authorChristian Urban <christian dot urban at kcl dot ac dot uk>
Fri, 17 Oct 2014 13:44:50 +0100
changeset 285 8a222559278f
parent 284 0afe43616b6a
child 286 19020b75d75e
Binary file handouts/ho04.pdf has changed
--- a/handouts/ho04.tex	Fri Oct 17 11:56:19 2014 +0100
+++ b/handouts/ho04.tex	Fri Oct 17 13:44:50 2014 +0100
@@ -268,15 +268,15 @@
 step in our running example
-$r_4 = der\,c\,r_3$
+$r_4 = der\,c\,r_3 = (\varnothing \cdot (b \cdot c)) + ((\varnothing \cdot c) + \epsilon)$
-Simplifying the result would just give use $\epsilon$.
-Running $mkeps$ on this regular expression would provide 
-us with $Empty$ instead of $Right(Right(Empty))$ that
-was obtained without the simplification. The problem is
-we need to recreate this value, rather than just $Empty$.
+\noindent Simplifying the result would just give us
+$\epsilon$. Running $mkeps$ on this regular expression would
+then provide us with $Empty$ instead of $Right(Right(Empty))$
+that was obtained without the simplification. The problem is
+we need to recreate this more complicated value, rather than 
+just $Empty$.
 This requires what I call \emph{rectification functions}. They
 need to be calculated whenever a regular expression gets
@@ -297,22 +297,115 @@
 \noindent Applying them to $r_4$ will require several nested
-simplifications in order end up with just $\epsilon$. We can
-implement this by letting simp return not just a (simplified)
-regular expression, but also a rectification function. Let us
-consider the alternative case, say $r_1 + r_2$, first. We
-would first simplify the component regular expressions $r_1$
-and $r_2.$ This will return simplified versions (if they can
-be simplified), say $r_{1s}$ and $r_{2s}$, but also two
-rectification functions $f_{1s}$ and $f_{2s}$. We need to
-assemble them in order to obtain a rectified value for 
-$r_1 + r_2$.
+simplifications in order end up with just $\epsilon$. 
+We can implement this by letting simp return not just a
+(simplified) regular expression, but also a rectification
+function. Let us consider the alternative case, say $r_1 +
+r_2$, first. We would first simplify the component regular
+expressions $r_1$ and $r_2.$ This will return simplified
+versions (if they can be simplified), say $r_{1s}$ and
+$r_{2s}$, but also two rectification functions $f_{1s}$ and
+$f_{2s}$. We need to assemble them in order to obtain a
+rectified value for $r_1 + r_2$. In case $r_{1s}$ simplified
+to $\varnothing$, we would continue the derivative calculation
+with $r_{2s}$. The Sulzmann \& Lu algorithm would return a
+corresponding value, say $v_{2s}$. But now this needs to
+be ``rectified'' to the value 
+\noindent Unfortunately, this is not enough because there
+might be some simplifications that happened inside $r_2$ 
+and for which the simplification function retuned also
+a rectification function $f_{2s}$. So in fact we need to
+apply this one too which gives
+\noindent So if we want to return this as function,
+we would need to return
+$\lambda v.\,Right(f_{2s}(v))$
+\noindent which is the lambda-calculus notation for
+a function that expects a value $v$ and returns everything
+after the dot where $v$ is replaced by whatever value is 
+Let us package these ideas into a single function (still only
+considering the alternative case):
-In case $r_{1s}$ simplified to $\varnothing$, we would
-continue the derivative calculation with $r_{2s}$. The
-Sulzmann \& Lu algorithm would return a corresponding value,
-say $v_{2s}$.
+\quad case $r = r_1 + r_2$\\
+\qquad let $(r_{1s}, f_{1s}) = simp(r_1)$\\
+\qquad \phantom{let} $(r_{2s}, f_{2s}) = simp(r_2)$\smallskip\\
+\qquad case $r_{1s} = \varnothing$: 
+       return $(r_{2s}, \lambda v. \,Right(f_{2s}(v)))$\\
+\qquad case $r_{2s} = \varnothing$: 
+       return $(r_{1s}, \lambda v. \,Left(f_{1s}(v)))$\\
+\qquad otherwise: 
+       return $(r_{1s} + r_{2s}, f_{alt}(f_{1s}, f_{2s}))$\\
+\noindent We first recursively call the simlification with $r_1$
+and $r_2$. This gives simplified regular expressions, $r_{1s}$
+and $r_{2s}$, as well as two rectification functions $f_{1s}$
+and $f_{2s}$. We next need to test whether the simplified 
+regular expressions are $\varnothing$ so as to make further 
+simplifications. In case $r_{1s}$ is $\varnothing$ then 
+we can return $r_{2s}$ (the other alternative). However
+we need to now build a rectification function, which as
+said above is
+$\lambda v.\,Right(f_{2s}(v))$
+\noindent The case where $r_{2s} = \varnothing$ is similar.
+We return $r_{1s}$ but now have to rectify such that we return
+$\lambda v.\,Left(f_{1s}(v))$
+\noindent Note that in this case we have to apply $f_{1s}$,
+not $f_{2s}$, which is responsible to rectify the inner parts
+of $v$. The otherwise-case is slightly interesting. In this
+case neither $r_{1s}$ nor $r_{2s}$ are $\varnothing$ and no
+further simplification can be applied. Accordingly, we return
+$r_{1s} + r_{2s}$ as the simplified regular expression. In
+principle we also do not have to do any rectification, because
+no simplification was done in this case. But this is actually
+not true: There might have been simplifications inside
+$r_{1s}$ and $r_2s$. We therefore need to take into account
+the calculated rectification functions $f_{1s}$ and $f_{2s}$.
+We can do this by defining a rectification function $f_{alt}$
+which takes two rectification functions as arguments
+$f_{alt}(f_1, f_2) \dn$\\
+\qquad $\lambda v.\,$ case $v = Left(v')$: 
+      & return $Left(f_1(v'))$\\
+\qquad \phantom{$\lambda v.\,$} case $v = Right(v')$: 
+      & return $Right(f_2(v'))$\\      
+\noindent In essence we need to apply in this case 
+the appropriate rectification function to the inner part
+of the value $v$, wherevy $v$ can only be of the form 
+$Right(\_)$ or $Left(\_)$.
 \subsubsection*{Records and Tokenisation}