authorChristian Urban <christian dot urban at kcl dot ac dot uk>
Tue, 14 Jun 2016 11:41:48 +0100 (2016-06-14)
changeset 404 245d302791c7
parent 403 564f7584eff1
child 405 30dd644ba71a
Binary file handouts/ho01.pdf has changed
--- a/handouts/ho01.tex	Wed Jun 01 13:04:06 2016 +0100
+++ b/handouts/ho01.tex	Tue Jun 14 11:41:48 2016 +0100
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 This module is about text processing, be it for web-crawlers,
 compilers, dictionaries, DNA-data and so on. When looking for
-a particular string in a large text we can use the
+a particular string, like $abc$ in a large text we can use the
 Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm, which is currently the most
 efficient general string search algorithm. But often we do
 \emph{not} just look for a particular string, but for string
@@ -67,14 +67,14 @@
 \noindent where the first part matches one or more lowercase
 letters (\pcode{a-z}), digits (\pcode{0-9}), underscores, dots
-or hyphens. The \pcode{+} ensures the ``one or more''. Then
-comes the \pcode{@}-sign, followed by the domain name which
-must be one or more lowercase letters, digits, underscores,
-dots or hyphens. Note there cannot be an underscore in the
-domain name. Finally there must be a dot followed by the
-toplevel domain. This toplevel domain must be 2 to 6 lowercase
-letters including the dot. Example strings which follow this
-pattern are:
+and hyphens. The \pcode{+} at the end of the brackets ensures
+the ``one or more''. Then comes the \pcode{@}-sign, followed
+by the domain name which must be one or more lowercase
+letters, digits, underscores, dots or hyphens. Note there
+cannot be an underscore in the domain name. Finally there must
+be a dot followed by the toplevel domain. This toplevel domain
+must be 2 to 6 lowercase letters including the dot. Example
+strings which follow this pattern are:
@@ -113,10 +113,11 @@
 are \pcode{x}, \pcode{foo}, \pcode{foo_bar_1}, \pcode{A_very_42_long_object_name},
 but not \pcode{_i} and also not \pcode{4you}.
-Many programming language offer libraries that can be used to
+Many programming languages offer libraries that can be used to
 validate such strings against regular expressions. Also there
 are some common, and I am sure very familiar, ways of how to
-construct regular expressions. For example in Scala we have: 
+construct regular expressions. For example in Scala we have
+a library implementing the following regular expressions: 
@@ -177,10 +178,11 @@
 Regular expressions were introduced by Kleene in the 1950ies
 and they have been object of intense study since then. They
-are nowadays pretty much ubiquitous in computer science. I am
-sure you have come across them before. Why on earth then is
-there any interest in studying them again in depth in this
-module? Well, one answer is in the following graph about
+are nowadays pretty much ubiquitous in computer science. There
+are many libraries implementing regular expressions. I am sure
+you have come across them before (remember PRA?). Why on earth
+then is there any interest in studying them again in depth in
+this module? Well, one answer is in the following graph about
 regular expression matching in Python and in Ruby.
@@ -214,7 +216,7 @@
 Ruby is even slightly worse.\footnote{In this example Ruby
 uses the slightly different regular expression
 \texttt{a?a?a?...a?a?aaa...aa}, where the \texttt{a?} and
-\texttt{a} each occur $n$ times. More test results can be
+\texttt{a} each occur $n$ times. More such test cases can be
 found at \url{http://www.computerbytesman.com/redos/}.}
 Admittedly, this regular expression is carefully chosen to
 exhibit this exponential behaviour, but similar ones occur
@@ -285,7 +287,7 @@
 \noindent Because we overload our notation, there are some
 subtleties you should be aware of. When regular expressions
-are referred to then $\ZERO$ (in bold font) does not stand for
+are referred to, then $\ZERO$ (in bold font) does not stand for
 the number zero: rather it is a particular pattern that does
 not match any string. Similarly, in the context of regular
 expressions, $\ONE$ does not stand for the number one but for
@@ -368,7 +370,7 @@
 If you prefer to think in terms of the implementation
 of regular expressions in Scala, the constructors and
 classes relate as follows\footnote{More about Scala is 
-in the handout about A Crash-Course on Scala.}
+in the handout about \emph{A Crash-Course on Scala}.}
@@ -663,7 +665,8 @@
-\caption{Nothing that can be said this\ldots\label{monster}}
+\caption{Nothing that can be said about this regular
Binary file handouts/notation.pdf has changed
--- a/handouts/notation.tex	Wed Jun 01 13:04:06 2016 +0100
+++ b/handouts/notation.tex	Tue Jun 14 11:41:48 2016 +0100
@@ -8,10 +8,15 @@
 \section*{A Crash-Course on Notation}
-There are innumerable books available about compiler, automata
-and formal languages. Unfortunately, they often use their own
-notational conventions and their own symbols. This handout is
-meant to clarify some of the notation I will use.
+There are innumerable books available about compilers,
+automata theory and formal languages. Unfortunately, they
+often use their own notational conventions and their own
+symbols. This handout is meant to clarify some of the notation
+I will use. I appologise in advance that sometimes I will be a
+bit fuzzy\ldots the problem is that often we want to have
+convenience in our mathematical definitions (to make them
+readable and understandable), but sometimes we need precision
+for actual programs.
 \subsubsection*{Characters and Strings}
@@ -40,13 +45,17 @@
 $b$, $c$ and so on for characters. Therefore if we need a
 representative string, we might write
 \noindent In this string, we do not really care what the
 characters stand for, except we do care about the fact that
 for example the character $a$ is not equal to $b$ and so on.
+Why do I make this distinction? Because we often need to
+define functions using variables ranging over characters. We
+need to somehow say this is a variable, say $c$, ranging over
+characters, while this is the atual character \pcode{c}.
 An \defn{alphabet} is a (non-empty) finite set of characters.
 Often the letter $\Sigma$ is used to refer to an alphabet. For
@@ -62,12 +71,26 @@
 \defn{Strings} are lists of characters. Unfortunately, there
 are many ways how we can write down strings. In programming
 languages, they are usually written as \dq{$hello$} where the
-double quotes indicate that we are dealing with a string. But
-since we regard strings as lists of characters we could also
-write this string as
+double quotes indicate that we are dealing with a string. In
+programming languages, such as Scala, strings have a special
+type---namely \pcode{String} which is different from the type
+for lists of chatacters. This is because strings can be
+efficiently represented in memory, unlike general lists. Since
+\code{String} and the type of lists of characters,
+\code{List[Char]} are not the same, we need to explicitly
+coerce elements between the two types, for example
+scala> "abc".toList
+res01: List[Char] = List(a, b, c)
+\noindent Since in our (mathematical) definitions we regard
+strings as lists of characters, we will also write
+\dq{$hello$} as
-[\text{\it h, e, l, l, o}] \;\;\text{or simply}\;\; \textit{hello}
+[\text{\it h, e, l, l, o}] \qquad\text{or simply}\qquad \textit{hello}
 \noindent The important point is that we can always decompose
@@ -81,44 +104,32 @@
 represent the empty string.} 
 Two strings, say $s_1$ and $s_2$, can be \defn{concatenated},
-which we write as $s_1 @ s_2$. Suppose we are given two
-strings \dq{\textit{foo}} and \dq{\textit{bar}}, then their
-concatenation, writen \dq{\textit{foo}} $@$ \dq{\textit{bar}},
-gives \dq{\textit{foobar}}. Often we will simplify our life
-and just drop the double quotes whenever it is clear we are
-talking about strings, writing as already in
-\eqref{abracadabra} just \textit{foo}, \textit{bar},
-\textit{foobar} or \textit{foo $@$ bar}.
+which we write as $s_1 @ s_2$. If we regard $s_1$ and $s_2$ as
+lists of characters, then $@$ is the list-append function.
+Suppose we are given two strings \dq{\textit{foo}} and
+\dq{\textit{bar}}, then their concatenation, writen
+\dq{\textit{foo}} $@$ \dq{\textit{bar}}, gives
+\dq{\textit{foobar}}. But as said above, we will often
+simplify our life and just drop the double quotes whenever it
+is clear we are talking about strings, So we will often just
+write \textit{foo}, \textit{bar}, \textit{foobar} or
+\textit{foo $@$ bar}.
-Some simple properties of string concatenation hold. For
-example the concatenation operation is \emph{associative},
+Occasionally we will use the notation $a^n$ for strings, which 
+stands for the string of $n$ repeated $a$s. So $a^{n}b^{n}$ is
+a string that has as many $a$s by as many $b$s.
+A simple property of string concatenation is 
+\emph{associativity}, meaning
 \[(s_1 @ s_2) @ s_3 = s_1 @ (s_2 @ s_3)\]  
 \noindent are always equal strings. The empty string behaves
-like a unit element, therefore
+like a \emph{unit element}, therefore
 \[s \,@\, [] = [] \,@\, s = s\]
-Occasionally we will use the notation $a^n$ for strings, which 
-stands for the string of $n$ repeated $a$s. So $a^{n}b^{n}$ is
-a string that has as many $a$s as $b$s.
-Note however that while for us strings are just lists of
-characters, programming languages often differentiate between
-the two concepts. In Scala, for example, there is the type of
-\code{String} and the type of lists of characters,
-\code{List[Char]}. They are not the same and we need to
-explicitly coerce elements between the two types, for example
-scala> "abc".toList
-res01: List[Char] = List(a, b, c)
 \subsubsection*{Sets and Languages}
 We will use the familiar operations $\cup$, $\cap$, $\subset$
@@ -137,8 +148,9 @@
 example the set of all natural numbers $\{0, 1, 2, \ldots\}$
 is infinite. This set is often also abbreviated as
 $\mathbb{N}$. We can define sets by giving all elements, for
-example $\{0, 1\}$, but also by \defn{set comprehensions}. For
-example the set of all even natural numbers can be defined as
+example $\{0, 1\}$ for the set containing just $0$ and $1$,
+but also by \defn{set comprehensions}. For example the set of
+all even natural numbers can be defined as
 \{n\;|\;n\in\mathbb{N} \wedge n\;\text{is even}\}
@@ -189,7 +201,15 @@
 \noindent but using the big union notation is more concise.
-An important notion in this module are \defn{languages}, which
+While this stuff about sete might all look trivial or even
+needlessly pedantic, \emph{Nature} is never simple. If you
+want to be amazed how complicated sets can get, watch out for
+the last lecture just before Christmas where I want you to
+convince you of the fact that some sets are more infinite than
+others. Actually that will be a fact that is very relevant to
+the material of this module.
+Another important notion in this module are \defn{languages}, which
 are sets of strings. One of the main goals for us will be how to
 (formally) specify languages and to find out whether a string
 is in a language or not.\footnote{You might wish to ponder
@@ -251,10 +271,10 @@
 Next we can define the \defn{star operation} for languages:
-$A^*$ is the union of all powers of $A$, or short
+$A\star$ is the union of all powers of $A$, or short
-A^* \dn \bigcup_{0\le n}\; A^n
+A\star \dn \bigcup_{0\le n}\; A^n
 \noindent This star operation is often also called
@@ -272,16 +292,16 @@
 \{[]\} \,\cup\, A \,\cup\, A @ A \,\cup\, A @ A @ A \,\cup\, \ldots
-\noindent We can see that the empty string is always in $A^*$,
+\noindent We can see that the empty string is always in $A\star$,
 no matter what $A$ is. This is because $[] \in A^0$. To make
 sure you understand these definitions, I leave you to answer
-what $\{[]\}^*$ and $\varnothing^*$ are. 
+what $\{[]\}\star$ and $\varnothing\star$ are?
 Recall that an alphabet is often referred to by the letter
-$\Sigma$. We can now write for the set of all strings over
-this alphabet $\Sigma^*$. In doing so we also include the 
-empty string as a possible string over $\Sigma$. So if
-$\Sigma = \{a, b\}$, then $\Sigma^*$ is
+$\Sigma$. We can now write for the set of \emph{all} strings
+over this alphabet $\Sigma\star$. In doing so we also include the
+empty string as a possible string over $\Sigma$. So if $\Sigma
+= \{a, b\}$, then $\Sigma\star$ is
 \{[], a, b, aa, ab, ba, bb, aaa, aab, aba, abb, baa, bab, \ldots\}
Binary file hws/hw02.pdf has changed
--- a/hws/hw02.tex	Wed Jun 01 13:04:06 2016 +0100
+++ b/hws/hw02.tex	Tue Jun 14 11:41:48 2016 +0100
@@ -100,7 +100,12 @@
 \item Give a regular expressions that can recognise all
       strings from the language $\{a^n\;|\;\exists k.\; n = 3 k
-      + 1 \}$. \end{enumerate}
+      + 1 \}$. 
+\item Give a regular expression that can recognise an odd 
+number of $a$s or an even number of $b$s.     