()
+  (end - start)/(n * 1.0e9)
+// a Mandelbrot set generator in brainf*** written by Erik Bosman
+// (http://esoteric.sange.fi/brainfuck/utils/mandelbrot/)
+println(s"${time_needed(1, run(load_bff("mandelbrot.bf")))} secs")
+// a benchmark program (counts down from 'Z' to 'A')
+val b1 = """>++[<+++++++++++++>-]<[[>+>+<<-]>[<+>-]++++++++
+            [>++++++++<-]>.[-]<<>++++++++++[>++++++++++[>++
+            ++++++++[>++++++++++[>++++++++++[>++++++++++[>+
+            +++++++++[-]<-]<-]<-]<-]<-]<-]<-]++++++++++."""
+println(s"${time_needed(1, run(b1))} secs")
Binary file slides/slides01.pdf has changed
--- a/slides/slides01.tex	Wed Sep 25 23:56:36 2019 +0100
+++ b/slides/slides01.tex	Thu Sep 26 10:59:52 2019 +0100
@@ -428,7 +428,50 @@
+\frametitle{Remember BF***?}
+\bl{\texttt{>}} & $\Rightarrow$ & move one cell right\\
+\bl{\texttt{<}} & $\Rightarrow$ & move one cell left\\
+\bl{\texttt{+}} & $\Rightarrow$ & increase cell by one\\
+\bl{\texttt{-}} & $\Rightarrow$ & decrease cell by one\\
+\bl{\texttt{.}} & $\Rightarrow$ & print current cell\\
+\bl{\texttt{,}} & $\Rightarrow$ & input current cell\\
+\bl{\texttt{[}} & $\Rightarrow$ & loop begin\\
+\bl{\texttt{]}} & $\Rightarrow$ & loop end\medskip\\
+                & $\Rightarrow$ & everything else is a comment\\
+  \frametitle{A Compiler for BF***}
+  \begin{center}
+  \begin{tabular}{lcl}
+  \bl{\texttt{>}} & $\Rightarrow$ & \texttt{ptr++}\\
+  \bl{\texttt{<}} & $\Rightarrow$ & \texttt{ptr--}\\
+  \bl{\texttt{+}} & $\Rightarrow$ & \texttt{(*ptr)++}\\
+  \bl{\texttt{-}} & $\Rightarrow$ & \texttt{(*ptr)--}\\
+  \bl{\texttt{.}} & $\Rightarrow$ & \texttt{putchar(*ptr)}\\
+  \bl{\texttt{,}} & $\Rightarrow$ & \texttt{*ptr = getchar()}\\
+  \bl{\texttt{[}} & $\Rightarrow$ & \texttt{while(*ptr)\{}\\
+  \bl{\texttt{]}} & $\Rightarrow$ & \texttt{\}}\medskip\\
+                  & $\Rightarrow$ & ignore everything else\\
+  \end{tabular}  
+  \end{center}\bigskip  
+  \texttt{char field[30000]\\ char *ptr = &field[15000]}
@@ -628,26 +671,26 @@
-\frametitle{Finding Operations in Scala}
-returns a list of all (sub)strings that match the 
-regular expression
-returns either 
-\item \code{None} if no (sub)string matches or 
-\item \code{Some(s)} with the first (sub)string
+%\frametitle{Finding Operations in Scala}
+%returns a list of all (sub)strings that match the 
+%regular expression
+%returns either 
+%\item \code{None} if no (sub)string matches or 
+%\item \code{Some(s)} with the first (sub)string