authorChristian Urban <christian.urban@kcl.ac.uk>
Sun, 10 Sep 2023 12:24:55 +0100 (18 months ago)
changeset 917 89e05a230d2d
parent 916 10f834eb0a9e
child 918 53e7da9f372a
Binary file cws/cw05.pdf has changed
--- a/cws/cw05.tex	Sat Sep 09 14:14:31 2023 +0100
+++ b/cws/cw05.tex	Sun Sep 10 12:24:55 2023 +0100
@@ -9,25 +9,27 @@
-%\section*{RESIT / REPLACEMENT}
-%The resit / replacement task is essentially CW5 (listed below) with
-%the exception that the lexer and parser is already provided. The
-%parser will generate an AST (see file \texttt{fun\_llvm.sc}). Your task
-%is to generate an AST for the K-intermediate language and supply
-%sufficient type annotations such that you can generate valid code for
-%the LLVM-IR. The submission deadline is 9th August at 16:00. At the
-%deadline, please send me an email containing a zip-file with your
-%Feel free to reuse the files I have uploaded on KEATS (especially
-%the files generating simple LLVM-IR code). Of help might also be the
-%videos of Week~10.\bigskip
-%Good Luck!}
+The resit / replacement task is essentially CW5 (listed below) with
+the exception that the lexer and parser is already provided. The
+parser will generate an AST (see file \texttt{fun\_llvm.sc}). Your task
+is to generate an AST for the K-intermediate language and supply
+sufficient type annotations such that you can generate valid code for
+the LLVM-IR. The submission deadline is 4th August at 16:00. At the
+deadline, please send me an email containing a zip-file with your
+Feel free to reuse the files I have uploaded on KEATS (especially
+the files generating simple LLVM-IR code). Of help might also be the
+videos of Week~10.\bigskip
+Good Luck!}\smallskip\\
 \section*{Coursework 5}
Binary file handouts/amm-ho.pdf has changed
--- a/handouts/amm-ho.tex	Sat Sep 09 14:14:31 2023 +0100
+++ b/handouts/amm-ho.tex	Sun Sep 10 12:24:55 2023 +0100
@@ -2,35 +2,43 @@
+%% \usepackage[]{hvextern}
 %cheat sheet
-\fnote{\copyright{} Christian Urban, King's College London, 2020, 2021}
+\fnote{\copyright{} Christian Urban, King's College London, 2020, 2021, 2023}
-\section*{Scala in 6CCS3CFL}
+\section*{Scala 3 in 6CCS3CFL}
 For the coursework in this module you are free to use any programming
 language you like, but I will show you all my code using Scala---I
-hope you have fond memories of Scala from PEP. If you need a reminder
-of the Scala handouts for PEP have a look
+hope you have fond memories of Scala from PEP. The only difference
+with PEP is that I will use the current
+stable version of Scala, which at teh time of writing is Scala 3.3.1.
-But as said, you do not need to use Scala for your own
-code.\footnote{Haskell, Rust, Ocaml were other languages that have
-  been used previously in CFL. I recommend to not use Java or C for
+If you intend to submit your code for the CW in Scala, you \underline{MUST} submit code that
+is compatible with Scala 3!! This is to make it easier for me to test
+your code and the changes between Scala 2 from last year PEP to Scala
+3 in CFL are not that great. In fact, most changes are just some new
+If you need a reminder of the Scala handouts from PEP updated to Scala 3
+have a look here
+\hr{http://talisker.nms.kcl.ac.uk/cgi-bin/repos.cgi/pep-material/raw-file/tip/handouts/pep-ho.pdf}. But as said, you do not need to use Scala for the CWs.\footnote{Haskell, Rust, Ocaml were other languages that have
+  been used previously in CFL. I do not recommend to use Java or C or C++ for
   writing a compiler, but if you insist, feel free. It has been done
-before.}  I will use the
-current stable version of Scala, which is 2.13.6. For various reasons,
-aware of this when you run my code.
+  before.}  
-The main difference to the Scala I showed you in PEP is that in CFL
-I will use the Ammonite REPL
+The other difference between the Scala I showed you in PEP is that in CFL
+I will use the Ammonite REPL (with underlying Scala Version 3):
@@ -42,12 +50,15 @@
 $ amm
-Welcome to the Ammonite Repl 2.4.0 (Scala 2.13.6 Java 9)
+Welcome to the Ammonite Repl 2.5.9 (Scala 3.2.2 Java 17.0.7)
 scala> 1 + 2
 res0: Int = 3
 \end{lstlisting} %% $
+%%\runExtCmd[redirect]{ls -la}{voss}
 Ammonite uses the same Scala compiler, just adds some useful features
 on top of it. It is quite main-stream in the Scala community and it should
@@ -56,30 +67,29 @@
 is by using \texttt{curl}:
-$ curl -L https://github.com/com-lihaoyi/Ammonite/
-                 releases/download/2.4.0/2.13-2.4.0 --output amm
+$ curl -L https://github.com/com-lihaoyi/Ammonite/releases/\
+  download/2.5.9/3.2-2.5.9 --output amm
+\end{lstlisting} %% $  
 The big advantage of Ammonite is that it comes with some additional
 libraries already built-in and also allows one to easily break up code
 into smaller modules. For example reading and writing files in
 Ammonite can be achieved with
-scala> import os._  
+scala> import os._
+scala> write.over(pwd / "file.name", "foo bar")  
 scala> read(pwd / "file.name")   
-res1: String = """..."""
-scala> write.over(pwd / "file.name", "foo bar")
+res1: String = "foo bar"
-The latter writes the string \code{"foo bar"} into the file
+The second line writes the string \code{"foo bar"} into the file
 \code{"file.name"}, which is located in the current working
-directory. For loading and accessing code from another Scala file, you
-can import it as follows:
+directory (\code{pwd}). For loading and accessing code from
+another Scala file, you can import the code into Ammonite
+as follows:
 import $file.name-of-the-file
@@ -93,9 +103,8 @@
 for the compiler we implement in CFL, because it allows us to easily
 break up the code into the lexer, parser and code generator.
-Another feature which exists in Ammonite, but not yet in the
-current version of Scala (it will be in the next version called dotty)
-is that you can mark functions as \texttt{@main}. For example
+Another handy feature of Ammonite is that you can mark functions as
+\texttt{@main}. For example
@@ -126,7 +135,7 @@
 \end{lstlisting} %% $
-What is also good in Ammonite that you can specify more than one
+What is also good in Ammonite is that you can specify more than one
 function to be ``main'' and then specify on the command line which
 function you want to run as entry-point.
@@ -139,7 +148,7 @@
 \end{lstlisting} %% $
 \noindent Of course this requires that you use \texttt{println} for
-inspecting any data, as otherwise nothing will be displayed at the
+inspecting any data as otherwise nothing will be displayed at the
Binary file handouts/ho01.pdf has changed
Binary file handouts/ho09.pdf has changed
--- a/handouts/ho09.tex	Sat Sep 09 14:14:31 2023 +0100
+++ b/handouts/ho09.tex	Sun Sep 10 12:24:55 2023 +0100
@@ -785,6 +785,44 @@
+\section*{Alternatives to CPS}
+While I appreciate that this handout is already pretty long, this
+section is for students who think the CPS-translation is too much of
+voodoo programming---there is a perhaps simpler alternative. This
+alternative is along the lines: if you cannot bridge the gap in
+a single step, do it in two simpler steps. Let's look at the
+simple expression $1 + (2 + 3)$. The CPS-translation correctly
+generates the expression
+let tmp0 = add 2 3 in   
+let tmp1 = add 1 tmp0 in 
+  return tmp1 
+where $(2 + 3)$ is pulled out and calculated first. The problem is that it
+requires a bit of magic. But with the ability to give a separate variable
+to each indivifual computation, we could do the following: The expression
+$1 + (2 + 3)$ is a tree like this
+\begin{tikzpicture}[line width=1mm]
+  \node {root} [grow'=up]
+    child {node {1}}
+    child {node[circle,draw] {+}
+      child {node {2}}
+      child {node {3}}
+    };
+and we could perform a completely standard recursive traversal of the
+tree: each inner node gets a new variable and assignment.  
--- a/style.sty	Sat Sep 09 14:14:31 2023 +0100
+++ b/style.sty	Sun Sep 10 12:24:55 2023 +0100
@@ -98,3 +98,16 @@
 \def\cwFIVE{12 January}
 %%\def\cwISABELLE{11 December}
+%% lualatex testing commandline arguments
+\newcommand{\luaif}[1]{\ifnum1=\directlua{if #1 then tex.sprint(1) else tex.sprint(0) end} }
+\luaif{arg[2] == "sol"}
+  \begin{quote}\sf%
+    #1%
+  \end{quote}} \else