authorChristian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de>
Mon, 27 Jan 2020 10:11:44 +0000 (2020-01-27)
changeset 708 4980f421b3b0
parent 707 2fcd7c2da729
child 709 c112a6cb5e52
Binary file handouts/ho07.pdf has changed
--- a/handouts/ho07.tex	Sun Jan 26 14:16:30 2020 +0000
+++ b/handouts/ho07.tex	Mon Jan 27 10:11:44 2020 +0000
@@ -5,12 +5,14 @@
 %% add safety check on references...whether it is above 0 and below the 
 %% index
-\fnote{\copyright{} Christian Urban, King's College London, 2017, 2018, 2019}
+\fnote{\copyright{} Christian Urban, King's College London, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020}
 \section*{Handout 7 (Compilation)}
@@ -24,12 +26,41 @@
 to take care of (like explicit memory management). 
 As a first example in this module we will implement a compiler for the
-very simple While-language. It will generate code for the Java Virtual
-Machine (JVM). Unfortunately the Java ecosystem does not come with an
-assembler which would be handy for our  compiler-endeavour  (unlike
-Microsoft's  Common Language Infrastructure for the .Net platform which
-has an assembler out-of-the-box). As a substitute we use in this module
-the 3rd-party programs Jasmin and Krakatau
+very simple WHILE-language that we parsed in the last lecture. The
+compiler will target the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), but not directly.
+Pictorially the compiler will work as follows:
+  \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1,font=\bf,
+                      node/.style={
+                      rectangle,rounded corners=3mm,
+                      ultra thick,draw=black!50,minimum height=18mm, 
+                      minimum width=20mm,
+                      top color=white,bottom color=black!20}]
+  \node (0) at (-3,0) {};  
+  \node (A) at (0,0) [node,text width=1.6cm,text centered] {our compiler};
+  \node (B) at (3.5,0) [node,text width=1.6cm,text centered] {Jasmin / Krakatau};
+  \node (C) at (7.5,0) [node] {JVM};
+  \draw [->,line width=2.5mm] (0) -- node [above,pos=0.35] {*.while} (A); 
+  \draw [->,line width=2.5mm] (A) -- node [above,pos=0.35] {*.j} (B); 
+  \draw [->,line width=2.5mm] (B) -- node [above,pos=0.35] {*.class} (C); 
+  \end{tikzpicture}
+  \end{center}
+The input will be WHILE-programs; the output will be assembly files
+(with the ending .j). Assembly files essentially contain human-readable
+machine code, meaning they are not just bits and bytes, but rather
+something you can read and understand---with a bit of practice of
+course. An \emph{assembler} will then translate the assembly files into
+unreadable class or binary files the JVM can run. Unfortunately, the
+Java ecosystem does not come with an assembler which would be handy for
+our compiler-endeavour  (unlike Microsoft's  Common Language
+Infrastructure for the .Net platform which has an assembler
+out-of-the-box). As a substitute we shall therefore use the 3rd-party
+programs Jasmin and Krakatau 
   \item \url{http://jasmin.sourceforge.net}
@@ -94,11 +125,11 @@
-\noindent To generate JVM code for this expression, we need to
-traverse this tree in post-order fashion and emit code for
-each node---this traversal in post-order fashion will produce
-code for a stack-machine (what the JVM is). Doing so for the
-tree above generates the instructions
+\noindent To generate JVM code for this expression, we need to traverse
+this tree in \emph{post-order} fashion and emit code for each
+node---this traversal in \emph{post-order} fashion will produce code for
+a stack-machine (which is what the JVM is). Doing so for the tree above
+generates the instructions
 ldc 1 
@@ -121,7 +152,7 @@
 a different list of instructions. Generating code in this
 post-order-traversal fashion is rather easy to implement: it can be done
 with the following recursive \textit{compile}-function, which takes the
-abstract syntax tree as argument:
+abstract syntax tree as an argument:
@@ -137,11 +168,12 @@
-However, our arithmetic expressions can also contain
-variables. We will represent them as \emph{local variables} in
-the JVM. Essentially, local variables are an array or pointers
-to memory cells, containing in our case only integers. Looking
-up a variable can be done with the instruction
+This is all fine, but our arithmetic expressions can clearly contain
+variables and then this code will not be good enough. To fix this we
+will represent our variables as the \emph{local variables} in the JVM.
+Essentially, local variables are an array or pointers to memory cells,
+containing in our case only integers. Looking up a variable can be done
+with the instruction
 iload $index$
@@ -156,17 +188,16 @@
 istore $index$
-\noindent Note that this also pops off the top of the stack.
-One problem we have to overcome, however, is that local
-variables are addressed, not by identifiers, but by numbers
-(starting from $0$). Therefore our compiler needs to maintain
-a kind of environment where variables are associated to
-numbers. This association needs to be unique: if we muddle up
-the numbers, then we essentially confuse variables and the
-consequence will usually be an erroneous result. Our extended
-\textit{compile}-function for arithmetic expressions will
-therefore take two arguments: the abstract syntax tree and an
-environment, $E$, that maps identifiers to index-numbers.
+\noindent Note that this also pops off the top of the stack. One problem
+we have to overcome, however, is that local variables are addressed, not
+by identifiers (like \texttt{x}, \texttt{foo} and so on), but by numbers
+(starting from $0$). Therefore our compiler needs to maintain a kind of
+environment where variables are associated to numbers. This association
+needs to be unique: if we muddle up the numbers, then we essentially
+confuse variables and the consequence will usually be an erroneous
+result. Our extended \textit{compile}-function for arithmetic
+expressions will therefore take two arguments: the abstract syntax tree
+and an environment, $E$, that maps identifiers to index-numbers.
@@ -183,20 +214,20 @@
-\noindent In the last line we generate the code for variables
-where $E(x)$ stands for looking up the environment to which
-index the variable $x$ maps to. This is similar to an interpreter,
-which also needs an environment: the difference is that the 
-interpreter maintains a mapping from variables to current values (what is the
-currently the value of a variable), while compilers need a mapping
-from variables to memory locations (where can I find the current 
-value for the variable in memory).
+\noindent In the last line we generate the code for variables where
+$E(x)$ stands for looking up the environment to which index the variable
+$x$ maps to. This is similar to the interpreter we saw earlier in the
+module, which also needs an environment: the difference is that the
+interpreter maintains a mapping from variables to current values (what
+is the currently the value of a variable?), while compilers need a
+mapping from variables to memory locations (where can I find the current
+value for the variable in memory?).
 There is a similar \textit{compile}-function for boolean
 expressions, but it includes a ``trick'' to do with
 \pcode{if}- and \pcode{while}-statements. To explain the issue
 let us first describe the compilation of statements of the
-While-language. The clause for \pcode{skip} is trivial, since
+WHILE-language. The clause for \pcode{skip} is trivial, since
 we do not have to generate any instruction
@@ -209,7 +240,7 @@
 the \textit{compile}-function for statements returns a pair, a
 list of instructions (in this case the empty list) and an
 environment for variables. The reason for the environment is
-that assignments in the While-language might change the
+that assignments in the WHILE-language might change the
 environment---clearly if a variable is used for the first
 time, we need to allocate a new index and if it has been used
 before, then we need to be able to retrieve the associated index.
@@ -223,20 +254,19 @@
-\noindent We first generate code for the right-hand side of
-the assignment and then add an \pcode{istore}-instruction at
-the end. By convention the result of the arithmetic expression
-$a$ will be on top of the stack. After the \pcode{istore}
-instruction, the result will be stored in the index
-corresponding to the variable $x$. If the variable $x$ has
-been used before in the program, we just need to look up what
-the index is and return the environment unchanged (that is in
-this case $E' = E$). However, if this is the first encounter 
-of the variable $x$ in the program, then we have to augment 
-the environment and assign $x$ with the largest index in $E$
-plus one (that is $E' = E(x \mapsto largest\_index + 1)$). 
-To sum up, for the assignment $x := x + 1$ we generate the
-following code
+\noindent We first generate code for the right-hand side of the
+assignment (that is the arithmetic expression $a$) and then add an
+\pcode{istore}-instruction at the end. By convention running the code
+for the arithmetic expression $a$ will leave the result on top of the
+stack. After that the \pcode{istore} instruction, the result will be
+stored in the index corresponding to the variable $x$. If the variable
+$x$ has been used before in the program, we just need to look up what
+the index is and return the environment unchanged (that is in this case
+$E' = E$). However, if this is the first encounter of the variable $x$
+in the program, then we have to augment the environment and assign $x$
+with the largest index in $E$ plus one (that is $E' = E(x \mapsto
+largest\_index + 1)$). To sum up, for the assignment $x := x + 1$ we
+generate the following code
 iload $n_x$
@@ -256,12 +286,12 @@
-In case the environment $E$ contains an index for $x$, we return it.
-Otherwise we ``create'' a new index by returning the size $|E|$ of the
-environment (that will be an index that is guaranteed to be not used
-yet). In all this we take advantage of the JVM which provides us with 
-a potentially limitless supply of places where we can store values
-of variables.
+This implements the idea that in case the environment $E$ contains an
+index for $x$, we return it. Otherwise we ``create'' a new index by
+returning the size $|E|$ of the environment (that will be an index that
+is guaranteed not to be used yet). In all this we take advantage of the
+JVM which provides us with a potentially limitless supply of places
+where we can store values of variables.
 A bit more complicated is the generation of code for
 \pcode{if}-statements, say
@@ -271,13 +301,15 @@
 \noindent where $b$ is a boolean expression and where both $cs_{1/2}$
-are the statements for each of the \pcode{if}-branches. Lets assume we
-already generated code for $b$ and $cs_{1/2}$. Then in the true-case the
-control-flow of the program needs to behave as 
+are the statements for each of the \pcode{if}-branches. Let us assume we
+already generated code for $b$ and and the two if-branches $cs_{1/2}$.
+Then in the true-case the control-flow of the program needs to behave as
-\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2mm and 4mm,
- block/.style={rectangle, minimum size=1cm, draw=black, line width=1mm},
+\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2mm and 4mm,line cap=round,
+ block/.style={rectangle, minimum size=1cm, draw=black, line width=1mm,
+               top color=white,bottom color=black!20},
  point/.style={rectangle, inner sep=0mm, minimum size=0mm, fill=red},
  skip loop/.style={black, line width=1mm, to path={-- ++(0,-10mm) -| (\tikztotarget)}}]
 \node (A1) [point] {};
@@ -290,7 +322,7 @@
 \draw (A1) edge [->, black, line width=1mm] (b);
 \draw (b) edge [->, black, line width=1mm] (cs1);
-\draw (cs1) edge [->, black, line width=1mm] (A3);
+\draw (cs1) edge [->, black, line width=1mm,shorten >= -0.5mm] (A3);
 \draw (A3) edge [->, black, skip loop] (A4);
 \node [below=of cs2] {\raisebox{-5mm}{\small{}jump}};
@@ -299,7 +331,7 @@
 \noindent where we start with running the code for $b$; since
 we are in the true case we continue with running the code for
 $cs_1$. After this however, we must not run the code for
-$cs_2$, but always jump after the last instruction of $cs_2$
+$cs_2$, but always jump to after the last instruction of $cs_2$
 (the code for the \pcode{else}-branch). Note that this jump is
 unconditional, meaning we always have to jump to the end of
 $cs_2$. The corresponding instruction of the JVM is
@@ -307,8 +339,9 @@
-\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2mm and 4mm,
- block/.style={rectangle, minimum size=1cm, draw=black, line width=1mm},
+\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2mm and 4mm,line cap=round,
+ block/.style={rectangle, minimum size=1cm, draw=black, line width=1mm,
+               top color=white,bottom color=black!20},
  point/.style={rectangle, inner sep=0mm, minimum size=0mm, fill=red},
  skip loop/.style={black, line width=1mm, to path={-- ++(0,-10mm) -| (\tikztotarget)}}]
 \node (A1) [point] {};
@@ -320,7 +353,7 @@
 \node (A4) [point, right=of cs2] {};
 \draw (A1) edge [->, black, line width=1mm] (b);
-\draw (b) edge [->, black, line width=1mm] (A2);
+\draw (b) edge [->, black, line width=1mm,shorten >= -0.5mm] (A2);
 \draw (A2) edge [skip loop] (A3);
 \draw (A3) edge [->, black, line width=1mm] (cs2);
 \draw (cs2) edge [->,black, line width=1mm] (A4);
@@ -350,9 +383,9 @@
-\noindent where a label is indicated by a colon. The task of the
-assmbler (in our case Jasmin or Krakatau) is to resolve the labels
-to actual addresses, for example jump 10 instructions forward,
+\noindent where the label needs to be followed by a colon. The task of
+the assembler (in our case Jasmin or Krakatau) is to resolve the labels
+to actual (numeric) addresses, for example jump 10 instructions forward,
 or 20 instructions backwards.
 Recall the ``trick'' with compiling boolean expressions: the 
@@ -383,7 +416,13 @@
 if_icmpne $lab$
-\noindent Other jump instructions for boolean operators are
+To sum up, the third argument in the compile function for booleans
+specifies where to jump, in case the condition is \emph{not} true. I
+leave it to you to extend the \textit{compile}-function for the other
+boolean expressions. Note that we need to jump whenever the boolean is
+\emph{not} true, which means we have to ``negate'' the jump
+condition---equals becomes not-equal, less becomes greater-or-equal. 
+Other jump instructions for boolean operators are
@@ -393,11 +432,7 @@
-\noindent and so on. I leave it to you to extend the
-\textit{compile}-function for the other boolean expressions. Note that
-we need to jump whenever the boolean is \emph{not} true, which means we
-have to ``negate'' the jump condition---equals becomes not-equal, less
-becomes greater-or-equal. If you do not like this design (it can be the
+\noindent and so on.   If you do not like this design (it can be the
 source of some nasty, hard-to-detect errors), you can also change the
 layout of the code and first give the code for the else-branch and then
 for the if-branch. However in the case of while-loops this
@@ -481,8 +516,9 @@
 and the control-flow needs to be as follows
-\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2mm and 4mm,
- block/.style={rectangle, minimum size=1cm, draw=black, line width=1mm},
+\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2mm and 4mm,line cap=round,
+ block/.style={rectangle, minimum size=1cm, draw=black, line width=1mm,
+               top color=white,bottom color=black!20},
  point/.style={rectangle, inner sep=0mm, minimum size=0mm, fill=red},
  skip loop/.style={black, line width=1mm, to path={-- ++(0,-10mm) -| (\tikztotarget)}}]
 \node (A0) [point, left=of A1] {};
@@ -495,7 +531,7 @@
 \draw (A0) edge [->, black, line width=1mm] (b);
 \draw (b) edge [->, black, line width=1mm] (cs1);
-\draw (cs1) edge [->, black, line width=1mm] (A3);
+\draw (cs1) edge [->, black, line width=1mm,shorten >= -0.5mm] (A3);
 \draw (A3) edge [->,skip loop] (A1);
@@ -505,8 +541,9 @@
 control flow.
-\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2mm and 4mm,
- block/.style={rectangle, minimum size=1cm, draw=black, line width=1mm},
+\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2mm and 4mm,line cap=round,
+ block/.style={rectangle, minimum size=1cm, draw=black, line width=1mm,
+               top color=white,bottom color=black!20},
  point/.style={rectangle, inner sep=0mm, minimum size=0mm, fill=red},
  skip loop/.style={black, line width=1mm, to path={-- ++(0,-10mm) -| (\tikztotarget)}}]
 \node (A0) [point, left=of A1] {};
@@ -518,7 +555,7 @@
 \node (A4) [point, right=of A3] {};
 \draw (A0) edge [->, black, line width=1mm] (b);
-\draw (b) edge [->, black, line width=1mm] (A2);
+\draw (b) edge [->, black, line width=1mm,shorten >= -0.5mm] (A2);
 \draw (A2) edge [skip loop] (A3);
 \draw (A3) edge [->, black, line width=1mm] (A4);
@@ -572,18 +609,17 @@
-I leave it to you to read the code and follow its controlflow.
+As said, I leave it to you to decide whether the code implements
+the usual controlflow of while-loops.
-Next we need to consider the statement \pcode{write x}, which
-can be used to print out the content of a variable. For this
-we need to use a Java library function. In order to avoid
-having to generate a lot of code for each
-\pcode{write}-command, we use a separate helper-method and
-just call this method with an argument (which needs to be
-placed onto the stack). The code of the helper-method is as
+Next we need to consider the statement \pcode{write x}, which can be
+used to print out the content of a variable. For this we shall use a
+Java library function. In order to avoid having to generate a lot of
+code for each \pcode{write}-command, we use a separate helper-method and
+just call this method with an appropriate argument (which of course
+needs to be placed onto the stack). The code of the helper-method is as
 .method public static write(I)V 
     .limit locals 1 
@@ -601,7 +637,7 @@
 by the \pcode{V}. Since the method has only one argument, we
 only need a single local variable (Line~2) and a stack with
 two cells will be sufficient (Line 3). Line 4 instructs the
-JVM to get the value of the field \pcode{out} of the class
+JVM to get the value of the mem  \pcode{out} of the class
 \pcode{java/lang/System}. It expects the value to be of type
 \pcode{java/io/PrintStream}. A reference to this value will be
 placed on the stack. Line~5 copies the integer we want to
@@ -626,31 +662,7 @@
 explained shortly).
-.class public XXX.XXX
-.super java/lang/Object
-.method public <init>()V
-    aload_0
-    invokenonvirtual java/lang/Object/<init>()V
-    return
-.end method
-.method public static main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
-    .limit locals 200
-    .limit stack 200
-      $\textit{\ldots{}here comes the compiled code\ldots}$
-    return
-.end method
-\caption{Boilerplate code needed for running generated code.\label{boiler}}
-By generating code for a While-program, we end up with a list
+By generating code for a WHILE-program, we end up with a list
 of (JVM assembly) instructions. Unfortunately, there is a bit
 more boilerplate code needed before these instructions can be
 run. The complete code is shown in Figure~\ref{boiler}. This
@@ -663,10 +675,28 @@
 the stack of our programs will never be larger than 200 and
 that the maximum number of variables is also 200. This seem to
 be conservative default values that allow is to run some
-simple While-programs. In a real compiler, we would of course
+simple WHILE-programs. In a real compiler, we would of course
 need to work harder and find out appropriate values for the
 stack and local variables.
+.class public XXX.XXX
+.super java/lang/Object
+.method public static main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
+    .limit locals 200
+    .limit stack 200
+      $\textit{\ldots{}here comes the compiled code\ldots}$
+    return
+.end method
+\caption{The boilerplate code needed for running generated code.\label{boiler}}
 To sum up, in Figure~\ref{test} is the complete code generated
 for the slightly nonsensical program
@@ -683,33 +713,41 @@
-\caption{Generated code for a test program. This code can be 
-processed by an Java assembler producing a class-file, which
-can be run by the {\tt{}java}-program.\label{test}}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
+  \draw[|<->|,very thick] (LA.north) -- (LB.south) 
+     node[left=0mm,midway] {\footnotesize\texttt{x\,:=\,1\,+\,2}}; 
+  \draw[|<->|,very thick] (LC.north) -- (LD.south)
+     node[left=0mm,midway] {\footnotesize\texttt{write x}};
+\caption{The generated code for the test program \texttt{x := 1 + 2; write
+x}. This code can be processed by a Java assembler producing a
+class-file, which can then be run by the {\tt{}java}-program.\label{test}}
-Maybe a useful addition to the While-language would be arrays. This
-would let us generate more interesting While-programs by translating
-BF*** programs into equivalent While-code. So in this section lets have
-a look at how we can support the following three constructions
+Maybe a useful addition to the WHILE-language would be arrays. This
+would allow us to generate more interesting WHILE-programs by
+translating BF*** programs into equivalent WHILE-code. Therefore in this
+section let us have a look at how we can support the following three
-new arr[15000]
 x := 3 + arr[3 + y]
 arr[42 * n] := ...
-The first construct is for creating new arrays, in this instance the
-name of the array is \pcode{arr} and it can hold 15000 integers. The
-second is for referencing an array cell inside an arithmetic
-expression---we need to be able to look up the contents of an array at
-an index determined by an arithmetic expression. Similarly in the line
-below, we need to be able to update the content of an array at an
-calculated index.  
+The first construct is for creating new arrays. In this instance the
+name of the array is \pcode{arr} and it can hold 15000 integers. We do
+not support ``dynamic'' arrays, that is the size of our arrays will
+always be fixed. The second construct is for referencing an array cell
+inside an arithmetic expression---we need to be able to look up the
+contents of an array at an index determined by an arithmetic expression.
+Similarly in the line below, we need to be able to update the content of
+an array at an calculated index.  
 For creating a new array we can generate the following three JVM
@@ -721,11 +759,12 @@
-First we need to put the dimension of the array onto the stack. The next
-instruction creates the array. With the last we can store the array as a
+First we need to put the size of the array onto the stack. The next
+instruction creates the array. In this case the array contains
+\texttt{int}s. With the last instruction we can store the array as a
 local variable (like the ``simple'' variables from the previous
 section). The use of a local variable for each array allows us to have
-multiple arrays in a While-program. For looking up an element in an
+multiple arrays in a WHILE-program. For looking up an element in an
 array we can use the following JVM code
@@ -735,13 +774,13 @@
-The first instruction loads the ``pointer'' to the array onto the stack.
-Then we have some instructions corresponding to the index where we want
-to look up the array. The idea is that these instructions will leave a
-concrete number on the stack, which will be the index into the array we
-need. Finally we need to tell the JVM to load the corresponding element
-onto the stack. Updating an array at an index with a value is as
+The first instruction loads the ``pointer'', or local variable, to the
+array onto the stack. Then we have some instructions calculating the
+index where we want to look up the array. The idea is that these
+instructions will leave a concrete number on the top of the stack, which
+will be the index into the array we need. Finally we need to tell the
+JVM to load the corresponding element onto the stack. Updating an array
+at an index with a value is as follows.
 aload loc_var 
@@ -751,13 +790,13 @@
-Again the first instruction loads the ``pointer'' to the array onto the
-stack. Then we have some instructions corresponding to the index where
-we want to update the array. After that come the instructions for with
-what value we want to update the array. The last line contains the
-instruction for updating the array.
+Again the first instruction loads the local variable of
+the array onto the stack. Then we have some instructions calculating
+the index where we want to update the array. After that come the
+instructions for with which value we want to update the array. The last
+line contains the instruction for updating the array.
-Next we need to modify our grammar rules for our While-language: it
+Next we need to modify our grammar rules for our WHILE-language: it
 seems best to extend the rule for factors in arithmetic expressions with
 a rule for looking up an array.
@@ -781,26 +820,26 @@
 \begin{plstx}[rhs style=, margin=2cm, one per line]
 : \meta{Stmt} ::=  \ldots
-              | \texttt{new}\; \meta{Id}\,[\,\meta{Num}\,] 
+              | \texttt{new}(\meta{Id}\,[\,\meta{Num}\,]) 
               | \meta{Id}\,[\,\meta{E}\,]\,:=\,\meta{E}\\
-With this in place we can turn back to the idea of creating While
-programs by translating BF programs. This is a relatively easy task
-because BF only has eight instructions (we will actually only have seven
-because we can omit the read-in instruction from BF). But also translating
-BF-loops is going to be easy since they straightforwardly can be 
-represented by While-loops. The Scala code for the translation is
-as follows:
+With this in place we can turn back to the idea of creating
+WHILE-programs by translating BF programs. This is a relatively easy
+task because BF has only eight instructions (we will actually implement
+seven because we can omit the read-in instruction from BF). What makes
+this translation easy is that BF-loops can be straightforwardly
+represented as while-loops. The Scala code for the translation is as
 def instr(c: Char) : String = c match {
   case '>' => "ptr := ptr + 1;"
   case '<' => "ptr := ptr - 1;"
-  case '+' => "field[ptr] := field[ptr] + 1;"
-  case '-' => "field[ptr] := field[ptr] - 1;"
-  case '.' => "x := field[ptr]; write x;"
-  case '['  => "while (field[ptr] != 0) do {"
+  case '+' => "mem[ptr] := mem [ptr] + 1;"
+  case '-' => "mem [ptr] := mem [ptr] - 1;"
+  case '.' => "x := mem [ptr]; write x;"
+  case '['  => "while (mem [ptr] != 0) do {"
   case ']'  => "skip};"
   case _ => ""
@@ -808,21 +847,62 @@
 The idea behind the translation is that BF-programs operate on an array,
-called \texttt{field}. The BP-memory pointer into this array is
-represented as the variable \texttt{ptr}. The BF-instructions \code{>}
-and \code{<} increase, respectively decrease, \texttt{ptr}. The
-instructions \code{+} and \code{-} update a cell in \texttt{field}. In
-Line 6 we need to first assign a field-cell to an auxiliary variable
+called here \texttt{mem}. The BP-memory pointer into this array is
+represented as the variable \texttt{ptr}. As usual the BF-instructions
+\code{>} and \code{<} increase, respectively decrease, \texttt{ptr}. The
+instructions \code{+} and \code{-} update a cell in \texttt{mem}. In
+Line 6 we need to first assign a \texttt{mem}-cell to an auxiliary variable
 since we have not changed our write functions in order to cope with
 writing out any array-content directly. Lines 7 and 8 are for
 translating BF-loops. Line 8 is interesting in the sense that we need to
-generate a \code{skip} instruction just before finishing with the 
+generate a \code{skip} instruction just before finishing with the
 closing \code{"\}"}. The reason is that we are rather pedantic about
-semicolons in our While-grammar: the last command cannot have a
-semicolon---adding a \code{skip} works around this snag. Putting
-all this together is we can generate While-programs with more than
-400 instructions and then run the compiled JVM code for such programs.
+semicolons in our WHILE-grammar: the last command cannot have a
+semicolon---adding a \code{skip} works around this snag. Putting all
+this together is we can generate WHILE-programs with more than 400
+instructions and then run the compiled JVM code for such programs.
+Hooooray, we can finally run the BF-mandelbrot program on the JVM and it
+completes within 20 seconds (after nearly 10 minutes of parsing the
+corresponding WHILE-program and generating 270K of a class file). Try
+replicating the 20 secs with an interpreter! OK, we now face the
+nagging question about what to do next\ldots
+\subsection*{Added Value}
+As you have probably seen, the compiler writer has a lot of freedom
+about how to generate code from what the progarmmer wrote as program.
+The only condition is that generated code should behave as expected by
+the programmer. Then all is fine\ldots mission accomplished! But
+sometimes the compiler writer is expected to go an extra mile, or even
+miles. Suppose we are given the following WHILE-program:
+arr[14] := 3 + arr[13]
+While admittedly this is a contrived program, and probably not meant to
+be like this by any sane programmer, it is supposed to make the
+following point: We generate an array of size 10, and then try to access
+the non-existing element at index 13 and even updating element with
+index 14. Obviously this is baloney. However, our compiler generates
+code for this program without any questions asked. We can even run this
+code on the JVM\ldots of course the result is an exception trace where
+the JVM yells at us for doing naughty things. (This is much better than
+C, for example, where such errors are not prevented and as a result
+insidious attacks can be mounted against such kind C-programs. I assume
+everyone has heard about \emph{Buffer Overflow Attacks}.) 
+Imagine we do not want to rely in our compiler on the JVM for producing
+an annoying, but safe exception trace, rather we want to handle such
+situations ourselves. Lets assume we want to handle them in the
+following way: if the programmer access a field out-of-bounds, we just
+return the default 0, and if a programmer wants to update an
+out-of-bounds filed, we quietly ignore this update.
--- a/progs/compile_arr.scala	Sun Jan 26 14:16:30 2020 +0000
+++ b/progs/compile_arr.scala	Mon Jan 27 10:11:44 2020 +0000
@@ -60,10 +60,12 @@
    .limit locals 200
    .limit stack 200
 val ending = """
 .end method
@@ -359,7 +361,7 @@
    ("if" ~ BExp ~ "then" ~ Block ~ "else" ~ Block) ==>
     { case _ ~ y ~ _ ~ u ~ _ ~w => If(y, u, w): Stmt } |
    ("while" ~ BExp ~ "do" ~ Block) ==> { case _ ~ y ~ _ ~ w => While(y, w) } |
-   ("new" ~ IdParser ~ "[" ~ NumParser ~ "]") ==> { 
+   ("new(" ~ IdParser ~ "[" ~ NumParser ~ "])") ==> { 
     case _ ~ y ~ _ ~ u ~ _ => ArrayDef(y, u) } |
    ("write" ~ IdParser) ==> { case _ ~ y => Write(y) } 
@@ -405,11 +407,11 @@
 def instr(c: Char) : String = c match {
   case '>' => "ptr := ptr + 1;"
   case '<' => "ptr := ptr - 1;"
-  case '+' => "field[ptr] := field[ptr] + 1;"
-  case '-' => "field[ptr] := field[ptr] - 1;"
-  case '.' => "x := field[ptr]; write x;"
+  case '+' => "mem[ptr] := mem[ptr] + 1;"
+  case '-' => "mem[ptr] := mem[ptr] - 1;"
+  case '.' => "x := mem[ptr]; write x;"
   //case ',' => "XXX" // "ptr = getchar();\n"
-  case '['  => "while (field[ptr] != 0) do {"
+  case '['  => "while (mem[ptr] != 0) do {"
   case ']'  => "skip};"
   case _ => ""
@@ -443,11 +445,11 @@
 def instr2(c: Char, n: Int) : String = c match {
   case '>' => s"ptr := ptr + $n;"
   case '<' => s"ptr := ptr - $n;"
-  case '0' => s"field[ptr] := 0;"
-  case '+' => s"field[ptr] := field[ptr] + $n;"
-  case '-' => s"field[ptr] := field[ptr] - $n;"
-  case '.' => s"x := field[ptr]; write x;" 
-  case '['  => "while (field[ptr] != 0) do {" * n 
+  case '0' => s"mem[ptr] := 0;"
+  case '+' => s"mem[ptr] := mem[ptr] + $n;"
+  case '-' => s"mem[ptr] := mem[ptr] - $n;"
+  case '.' => s"x := mem[ptr]; write x;" 
+  case '['  => "while (mem[ptr] != 0) do {" * n 
   case ']'  => "skip};" * n
   case _ => ""
@@ -456,7 +458,7 @@
   spl(prog.replaceAll("""\[-\]""", "0")).map{ case (c, n) => instr2(c, n) }.mkString
 def bf_str(prog: String) : String = {
-  "\n" ++
+  "new(mem[30000]);" ++
   "ptr := 15000;" ++
   instrs2(prog) ++
@@ -468,7 +470,7 @@
   println(s"BF parsing (program length ${bf_string.length} characters)")
   val (time, bf_prog) = time_needed(1, Stmts.parse_all(bf_string).toList.head)
   println(s"BF generated WHILE program (needed $time for parsing)")
-  compile_and_run(ArrayDef("field", 30000) :: bf_prog, name)
+  compile_and_run(bf_prog, name)
 // a benchmark program (counts down from 'Z' to 'A')
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/progs/compile_arr2.scala	Mon Jan 27 10:11:44 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+// A Small Compiler for the WHILE Language
+//  - includes arrays and a small parser for
+//    WHILE programs
+//  - transpiles BF programs into WHILE programs
+//    and compiles and runs them
+// Call with
+// scala compiler_arr.scala
+// the abstract syntax trees
+abstract class Stmt
+abstract class AExp
+abstract class BExp 
+type Block = List[Stmt]
+// statements
+case object Skip extends Stmt
+case class ArrayDef(s: String, n: Int) extends Stmt
+case class If(a: BExp, bl1: Block, bl2: Block) extends Stmt
+case class While(b: BExp, bl: Block) extends Stmt
+case class Assign(s: String, a: AExp) extends Stmt             // var := exp
+case class AssignA(s: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends Stmt // arr[exp1] := exp2
+case class Write(s: String) extends Stmt
+case class Read(s: String) extends Stmt
+// arithmetic expressions
+case class Var(s: String) extends AExp
+case class Num(i: Int) extends AExp
+case class Aop(o: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends AExp
+case class Ref(s: String, a: AExp) extends AExp
+// boolean expressions
+case object True extends BExp
+case object False extends BExp
+case class Bop(o: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends BExp
+// compiler headers needed for the JVM
+// (contains an init method, as well as methods for read and write)
+val beginning = """
+.class public XXX.XXX
+.super java/lang/Object
+.method public static write(I)V 
+    .limit locals 1 
+    .limit stack 2 
+    getstatic java/lang/System/out Ljava/io/PrintStream; 
+    iload 0
+    i2c       ; Int => Char
+    invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream/print(C)V   ; println(I)V => print(C)V    
+    return 
+.end method
+.method public static main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
+   .limit locals 200
+   .limit stack 200
+val ending = """
+   return
+.end method
+// for generating new labels
+var counter = -1
+def Fresh(x: String) = {
+  counter += 1
+  x ++ "_" ++ counter.toString()
+// environments and instructions
+type Env = Map[String, Int]
+// convenient string interpolations 
+// for instructions and labels
+import scala.language.implicitConversions
+import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
+implicit def sring_inters(sc: StringContext) = new {
+    def i(args: Any*): String = "   " ++ sc.s(args:_*) ++ "\n"
+    def l(args: Any*): String = sc.s(args:_*) ++ ":\n"
+def compile_op(op: String) = op match {
+  case "+" => i"iadd"
+  case "-" => i"isub"
+  case "*" => i"imul"
+// arithmetic expression compilation
+def compile_aexp(a: AExp, env : Env) : String = a match {
+  case Num(i) => i"ldc $i"
+  case Var(s) => i"iload ${env(s)}"
+  case Aop(op, a1, a2) => 
+    compile_aexp(a1, env) ++ compile_aexp(a2, env) ++ compile_op(op)
+  case Ref(s, a) =>
+    i"aload ${env(s)}" ++ compile_aexp(a, env) ++  i"iaload"
+def compile_bop(op: String, jmp: String) = op match {
+  case "==" => i"if_icmpne $jmp"
+  case "!=" => i"if_icmpeq $jmp"
+  case "<"  => i"if_icmpge $jmp"
+// boolean expression compilation
+def compile_bexp(b: BExp, env : Env, jmp: String) : String = b match {
+  case True => ""
+  case False => i"goto $jmp"
+  case Bop(op, a1, a2) => 
+    compile_aexp(a1, env) ++ compile_aexp(a2, env) ++ compile_bop(op, jmp)
+// statement compilation
+def compile_stmt(s: Stmt, env: Env) : (String, Env) = s match {
+  case Skip => ("", env)
+  case Assign(x, a) => {
+     val index = env.getOrElse(x, env.keys.size)
+    (compile_aexp(a, env) ++ i"istore $index \t\t; $x", env + (x -> index)) 
+  } 
+  case If(b, bl1, bl2) => {
+    val if_else = Fresh("If_else")
+    val if_end = Fresh("If_end")
+    val (instrs1, env1) = compile_block(bl1, env)
+    val (instrs2, env2) = compile_block(bl2, env1)
+    (compile_bexp(b, env, if_else) ++
+     instrs1 ++
+     i"goto $if_end" ++
+     l"$if_else" ++
+     instrs2 ++
+     l"$if_end", env2)
+  }
+  case While(b, bl) => {
+    val loop_begin = Fresh("Loop_begin")
+    val loop_end = Fresh("Loop_end")
+    val (instrs1, env1) = compile_block(bl, env)
+    (l"$loop_begin" ++
+     compile_bexp(b, env, loop_end) ++
+     instrs1 ++
+     i"goto $loop_begin" ++
+     l"$loop_end", env1)
+  }
+  case Write(x) => 
+    (i"iload ${env(x)} \t\t; $x" ++ 
+     i"invokestatic XXX/XXX/write(I)V", env)
+  case Read(x) => {
+    val index = env.getOrElse(x, env.keys.size) 
+    (i"invokestatic XXX/XXX/read()I" ++ 
+     i"istore $index \t\t; $x", env + (x -> index))
+  }
+  case ArrayDef(s: String, n: Int) => {
+    val index = if (env.isDefinedAt(s)) throw new Exception("array def error") else 
+                    env.keys.size
+    (i"ldc $n" ++
+     i"newarray int" ++
+     i"astore $index", env + (s -> index))
+  }
+  case AssignA(s, a1, a2) => {
+    val index = if (env.isDefinedAt(s)) env(s) else 
+                    throw new Exception("array not defined")
+    (i"aload ${env(s)}" ++
+     compile_aexp(a1, env) ++
+     compile_aexp(a2, env) ++
+     i"iastore", env)
+  } 
+// compilation of a block (i.e. list of statements)
+def compile_block(bl: Block, env: Env) : (String, Env) = bl match {
+  case Nil => ("", env)
+  case s::bl => {
+    val (instrs1, env1) = compile_stmt(s, env)
+    val (instrs2, env2) = compile_block(bl, env1)
+    (instrs1 ++ instrs2, env2)
+  }
+// main compilation function for blocks
+def compile(bl: Block, class_name: String) : String = {
+  val instructions = compile_block(bl, Map())._1
+  (beginning ++ instructions ++ ending).replaceAllLiterally("XXX", class_name)
+import scala.util._
+import scala.sys.process._
+def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
+  val start = System.nanoTime()
+  for (j <- 2 to i) code
+  val result = code
+  val end = System.nanoTime()
+  ((end - start) / (i * 1.0e9), result)
+def compile_to_file(bl: Block, class_name: String) : Unit = 
+  Using(new java.io.FileWriter(class_name + ".j")) {
+    _.write(compile(bl, class_name))
+  }
+def compile_and_run(bl: Block, class_name: String) : Unit = {
+  println(s"Start compilation of $class_name")
+  compile_to_file(bl, class_name)
+  println("generated .j file")
+  (s"java -jar jvm/jasmin-2.4/jasmin.jar ${class_name}.j").!!
+  println("generated .class file ")
+  println("Time: " + time_needed(1, (s"java ${class_name}/${class_name}").!)._1)
+val arr_test = 
+  List(ArrayDef("a", 10),               // new(a[10])
+       ArrayDef("b", 2),                // new(b[2])
+       AssignA("a", Num(0), Num(10)),   // a[0] := 10
+       Assign("x", Ref("a", Num(0))),   // x := a[0]
+       Write("x"),                      // write x
+       AssignA("b", Num(2), Num(5)),    // b[2] := 5
+       Assign("x", Ref("b", Num(1))),   // x := b[1]
+       Write("x"))                      // write x
+compile_and_run(arr_test, "a")
--- a/progs/test-small.j	Sun Jan 26 14:16:30 2020 +0000
+++ b/progs/test-small.j	Mon Jan 27 10:11:44 2020 +0000
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@
 .method public static main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
    .limit locals 200
    .limit stack 200
-   ldc 1
+$\mbox{}\hfill\tikz[remember picture] \node[] (LA) {};$  ldc 1 
    ldc 2
-   iadd
-   istore 0
-   iload 0
-   invokestatic test/test/write(I)V
+   iadd        
+$\tikz[remember picture] \node[] (LB) {};$  istore 0 
+$\tikz[remember picture] \node[] (LC) {};$  iload 0     
+$\tikz[remember picture] \node[] (LD) {};$  invokestatic test/test/write(I)V 
 .end method