# HG changeset patch
# User Christian Urban <christian.urban@kcl.ac.uk>
# Date 1596113454 -3600
# Node ID b5b5583a3a08f8c7deb76bc85aacdb3c44676788
# Parent  e66bd5c563eb362e051efd0e32287d58528a1ee4

diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 Attic/detokenise.scala
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Attic/detokenise.scala	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// Detokenising the ouput of Tokeniser
+// call with 
+//     scala detokenise.scala fib.tks
+//     scala detokenise.scala loops.tks
+object Detokenise {
+import java.io._
+import scala.util._ 
+abstract class Token extends Serializable 
+case object T_SEMI extends Token
+case object T_LPAREN extends Token
+case object T_RPAREN extends Token
+case class T_ID(s: String) extends Token
+case class T_OP(s: String) extends Token
+case class T_NUM(n: Int) extends Token
+case class T_KWD(s: String) extends Token
+case class T_STR(s: String) extends Token
+def deserialise[T](fname: String) : Try[T] = {
+  //import scala.util.Using
+  //Using(new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(fname))) {
+  //  in => in.readObject.asInstanceOf[T]
+  //}
+  Try(new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(fname))).get {
+    in => in.readObject.asInstanceOf[T]
+  }
+def main(args: Array[String]) = {
+  val fname = args(0)
+  val tks = deserialise[List[Token]](fname).getOrElse(Nil)
+  println(s"Reading back from ${fname}:\n${tks.mkString(", ")}")  
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 Attic/i.scala
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Attic/i.scala	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+// regular expressions including NOT
+abstract class Rexp
+case object NULL extends Rexp
+case object EMPTY extends Rexp
+case object ALLC extends Rexp            // recognises any character
+case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
+case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp
+case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp
+case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp
+case class NOT(r: Rexp) extends Rexp     // negation of a regular expression
+// nullable function: tests whether the regular 
+// expression can recognise the empty string
+def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
+  case NULL => false
+  case EMPTY => true
+  case ALLC => false
+  case CHAR(_) => false
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
+  case STAR(_) => true
+  case NOT(r) => !(nullable(r))
+// tests whether a regular expression 
+// cannot recognise more
+def no_more (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
+  case NULL => true
+  case EMPTY => false
+  case ALLC => false
+  case CHAR(_) => false
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => no_more(r1) && no_more(r2)
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => if (nullable(r1)) (no_more(r1) && no_more(r2)) else no_more(r1)
+  case STAR(_) => false
+  case NOT(r) => !(no_more(r))
+// derivative of a regular expression w.r.t. a character
+def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
+  case NULL => NULL
+  case EMPTY => NULL  
+  case ALLC => EMPTY
+  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) EMPTY else NULL
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
+    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
+    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
+  case STAR(r) => SEQ(der(c, r), STAR(r))
+  case NOT(r) => NOT(der (c, r))
+// regular expression for specifying 
+// ranges of characters
+def Range(s : List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
+  case Nil => NULL
+  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
+  case c::s => ALT(CHAR(c), Range(s))
+def RANGE(s: String) = Range(s.toList)
+// one or more
+def PLUS(r: Rexp) = SEQ(r, STAR(r))
+// many alternatives
+def Alts(rs: List[Rexp]) : Rexp = rs match {
+  case Nil => NULL
+  case r::Nil => r
+  case r::rs => ALT(r, Alts(rs))
+def ALTS(rs: Rexp*) = Alts(rs.toList)
+// repetitions
+def Seqs(rs: List[Rexp]) : Rexp = rs match {
+  case Nil => NULL
+  case r::Nil => r
+  case r::rs => SEQ(r, Seqs(rs))
+def SEQS(rs: Rexp*) = Seqs(rs.toList)
+// some convenience for typing in regular expressions
+def charlist2rexp(s : List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
+  case Nil => EMPTY
+  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
+  case c::s => SEQ(CHAR(c), charlist2rexp(s))
+implicit def string2rexp(s : String) : Rexp = charlist2rexp(s.toList)
+type Rule[T] = (Rexp, List[Char] => T)
+case class Tokenizer[T](rules: List[Rule[T]], excl: List[T] = Nil) {
+  def munch(r: Rexp, action: List[Char] => T, s: List[Char], t: List[Char]) : Option[(List[Char], T)] = 
+    s match {
+      case Nil if (nullable(r)) => Some(Nil, action(t))
+      case Nil => None
+      case c::s if (no_more(der (c, r)) && nullable(r)) => Some(c::s, action(t))
+      case c::s if (no_more(der (c, r))) => None
+      case c::s => munch(der (c, r), action, s, t ::: List(c))
+    }
+  def one_token(s: List[Char]) : Either[(List[Char], T), String] = {
+    val somes = rules.map { (r) => munch(r._1, r._2, s, Nil) }.flatten
+    if (somes == Nil) Right(s.mkString) 
+    else Left(somes sortBy (_._1.length) head)
+  }
+  def tokenize(cs: List[Char]) : List[T] = cs match {
+    case Nil => Nil
+    case _ => one_token(cs) match {
+      case Left((rest, token)) => token :: tokenize(rest)
+      case Right(s) => { println("Cannot tokenize: \"" + s + "\""); Nil } 
+    }
+  }
+  def fromString(s: String) : List[T] = 
+    tokenize(s.toList).filterNot(excl.contains(_))
+  def fromFile(name: String) : List[T] = 
+    fromString(io.Source.fromFile(name).mkString)
+// parser combinators with input type I and return type T
+abstract class Parser[I <% Seq[_], T] {
+  def parse(ts: I): Set[(T, I)]
+  def parse_all(ts: I) : Set[T] =
+    for ((head, tail) <- parse(ts); if (tail.isEmpty)) yield head
+  def parse_single(ts: I) : T = parse_all(ts).toList match {
+    case t::Nil => t
+    case _ => { println ("Parse Error") ; sys.exit(-1) }
+  }
+  def || (right : => Parser[I, T]) : Parser[I, T] = new AltParser(this, right)
+  def ==>[S] (f: => T => S) : Parser [I, S] = new FunParser(this, f)
+  def ~[S] (right : => Parser[I, S]) : Parser[I, (T, S)] = new SeqParser(this, right)
+  def ~>[S] (right : => Parser[I, S]) : Parser[I, S] = this ~ right ==> (_._2)
+  def <~[S] (right : => Parser[I, S]) : Parser[I, T] = this ~ right ==> (_._1)
+class SeqParser[I <% Seq[_], T, S](p: => Parser[I, T], q: => Parser[I, S]) extends Parser[I, (T, S)] {
+  def parse(sb: I) = 
+    for ((head1, tail1) <- p.parse(sb); 
+         (head2, tail2) <- q.parse(tail1)) yield ((head1, head2), tail2)
+class AltParser[I <% Seq[_], T](p: => Parser[I, T], q: => Parser[I, T]) extends Parser[I, T] {
+  def parse(sb: I) = p.parse(sb) ++ q.parse(sb)   
+class FunParser[I <% Seq[_], T, S](p: => Parser[I, T], f: T => S) extends Parser[I, S] {
+  def parse(sb: I) = 
+    for ((head, tail) <- p.parse(sb)) yield (f(head), tail)
+// A parser and evaluator for teh while language
+//:load matcher.scala
+//:load parser3.scala
+// some regular expressions
+val SYM = RANGE("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_")
+val DIGIT = RANGE("0123456789")
+val KEYWORD = ALTS("skip", "while", "do", "if", "then", "else", "true", "false", "write") 
+val SEMI: Rexp = ";"
+val OP: Rexp = ALTS(":=", "=", "-", "+", "*", "!=", "<", ">")
+val RPAREN: Rexp = ")"
+val LPAREN: Rexp = "("
+val BEGIN: Rexp = "{"
+val END: Rexp = "}"
+val COMMENT = SEQS("/*", NOT(SEQS(STAR(ALLC), "*/", STAR(ALLC))), "*/")
+// tokens for classifying the strings that have been recognised
+abstract class Token
+case object T_WHITESPACE extends Token
+case object T_COMMENT extends Token
+case object T_SEMI extends Token
+case object T_LPAREN extends Token
+case object T_RPAREN extends Token
+case object T_BEGIN extends Token
+case object T_END extends Token
+case class T_ID(s: String) extends Token
+case class T_OP(s: String) extends Token
+case class T_NUM(s: String) extends Token
+case class T_KWD(s: String) extends Token
+val lexing_rules: List[Rule[Token]] = 
+  List((KEYWORD, (s) => T_KWD(s.mkString)),
+       (ID, (s) => T_ID(s.mkString)),
+       (OP, (s) => T_OP(s.mkString)),
+       (NUM, (s) => T_NUM(s.mkString)),
+       (SEMI, (s) => T_SEMI),
+       (LPAREN, (s) => T_LPAREN),
+       (RPAREN, (s) => T_RPAREN),
+       (BEGIN, (s) => T_BEGIN),
+       (END, (s) => T_END),
+       (WHITESPACE, (s) => T_WHITESPACE),
+       (COMMENT, (s) => T_COMMENT))
+// the tokenizer
+val Tok = Tokenizer(lexing_rules, List(T_WHITESPACE, T_COMMENT))
+// the abstract syntax trees
+abstract class Stmt
+abstract class AExp
+abstract class BExp 
+type Block = List[Stmt]
+case object Skip extends Stmt
+case class If(a: BExp, bl1: Block, bl2: Block) extends Stmt
+case class While(b: BExp, bl: Block) extends Stmt
+case class Assign(s: String, a: AExp) extends Stmt
+case class Write(s: String) extends Stmt
+case class Var(s: String) extends AExp
+case class Num(i: Int) extends AExp
+case class Aop(o: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends AExp
+case object True extends BExp
+case object False extends BExp
+case class Relop(o: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends BExp
+// atomic parsers
+case class TokParser(tok: Token) extends Parser[List[Token], Token] {
+  def parse(ts: List[Token]) = ts match {
+    case t::ts if (t == tok) => Set((t, ts)) 
+    case _ => Set ()
+  }
+implicit def token2tparser(t: Token) = TokParser(t)
+case object NumParser extends Parser[List[Token], Int] {
+  def parse(ts: List[Token]) = ts match {
+    case T_NUM(s)::ts => Set((s.toInt, ts)) 
+    case _ => Set ()
+  }
+case object IdParser extends Parser[List[Token], String] {
+  def parse(ts: List[Token]) = ts match {
+    case T_ID(s)::ts => Set((s, ts)) 
+    case _ => Set ()
+  }
+// arithmetic expressions
+lazy val AExp: Parser[List[Token], AExp] = 
+  (T ~ T_OP("+") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Aop("+", x, z): AExp } ||
+  (T ~ T_OP("-") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Aop("-", x, z): AExp } || T  
+lazy val T: Parser[List[Token], AExp] = 
+  (F ~ T_OP("*") ~ T) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Aop("*", x, z): AExp } || F
+lazy val F: Parser[List[Token], AExp] = 
+  (T_LPAREN ~> AExp <~ T_RPAREN) || 
+  IdParser ==> Var || 
+  NumParser ==> Num
+// boolean expressions
+lazy val BExp: Parser[List[Token], BExp] = 
+  (T_KWD("true") ==> ((_) => True: BExp)) || 
+  (T_KWD("false") ==> ((_) => False: BExp)) ||
+  (T_LPAREN ~> BExp <~ T_RPAREN) ||
+  (AExp ~ T_OP("=") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Relop("=", x, z): BExp } || 
+  (AExp ~ T_OP("!=") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Relop("!=", x, z): BExp } || 
+  (AExp ~ T_OP("<") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Relop("<", x, z): BExp } || 
+  (AExp ~ T_OP(">") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Relop("<", z, x): BExp } 
+lazy val Stmt: Parser[List[Token], Stmt] =
+  (T_KWD("skip") ==> ((_) => Skip: Stmt)) ||
+  (IdParser ~ T_OP(":=") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Assign(x, z): Stmt } ||
+  (T_KWD("if") ~ BExp ~ T_KWD("then") ~ Block ~ T_KWD("else") ~ Block) ==>
+    { case (((((x,y),z),u),v),w) => If(y, u, w): Stmt } ||
+  (T_KWD("while") ~ BExp ~ T_KWD("do") ~ Block) ==> { case (((x, y), z), w) => While(y, w) } || 
+  (T_KWD("write") ~ IdParser) ==> { case (x, y) => Write(y) } 
+lazy val Stmts: Parser[List[Token], Block] =
+  (Stmt ~ T_SEMI ~ Stmts) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => x :: z : Block } ||
+  (Stmt ==> ((s) => List(s) : Block))
+lazy val Block: Parser[List[Token], Block] =
+  (T_BEGIN ~> Stmts <~ T_END) || 
+  (Stmt ==> ((s) => List(s)))
+// compiler
+val beginning = """
+.class public XXX.XXX
+.super java/lang/Object
+.method public <init>()V
+   aload_0
+   invokenonvirtual java/lang/Object/<init>()V
+   return
+.end method
+.method public static write(I)V 
+    .limit locals 5 
+    .limit stack 5 
+    iload 0 
+    getstatic java/lang/System/out Ljava/io/PrintStream; 
+    swap 
+    invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream/println(I)V 
+    return 
+.end method
+.method public static main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
+   .limit locals 200
+   .limit stack 200
+val ending = """
+   return
+.end method
+// for generating new labels
+var counter = -1
+def Fresh(x: String) = {
+  counter += 1
+  x ++ "_" ++ counter.toString()
+type Env = Map[String, String]
+type Instrs = List[String]
+def compile_aexp(a: AExp, env : Env) : Instrs = a match {
+  case Num(i) => List("ldc " + i.toString + "\n")
+  case Var(s) => List("iload " + env(s) + "\n")
+  case Aop("+", a1, a2) => compile_aexp(a1, env) ++ compile_aexp(a2, env) ++ List("iadd\n")
+  case Aop("-", a1, a2) => compile_aexp(a1, env) ++ compile_aexp(a2, env) ++ List("isub\n")
+  case Aop("*", a1, a2) => compile_aexp(a1, env) ++ compile_aexp(a2, env) ++ List("imul\n")
+def compile_bexp(b: BExp, env : Env, jmp: String) : Instrs = b match {
+  case True => Nil
+  case False => List("goto " + jmp + "\n")
+  case Relop("=", a1, a2) => 
+    compile_aexp(a1, env) ++ compile_aexp(a2, env) ++ List("if_icmpne " + jmp + "\n")
+  case Relop("!=", a1, a2) => 
+    compile_aexp(a1, env) ++ compile_aexp(a2, env) ++ List("if_icmpeq " + jmp + "\n")
+  case Relop("<", a1, a2) => 
+    compile_aexp(a1, env) ++ compile_aexp(a2, env) ++ List("if_icmpge " + jmp + "\n")
+def compile_stmt(s: Stmt, env: Env) : (Instrs, Env) = s match {
+  case Skip => (Nil, env)
+  case Assign(x, a) => {
+    val index = if (env.isDefinedAt(x)) env(x) else env.keys.size.toString
+    (compile_aexp(a, env) ++ 
+     List("istore " + index + "\n"), env + (x -> index))
+  } 
+  case If(b, bl1, bl2) => {
+    val if_else = Fresh("If_else")
+    val if_end = Fresh("If_end")
+    val (instrs1, env1) = compile_bl(bl1, env)
+    val (instrs2, env2) = compile_bl(bl2, env1)
+    (compile_bexp(b, env, if_else) ++
+     instrs1 ++
+     List("goto " + if_end + "\n") ++
+     List("\n" + if_else + ":\n\n") ++
+     instrs2 ++
+     List("\n" + if_end + ":\n\n"), env2)
+  }
+  case While(b, bl) => {
+    val loop_begin = Fresh("Loop_begin")
+    val loop_end = Fresh("Loop_end")
+    val (instrs1, env1) = compile_bl(bl, env)
+    (List("\n" + loop_begin + ":\n\n") ++
+     compile_bexp(b, env, loop_end) ++
+     instrs1 ++
+     List("goto " + loop_begin + "\n") ++
+     List("\n" + loop_end + ":\n\n"), env1)
+  }
+  case Write(x) => 
+    (List("iload " + env(x) + "\n" + "invokestatic XXX/XXX/write(I)V\n"), env)
+def compile_bl(bl: Block, env: Env) : (Instrs, Env) = bl match {
+  case Nil => (Nil, env)
+  case s::bl => {
+    val (instrs1, env1) = compile_stmt(s, env)
+    val (instrs2, env2) = compile_bl(bl, env1)
+    (instrs1 ++ instrs2, env2)
+  }
+def compile(input: String) : String = {
+  val class_name = input.split('.')(0)
+  val tks = Tok.fromFile(input)
+  val ast = Stmts.parse_single(tks)
+  val instructions = compile_bl(ast, Map.empty)._1
+  (beginning ++ instructions.mkString ++ ending).replaceAllLiterally("XXX", class_name)
+def compile_to(input: String, output: String) = {
+  val fw = new java.io.FileWriter(output) 
+  fw.write(compile(input)) 
+  fw.close()
+val tks = Tok.fromString("x := x + 1")
+val ast = Stmt.parse_single(tks)
+println(compile_stmt(ast, Map("x" -> "n"))._1.mkString)
+compile_to("loops.while", "loops.j")
+//compile_to("fib.while", "fib.j")
+// testing cases for time measurements
+def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
+  val start = System.nanoTime()
+  for (j <- 1 to i) code
+  val end = System.nanoTime()
+  (end - start)/(i * 1.0e9)
+// for testing
+import scala.sys.process._
+val test_prog = """
+start := XXX;
+x := start;
+y := start;
+z := start;
+while 0 < x do {
+ while 0 < y do {
+  while 0 < z do {
+    z := z - 1
+  };
+  z := start;
+  y := y - 1
+ };     
+ y := start;
+ x := x - 1
+write x;
+write y;
+write z
+def compile_test(n: Int) : Unit = {
+  val class_name = "LOOP"
+  val tks = Tok.fromString(test_prog.replaceAllLiterally("XXX", n.toString))
+  val ast = Stmts.parse_single(tks)
+  val instructions = compile_bl(ast, Map.empty)._1
+  val assembly = (beginning ++ instructions.mkString ++ ending).replaceAllLiterally("XXX", class_name)
+  val fw = new java.io.FileWriter(class_name + ".j") 
+  fw.write(assembly) 
+  fw.close()
+  val test = ("java -jar jvm/jasmin-2.4/jasmin.jar " + class_name + ".j").!!
+  println(n + " " + time_needed(2, ("java " + class_name + "/" + class_name).!!))
+List(1, 5000, 10000, 50000, 100000, 250000, 500000, 750000, 1000000).map(compile_test(_))
+// javabyte code assmbler
+// java -jar jvm/jasmin-2.4/jasmin.jar loops.j
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 Attic/lexer.scala
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Attic/lexer.scala	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+// A simple lexer inspired by work of Sulzmann & Lu
+import scala.language.implicitConversions    
+import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
+// regular expressions including records
+abstract class Rexp 
+case object ZERO extends Rexp
+case object ONE extends Rexp
+case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
+case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class RECD(x: String, r: Rexp) extends Rexp
+// values  
+abstract class Val
+case object Empty extends Val
+case class Chr(c: Char) extends Val
+case class Sequ(v1: Val, v2: Val) extends Val
+case class Left(v: Val) extends Val
+case class Right(v: Val) extends Val
+case class Stars(vs: List[Val]) extends Val
+case class Rec(x: String, v: Val) extends Val
+// some convenience for typing in regular expressions
+def charlist2rexp(s : List[Char]): Rexp = s match {
+  case Nil => ONE
+  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
+  case c::s => SEQ(CHAR(c), charlist2rexp(s))
+implicit def string2rexp(s : String) : Rexp = 
+  charlist2rexp(s.toList)
+implicit def RexpOps(r: Rexp) = new {
+  def | (s: Rexp) = ALT(r, s)
+  def % = STAR(r)
+  def ~ (s: Rexp) = SEQ(r, s)
+implicit def stringOps(s: String) = new {
+  def | (r: Rexp) = ALT(s, r)
+  def | (r: String) = ALT(s, r)
+  def % = STAR(s)
+  def ~ (r: Rexp) = SEQ(s, r)
+  def ~ (r: String) = SEQ(s, r)
+  def $ (r: Rexp) = RECD(s, r)
+def nullable(r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
+  case ZERO => false
+  case ONE => true
+  case CHAR(_) => false
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
+  case STAR(_) => true
+  case RECD(_, r1) => nullable(r1)
+def der(c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
+  case ZERO => ZERO
+  case ONE => ZERO
+  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) ONE else ZERO
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
+    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
+    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
+  case STAR(r) => SEQ(der(c, r), STAR(r))
+  case RECD(_, r1) => der(c, r1)
+// extracts a string from value
+def flatten(v: Val) : String = v match {
+  case Empty => ""
+  case Chr(c) => c.toString
+  case Left(v) => flatten(v)
+  case Right(v) => flatten(v)
+  case Sequ(v1, v2) => flatten(v1) + flatten(v2)
+  case Stars(vs) => vs.map(flatten).mkString
+  case Rec(_, v) => flatten(v)
+// extracts an environment from a value;
+// used for tokenise a string
+def env(v: Val) : List[(String, String)] = v match {
+  case Empty => Nil
+  case Chr(c) => Nil
+  case Left(v) => env(v)
+  case Right(v) => env(v)
+  case Sequ(v1, v2) => env(v1) ::: env(v2)
+  case Stars(vs) => vs.flatMap(env)
+  case Rec(x, v) => (x, flatten(v))::env(v)
+// The Injection Part of the lexer
+def mkeps(r: Rexp) : Val = r match {
+  case ONE => Empty
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => 
+    if (nullable(r1)) Left(mkeps(r1)) else Right(mkeps(r2))
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => Sequ(mkeps(r1), mkeps(r2))
+  case STAR(r) => Stars(Nil)
+  case RECD(x, r) => Rec(x, mkeps(r))
+def inj(r: Rexp, c: Char, v: Val) : Val = (r, v) match {
+  case (STAR(r), Sequ(v1, Stars(vs))) => Stars(inj(r, c, v1)::vs)
+  case (SEQ(r1, r2), Sequ(v1, v2)) => Sequ(inj(r1, c, v1), v2)
+  case (SEQ(r1, r2), Left(Sequ(v1, v2))) => Sequ(inj(r1, c, v1), v2)
+  case (SEQ(r1, r2), Right(v2)) => Sequ(mkeps(r1), inj(r2, c, v2))
+  case (ALT(r1, r2), Left(v1)) => Left(inj(r1, c, v1))
+  case (ALT(r1, r2), Right(v2)) => Right(inj(r2, c, v2))
+  case (CHAR(d), Empty) => Chr(c) 
+  case (RECD(x, r1), _) => Rec(x, inj(r1, c, v))
+// some "rectification" functions for simplification
+def F_ID(v: Val): Val = v
+def F_RIGHT(f: Val => Val) = (v:Val) => Right(f(v))
+def F_LEFT(f: Val => Val) = (v:Val) => Left(f(v))
+def F_ALT(f1: Val => Val, f2: Val => Val) = (v:Val) => v match {
+  case Right(v) => Right(f2(v))
+  case Left(v) => Left(f1(v))
+def F_SEQ(f1: Val => Val, f2: Val => Val) = (v:Val) => v match {
+  case Sequ(v1, v2) => Sequ(f1(v1), f2(v2))
+def F_SEQ_Empty1(f1: Val => Val, f2: Val => Val) = 
+  (v:Val) => Sequ(f1(Empty), f2(v))
+def F_SEQ_Empty2(f1: Val => Val, f2: Val => Val) = 
+  (v:Val) => Sequ(f1(v), f2(Empty))
+def F_RECD(f: Val => Val) = (v:Val) => v match {
+  case Rec(x, v) => Rec(x, f(v))
+def F_ERROR(v: Val): Val = throw new Exception("error")
+def simp(r: Rexp): (Rexp, Val => Val) = r match {
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => {
+    val (r1s, f1s) = simp(r1)
+    val (r2s, f2s) = simp(r2)
+    (r1s, r2s) match {
+      case (ZERO, _) => (r2s, F_RIGHT(f2s))
+      case (_, ZERO) => (r1s, F_LEFT(f1s))
+      case _ => if (r1s == r2s) (r1s, F_LEFT(f1s))
+                else (ALT (r1s, r2s), F_ALT(f1s, f2s)) 
+    }
+  }
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => {
+    val (r1s, f1s) = simp(r1)
+    val (r2s, f2s) = simp(r2)
+    (r1s, r2s) match {
+      case (ZERO, _) => (ZERO, F_ERROR)
+      case (_, ZERO) => (ZERO, F_ERROR)
+      case (ONE, _) => (r2s, F_SEQ_Empty1(f1s, f2s))
+      case (_, ONE) => (r1s, F_SEQ_Empty2(f1s, f2s))
+      case _ => (SEQ(r1s,r2s), F_SEQ(f1s, f2s))
+    }
+  }
+  case r => (r, F_ID)
+// lexing functions including simplification
+def lex_simp(r: Rexp, s: List[Char]) : Val = s match {
+  case Nil => if (nullable(r)) mkeps(r) else 
+    { throw new Exception("lexing error") } 
+  case c::cs => {
+    val (r_simp, f_simp) = simp(der(c, r))
+    inj(r, c, f_simp(lex_simp(r_simp, cs)))
+  }
+def lexing_simp(r: Rexp, s: String) = 
+  env(lex_simp(r, s.toList))
+// The Lexing Rules for the Fun Language
+def PLUS(r: Rexp) = r ~ r.%
+def Range(s : List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
+  case Nil => ZERO
+  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
+  case c::s => ALT(CHAR(c), Range(s))
+def RANGE(s: String) = Range(s.toList)
+val SYM = RANGE("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_")
+val DIGIT = RANGE("0123456789")
+val ID = SYM ~ (SYM | DIGIT).% 
+val KEYWORD : Rexp = "skip" | "while" | "do" | "if" | "then" | "else" | "read" | "write" 
+val SEMI: Rexp = ";"
+val OP: Rexp = ":=" | "=" | "-" | "+" | "*" | "!=" | "<" | ">"
+val WHITESPACE = PLUS(" " | "\n" | "\t")
+val RPAREN: Rexp = "{"
+val LPAREN: Rexp = "}"
+val STRING: Rexp = "\"" ~ SYM.% ~ "\""
+val WHILE_REGS = (("k" $ KEYWORD) | 
+                  ("i" $ ID) | 
+                  ("o" $ OP) | 
+                  ("n" $ NUM) | 
+                  ("s" $ SEMI) | 
+                  ("str" $ STRING) |
+                  ("p" $ (LPAREN | RPAREN)) | 
+                  ("w" $ WHITESPACE)).%
+// Two Simple While Tests
+println("test: read n")
+val prog0 = """read n"""
+println(lexing_simp(WHILE_REGS, prog0))
+println("test: read  n; write n ")
+val prog1 = """read  n; write n"""
+println(lexing_simp(WHILE_REGS, prog1))
+// Bigger Tests
+// escapes strings and prints them out as "", "\n" and so on
+def esc(raw: String): String = {
+  import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
+  Literal(Constant(raw)).toString
+def escape(tks: List[(String, String)]) =
+  tks.map{ case (s1, s2) => (s1, esc(s2))}
+val prog2 = """
+write "Fib";
+read n;
+minus1 := 0;
+minus2 := 1;
+while n > 0 do {
+  temp := minus2;
+  minus2 := minus1 + minus2;
+  minus1 := temp;
+  n := n - 1
+write "Result";
+write minus2
+println("lexing Fib")
+println(escape(lexing_simp(WHILE_REGS, prog2)).mkString("\n"))
+val prog3 = """
+start := 1000;
+x := start;
+y := start;
+z := start;
+while 0 < x do {
+ while 0 < y do {
+  while 0 < z do {
+    z := z - 1
+  };
+  z := start;
+  y := y - 1
+ };     
+ y := start;
+ x := x - 1
+println("lexing Loops")
+println(escape(lexing_simp(WHILE_REGS, prog3)).mkString("\n"))
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 Attic/mllex.scala
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Attic/mllex.scala	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+:load matcher.scala
+// some regular expressions
+val KEYWORDS =  ALTS(List("#", "(", ")", ",", "->", "...", ":", ":>", ";", "=",
+  "=>", "[", "]", "_", "{", "|", "}", "abstype", "and", "andalso", "as",
+  "case", "datatype", "do", "else", "end", "eqtype", "exception", "fn",
+  "fun", "functor", "handle", "if", "in", "include", "infix", "infixr",
+  "let", "local", "nonfix", "of", "op", "open", "orelse", "raise", "rec",
+  "sharing", "sig", "signature", "struct", "structure", "then", "type",
+  "val", "where", "while", "with", "withtype"))
+val DIGITS = RANGE("0123456789")
+val NONZERODIGITS = RANGE("123456789")
+val COMMENT = SEQS("/*", NOT(SEGS(STAR(ALL), "*/", STAR(ALL))), "*/")
+val LPAREN = CHAR('(')
+val RPAREN = CHAR(')')
+val WHITESPACE = PLUS(RANGE(" \n".toList))
+val OPS = RANGE("+-*".toList)
+// for classifying the strings that have been recognised
+abstract class Token
+case object T_WHITESPACE extends Token
+case object T_NUM extends Token
+case class T_OP(s: String) extends Token
+case object T_LPAREN extends Token
+case object T_RPAREN extends Token
+case class T_NT(s: String, rhs: List[Token]) extends Token
+def tokenizer(rs: List[Rule[Token]], s: String) : List[Token] = 
+  tokenize(rs, s.toList).filterNot(_ match {
+    case T_WHITESPACE => true
+    case _ => false
+  })
+// lexing rules for arithmetic expressions
+val lexing_rules: List[Rule[Token]]= 
+  List((NUMBER, (s) => T_NUM),
+       (WHITESPACE, (s) => T_WHITESPACE),
+       (LPAREN, (s) => T_LPAREN),
+       (RPAREN, (s) => T_RPAREN),
+       (OPS, (s) => T_OP(s.mkString)))
+tokenize_file(Nil, "nominal_library.ML")
+type Grammar = List[(String, List[Token])]
+// grammar for arithmetic expressions
+val grammar = 
+  List ("E" -> List(T_NUM),
+        "E" -> List(T_NT("E", Nil), T_OP("+"), T_NT("E", Nil)),
+        "E" -> List(T_NT("E", Nil), T_OP("-"), T_NT("E", Nil)),
+        "E" -> List(T_NT("E", Nil), T_OP("*"), T_NT("E", Nil)),    
+        "E" -> List(T_LPAREN, T_NT("E", Nil), T_RPAREN))
+def startsWith[A](ts1: List[A], ts2: List[A]) : Boolean = (ts1, ts2) match {
+  case (_, Nil) => true
+  case (T_NT(e, _)::ts1,T_NT(f, _)::ts2) => (e == f) && startsWith(ts1, ts2)
+  case (t1::ts1, t2::ts2) => (t1 == t2) && startsWith(ts1, ts2)
+  case _ => false
+def chop[A](ts1: List[A], prefix: List[A], ts2: List[A]) : Option[(List[A], List[A])] = 
+  ts1 match {
+    case Nil => None
+    case t::ts => 
+      if (startsWith(ts1, prefix)) Some(ts2.reverse, ts1.drop(prefix.length))
+      else chop(ts, prefix, t::ts2)
+  }
+// examples
+chop(List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), List(4,5), Nil)  
+chop(List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), List(3,5), Nil)  
+def replace[A](ts: List[A], out: List[A], in: List [A]) = 
+  chop(ts, out, Nil) match {
+    case None => None
+    case Some((before, after)) => Some(before ::: in ::: after)
+  }  
+def parse1(g: Grammar, ts: List[Token]) : Boolean = ts match {
+  case List(T_NT("E", tree)) => { println(tree); true }
+  case _ => {
+    val tss = for ((lhs, rhs) <- g) yield replace(ts, rhs, List(T_NT(lhs, rhs)))
+    tss.flatten.exists(parse1(g, _))
+  }
+println() ; parse1(grammar, tokenizer(lexing_rules, "2 + 3 * 4 + 1"))
+println() ; parse1(grammar, tokenizer(lexing_rules, "(2 + 3) * (4 + 1)"))
+println() ; parse1(grammar, tokenizer(lexing_rules, "(2 + 3) * 4 (4 + 1)"))
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 Attic/parser1.scala
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Attic/parser1.scala	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+// A naive bottom-up parser with backtracking
+// Needs:
+//   :load matcher.scala
+// some regular expressions
+val DIGIT = RANGE("0123456789")
+val NONZERODIGIT = RANGE("123456789")
+val LPAREN = CHAR('(')
+val RPAREN = CHAR(')')
+val OPS = RANGE("+-*")
+// for classifying the strings that have been recognised
+abstract class Token
+case object T_WHITESPACE extends Token
+case object T_NUM extends Token
+case class T_OP(s: String) extends Token
+case object T_LPAREN extends Token
+case object T_RPAREN extends Token
+case class NT(s: String) extends Token
+// lexing rules for arithmetic expressions
+val lexing_rules: List[Rule[Token]]= 
+  List((NUMBER, (s) => T_NUM),
+       (WHITESPACE, (s) => T_WHITESPACE),
+       (LPAREN, (s) => T_LPAREN),
+       (RPAREN, (s) => T_RPAREN),
+       (OPS, (s) => T_OP(s.mkString)))
+// the tokenizer
+val Tok = Tokenizer(lexing_rules, List(T_WHITESPACE))
+type Grammar = List[(String, List[Token])]
+// grammar for arithmetic expressions
+val grammar = 
+  List ("F" -> List(T_NUM),
+        "E" -> List(T_NUM),
+        "E" -> List(NT("E"), T_OP("+"), NT("E")),
+        "E" -> List(NT("E"), T_OP("-"), NT("E")),
+        "E" -> List(NT("E"), T_OP("*"), NT("E")),    
+        "E" -> List(T_LPAREN, NT("E"), T_RPAREN))
+def chop[A](ts1: List[A], prefix: List[A], ts2: List[A]) : Option[(List[A], List[A])] = 
+  ts1 match {
+    case Nil => None
+    case t::ts => 
+      if (ts1.startsWith(prefix)) Some(ts2.reverse, ts1.drop(prefix.length))
+      else chop(ts, prefix, t::ts2)
+  }
+// examples for chop 
+chop(List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), List(4,5), Nil)  
+chop(List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), List(3,5), Nil)  
+def replace[A](ts: List[A], out: List[A], in: List [A]) = 
+  chop(ts, out, Nil) match {
+    case None => None
+    case Some((before, after)) => Some(before ::: in ::: after)
+  }  
+def parse(g: Grammar, ts: List[Token]) : Boolean = {
+  println(ts)
+  if (ts == List(NT("E"))) true
+  else {
+    val tss = for ((lhs, rhs) <- g) yield replace(ts, rhs, List(NT(lhs)))
+    tss.flatten.exists(parse(g, _))
+  }
+def parser(g: Grammar, s: String) = {
+  println("\n")
+  parse(g, Tok.fromString(s))
+parser(grammar, "2 + 3 *    4 +       1")
+parser(grammar, "(2 + 3) * (4 + 1)")
+parser(grammar, "(2 + 3) * 4 (4 + 1)")
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 Attic/parser4.scala
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Attic/parser4.scala	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+// parser combinators with input type I and return type T
+case class SubString(s: String, l: Int, h: Int) {
+  def low = l
+  def high = h
+  def length = h - l
+  def substring(l: Int = l, h: Int = h) = s.slice(l, h)
+  def set(low: Int = l, high: Int = h) = SubString(s, low, high)
+type Ctxt = List[(String, SubString)]
+abstract class Parser[T] {
+  def parse(ts: SubString, ctxt: Ctxt): Set[(T, SubString)]
+  def parse_all(s: String) : Set[T] =
+    for ((head, tail) <- parse(SubString(s, 0, s.length), Nil); if (tail.substring() == "")) yield head
+  def || (right : => Parser[T]) : Parser[T] = new AltParser(this, right)
+  def ==>[S] (f: => T => S) : Parser [S] = new FunParser(this, f)
+  def ~[S] (right : => Parser[S]) : Parser[(T, S)] = new SeqParser(this, right)
+class SeqParser[T, S](p: => Parser[T], q: => Parser[S]) extends Parser[(T, S)] {
+  def parse(sb: SubString, ctxt: Ctxt) = 
+    for ((head1, tail1) <- p.parse(sb, ctxt); 
+         (head2, tail2) <- q.parse(tail1, ctxt)) yield ((head1, head2), tail2)
+class AltParser[T](p: => Parser[T], q: => Parser[T]) extends Parser[T] {
+  def parse(sb: SubString, ctxt: Ctxt) = p.parse(sb, ctxt) ++ q.parse(sb, ctxt)   
+class FunParser[T, S](p: => Parser[T], f: T => S) extends Parser[S] {
+  def parse(sb: SubString, ctxt: Ctxt) = 
+    for ((head, tail) <- p.parse(sb, ctxt)) yield (f(head), tail)
+case class SubStringParser(s: String) extends Parser[SubString] {
+  val n = s.length
+  def parse(sb: SubString, ctxt: Ctxt) = {
+    if (n <= sb.length && sb.substring(sb.low, sb.low + n) == s) 
+      Set((sb.set(high = sb.low + n), sb.set(low = sb.low + n))) 
+    else Set()
+  }
+implicit def string2parser(s: String) = SubStringParser(s) ==> (_.substring())
+class IgnLst[T](p: => Parser[T]) extends Parser[T] {
+  def parse(sb: SubString, ctxt: Ctxt) = {
+    if (sb.length == 0) Set()
+    else for ((head, tail) <- p.parse(sb.set(high = sb.high - 1), ctxt)) 
+         yield (head, tail.set(high = tail.high + 1))
+  }
+class CHECK[T](nt: String, p: => Parser[T]) extends Parser[T] {
+  def parse(sb: SubString, ctxt: Ctxt) = {
+    val should_trim = ctxt.contains (nt, sb)
+    if (should_trim && sb.length == 0) Set()
+    else if (should_trim) new IgnLst(p).parse(sb, (nt, sb)::ctxt)
+    else p.parse(sb, (nt, sb)::ctxt)
+  }
+// ambigous grammar
+lazy val E: Parser[Int] = 
+  new CHECK("E", (E ~ "+" ~ E) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => x + z} || 
+                 (E ~ "*" ~ E) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => x * z} ||
+                 ("(" ~ E ~ ")") ==> { case ((x, y), z) => y} ||
+                 "0" ==> { (s) => 0 } ||
+                 "1" ==> { (s) => 1 } ||
+                 "2" ==> { (s) => 2 } ||
+                 "3" ==> { (s) => 3 })
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 Attic/re-alt.scala
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Attic/re-alt.scala	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+trait RegExp {
+  def nullable: Boolean
+  def derive(c: Char): RegExp
+case object Empty extends RegExp {
+  def nullable = false
+  def derive(c: Char) = Empty
+case object Eps extends RegExp {
+  def nullable = true
+  def derive(c: Char) = Empty
+case class Str(s: String) extends RegExp {
+  def nullable = s.isEmpty
+  def derive(c: Char) =
+    if (s.isEmpty || s.head != c) Empty
+    else Str(s.tail)
+case class Cat(r: RegExp, s: RegExp) extends RegExp {
+  def nullable = r.nullable && s.nullable
+  def derive(c: Char) =
+    if (r.nullable) Or(Cat(r.derive(c), s), s.derive(c)) 
+    else Cat(r.derive(c), s)
+case class Star(r: RegExp) extends RegExp {
+  def nullable = true
+  def derive(c: Char) = Cat(r.derive(c), this)
+case class Or(r: RegExp, s: RegExp) extends RegExp {
+  def nullable = r.nullable || s.nullable
+  def derive(c: Char) = Or(r.derive(c), s.derive(c))
+case class And(r: RegExp, s: RegExp) extends RegExp {
+  def nullable = r.nullable && s.nullable
+  def derive(c: Char) = And(r.derive(c), s.derive(c))
+case class Not(r: RegExp) extends RegExp {
+  def nullable = !r.nullable
+  def derive(c: Char) = Not(r.derive(c))
+object Matcher {
+  def matches(r: RegExp, s: String): Boolean = {
+    if (s.isEmpty) r.nullable
+    else matches(r.derive(s.head), s.tail)
+  }
+object Pimps {
+  implicit def string2RegExp(s: String) = Str(s)
+  implicit def regExpOps(r: RegExp) = new {
+    def | (s: RegExp) = Or(r, s)
+    def & (s: RegExp) = And(r, s)
+    def % = Star(r)
+    def %(n: Int) = rep(r, n)
+    def ? = Or(Eps, r)
+    def ! = Not(r)
+    def ++ (s: RegExp) = Cat(r, s)
+    def ~ (s: String) = Matcher.matches(r, s)
+  }
+  implicit def stringOps(s: String) = new {
+    def | (r: RegExp) = Or(s, r)
+    def | (r: String) = Or(s, r)
+    def & (r: RegExp) = And(s, r)
+    def & (r: String) = And(s, r)
+    def % = Star(s)
+    def % (n: Int) = rep(Str(s), n)
+    def ? = Or(Eps, s)
+    def ! = Not(s)
+    def ++ (r: RegExp) = Cat(s, r)
+    def ++ (r: String) = Cat(s, r)
+    def ~ (t: String) = Matcher.matches(s, t)
+  }
+  def rep(r: RegExp, n: Int): RegExp =
+    if (n <= 0) Star(r)
+    else Cat(r, rep(r, n - 1))
+object Test {
+  import Pimps._
+  val digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
+  val int = ("+" | "-").? ++ digit.%(1)
+  val real = ("+" | "-").? ++ digit.%(1) ++ ("." ++ digit.%(1)).? ++ (("e" | "E") ++ ("+" | "-").? ++ digit.%(1)).?
+  def main(args: Array[String]) {
+    val ints = List("0", "-4534", "+049", "99")
+    val reals = List("0.9", "-12.8", "+91.0", "9e12", "+9.21E-12", "-512E+01")
+    val errs = List("", "-", "+", "+-1", "-+2", "2-")
+    ints.foreach(s => assert(int ~ s))
+    reals.foreach(s => assert(!(int ~ s)))
+    errs.foreach(s => assert(!(int ~ s)))
+    ints.foreach(s => assert(real ~ s))
+    reals.foreach(s => assert(real ~ s))
+    errs.foreach(s => assert(!(real ~ s)))
+  }
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 Attic/re-internal.scala
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Attic/re-internal.scala	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// measures the time a function needs
+def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
+  val start = System.nanoTime()
+  for (j <- 1 to i) code
+  val end = System.nanoTime()
+  (end - start)/(i * 1.0e9)
+for (i <- 1 to 10001 by 300) {
+  val re = ("((a?){" + i + "})(a{" + i + "})")
+  println(i + " " + "%.5f".format(time_needed(1, ("a" * i).matches(re))))  
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 Attic/re-sulzmann-partial.scala
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Attic/re-sulzmann-partial.scala	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+import scala.language.implicitConversions
+import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
+abstract class Rexp
+case object NULL extends Rexp
+case object EMPTY extends Rexp
+case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
+case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+abstract class Pat
+case class VAR(x: String, r: Rexp) extends Pat
+case class GRP(x: String, p: Pat) extends Pat
+case class PSEQ(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) extends Pat
+case class PALT(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) extends Pat
+case class PSTAR(p: Pat) extends Pat
+def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
+  case NULL => false
+  case EMPTY => true
+  case CHAR(_) => false
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
+  case STAR(_) => true
+def down (p: Pat) : Rexp = p match {
+  case VAR(x: String, w: String, r: Rexp) => r
+  case GRP(x: String, w: String, p: Pat) => down(p)
+  case PSEQ(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) => SEQ(down(p1), down(p2))
+  case PALT(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) => ALT(down(p1), down(p2))
+  case PSTAR(p: Pat) => STAR(down(p))
+def patnullable (p: Pat) : Boolean = p match {
+  case PVar(_, r) => nullable(r)
+  case PSEQ(p1, p2) => patnullable(p1) && patnullable(p2)
+  case PCHOICE(p1, p2) => patnullable(p1) || patnullable(p2)
+  case PSTAR(p) => true
+  case PatVar(_, p) => patnullable(p)
+//type Env = Set[List[(String, String)]]
+type Env = Map[Int, String]
+def update(n: Int, c: Char) (env: Env) = 
+  env + (n -> (env.getOrElse(n, "") + c.toString))
+def pderivPat (p: Pat, c: Char) : Set[(Pat, Env => Env)] = p match {
+  case PVar(n: Int, r: Rexp) => {
+    val pds = pderiv(r, c)
+    if (pds.isEmpty) Set()
+    else Set((PVar(n, toRexp(pds.toList)), update(n, c)))
+  }
+  case PSEQ(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) => {
+    val pats : Set[(Pat, Env => Env)] = 
+      for ((p, f) <- pderivPat(p1, c)) yield (PSEQ(p, p2), f)
+    if (nullable(strip(p1))) pats ++ pderivPat(p2, c)  
+    else pats
+  }
+  case PCHOICE(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) => pderivPat(p1, c) ++ pderivPat(p2, c)
+  case PSTAR(p1: Pat) => 
+    for ((p, f) <- pderivPat(p1, c)) yield (PSEQ(p, PSTAR(p1)), f)
+  case PatVar(n: Int, p1: Pat) => 
+    for ((p, f) <- pderivPat(p1, c)) yield (PatVar(n, p), f compose (update (n, c)))
+val p2 = PSEQ(PVar(1, STAR("A")), PVar(2, STAR("A")))
+pderivPat(p2, 'A').mkString("\n")
+def greedy_aux(env: Set[(Pat, Env)], w: List[Char]) : Set[Env] = w match {
+  case Nil => 
+    for ((p, e) <- env if patnullable(p)) yield e
+  case c::cs => {
+    val env2 = for ((p, e) <- env; (p1, f) <- pderivPat(p, c)) yield (p1, f(e))
+    greedy_aux(env2, cs)
+  }
+def greedy(p: Pat, w: String) = {
+  val res = greedy_aux(Set((p, Map())), w.toList)
+  if (res.isEmpty) None else Some(res)
+// some convenience for typing in regular expressions
+def charlist2rexp (s : List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
+  case Nil => EMPTY
+  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
+  case c::s => SEQ(CHAR(c), charlist2rexp(s))
+implicit def string2rexp (s : String) : Rexp = charlist2rexp(s.toList)
+implicit def RexpOps (r: Rexp) = new {
+  def | (s: Rexp) = ALT(r, s)
+  def % = STAR(r)
+  def ~ (s: Rexp) = SEQ(r, s)
+implicit def stringOps (s: String) = new {
+  def | (r: Rexp) = ALT(s, r)
+  def | (r: String) = ALT(s, r)
+  def % = STAR(s)
+  def ~ (r: Rexp) = SEQ(s, r)
+  def ~ (r: String) = SEQ(s, r)
+implicit def PatOps (p: Pat) = new {
+  def | (q: Pat) = PALT(p, q)
+  def % = PSTAR(p)
+  def ~ (q: Pat) = PSEQ(p, q)
+val p3 = PSTAR(PSEQ(PVar(1, "A"), PVar(2, "B")))
+greedy2(Set((p3, Map())), "ABAB".toList)
+val p4 = PVar(1, "A")
+greedy2(Set((p4, Map())), "A".toList)
+val p5 = PSEQ(PVar(1, "A"), PVar(1, "B"))
+greedy2(Set((p5, Map())), "AB".toList)
+val res = pderivPat(p5, 'A')
+for ((_, f) <- res) yield f(Map())
+val p6 = PatVar(4,PSTAR(PCHOICE(PCHOICE(PVar(1, "A"), PVar(2, "AB")), PVar(3, "B"))))
+greedy(p6, "ABA")
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 Attic/re-sulzmann.scala
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Attic/re-sulzmann.scala	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+import scala.language.implicitConversions
+import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
+abstract class Rexp
+case object NULL extends Rexp
+case object EMPTY extends Rexp
+case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
+case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+abstract class Pat
+case class VAR(x: String, w: String, r: Rexp) extends Pat
+case class GRP(x: String, w: String, p: Pat) extends Pat
+case class PSEQ(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) extends Pat
+case class PALT(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) extends Pat
+case class PSTAR(p: Pat) extends Pat
+object VAR { def apply(x: String, r: Rexp) : VAR = VAR(x, "", r) }
+object GRP { def apply(x: String, p: Pat) : GRP = GRP(x, "", p) }
+def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
+  case NULL => false
+  case EMPTY => true
+  case CHAR(_) => false
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
+  case STAR(_) => true
+// derivative of a regular expression w.r.t. a character
+def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
+  case NULL => NULL
+  case EMPTY => NULL
+  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) EMPTY else NULL
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
+    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
+    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
+  case STAR(r) => SEQ(der(c, r), STAR(r))
+def down (p: Pat) : Rexp = p match {
+  case VAR(x: String, w: String, r: Rexp) => r
+  case GRP(x: String, w: String, p: Pat) => down(p)
+  case PSEQ(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) => SEQ(down(p1), down(p2))
+  case PALT(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) => ALT(down(p1), down(p2))
+  case PSTAR(p: Pat) => STAR(down(p))
+def empty (p: Pat) : Pat = p match {
+  case VAR(x: String, w: String, r: Rexp) => 
+    if (nullable(r)) VAR(x, w, EMPTY) 
+    else VAR(x, w, NULL)
+  case GRP(x: String, w: String, p: Pat) => GRP(x, w, empty(p))
+  case PSEQ(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) => PSEQ(empty(p1), empty(p2))
+  case PALT(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) => PALT(empty(p1), empty(p2))
+  case PSTAR(p: Pat) => PSTAR(empty(p))
+def patder (c: Char, p: Pat) : Pat = p match {
+  case VAR(x: String, w: String, r: Rexp) => VAR(x, w + c, der(c, r))
+  case GRP(x: String, w: String, p: Pat) => GRP(x, w + c, patder(c, p))
+  case PSEQ(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) => 
+    if (nullable(down(p1))) PALT(PSEQ(patder(c, p1), p2), PSEQ(empty(p1), patder(c, p2)))
+    else PSEQ(patder(c, p1), p2)
+  case PALT(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) => PALT(patder(c, p1), patder(c, p2))
+  case PSTAR(p: Pat) => PSEQ(patder(c, p), PSTAR(p))
+def patders (s: List[Char], p: Pat) : Pat = s match {
+  case Nil => p
+  case c::s => patders(s, patder(c, p))
+type Env = Set[List[(String, String)]]
+def special (p: Pat, env: Env) : Env = 
+  if (env == Set() && nullable(down(p))) Set(Nil) else env
+def env (p: Pat) : Env = p match {
+  case VAR(x: String, w: String, r: Rexp) => 
+    if (nullable(r)) Set(List((x, w))) else Set()
+  case GRP(x: String, w: String, p1: Pat) => 
+    special(p, for (e <- env(p1)) yield List((x, w)) ++ e)
+  case PSEQ(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) => 
+    special(p, for (e1 <- env(p1); e2 <- env(p2)) yield (e1 ++ e2))
+  case PALT(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) => special(p, env(p1) ++ env(p2))
+  case PSTAR(p1: Pat) => special(p, env(p1))
+def matcher (p: Pat, s: String) = env(empty(patders(s.toList, p)))
+// some convenience for typing in regular expressions
+def charlist2rexp (s : List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
+  case Nil => EMPTY
+  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
+  case c::s => SEQ(CHAR(c), charlist2rexp(s))
+implicit def string2rexp (s : String) : Rexp = charlist2rexp(s.toList)
+implicit def RexpOps (r: Rexp) = new {
+  def | (s: Rexp) = ALT(r, s)
+  def % = STAR(r)
+  def ~ (s: Rexp) = SEQ(r, s)
+implicit def stringOps (s: String) = new {
+  def | (r: Rexp) = ALT(s, r)
+  def | (r: String) = ALT(s, r)
+  def % = STAR(s)
+  def ~ (r: Rexp) = SEQ(s, r)
+  def ~ (r: String) = SEQ(s, r)
+implicit def PatOps (p: Pat) = new {
+  def | (q: Pat) = PALT(p, q)
+  def % = PSTAR(p)
+  def ~ (q: Pat) = PSEQ(p, q)
+val p0 = VAR("x", "A")
+patders("A".toList, p0)
+matcher(p0, "A")
+val p1 = VAR("x", "A") | VAR("y", "A") | VAR("z", "B")
+patders("A".toList, p1)
+matcher(p1, "A")
+matcher(p1, "B")
+val p2 = VAR("x", "AB")
+matcher(p2, "AB")
+matcher(p2, "AA")
+val p3 = VAR("x", "A" ~ "B")
+matcher(p3, "AB")
+matcher(p3, "AA")
+val p4 = VAR("x", "A") ~ VAR("y", "B")
+matcher(p4, "AB")
+matcher(p4, "AA")
+val p5 = VAR("x", "A".%)
+matcher(p5, "A")
+matcher(p5, "AA")
+matcher(p5, "")
+matcher(p5, "AAA")
+val p6 = VAR("x", "A").%
+matcher(p6, "A")
+matcher(p6, "AA")
+matcher(p6, "")
+matcher(p6, "AAA")
+val p7 = (VAR("x", "A") | VAR("y", "AB") | VAR("z", "B")).%
+matcher(p7, "AB")
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 Attic/re.scala
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Attic/re.scala	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+// regular expressions including NOT
+abstract class Rexp
+case object NULL extends Rexp
+case object EMPTY extends Rexp
+case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
+case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp
+case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp
+case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp
+case class NOT(r: Rexp) extends Rexp
+// some convenience for typing in regular expressions
+def charlist2rexp(s : List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
+  case Nil => EMPTY
+  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
+  case c::s => SEQ(CHAR(c), charlist2rexp(s))
+implicit def string2rexp(s : String) : Rexp = charlist2rexp(s.toList)
+// nullable function: tests whether the regular 
+// expression can recognise the empty string
+def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
+  case NULL => false
+  case EMPTY => true
+  case CHAR(_) => false
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
+  case STAR(_) => true
+  case NOT(r) => !(nullable(r))
+// tests whether a regular expression 
+// cannot recognise more
+def no_more (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
+  case NULL => true
+  case EMPTY => false
+  case CHAR(_) => false
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => no_more(r1) && no_more(r2)
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => if (nullable(r1)) (no_more(r1) && no_more(r2)) else no_more(r1)
+  case STAR(_) => false
+  case NOT(r) => !(no_more(r))
+// derivative of a regular expression w.r.t. a character
+def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
+  case NULL => NULL
+  case EMPTY => NULL
+  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) EMPTY else NULL
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
+    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
+    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
+  case STAR(r) => SEQ(der(c, r), STAR(r))
+  case NOT(r) => NOT(der (c, r))
+// regular expression for specifying 
+// ranges of characters
+def RANGE(s : List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
+  case Nil => NULL
+  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
+  case c::s => ALT(CHAR(c), RANGE(s))
+//one or more
+def PLUS(r: Rexp) = SEQ(r, STAR(r))
+//some regular expressions
+val LOWERCASE = RANGE("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".toList)
+val DIGIT = RANGE("0123456789".toList)
+val NONZERODIGIT = RANGE("123456789".toList)
+val WHITESPACE = RANGE(" \n".toList)
+val COMMENT = SEQ(SEQ("/*", NOT(SEQ(SEQ(STAR(ALL), "*/"), STAR(ALL)))), "*/")
+// an example list of regular expressions
+val regs: List[Rexp]=  List("if", "then", "else", "+", IDENT, NUMBER, WHITESPACES, COMMENT) 
+def error (s: String) = throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Could not lex " + s)
+def munch(r: Rexp, s: List[Char], t: List[Char]) : Option[(List[Char], List[Char])] = 
+  s match {
+    case Nil if (nullable(r)) => Some(Nil, t)
+    case Nil => None
+    case c::s if (no_more(der (c, r)) && nullable(r)) => Some(c::s, t)
+    case c::s if (no_more(der (c, r))) => None
+    case c::s => munch(der (c, r), s, t ::: List(c))
+  }
+def one_string (regs: List[Rexp], s: List[Char]) : (List[Char], List[Char]) = {
+ val somes = regs.map { munch(_, s, Nil) } .flatten
+ if (somes == Nil) error(s.mkString) else (somes sortBy (_._1.length) head)
+def tokenize (regs: List[Rexp], s: List[Char]) : List[String] = s match {
+  case Nil => Nil
+  case _ => one_string(regs, s) match {
+    case (rest, s) => s.mkString :: tokenize(regs, rest) 
+  }
+println(tokenize(regs, "if true then then 42 else +".toList))
+println(tokenize(regs, "if+true+then+then+42+else +".toList))
+println(tokenize(regs, "ifff if     34 34".toList))
+println(tokenize(regs, "/*ifff if */ hhjj /*34 */".toList))
+println(tokenize(regs, "/* if true then */ then 42 else +".toList))
+//println(tokenize(regs, "ifff $ if 34".toList)) // causes an error because of the symbol $
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 Attic/re0.scala
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Attic/re0.scala	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
+import scala.language.implicitConversions
+abstract class Rexp
+case object NULL extends Rexp
+case object EMPTY extends Rexp
+case object ALLCHAR extends Rexp
+case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
+case class STR(s: String) extends Rexp
+case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class NOT(r: Rexp) extends Rexp
+case class REP(r: Rexp, n: Int) extends Rexp 
+// some convenience for typing in regular expressions
+implicit def string2rexp(s : String) : Rexp = STR(s)
+implicit def RexpOps(r: Rexp) : Rexp = new {
+  def | (s: Rexp) = ALT(r, s)
+  def % = STAR(r)
+  def %(n: Int) = REP(r, n) 
+  def %%(n: Int) = SEQ(REP(r, n), STAR(r)) 
+  def ? = ALT(EMPTY, r)
+  def unary_! = NOT(r)
+  def ~ (s: Rexp) = SEQ(r, s)
+implicit def stringOps(s: String) : Rexp = new {
+  def | (r: Rexp) = ALT(s, r)
+  def | (r: String) = ALT(s, r)
+  def % = STAR(s)
+  def %(n: Int) = REP(s, n)
+  def %%(n: Int) = SEQ(REP(s, n), STAR(s)) 
+  def ? = ALT(EMPTY, s)
+  def unary_! = NOT(s)
+  def ~ (r: Rexp) = SEQ(s, r)
+  def ~ (r: String) = SEQ(s, r)
+// nullable function: tests whether the regular 
+// expression can recognise the empty string
+def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
+  case NULL => false
+  case EMPTY => true
+  case ALLCHAR => false
+  case CHAR(_) => false
+  case STR(s) => s.isEmpty
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
+  case STAR(_) => true
+  case NOT(r) => !(nullable(r))
+  case REP(r, i) => if (i == 0) true else nullable(r)
+// derivative of a regular expression w.r.t. a character
+def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
+  case NULL => NULL
+  case EMPTY => NULL
+  case ALLCHAR => EMPTY
+  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) EMPTY else NULL
+  case STR(s) => if (s.isEmpty || s.head != c) NULL else STR(s.tail)
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
+    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
+    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
+  case STAR(r) => SEQ(der(c, r), STAR(r))
+  case NOT(r) => NOT(der (c, r))
+  case REP(r, i) => 
+    if (i == 0) NULL else SEQ(der(c, r), REP(r, i - 1))
+// derivative w.r.t. a string (iterates der)
+def ders (s: List[Char], r: Rexp) : Rexp = s match {
+  case Nil => r
+  case c::s => ders(s, der(c, r))
+// main matcher function
+def matcher(r: Rexp, s: String) : Boolean = nullable(ders(s.toList, r))
+val digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
+val int = ("+" | "-").? ~ digit.%%(1)
+val real = ("+" | "-").? ~ digit.%%(1) ~ ("." ~ digit.%%(1)).? ~ (("e" | "E") ~ ("+" | "-").? ~ digit.%%(1)).?
+val ints = List("0", "-4534", "+049", "99")
+val reals = List("0.9", "-12.8", "+91.0", "9e12", "+9.21E-12", "-512E+01")
+val errs = List("", "-", "+", "+-1", "-+2", "2-")
+ints.map(s => matcher(int, s))
+reals.map(s => matcher(int, s))
+errs.map(s => matcher(int, s))
+ints.map(s => matcher(real, s))
+reals.map(s => matcher(real, s))
+errs.map(s => matcher(real, s))
+def RTEST(n: Int) = ("a".? %(n)) ~ ("a" %(n))
+def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
+  val start = System.nanoTime()
+  for (j <- 1 to i) code
+  val end = System.nanoTime()
+  (end - start)/(i * 1.0e9)
+for (i <- 1 to 12000 by 500) {
+  println(i + ": " + "%.5f".format(time_needed(1, matcher(RTEST(i), "a" * i))))
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 Attic/re1.scala
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Attic/re1.scala	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// A simple matcher for basic regular expressions
+abstract class Rexp
+case object ZERO extends Rexp                    // matches nothing
+case object ONE extends Rexp                     // matches an empty string
+case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp            // matches a character c
+case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp  // alternative
+case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp  // sequence
+case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp            // star
+// nullable function: tests whether a regular 
+// expression can recognise the empty string
+def nullable(r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
+  case ZERO => false
+  case ONE => true
+  case CHAR(_) => false
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
+  case STAR(_) => true
+// the derivative of a regular expression w.r.t. a character
+def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
+  case ZERO => ZERO
+  case ONE => ZERO
+  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) ONE else ZERO
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
+    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
+    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
+  case STAR(r1) => SEQ(der(c, r1), STAR(r1))
+// the derivative w.r.t. a string (iterates der)
+def ders (s: List[Char], r: Rexp) : Rexp = s match {
+  case Nil => r
+  case c::s => ders(s, der(c, r))
+// the main matcher function
+def matcher(r: Rexp, s: String) : Boolean = 
+  nullable(ders(s.toList, r))
+// examples from the homework
+val r = STAR(ALT(SEQ(CHAR('a'), CHAR('b')), CHAR('b')))
+der('a', r)
+der('b', r)
+der('c', r)
+val r2 = SEQ(SEQ(CHAR('x'), CHAR('y')), CHAR('z'))
+der('x', r2)
+der('y', der('x', r2))
+der('z', der('y', der('x', r2)))
+// the optional regular expression (one or zero times)
+def OPT(r: Rexp) = ALT(r, ONE)
+// the n-times regular expression (explicitly expanded)
+def NTIMES(r: Rexp, n: Int) : Rexp = n match {
+  case 0 => ONE
+  case 1 => r
+  case n => SEQ(r, NTIMES(r, n - 1))
+// Test Cases
+// the evil regular expression  a?{n} a{n}
+def EVIL1(n: Int) = SEQ(NTIMES(OPT(CHAR('a')), n), NTIMES(CHAR('a'), n))
+// the evil regular expression (a*)*b
+val EVIL2 = SEQ(STAR(STAR(CHAR('a'))), CHAR('b'))
+// for measuring time
+def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
+  val start = System.nanoTime()
+  for (j <- 1 to i) code
+  val end = System.nanoTime()
+  (end - start) / (i * 1.0e9)
+// test: (a?{n}) (a{n})
+println("Test (a?{n}) (a{n})")
+for (i <- 0 to 20 by 2) {
+  println(f"$i: ${time_needed(2, matcher(EVIL1(i), "a" * i))}%.5f")
+// test: (a*)* b
+println("Test (a*)* b")
+for (i <- 0 to 20 by 2) {
+  println(f"$i: ${time_needed(2, matcher(EVIL2, "a" * i))}%.5f")
+// the size of a regular expressions - for testing purposes 
+def size(r: Rexp) : Int = r match {
+  case ZERO => 1
+  case ONE => 1
+  case CHAR(_) => 1
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => 1 + size(r1) + size(r2)
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 1 + size(r1) + size(r2)
+  case STAR(r) => 1 + size(r)
+// the expicit expansion in EVIL1(n) increases
+// drastically its size
+size(EVIL1(1))  // 5
+size(EVIL1(3))  // 17
+size(EVIL1(5))  // 29
+size(EVIL1(7))  // 41
+size(EVIL1(20)) // 119
+// given a regular expression and building successive
+// derivatives might result into bigger and bigger
+// regular expressions...here is an example for this:
+// (a+b)* o a o b o (a+b)*
+val BIG_aux = STAR(ALT(CHAR('a'), CHAR('b')))
+val BIG = SEQ(BIG_aux, SEQ(CHAR('a'),SEQ(CHAR('b'), BIG_aux)))
+size(ders("".toList, BIG))              // 13
+size(ders("ab".toList, BIG))            // 51
+size(ders("abab".toList, BIG))          // 112
+size(ders("ababab".toList, BIG))        // 191
+size(ders("abababab".toList, BIG))      // 288
+size(ders("ababababab".toList, BIG))    // 403
+size(ders("abababababab".toList, BIG))  // 536
+size(ders(("ab" * 200).toList, BIG))    // 366808
+for (i <- 0 to 200 by 10) {
+  println(f"$i: ${time_needed(2, matcher(BIG, "ab" * i))}%.5f")
+def concat(A: Set[String], B: Set[String]) : Set[String] =
+  for (s1 <- A; s2 <- B) yield s1 ++ s2
+val A = Set("foo", "bar")
+val B = Set("a", "b")
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 Attic/re2.scala
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Attic/re2.scala	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+// A Version with an explicit n-times regular expression;
+// this keeps the size of the regular expression in the
+// EVIL1 test-case quite small
+abstract class Rexp 
+case object ZERO extends Rexp
+case object ONE extends Rexp
+case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
+case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class NTIMES(r: Rexp, n: Int) extends Rexp   //explicit constructor for n-times
+def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
+  case ZERO => false
+  case ONE => true
+  case CHAR(_) => false
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
+  case STAR(_) => true
+  case NTIMES(r, i) => if (i == 0) true else nullable(r)
+def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
+  case ZERO => ZERO
+  case ONE => ZERO
+  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) ONE else ZERO
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
+    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
+    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
+  case STAR(r1) => SEQ(der(c, r1), STAR(r1))
+  case NTIMES(r1, i) => 
+    if (i == 0) ZERO else SEQ(der(c, r1), NTIMES(r1, i - 1))
+def ders (s: List[Char], r: Rexp) : Rexp = s match {
+  case Nil => r
+  case c::s => ders(s, der(c, r))
+def matcher(r: Rexp, s: String) : Boolean = nullable(ders(s.toList, r))
+// the optional regular expression: one or zero times
+// this regular expression is still defined in terms of ALT
+def OPT(r: Rexp) = ALT(r, ONE)
+// Test Cases
+// evil regular expressions
+def EVIL1(n: Int) = SEQ(NTIMES(OPT(CHAR('a')), n), NTIMES(CHAR('a'), n))
+val EVIL2 = SEQ(STAR(STAR(CHAR('a'))), CHAR('b'))
+def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
+  val start = System.nanoTime()
+  for (j <- 1 to i) code
+  val end = System.nanoTime()
+  (end - start) / (i * 1.0e9)
+// test: (a?{n}) (a{n})
+for (i <- 0 to 1000 by 100) {
+  println(f"$i: ${time_needed(2, matcher(EVIL1(i), "a" * i))}%.5f")
+// test: (a*)* b
+for (i <- 0 to 20) {
+  println(f"$i: ${time_needed(2, matcher(EVIL2, "a" * i))}%.5f")
+// the size of a regular expressions - for testing purposes 
+def size(r: Rexp) : Int = r match {
+  case ZERO => 1
+  case ONE => 1
+  case CHAR(_) => 1
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => 1 + size(r1) + size(r2)
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 1 + size(r1) + size(r2)
+  case STAR(r) => 1 + size(r)
+  case NTIMES(r, _) => 1 + size(r)
+// EVIL1(n) has now a constant size, no matter
+// what n is; also the derivative only grows 
+// moderately 
+size(EVIL1(1))  // 7
+size(EVIL1(3))  // 7
+size(EVIL1(5))  // 7
+size(EVIL1(7))  // 7
+size(EVIL1(20)) // 7
+size(ders("".toList, EVIL1(5)))       // 7
+size(ders("a".toList, EVIL1(5)))      // 16
+size(ders("aa".toList, EVIL1(5)))     // 35
+size(ders("aaa".toList, EVIL1(5)))    // 59
+size(ders("aaaa".toList, EVIL1(5)))   // 88
+size(ders("aaaaa".toList, EVIL1(5)))  // 122
+size(ders("aaaaaa".toList, EVIL1(5))) // 151
+// but the size of the derivatives can still grow 
+// quite dramatically in case of EVIL2
+size(ders("".toList, EVIL2))       // 5
+size(ders("a".toList, EVIL2))      // 12
+size(ders("aa".toList, EVIL2))     // 28
+size(ders("aaa".toList, EVIL2))    // 58
+size(ders("aaaa".toList, EVIL2))   // 116
+size(ders("aaaaa".toList, EVIL2))  // 230
+size(ders("aaaaaa".toList, EVIL2)) // 456
+size(ders(("a" * 20).toList, EVIL2)) // 7340068
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 Attic/re3.scala
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Attic/re3.scala	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+// A version with simplification of derivatives;
+// this keeps the regular expressions small, which
+// is good for the run-time
+abstract class Rexp
+case object ZERO extends Rexp
+case object ONE extends Rexp
+case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
+case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class NTIMES(r: Rexp, n: Int) extends Rexp 
+// the nullable function: tests whether the regular 
+// expression can recognise the empty string
+def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
+  case ZERO => false
+  case ONE => true
+  case CHAR(_) => false
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
+  case STAR(_) => true
+  case NTIMES(r, i) => if (i == 0) true else nullable(r)
+// the derivative of a regular expression w.r.t. a character
+def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
+  case ZERO => ZERO
+  case ONE => ZERO
+  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) ONE else ZERO
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
+    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
+    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
+  case STAR(r1) => SEQ(der(c, r1), STAR(r1))
+  case NTIMES(r, i) => 
+    if (i == 0) ZERO else SEQ(der(c, r), NTIMES(r, i - 1))
+def simp(r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => (simp(r1), simp(r2)) match {
+    case (ZERO, r2s) => r2s
+    case (r1s, ZERO) => r1s
+    case (r1s, r2s) => if (r1s == r2s) r1s else ALT (r1s, r2s)
+  }
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) =>  (simp(r1), simp(r2)) match {
+    case (ZERO, _) => ZERO
+    case (_, ZERO) => ZERO
+    case (ONE, r2s) => r2s
+    case (r1s, ONE) => r1s
+    case (r1s, r2s) => SEQ(r1s, r2s)
+  }
+  case r => r
+// the derivative w.r.t. a string (iterates der)
+def ders(s: List[Char], r: Rexp) : Rexp = s match {
+  case Nil => r
+  case c::s => ders(s, simp(der(c, r)))
+// the main matcher function
+def matcher(r: Rexp, s: String) : Boolean = 
+  nullable(ders(s.toList, r))
+// one or zero
+def OPT(r: Rexp) = ALT(r, ONE)
+// Test Cases
+// evil regular expressions: (a?){n} a{n}  and (a*)* b
+def EVIL1(n: Int) = SEQ(NTIMES(OPT(CHAR('a')), n), NTIMES(CHAR('a'), n))
+val EVIL2 = SEQ(STAR(STAR(CHAR('a'))), CHAR('b'))
+def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
+  val start = System.nanoTime()
+  for (j <- 1 to i) code
+  val end = System.nanoTime()
+  (end - start)/(i * 1.0e9)
+//test: (a?{n}) (a{n})
+for (i <- 0 to 8000 by 1000) {
+  println(f"$i: ${time_needed(3, matcher(EVIL1(i), "a" * i))}%.5f")
+//test: (a*)* b
+for (i <- 0 to 6000000 by 500000) {
+  println(f"$i: ${time_needed(3, matcher(EVIL2, "a" * i))}%.5f")
+// size of a regular expressions - for testing purposes 
+def size(r: Rexp) : Int = r match {
+  case ZERO => 1
+  case ONE => 1
+  case CHAR(_) => 1
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => 1 + size(r1) + size(r2)
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 1 + size(r1) + size(r2)
+  case STAR(r) => 1 + size(r)
+  case NTIMES(r, _) => 1 + size(r)
+// now the size of the derivatives grows 
+// much, much slower
+size(ders("".toList, EVIL2))      // 5
+size(ders("a".toList, EVIL2))     // 8
+size(ders("aa".toList, EVIL2))    // 8
+size(ders("aaa".toList, EVIL2))   // 8
+size(ders("aaaa".toList, EVIL2))  // 8
+size(ders("aaaaa".toList, EVIL2)) // 8
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 Attic/re3a.scala
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Attic/re3a.scala	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+abstract class Rexp
+case object ZERO extends Rexp
+case object ONE extends Rexp
+case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
+case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class NTIMES(r: Rexp, n: Int) extends Rexp 
+case class UPNTIMES(r: Rexp, n: Int) extends Rexp 
+// the nullable function: tests whether the regular 
+// expression can recognise the empty string
+def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
+  case ZERO => false
+  case ONE => true
+  case CHAR(_) => false
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
+  case STAR(_) => true
+  case NTIMES(r, i) => if (i == 0) true else nullable(r)
+  case UPNTIMES(r: Rexp, n: Int) => true
+// the derivative of a regular expression w.r.t. a character
+def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
+  case ZERO => ZERO
+  case ONE => ZERO
+  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) ONE else ZERO
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
+    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
+    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
+  case STAR(r1) => SEQ(der(c, r1), STAR(r1))
+  case NTIMES(r1, i) => 
+    if (i == 0) ZERO else
+    if (nullable(r1)) SEQ(der(c, r1), UPNTIMES(r1, i - 1))
+    else SEQ(der(c, r1), NTIMES(r1, i - 1))
+  case UPNTIMES(r1, i) => 
+    if (i == 0) ZERO
+    else SEQ(der(c, r1), UPNTIMES(r1, i - 1)) 
+def simp(r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => (simp(r1), simp(r2)) match {
+    case (ZERO, r2s) => r2s
+    case (r1s, ZERO) => r1s
+    case (r1s, r2s) => if (r1s == r2s) r1s else ALT (r1s, r2s)
+  }
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) =>  (simp(r1), simp(r2)) match {
+    case (ZERO, _) => ZERO
+    case (_, ZERO) => ZERO
+    case (ONE, r2s) => r2s
+    case (r1s, ONE) => r1s
+    case (r1s, r2s) => SEQ(r1s, r2s)
+  }
+  case r => r
+// the derivative w.r.t. a string (iterates der)
+def ders (s: List[Char], r: Rexp) : Rexp = s match {
+  case Nil => r
+  case c::s => ders(s, simp(der(c, r)))
+// the main matcher function
+def matches(r: Rexp, s: String) : Boolean = nullable(ders(s.toList, r))
+// one or zero
+def OPT(r: Rexp) = ALT(r, ONE)
+// evil regular expressions
+def EVIL1(n: Int) = SEQ(NTIMES(OPT(CHAR('a')), n), NTIMES(CHAR('a'), n))
+val EVIL2 = SEQ(STAR(STAR(CHAR('a'))), CHAR('b'))
+val EVIL3 = SEQ(STAR(ALT(CHAR('a'), SEQ(CHAR('a'),CHAR('a')))), CHAR('b'))
+def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
+  val start = System.nanoTime()
+  for (j <- 1 to i) code
+  val end = System.nanoTime()
+  "%.5f".format((end - start) / (i * 1.0e9))
+// test: (a?{n}) (a{n})
+for (i <- 0 to 8000 by 1000) {
+  println(s"$i: ${time_needed(2, matches(EVIL1(i), "a" * i))}")
+// test: (a*)* b
+for (i <- 0 to 6000000 by 500000) {
+  println(s"$i: ${time_needed(2, matches(EVIL2, "a" * i))}")
+val r0 = simp(der('a', EVIL3))
+val r1 = simp(der('a', r0))
+val r2 = simp(der('a', r1))
+val r3 = simp(der('a', r2))
+val r4 = simp(der('a', r3))
+val r5 = simp(der('a', r4))
+val r6 = simp(der('a', r5))
+//test: (a|aa)* b
+for (i <- 0 to 100 by 10) {
+  println(s"$i: ${time_needed(2, matches(EVIL3, "a" * i ++ "c"))}")
+ */
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 Attic/re3ext.scala
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Attic/re3ext.scala	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+abstract class Rexp 
+case object ZERO extends Rexp
+case object ONE extends Rexp
+case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
+case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp
+case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class NTIMES(r: Rexp, n: Int) extends Rexp 
+def simp(r: Rexp): Rexp = r match {
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => {
+    (simp(r1), simp(r2)) match {
+      case (ZERO, r2s) => r2s
+      case (r1s, ZERO) => r1s
+      case (r1s, r2s) => if (r1s == r2s) r1s else ALT(r1s, r2s)
+    }
+  }
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => {
+    (simp(r1), simp(r2)) match {
+      case (ZERO, _) => ZERO
+      case (_, ZERO) => ZERO
+      case (ONE, r2s) => r2s
+      case (r1s, ONE) => r1s
+      case (r1s, r2s) => SEQ(r1s, r2s)
+    }
+  }
+  case NTIMES(r, n) => NTIMES(simp(r), n)    
+  case r => r
+def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
+  case ZERO => false
+  case ONE => true
+  case CHAR(_) => false
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
+  case STAR(_) => true
+  case NTIMES(r, i) => if (i == 0) true else nullable(r)
+def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
+  case ZERO => ZERO
+  case ONE => ZERO
+  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) ONE else ZERO
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
+    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
+    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
+  case STAR(r) => SEQ(der(c, r), STAR(r))
+  case NTIMES(r, i) => 
+    if (i == 0) ZERO else SEQ(der(c, r), NTIMES(r, i - 1))
+def ders (s: List[Char], r: Rexp) : Rexp = s match {
+  case Nil => r
+  case c::s => ders(s, simp(der(c, r)))
+def matches(r: Rexp, s: String) : Boolean = nullable(ders(s.toList, r))
+//one or zero
+def OPT(r: Rexp) = ALT(r, ONE)
+def EVIL(n: Int) = SEQ(NTIMES(OPT(CHAR('a')), n), NTIMES(CHAR('a'), n))
+def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
+  val start = System.nanoTime()
+  for (j <- 1 to i) code
+  val end = System.nanoTime()
+  (end - start)/(i * 1.0e9)
+for (i <- 1 to 9001 by 1000) {
+  println(i + " " + "%.5f".format(time_needed(1, matches(EVIL(i), "a" * i))))
+// some convenience for typing in regular expressions
+import scala.language.implicitConversions    
+import scala.language.reflectiveCalls 
+def charlist2rexp(s : List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
+  case Nil => ONE
+  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
+  case c::s => SEQ(CHAR(c), charlist2rexp(s))
+implicit def string2rexp(s : String) : Rexp = charlist2rexp(s.toList)
+implicit def RexpOps (r: Rexp) = new {
+  def | (s: Rexp) = ALT(r, s)
+  def % = STAR(r)
+  def ~ (s: Rexp) = SEQ(r, s)
+implicit def stringOps (s: String) = new {
+  def | (r: Rexp) = ALT(s, r)
+  def | (r: String) = ALT(s, r)
+  def % = STAR(s)
+  def ~ (r: Rexp) = SEQ(s, r)
+  def ~ (r: String) = SEQ(s, r)
+def PLUS(r: Rexp) = SEQ(r, STAR(r))
+def RANGE(s: List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
+  case Nil => ZERO
+  case c::s => ALT(CHAR(c), RANGE(s))
+def NMTIMES(r: Rexp, n: Int, m: Int) : Rexp =
+  if (n >= m) NTIMES(r, n) else ALT(NTIMES(r, m), NMTIMES(r, n, m - 1))
+val REG1 = PLUS(PLUS("a" ~ "a" ~ "a"))
+val REG2 = PLUS(PLUS("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" ~ OPT("a")))  // 19 as ~ a?
+//40 * aaa matches
+//43 * aaa + aa does not
+//45 * aaa + a
+println(matches(REG1, "aaa" * 40))
+println(matches(REG1, "aaa" * 43 + "aa"))
+println(matches(REG1, "aaa" * 45 + "a"))
+println(matches(REG2, "aaa" * 40))
+println(matches(REG2, "aaa" * 43 + "aa"))
+println(matches(REG2, "aaa" * 45 + "a"))
+val LOWERCASE = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+val DIGITS = "0123456789"
+val EMAIL = PLUS(RANGE((LOWERCASE + DIGITS + "_" + "." + "-").toList)) ~ "@" ~ 
+            PLUS(RANGE((LOWERCASE + DIGITS + "." + "-").toList)) ~ "." ~
+            NMTIMES(RANGE((LOWERCASE + ".").toList), 2, 6)
+val my_email = "christian.urban@kcl.ac.uk"
+println(matches(EMAIL, my_email))
+println(matches(NTIMES("a", 2), "a"))
+println(matches(NTIMES("a", 2), "aa"))
+println(matches(NTIMES("a", 2), "aaa"))
+println(matches(NMTIMES("a", 2, 3), "a"))
+println(matches(NMTIMES("a", 2, 3), "aa"))
+println(matches(NMTIMES("a", 2, 3), "aaa"))
+println(matches(NMTIMES("a", 2, 3), "aaaa"))
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 Attic/re4.scala
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Attic/re4.scala	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+// A version which attempts to move whole strings, not
+// just characters, under derivatives whenever possible
+abstract class Rexp
+case object ZERO extends Rexp
+case object ONE extends Rexp
+case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
+case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class NTIMES(r: Rexp, n: Int) extends Rexp 
+// the nullable function: tests whether the regular 
+// expression can recognise the empty string
+def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
+  case ZERO => false
+  case ONE => true
+  case CHAR(_) => false
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
+  case STAR(_) => true
+  case NTIMES(r, i) => if (i == 0) true else nullable(r)
+// the derivative of a regular expression w.r.t. a character
+def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
+  case ZERO => ZERO
+  case ONE => ZERO
+  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) ONE else ZERO
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
+    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
+    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
+  case STAR(r1) => SEQ(der(c, r1), STAR(r1))
+  case NTIMES(r1, i) => 
+    if (i == 0) ZERO else SEQ(der(c, r1), NTIMES(r1, i - 1))
+def simp(r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => (simp(r1), simp(r2)) match {
+    case (ZERO, r2s) => r2s
+    case (r1s, ZERO) => r1s
+    case (r1s, r2s) => if (r1s == r2s) r1s else ALT (r1s, r2s)
+  }
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) =>  (simp(r1), simp(r2)) match {
+    case (ZERO, _) => ZERO
+    case (_, ZERO) => ZERO
+    case (ONE, r2s) => r2s
+    case (r1s, ONE) => r1s
+    case (r1s, r2s) => SEQ(r1s, r2s)
+  }
+  case r => r
+// an example
+val r = SEQ(SEQ(CHAR('x'), CHAR('y')), CHAR('z'))
+der('x', r)
+der('y', der('x', r))
+der('z', der('y', der('x', r)))
+simp(der('z', der('y', der('x', r))))
+// *new*
+// the derivative w.r.t. a string (iterates der)
+def ders2(s: List[Char], r: Rexp) : Rexp = (s, r) match {
+  case (Nil, r) => r
+  case (s, ZERO) => ZERO
+  case (s, ONE) => if (s == Nil) ONE else ZERO
+  case (s, CHAR(c)) => if (s == List(c)) ONE else 
+                       if (s == Nil) CHAR(c) else ZERO
+  case (s, ALT(r1, r2)) => ALT(ders2(s, r1), ders2(s, r2))
+  case (c::s, r) => ders2(s, simp(der(c, r)))
+// the main matcher function
+def matcher(r: Rexp, s: String) : Boolean = 
+  nullable(ders2(s.toList, r))
+// one or zero
+def OPT(r: Rexp) = ALT(r, ONE)
+// Test Cases
+def EVIL1(n: Int) = SEQ(NTIMES(OPT(CHAR('a')), n), NTIMES(CHAR('a'), n))
+val EVIL2 = SEQ(STAR(STAR(CHAR('a'))), CHAR('b'))
+// for measuring time
+def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
+  val start = System.nanoTime()
+  for (j <- 1 to i) code
+  val end = System.nanoTime()
+  (end - start) / (i * 1.0e9)
+// test: (a?{n}) (a{n})
+for (i <- 0 to 11000 by 1000) {
+  println(f"$i: ${time_needed(2, matcher(EVIL1(i), "a" * i))}%.5f")
+// test: (a*)* b
+for (i <- 0 to 7000000 by 500000) {
+  println(f"$i: ${time_needed(2, matcher(EVIL2, "a" * i))}%.5f")
+// the size of a regular expressions - for testing purposes 
+def size(r: Rexp) : Int = r match {
+  case ZERO => 1
+  case ONE => 1
+  case CHAR(_) => 1
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => 1 + size(r1) + size(r2)
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 1 + size(r1) + size(r2)
+  case STAR(r) => 1 + size(r)
+  case NTIMES(r, _) => 1 + size(r)
+// string of a regular expressions - for testing purposes 
+def string(r: Rexp) : String = r match {
+  case ZERO => "0"
+  case ONE => "1"
+  case CHAR(c) => c.toString 
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => s"(${string(r1)} + ${string(r2)})"
+  case SEQ(CHAR(c), CHAR(d)) => s"${c}${d}"
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => s"(${string(r1)} ~ ${string(r2)})"
+  case STAR(r) => s"(${string(r)})*"
+  case NTIMES(r, n) =>  s"(${string(r)}){${n}}"
+// test: ("a" | "aa")*
+val EVIL3 = STAR(ALT(CHAR('a'), SEQ(CHAR('a'), CHAR('a'))))
+// test: ("" | "a" | "aa")*
+val EVIL4 = STAR(ALT(ONE, ALT(CHAR('a'), SEQ(CHAR('a'), CHAR('a')))))
+val t1  = ders2("a".toList, EVIL3)
+val t1s = simp(t1) 
+val t2  = ders2("aa".toList, t1s)
+val t2s = simp(t2)
+val t3  = ders2("aaa".toList, t2s)
+val t3s = simp(t3)
+val t4  = ders2("aaaa".toList, t3s)
+val t4s = simp(t4)
+println(string(t1) + "    " + size(t1))
+println("s " + string(t1s) + "    " + size(t1s))
+println(string(t2) + "    " + size(t2))
+println("s " + string(t2s) + "    " + size(t2s))
+println(string(t3) + "    " + size(t3))
+println("s " + string(t3s) + "    " + size(t3s))
+println(string(t4) + "    " + size(t4))
+println("s " + string(t4s) + "    " + size(t4s))
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 Attic/regexp2.scala
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Attic/regexp2.scala	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+// regular expressions including NOT
+abstract class Rexp
+case object NULL extends Rexp
+case object EMPTY extends Rexp
+case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
+case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp
+case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp
+case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp
+case class NOT(r: Rexp) extends Rexp
+// some convenience for typing in regular expressions
+def charlist2rexp(s : List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
+  case Nil => EMPTY
+  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
+  case c::s => SEQ(CHAR(c), charlist2rexp(s))
+implicit def string2rexp(s : String) : Rexp = charlist2rexp(s.toList)
+// nullable function: tests whether the regular 
+// expression can recognise the empty string
+def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
+  case NULL => false
+  case EMPTY => true
+  case CHAR(_) => false
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
+  case STAR(_) => true
+  case NOT(r) => !(nullable(r))
+// tests whether a regular expression 
+// cannot recognise more
+def no_more (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
+  case NULL => true
+  case EMPTY => false
+  case CHAR(_) => false
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => no_more(r1) && no_more(r2)
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => if (nullable(r1)) (no_more(r1) && no_more(r2)) else no_more(r1)
+  case STAR(_) => false
+  case NOT(r) => !(no_more(r))
+// derivative of a regular expression w.r.t. a character
+def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
+  case NULL => NULL
+  case EMPTY => NULL
+  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) EMPTY else NULL
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
+    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
+    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
+  case STAR(r) => SEQ(der(c, r), STAR(r))
+  case NOT(r) => NOT(der (c, r))
+// regular expression for specifying 
+// ranges of characters
+def RANGE(s : List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
+  case Nil => NULL
+  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
+  case c::s => ALT(CHAR(c), RANGE(s))
+//one or more
+def PLUS(r: Rexp) = SEQ(r, STAR(r))
+//some regular expressions
+val LOWERCASE = RANGE("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".toList)
+val DIGIT = RANGE("0123456789".toList)
+val NONZERODIGIT = RANGE("123456789".toList)
+val WHITESPACE = RANGE(" \n".toList)
+val COMMENT = SEQ(SEQ("/*", NOT(SEQ(SEQ(STAR(ALL), "*/"), STAR(ALL)))), "*/")
+// an example list of regular expressions
+val regs: List[Rexp]=  List("if", "then", "else", "+", IDENT, NUMBER, WHITESPACES, COMMENT) 
+def error (s: String) = throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Could not lex " + s)
+def munch(r: Rexp, s: List[Char], t: List[Char]) : Option[(List[Char], List[Char])] = 
+  s match {
+    case Nil if (nullable(r)) => Some(Nil, t)
+    case Nil => None
+    case c::s if (no_more(der (c, r)) && nullable(r)) => Some(c::s, t)
+    case c::s if (no_more(der (c, r))) => None
+    case c::s => munch(der (c, r), s, t ::: List(c))
+  }
+def one_string (regs: List[Rexp], s: List[Char]) : (List[Char], List[Char]) = {
+ val somes = regs.map { munch(_, s, Nil) } .flatten
+ if (somes == Nil) error(s.mkString) else (somes sortBy (_._1.length) head)
+def tokenize (regs: List[Rexp], s: List[Char]) : List[String] = s match {
+  case Nil => Nil
+  case _ => one_string(regs, s) match {
+    case (rest, s) => s.mkString :: tokenize(regs, rest) 
+  }
+println(tokenize(regs, "if true then then 42 else +".toList))
+println(tokenize(regs, "if+true+then+then+42+else +".toList))
+println(tokenize(regs, "ifff if     34 34".toList))
+println(tokenize(regs, "/*ifff if */ hhjj /*34 */".toList))
+println(tokenize(regs, "/* if true then */ then 42 else +".toList))
+//println(tokenize(regs, "ifff $ if 34".toList)) // causes an error because of the symbol $
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 Attic/rev.scala
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Attic/rev.scala	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+def rev(r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
+  case ZERO => ZERO
+  case ONE => ONE
+  case CHAR(c) => CHAR(c)
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(rev(r1), rev(r2))
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => SEQ(rev(r2), rev(r1))
+  case STAR(r) => STAR(rev(r))
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 Attic/token-bak.scala
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Attic/token-bak.scala	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+import scala.language.implicitConversions
+import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
+import scala.util._
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
+sealed abstract class Rexp
+case object NULL extends Rexp
+case object EMPTY extends Rexp
+case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
+case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp
+case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp
+case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp
+def charlist2rexp(s : List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
+  case Nil => EMPTY
+  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
+  case c::s => SEQ(CHAR(c), charlist2rexp(s))
+implicit def string2rexp(s : String) : Rexp = charlist2rexp(s.toList)
+implicit def RexpOps(r: Rexp) = new {
+  def | (s: Rexp) = ALT(r, s)
+  def % = STAR(r)
+  def ~ (s: Rexp) = SEQ(r, s)
+implicit def stringOps(s: String) = new {
+  def | (r: Rexp) = ALT(s, r)
+  def | (r: String) = ALT(s, r)
+  def % = STAR(s)
+  def ~ (r: Rexp) = SEQ(s, r)
+  def ~ (r: String) = SEQ(s, r)
+def Range(s : List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
+  case Nil => NULL
+  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
+  case c::s => ALT(CHAR(c), Range(s))
+def RANGE(s: String) = Range(s.toList)
+def PLUS(r: Rexp) = SEQ(r, STAR(r))
+val SYM = RANGE("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_")
+val DIGIT = RANGE("0123456789")
+val ID = SYM ~ (SYM | DIGIT).% 
+val KEYWORD : Rexp = "skip" | "while" | "do" | "if" | "then" | "else" | "read" | "write" 
+val SEMI: Rexp = ";"
+val OP: Rexp = ":=" | "=" | "-" | "+" | "*" | "!=" | "<" | ">"
+val RPAREN: Rexp = ")"
+val LPAREN: Rexp = "("
+val BEGIN: Rexp = "{"
+val END: Rexp = "}"
+//regular expressions ranked by position in the list
+val regs: List[Rexp] = 
+def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
+  case NULL => false
+  case EMPTY => true
+  case CHAR(_) => false
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
+  case STAR(_) => true
+def zeroable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
+  case NULL => true
+  case EMPTY => false
+  case CHAR(_) => false
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => zeroable(r1) && zeroable(r2)
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => zeroable(r1) || zeroable(r2)
+  case STAR(_) => false
+def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
+  case NULL => NULL
+  case EMPTY => NULL  
+  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) EMPTY else NULL
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
+    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
+    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
+  case STAR(r) => SEQ(der(c, r), STAR(r))
+// calculates derivatives until all of them are zeroable
+def munch(s: List[Char], 
+          pos: Int, 
+          rs: List[Rexp], 
+          last: Option[Int]): Option[Int] = rs match {
+  case Nil => last
+  case rs if (s.length <= pos) => last
+  case rs => {
+    val ders = rs.map(der(s(pos), _))
+    val rs_nzero = ders.filterNot(zeroable(_))
+    val rs_nulls = ders.filter(nullable(_))
+    val new_last = if (rs_nulls != Nil) Some(pos) else last
+    munch(s, 1 + pos, rs_nzero, new_last)
+  }
+// iterates the munching function and prints 
+// out the component strings
+def tokenize(s: String, rs: List[Rexp]) : Unit = munch(s.toList, 0, rs, None) match {
+  case None if (s == "") => println("EOF")
+  case None => println(s"Lexing error: $s")
+  case Some(n) => {
+    val (head, tail) = s.splitAt(n + 1)
+    print(s"|${head.replaceAll("\n","RET")}|")
+    tokenize(tail, rs)
+  }
+val test_prog = """
+start := XXX;
+x := start;
+y := start;
+z := start;
+while 0 < x do {
+ while 0 < y do {
+  while 0 < z do {
+    z := z - 1
+  };
+  z := start;
+  y := y - 1
+ };     
+ y := start;
+ x := x - 1
+write x;
+write y;
+write z
+tokenize(test_prog, regs)
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 Attic/while.scala
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Attic/while.scala	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+// A parser and evaluator for the while language
+import matcher._
+import parser._
+// some regular expressions
+val SYM = RANGE("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_")
+val DIGIT = RANGE("0123456789")
+val KEYWORD = ALTS("skip", "while", "do", "if", "then", "else", "true", "false") 
+val SEMI: Rexp = ";"
+val OP: Rexp = ALTS(":=", "=", "-", "+", "*", "!=", "<", ">")
+val RPAREN: Rexp = ")"
+val LPAREN: Rexp = "("
+val BEGIN: Rexp = "{"
+val END: Rexp = "}"
+// tokens for classifying the strings that have been recognised
+abstract class Token
+case object T_WHITESPACE extends Token
+case object T_SEMI extends Token
+case object T_LPAREN extends Token
+case object T_RPAREN extends Token
+case object T_BEGIN extends Token
+case object T_END extends Token
+case class T_ID(s: String) extends Token
+case class T_OP(s: String) extends Token
+case class T_NUM(s: String) extends Token
+case class T_KWD(s: String) extends Token
+val lexing_rules: List[(Rexp, List[Char] => Token)] = 
+  List((KEYWORD, (s) => T_KWD(s.mkString)),
+       (ID, (s) => T_ID(s.mkString)),
+       (OP, (s) => T_OP(s.mkString)),
+       (NUM, (s) => T_NUM(s.mkString)),
+       (SEMI, (s) => T_SEMI),
+       (LPAREN, (s) => T_LPAREN),
+       (RPAREN, (s) => T_RPAREN),
+       (BEGIN, (s) => T_BEGIN),
+       (END, (s) => T_END),
+       (WHITESPACE, (s) => T_WHITESPACE))
+// the tokenizer
+val Tok = Tokenizer(lexing_rules, List(T_WHITESPACE))
+// the abstract syntax trees
+abstract class Stmt
+abstract class AExp
+abstract class BExp 
+type Block = List[Stmt]
+case object Skip extends Stmt
+case class If(a: BExp, bl1: Block, bl2: Block) extends Stmt
+case class While(b: BExp, bl: Block) extends Stmt
+case class Assign(s: String, a: AExp) extends Stmt
+case class Var(s: String) extends AExp
+case class Num(i: Int) extends AExp
+case class Aop(o: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends AExp
+case object True extends BExp
+case object False extends BExp
+case class Bop(o: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends BExp
+// atomic parsers
+case class TokParser(tok: Token) extends Parser[List[Token], Token] {
+  def parse(ts: List[Token]) = ts match {
+    case t::ts if (t == tok) => Set((t, ts)) 
+    case _ => Set ()
+  }
+implicit def token2tparser(t: Token) = TokParser(t)
+case object NumParser extends Parser[List[Token], Int] {
+  def parse(ts: List[Token]) = ts match {
+    case T_NUM(s)::ts => Set((s.toInt, ts)) 
+    case _ => Set ()
+  }
+case object IdParser extends Parser[List[Token], String] {
+  def parse(ts: List[Token]) = ts match {
+    case T_ID(s)::ts => Set((s, ts)) 
+    case _ => Set ()
+  }
+def len(xs: List[(Int, Int)]): Int = xs match {
+  case Nil => 0
+  case (1, x)::xs => len(xs) + 1
+  case (_, x)::xs => len(xs) 
+def fst(p: (Int, Int)): Int = p match {
+  case Nil => 0
+  case (1, x)::xs => len(xs) + 1
+  case (_, x)::xs => len(xs) 
+// arithmetic expressions
+lazy val AExp: Parser[List[Token], AExp] = 
+  (T ~ T_OP("+") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Aop("+", x, z): AExp } ||
+  (T ~ T_OP("-") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Aop("-", x, z): AExp } || T  
+lazy val T: Parser[List[Token], AExp] = 
+  (F ~ T_OP("*") ~ T) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Aop("*", x, z): AExp } || F
+lazy val F: Parser[List[Token], AExp] = 
+  (T_LPAREN ~> AExp <~ T_RPAREN) || 
+  IdParser ==> Var || 
+  NumParser ==> Num
+// boolean expressions
+lazy val BExp: Parser[List[Token], BExp] = 
+  (AExp ~ T_OP("=") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Bop("=", x, z): BExp } || 
+  (AExp ~ T_OP("!=") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Bop("!=", x, z): BExp } || 
+  (AExp ~ T_OP("<") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Bop("<", x, z): BExp } || 
+  (AExp ~ T_OP(">") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Bop(">", x, z): BExp } || 
+  (T_KWD("true") ==> ((_) => True)) || 
+  (T_KWD("false") ==> ((_) => False: BExp))
+lazy val Stmt: Parser[List[Token], Stmt] =
+  (T_KWD("skip") ==> ((_) => Skip: Stmt)) ||
+  (IdParser ~ T_OP(":=") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Assign(x, z): Stmt } ||
+  (T_KWD("if") ~ BExp ~ T_KWD("then") ~ Block ~ T_KWD("else") ~ Block) ==>
+    { case (((((x,y),z),u),v),w) => If(y, u, w): Stmt } ||
+  (T_KWD("while") ~ BExp ~ T_KWD("do") ~ Block) ==> { case (((x, y), z), w) => While(y, w) } 
+lazy val Stmts: Parser[List[Token], Block] =
+  (Stmt ~ T_SEMI ~ Stmts) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => x :: z : Block } ||
+  (Stmt ==> ((s) => List(s) : Block))
+lazy val Block: Parser[List[Token], Block] =
+  (T_BEGIN ~> Stmts <~ T_END) || 
+  (Stmt ==> ((s) => List(s)))
+// examples
+val p1 = "x := 5"
+val p1_toks = Tok.fromString(p1) 
+val p1_ast = Block.parse_all(p1_toks)
+val p1a = "{ x := 5; y := 8}"
+val p1a_toks = Tok.fromString(p1a) 
+val p1a_ast = Block.parse_all(p1a_toks)
+val p2 = "5 = 6"
+val p2_toks = Tok.fromString(p2) 
+val p2_ast = BExp.parse_all(p2_toks)
+val p2a = "true"
+val p2a_toks = Tok.fromString(p2a) 
+val p2a_ast = BExp.parse_all(p2a_toks)
+val p3 = "if true then skip else skip"
+val p3_toks = Tok.fromString(p3) 
+val p3_ast = Stmt.parse_all(p3_toks)
+val p3a = "if true then x := 5 else x := 10"
+val p3a_toks = Tok.fromString(p3a) 
+val p3a_ast = Stmt.parse_all(p3a_toks)
+val p3b = "if false then x := 5 else x := 10"
+val p3b_toks = Tok.fromString(p3b) 
+val p3b_ast = Stmt.parse_all(p3b_toks)
+// multiplication
+val p4 = """{ x := 5;
+              y := 4;
+              r := 0;
+              while y > 0 do {
+                 r := r + x;
+                 y := y - 1
+              } 
+            }"""
+val p4_toks = Tok.fromString(p4) 
+val p4_ast = Block.parse_all(p4_toks)
+val p5 = """
+ n := 9;
+ minus1 := 0;
+ minus2 := 1;
+ temp := 0;
+ while n > 0 do  {
+   temp := minus2;
+   minus2 := minus1 + minus2;
+   minus1 := temp;
+   n := n - 1
+ };
+ fib_res := minus2
+val p5_toks = Tok.fromString(p5) 
+val p5_ast = Stmts.parse_all(p5_toks)
+// interpreter
+type Env = Map[String, Int]
+def eval_bexp(b: BExp, env: Env) : Boolean = b match {
+  case True => true
+  case False => false
+  case Bop("=", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) == eval_aexp(a2, env)
+  case Bop("!=", a1, a2) => !(eval_aexp(a1, env) == eval_aexp(a2, env))
+  case Bop(">", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) > eval_aexp(a2, env)
+  case Bop("<", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) < eval_aexp(a2, env)
+def eval_aexp(a: AExp, env : Env) : Int = a match {
+  case Num(i) => i
+  case Var(s) => env(s)
+  case Aop("+", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) + eval_aexp(a2, env)
+  case Aop("-", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) - eval_aexp(a2, env)
+  case Aop("*", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) * eval_aexp(a2, env)
+def eval_stmt(s: Stmt, env: Env) : Env = s match {
+  case Skip => env
+  case Assign(x, a) => env + (x -> eval_aexp(a, env))
+  case If(b, bl1, bl2) => if (eval_bexp(b, env)) eval_bl(bl1, env) else eval_bl(bl2, env) 
+  case While(b, bl) => 
+    if (eval_bexp(b, env)) eval_stmt(While(b, bl), eval_bl(bl, env))
+    else env
+def eval_bl(bl: Block, env: Env) : Env = bl match {
+  case Nil => env
+  case s::bl => eval_bl(bl, eval_stmt(s, env))
+println(eval_stmt(p3a_ast.head, Map.empty))
+println(eval_stmt(p3b_ast.head, Map.empty))
+println(eval_bl(p4_ast.head, Map.empty))
+println(eval_bl(p5_ast.head, Map.empty))
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 Attic/while1.scala
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Attic/while1.scala	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+// A parser and evaluator for the WHILE language
+// some regular expressions
+val SYM = RANGE("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_")
+val DIGIT = RANGE("0123456789")
+val KEYWORD = ALTS("skip", "while", "do", "if", "then", "else", "true", "false", "write") 
+val SEMI: Rexp = ";"
+val OP: Rexp = ALTS(":=", "=", "-", "+", "*", "!=", "<", ">")
+val RPAREN: Rexp = ")"
+val LPAREN: Rexp = "("
+val BEGIN: Rexp = "{"
+val END: Rexp = "}"
+val COMMENT = SEQS("/*", NOT(SEQS(STAR(ALLC), "*/", STAR(ALLC))), "*/")
+// tokens for classifying the strings that have been recognised
+abstract class Token
+case object T_WHITESPACE extends Token
+case object T_COMMENT extends Token
+case object T_SEMI extends Token
+case object T_LPAREN extends Token
+case object T_RPAREN extends Token
+case object T_BEGIN extends Token
+case object T_END extends Token
+case class T_ID(s: String) extends Token
+case class T_OP(s: String) extends Token
+case class T_NUM(s: String) extends Token
+case class T_KWD(s: String) extends Token
+val lexing_rules: List[(Rexp, List[Char] => Token)] = 
+  List((KEYWORD, (s) => T_KWD(s.mkString)),
+       (ID, (s) => T_ID(s.mkString)),
+       (OP, (s) => T_OP(s.mkString)),
+       (NUM, (s) => T_NUM(s.mkString)),
+       (SEMI, (s) => T_SEMI),
+       (LPAREN, (s) => T_LPAREN),
+       (RPAREN, (s) => T_RPAREN),
+       (BEGIN, (s) => T_BEGIN),
+       (END, (s) => T_END),
+       (WHITESPACE, (s) => T_WHITESPACE),
+       (COMMENT, (s) => T_COMMENT))
+// the tokenizer
+val Tok = Tokenizer(lexing_rules, List(T_WHITESPACE, T_COMMENT))
+// the abstract syntax trees
+abstract class Stmt
+abstract class AExp
+abstract class BExp 
+type Block = List[Stmt]
+case object Skip extends Stmt
+case class If(a: BExp, bl1: Block, bl2: Block) extends Stmt
+case class While(b: BExp, bl: Block) extends Stmt
+case class Assign(s: String, a: AExp) extends Stmt
+case class Write(s: String) extends Stmt
+case class Var(s: String) extends AExp
+case class Num(i: Int) extends AExp
+case class Aop(o: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends AExp
+case object True extends BExp
+case object False extends BExp
+case class Bop(o: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends BExp
+// atomic parsers
+case class TokParser(tok: Token) extends Parser[List[Token], Token] {
+  def parse(ts: List[Token]) = ts match {
+    case t::ts if (t == tok) => Set((t, ts)) 
+    case _ => Set ()
+  }
+implicit def token2tparser(t: Token) = TokParser(t)
+case object NumParser extends Parser[List[Token], Int] {
+  def parse(ts: List[Token]) = ts match {
+    case T_NUM(s)::ts => Set((s.toInt, ts)) 
+    case _ => Set ()
+  }
+case object IdParser extends Parser[List[Token], String] {
+  def parse(ts: List[Token]) = ts match {
+    case T_ID(s)::ts => Set((s, ts)) 
+    case _ => Set ()
+  }
+// arithmetic expressions
+lazy val AExp: Parser[List[Token], AExp] = 
+  (T ~ T_OP("+") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Aop("+", x, z): AExp } ||
+  (T ~ T_OP("-") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Aop("-", x, z): AExp } || T  
+lazy val T: Parser[List[Token], AExp] = 
+  (F ~ T_OP("*") ~ T) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Aop("*", x, z): AExp } || F
+lazy val F: Parser[List[Token], AExp] = 
+  (T_LPAREN ~> AExp <~ T_RPAREN) || 
+  IdParser ==> Var || 
+  NumParser ==> Num
+// boolean expressions
+lazy val BExp: Parser[List[Token], BExp] = 
+  (T_KWD("true") ==> ((_) => True: BExp)) || 
+  (T_KWD("false") ==> ((_) => False: BExp)) ||
+  (T_LPAREN ~> BExp <~ T_RPAREN) ||
+  (AExp ~ T_OP("=") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Bop("=", x, z): BExp } || 
+  (AExp ~ T_OP("!=") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Bop("!=", x, z): BExp } || 
+  (AExp ~ T_OP("<") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Bop("<", x, z): BExp } || 
+  (AExp ~ T_OP(">") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Bop("<", z, x): BExp }
+lazy val Stmt: Parser[List[Token], Stmt] =
+  (T_KWD("skip") ==> ((_) => Skip: Stmt)) ||
+  (IdParser ~ T_OP(":=") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Assign(x, z): Stmt } ||
+  (T_KWD("if") ~ BExp ~ T_KWD("then") ~ Block ~ T_KWD("else") ~ Block) ==>
+    { case (((((x,y),z),u),v),w) => If(y, u, w): Stmt } ||
+  (T_KWD("while") ~ BExp ~ T_KWD("do") ~ Block) ==> { case (((x, y), z), w) => While(y, w) } || 
+  (T_KWD("write") ~ IdParser) ==> { case (x, y) => Write(y) } 
+lazy val Stmts: Parser[List[Token], Block] =
+  (Stmt ~ T_SEMI ~ Stmts) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => x :: z : Block } ||
+  (Stmt ==> ((s) => List(s) : Block))
+lazy val Block: Parser[List[Token], Block] =
+  (T_BEGIN ~> Stmts <~ T_END) || 
+  (Stmt ==> ((s) => List(s)))
+// interpreter
+type Env = Map[String, Int]
+def eval_bexp(b: BExp, env: Env) : Boolean = b match {
+  case True => true
+  case False => false
+  case Bop("=", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) == eval_aexp(a2, env)
+  case Bop("!=", a1, a2) => !(eval_aexp(a1, env) == eval_aexp(a2, env))
+  case Bop("<", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) < eval_aexp(a2, env)
+def eval_aexp(a: AExp, env : Env) : Int = a match {
+  case Num(i) => i
+  case Var(s) => env(s)
+  case Aop("+", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) + eval_aexp(a2, env)
+  case Aop("-", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) - eval_aexp(a2, env)
+  case Aop("*", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) * eval_aexp(a2, env)
+def eval_stmt(s: Stmt, env: Env) : Env = s match {
+  case Skip => env
+  case Assign(x, a) => env + (x -> eval_aexp(a, env))
+  case If(b, bl1, bl2) => if (eval_bexp(b, env)) eval_bl(bl1, env) else eval_bl(bl2, env) 
+  case While(b, bl) => 
+    if (eval_bexp(b, env)) eval_stmt(While(b, bl), eval_bl(bl, env))
+    else env
+  case Write(x) => { println(env(x)); env }
+def eval_bl(bl: Block, env: Env) : Env = bl match {
+  case Nil => env
+  case s::bl => eval_bl(bl, eval_stmt(s, env))
+def eval_prog(name: String) : Env = {
+  val tks = Tok.fromFile(name)
+  val ast = Stmts.parse_single(tks)
+  eval_bl(ast, Map.empty)
+def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
+  val start = System.nanoTime()
+  for (j <- 1 to i) code
+  val end = System.nanoTime()
+  (end - start)/(i * 1.0e9)
+val test_prog = """
+start := XXX;
+x := start;
+y := start;
+z := start;
+while 0 < x do {
+ while 0 < y do {
+  while 0 < z do {
+    z := z - 1
+  };
+  z := start;
+  y := y - 1
+ };     
+ y := start;
+ x := x - 1
+def eval_test(n: Int) : Unit = {
+  val tks = Tok.fromString(test_prog.replaceAllLiterally("XXX", n.toString))
+  val ast = Stmts.parse_single(tks)
+  println(n + " " + time_needed(2, eval_bl(ast, Map.empty)))
+List(1, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600).map(eval_test(_))
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 handouts/ho01.pdf
Binary file handouts/ho01.pdf has changed
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 handouts/ho01.tex
--- a/handouts/ho01.tex	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ b/handouts/ho01.tex	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
 \section*{Handout 1}
 The purpose of a compiler is to transform a program a human can read and
 write into code the machine can run as fast as possible. Developing a
 compiler is an old craft going back to 1952 with the first compiler
@@ -479,8 +480,18 @@
 structure of regular expressions is always clear. But for
 writing them down in a more mathematical fashion, parentheses
 will be helpful. For example we will write $(r_1 + r_2)^*$,
-which is different from, say $r_1 + (r_2)^*$. The former means
-roughly zero or more times $r_1$ or $r_2$, while the latter
+which is different from, say $r_1 + (r_2)^*$. This can be
+seen if we write regular expressions as trees:
+The regular expression on the left means
+roughly zero or more times $r_1$ or $r_2$, while the one on the right
 means $r_1$, or zero or more times $r_2$. This will turn out to
 be two different patterns, which match in general different
 strings. We should also write $(r_1 + r_2) + r_3$, which is
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/automata/build.sh
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/progs/automata/build.sh	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+set -euo pipefail
+amm thompson.sc
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/automata/thompson.sc
--- a/progs/automata/thompson.sc	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ b/progs/automata/thompson.sc	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
 // construction), in general the DFAs can be slow because of 
 // the state explosion in the subset construction
-for (i <- 1 to 13) {
+for (i <- 1 to 7) {
   println(i + ": " + "%.5f".format(time_needed(2, tmatches_dfa(EVIL1(i), "a" * i))))
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/bf/bfc0.sc
--- a/progs/bf/bfc0.sc	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ b/progs/bf/bfc0.sc	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
 // Note: An interesting exercise is to call
-// gcc with -O3 instead of -O0 
+// gcc with -O3 instead of -O0 (see invocation
+// below).
 // simple instructions
 def instr(c: Char) : String = c match {
@@ -25,7 +27,7 @@
 def instrs(prog: String) : String =
-// adding the boilerplate
+// adding boilerplate
 def compile(prog: String) : String = 
   s"""#include <string.h> 
       #include <stdio.h> 
@@ -36,16 +38,17 @@
       return 0;}"""
-def compile_file(name: String, prog: String) = 
+def compile_to_file(name: String, prog: String) = 
   os.write.over(os.pwd / name, compile(prog))
 // running the c-compiler over the transpiled
 // BF program and running the resulting binary
-def compile_run(prog: String) = {
+def compile_and_run(prog: String) = {
   val tn = "tmp"
-  compile_file(s"${tn}.c", prog)
+  compile_to_file(s"${tn}.c", prog)
   os.proc("gcc", "-O0", "-o", tn, s"${tn}.c").call() // call gcc
   os.proc("./tmp").call(stdout = os.Inherit)         // run binary
@@ -64,7 +67,7 @@
 def main(fname: String) = {
   val bf_str = os.read(os.pwd / fname)
-  println(s"${time_needed(1, compile_run(bf_str))} secs")
+  println(s"${time_needed(1, compile_and_run(bf_str))} secs")
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/bf/bfc1.sc
--- a/progs/bf/bfc1.sc	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ b/progs/bf/bfc1.sc	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 // This version "optimises" the code by replacing 
-// for example +++ by (*ptr) += 3, instead of
-// (*ptr)++, (*ptr)++, (*ptr)++
+// for example +++ by (*ptr) += 3, instead of three
+// separate (*ptr)++, (*ptr)++, (*ptr)++
 // Call with
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
-// generating "compound" c-instructions 
+// generate "compound" c-instructions 
 def instr2(c: Char, n: Int) : String = c match {
   case '>' => s"ptr += $n ;"
   case '<' => s"ptr -= $n ;"
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 def instrs2(prog: String) : String =
   splice(prog.toList, Nil).reverse.mkString
-// adding the boilerplate
+// adding boilerplate
 def compile(prog: String) : String = 
   s"""#include <string.h> 
       #include <stdio.h> 
@@ -51,16 +51,16 @@
       return 0;}"""
-def compile_file(name: String, prog: String) = 
+def compile_to_file(name: String, prog: String) = 
   os.write.over(os.pwd / name, compile(prog))
 // running the c-compiler over the transpiled
 // BF program and running the resulting binary
-def compile_run(prog: String) = {
+def compile_and_run(prog: String) = {
   val tn = "tmp"
-  compile_file(s"${tn}.c", prog)
+  compile_to_file(s"${tn}.c", prog)
   os.proc("gcc", "-O0", "-o", tn, s"${tn}.c").call() // call gcc
   os.proc("./tmp").call(stdout = os.Inherit)         // run binary
@@ -79,6 +79,6 @@
 def main(fname: String) = {
   val bf_str = os.read(os.pwd / fname)
-  println(s"${time_needed(1, compile_run(bf_str))} secs")
+  println(s"${time_needed(1, compile_and_run(bf_str))} secs")
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/bf/bfi.sc
--- a/progs/bf/bfi.sc	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ b/progs/bf/bfi.sc	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -7,12 +7,10 @@
-import scala.util._
-// BF memory as a map
+// BF memory is represented as a Map
 type Mem = Map[Int, Int]
-// reading and writing BF memory
+// safe reading and writing of BF memory
 def sread(mem: Mem, mp: Int) : Int = 
   mem.getOrElse(mp, 0)
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/catastrophic/catastrophic.py
--- a/progs/catastrophic/catastrophic.py	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ b/progs/catastrophic/catastrophic.py	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 # call with timing as:
-#   > time ./catastrophic.py 20
+#   time ./catastrophic.py 20
 # counter n given on the command line
 cn = sys.argv[1]
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/catastrophic/catastrophic.rb
--- a/progs/catastrophic/catastrophic.rb	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ b/progs/catastrophic/catastrophic.rb	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 # run on the command line with:
-# $>  ruby catastrophic.rb
+# ruby catastrophic.rb
 nums = (1..1000)
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/catastrophic/catastrophic2.py
--- a/progs/catastrophic/catastrophic2.py	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ b/progs/catastrophic/catastrophic2.py	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 # call with timing as:
-#   > time ./catastrophic.py 20
+#    time ./catastrophic.py 20
 # counter n given on the command line
 cn = sys.argv[1]
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/collatz.while
--- a/progs/collatz.while	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-write "Input a number ";
-read n;
-while n > 1 do {
-  if n % 2 == 0 
-  then n := n/2 
-  else n := 3*n+1;
-write "Yes";
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/defs.fun
--- a/progs/defs.fun	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-def zero(x) = 0;
-def suc(x) = x + 1;
-def pred(x) =
-  if x == 0 then x else x - 1;
-def add(x, y) =
-  if x == 0 then y else suc(add(x - 1, y));
-def mult(x, y) =
-  if x == 0 then 0 else add(y, mult(x - 1, y));
-def pow(x, y) =
-  if y == 0 then 1 else mult(x, pow(x, y - 1));
-def fib(n) = if n == 0 then 0 
-             else if n == 1 then 1 
-             else fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
-def fact(n) =
-  if n == 0 then 1 else n * fact(n - 1);
-def ack(m, n) = if m == 0 then n + 1
-                else if n == 0 then ack(m - 1, 1)
-                else ack(m - 1, ack(m, n - 1));
-def stack_test(x) = x + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5;
-def div(x, y) = x / y;   //integer division
-def rem(x, y) = x % y;   //remainder
-def gcd(a, b) =
-  if b == 0 then a else gcd(b, a % b);
-def is_prime_aux(n, i) = 
-  if n % i == 0 then 0
-  else if (i * i) <= n then is_prime_aux(n, i + 1)  
-  else 1;
-def is_prime(n) = if n == 2 then 1 else is_prime_aux(n, 2);
-def primes(n) = 
-  if n == 0 then 0
-  else if is_prime(n) == 1 then (write n; primes(n - 1)) 
-  else primes(n - 1);
-def is_collatz(n) =
-  if n == 1 then 1
-  else if n % 2 == 0 then is_collatz(n / 2)
-  else is_collatz(3 * n + 1);  
-def collatz_aux(n, i) = 
-  if i > n then 0
-  else if is_collatz(i) == 1 then (write i; collatz_aux(n, i + 1)) 
-  else collatz_aux(n, i + 1);
-def collatz(n) = collatz_aux(n, 1);
-def facT(n, acc) =
-  if n == 0 then acc else facT(n - 1, n * acc);
-//write(add(3, 4))
-//pow(2, 3)
-//(write(fact(5)) ; fact(6))
-//(write(1) ; 2)
-//write(ack(3, 12))   // for tail-rec test
-//(write (div(11, 3)); rem(11, 3))
-//gcd(54, 24)
-//facT(6, 1)
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/detokenise.scala
--- a/progs/detokenise.scala	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-// Detokenising the ouput of Tokeniser
-// call with 
-//     scala detokenise.scala fib.tks
-//     scala detokenise.scala loops.tks
-object Detokenise {
-import java.io._
-import scala.util._ 
-abstract class Token extends Serializable 
-case object T_SEMI extends Token
-case object T_LPAREN extends Token
-case object T_RPAREN extends Token
-case class T_ID(s: String) extends Token
-case class T_OP(s: String) extends Token
-case class T_NUM(n: Int) extends Token
-case class T_KWD(s: String) extends Token
-case class T_STR(s: String) extends Token
-def deserialise[T](fname: String) : Try[T] = {
-  //import scala.util.Using
-  //Using(new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(fname))) {
-  //  in => in.readObject.asInstanceOf[T]
-  //}
-  Try(new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(fname))).get {
-    in => in.readObject.asInstanceOf[T]
-  }
-def main(args: Array[String]) = {
-  val fname = args(0)
-  val tks = deserialise[List[Token]](fname).getOrElse(Nil)
-  println(s"Reading back from ${fname}:\n${tks.mkString(", ")}")  
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/fact.fun
--- a/progs/fact.fun	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-// a simple factorial program
-// (including a tail recursive version)
-def fact(n) =
-  if n == 0 then 1 else n * fact(n - 1);
-def facT(n, acc) =
-  if n == 0 then acc else facT(n - 1, n * acc);
-def facTi(n) = facT(n, 1);
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/factors.while
--- a/progs/factors.while	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-// Find all factors of a given input number
-// by J.R. Cordy August 2005
-write "Input n please";
-read n;
-write "The factors of n are";
-f := 2;
-while n != 1 do {
-    while (n / f) * f == n do {
-        write f;
-        n := n / f
-    };
-    f := f + 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/fib.while
--- a/progs/fib.while	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-write "Fib";
-read n;  
-minus1 := 0;
-minus2 := 1;
-while n > 0 do {
-       temp := minus2;
-       minus2 := minus1 + minus2;
-       minus1 := temp;
-       n := n - 1
-write "Result";
-write minus2 
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/fun-tests/defs.fun
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/progs/fun-tests/defs.fun	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+def zero(x) = 0;
+def suc(x) = x + 1;
+def pred(x) =
+  if x == 0 then x else x - 1;
+def add(x, y) =
+  if x == 0 then y else suc(add(x - 1, y));
+def mult(x, y) =
+  if x == 0 then 0 else add(y, mult(x - 1, y));
+def pow(x, y) =
+  if y == 0 then 1 else mult(x, pow(x, y - 1));
+def fib(n) = if n == 0 then 0 
+             else if n == 1 then 1 
+             else fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
+def fact(n) =
+  if n == 0 then 1 else n * fact(n - 1);
+def ack(m, n) = if m == 0 then n + 1
+                else if n == 0 then ack(m - 1, 1)
+                else ack(m - 1, ack(m, n - 1));
+def stack_test(x) = x + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5;
+def div(x, y) = x / y;   //integer division
+def rem(x, y) = x % y;   //remainder
+def gcd(a, b) =
+  if b == 0 then a else gcd(b, a % b);
+def is_prime_aux(n, i) = 
+  if n % i == 0 then 0
+  else if (i * i) <= n then is_prime_aux(n, i + 1)  
+  else 1;
+def is_prime(n) = if n == 2 then 1 else is_prime_aux(n, 2);
+def primes(n) = 
+  if n == 0 then 0
+  else if is_prime(n) == 1 then (write n; primes(n - 1)) 
+  else primes(n - 1);
+def is_collatz(n) =
+  if n == 1 then 1
+  else if n % 2 == 0 then is_collatz(n / 2)
+  else is_collatz(3 * n + 1);  
+def collatz_aux(n, i) = 
+  if i > n then 0
+  else if is_collatz(i) == 1 then (write i; collatz_aux(n, i + 1)) 
+  else collatz_aux(n, i + 1);
+def collatz(n) = collatz_aux(n, 1);
+def facT(n, acc) =
+  if n == 0 then acc else facT(n - 1, n * acc);
+//write(add(3, 4))
+//pow(2, 3)
+//(write(fact(5)) ; fact(6))
+//(write(1) ; 2)
+//write(ack(3, 12))   // for tail-rec test
+//(write (div(11, 3)); rem(11, 3))
+//gcd(54, 24)
+//facT(6, 1)
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/fun-tests/fact.fun
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/progs/fun-tests/fact.fun	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// a simple factorial program
+// (including a tail recursive version)
+def fact(n) =
+  if n == 0 then 1 else n * fact(n - 1);
+def facT(n, acc) =
+  if n == 0 then acc else facT(n - 1, n * acc);
+def facTi(n) = facT(n, 1);
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/fun-tests/hanoi.fun
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/progs/fun-tests/hanoi.fun	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+// towers of hanoi in Fun
+let rec hanoi = fun n a b c ->
+  if n != 0 then (
+    hanoi (n - 1) a c b;
+    print_endline ("Move disk from pole " ^ (show a) ^ " to pole " ^ (show b));
+    hanoi (n - 1) c b a
+  ) else ();;
+impure $ hanoi 4 1 2 3;;
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/hanoi.fun
--- a/progs/hanoi.fun	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-// towers of hanoi in Fun
-let rec hanoi = fun n a b c ->
-  if n != 0 then (
-    hanoi (n - 1) a c b;
-    print_endline ("Move disk from pole " ^ (show a) ^ " to pole " ^ (show b));
-    hanoi (n - 1) c b a
-  ) else ();;
-impure $ hanoi 4 1 2 3;;
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/i.scala
--- a/progs/i.scala	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
-// regular expressions including NOT
-abstract class Rexp
-case object NULL extends Rexp
-case object EMPTY extends Rexp
-case object ALLC extends Rexp            // recognises any character
-case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
-case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp
-case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp
-case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp
-case class NOT(r: Rexp) extends Rexp     // negation of a regular expression
-// nullable function: tests whether the regular 
-// expression can recognise the empty string
-def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
-  case NULL => false
-  case EMPTY => true
-  case ALLC => false
-  case CHAR(_) => false
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
-  case STAR(_) => true
-  case NOT(r) => !(nullable(r))
-// tests whether a regular expression 
-// cannot recognise more
-def no_more (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
-  case NULL => true
-  case EMPTY => false
-  case ALLC => false
-  case CHAR(_) => false
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => no_more(r1) && no_more(r2)
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => if (nullable(r1)) (no_more(r1) && no_more(r2)) else no_more(r1)
-  case STAR(_) => false
-  case NOT(r) => !(no_more(r))
-// derivative of a regular expression w.r.t. a character
-def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
-  case NULL => NULL
-  case EMPTY => NULL  
-  case ALLC => EMPTY
-  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) EMPTY else NULL
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
-    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
-    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
-  case STAR(r) => SEQ(der(c, r), STAR(r))
-  case NOT(r) => NOT(der (c, r))
-// regular expression for specifying 
-// ranges of characters
-def Range(s : List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
-  case Nil => NULL
-  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
-  case c::s => ALT(CHAR(c), Range(s))
-def RANGE(s: String) = Range(s.toList)
-// one or more
-def PLUS(r: Rexp) = SEQ(r, STAR(r))
-// many alternatives
-def Alts(rs: List[Rexp]) : Rexp = rs match {
-  case Nil => NULL
-  case r::Nil => r
-  case r::rs => ALT(r, Alts(rs))
-def ALTS(rs: Rexp*) = Alts(rs.toList)
-// repetitions
-def Seqs(rs: List[Rexp]) : Rexp = rs match {
-  case Nil => NULL
-  case r::Nil => r
-  case r::rs => SEQ(r, Seqs(rs))
-def SEQS(rs: Rexp*) = Seqs(rs.toList)
-// some convenience for typing in regular expressions
-def charlist2rexp(s : List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
-  case Nil => EMPTY
-  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
-  case c::s => SEQ(CHAR(c), charlist2rexp(s))
-implicit def string2rexp(s : String) : Rexp = charlist2rexp(s.toList)
-type Rule[T] = (Rexp, List[Char] => T)
-case class Tokenizer[T](rules: List[Rule[T]], excl: List[T] = Nil) {
-  def munch(r: Rexp, action: List[Char] => T, s: List[Char], t: List[Char]) : Option[(List[Char], T)] = 
-    s match {
-      case Nil if (nullable(r)) => Some(Nil, action(t))
-      case Nil => None
-      case c::s if (no_more(der (c, r)) && nullable(r)) => Some(c::s, action(t))
-      case c::s if (no_more(der (c, r))) => None
-      case c::s => munch(der (c, r), action, s, t ::: List(c))
-    }
-  def one_token(s: List[Char]) : Either[(List[Char], T), String] = {
-    val somes = rules.map { (r) => munch(r._1, r._2, s, Nil) }.flatten
-    if (somes == Nil) Right(s.mkString) 
-    else Left(somes sortBy (_._1.length) head)
-  }
-  def tokenize(cs: List[Char]) : List[T] = cs match {
-    case Nil => Nil
-    case _ => one_token(cs) match {
-      case Left((rest, token)) => token :: tokenize(rest)
-      case Right(s) => { println("Cannot tokenize: \"" + s + "\""); Nil } 
-    }
-  }
-  def fromString(s: String) : List[T] = 
-    tokenize(s.toList).filterNot(excl.contains(_))
-  def fromFile(name: String) : List[T] = 
-    fromString(io.Source.fromFile(name).mkString)
-// parser combinators with input type I and return type T
-abstract class Parser[I <% Seq[_], T] {
-  def parse(ts: I): Set[(T, I)]
-  def parse_all(ts: I) : Set[T] =
-    for ((head, tail) <- parse(ts); if (tail.isEmpty)) yield head
-  def parse_single(ts: I) : T = parse_all(ts).toList match {
-    case t::Nil => t
-    case _ => { println ("Parse Error") ; sys.exit(-1) }
-  }
-  def || (right : => Parser[I, T]) : Parser[I, T] = new AltParser(this, right)
-  def ==>[S] (f: => T => S) : Parser [I, S] = new FunParser(this, f)
-  def ~[S] (right : => Parser[I, S]) : Parser[I, (T, S)] = new SeqParser(this, right)
-  def ~>[S] (right : => Parser[I, S]) : Parser[I, S] = this ~ right ==> (_._2)
-  def <~[S] (right : => Parser[I, S]) : Parser[I, T] = this ~ right ==> (_._1)
-class SeqParser[I <% Seq[_], T, S](p: => Parser[I, T], q: => Parser[I, S]) extends Parser[I, (T, S)] {
-  def parse(sb: I) = 
-    for ((head1, tail1) <- p.parse(sb); 
-         (head2, tail2) <- q.parse(tail1)) yield ((head1, head2), tail2)
-class AltParser[I <% Seq[_], T](p: => Parser[I, T], q: => Parser[I, T]) extends Parser[I, T] {
-  def parse(sb: I) = p.parse(sb) ++ q.parse(sb)   
-class FunParser[I <% Seq[_], T, S](p: => Parser[I, T], f: T => S) extends Parser[I, S] {
-  def parse(sb: I) = 
-    for ((head, tail) <- p.parse(sb)) yield (f(head), tail)
-// A parser and evaluator for teh while language
-//:load matcher.scala
-//:load parser3.scala
-// some regular expressions
-val SYM = RANGE("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_")
-val DIGIT = RANGE("0123456789")
-val KEYWORD = ALTS("skip", "while", "do", "if", "then", "else", "true", "false", "write") 
-val SEMI: Rexp = ";"
-val OP: Rexp = ALTS(":=", "=", "-", "+", "*", "!=", "<", ">")
-val RPAREN: Rexp = ")"
-val LPAREN: Rexp = "("
-val BEGIN: Rexp = "{"
-val END: Rexp = "}"
-val COMMENT = SEQS("/*", NOT(SEQS(STAR(ALLC), "*/", STAR(ALLC))), "*/")
-// tokens for classifying the strings that have been recognised
-abstract class Token
-case object T_WHITESPACE extends Token
-case object T_COMMENT extends Token
-case object T_SEMI extends Token
-case object T_LPAREN extends Token
-case object T_RPAREN extends Token
-case object T_BEGIN extends Token
-case object T_END extends Token
-case class T_ID(s: String) extends Token
-case class T_OP(s: String) extends Token
-case class T_NUM(s: String) extends Token
-case class T_KWD(s: String) extends Token
-val lexing_rules: List[Rule[Token]] = 
-  List((KEYWORD, (s) => T_KWD(s.mkString)),
-       (ID, (s) => T_ID(s.mkString)),
-       (OP, (s) => T_OP(s.mkString)),
-       (NUM, (s) => T_NUM(s.mkString)),
-       (SEMI, (s) => T_SEMI),
-       (LPAREN, (s) => T_LPAREN),
-       (RPAREN, (s) => T_RPAREN),
-       (BEGIN, (s) => T_BEGIN),
-       (END, (s) => T_END),
-       (WHITESPACE, (s) => T_WHITESPACE),
-       (COMMENT, (s) => T_COMMENT))
-// the tokenizer
-val Tok = Tokenizer(lexing_rules, List(T_WHITESPACE, T_COMMENT))
-// the abstract syntax trees
-abstract class Stmt
-abstract class AExp
-abstract class BExp 
-type Block = List[Stmt]
-case object Skip extends Stmt
-case class If(a: BExp, bl1: Block, bl2: Block) extends Stmt
-case class While(b: BExp, bl: Block) extends Stmt
-case class Assign(s: String, a: AExp) extends Stmt
-case class Write(s: String) extends Stmt
-case class Var(s: String) extends AExp
-case class Num(i: Int) extends AExp
-case class Aop(o: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends AExp
-case object True extends BExp
-case object False extends BExp
-case class Relop(o: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends BExp
-// atomic parsers
-case class TokParser(tok: Token) extends Parser[List[Token], Token] {
-  def parse(ts: List[Token]) = ts match {
-    case t::ts if (t == tok) => Set((t, ts)) 
-    case _ => Set ()
-  }
-implicit def token2tparser(t: Token) = TokParser(t)
-case object NumParser extends Parser[List[Token], Int] {
-  def parse(ts: List[Token]) = ts match {
-    case T_NUM(s)::ts => Set((s.toInt, ts)) 
-    case _ => Set ()
-  }
-case object IdParser extends Parser[List[Token], String] {
-  def parse(ts: List[Token]) = ts match {
-    case T_ID(s)::ts => Set((s, ts)) 
-    case _ => Set ()
-  }
-// arithmetic expressions
-lazy val AExp: Parser[List[Token], AExp] = 
-  (T ~ T_OP("+") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Aop("+", x, z): AExp } ||
-  (T ~ T_OP("-") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Aop("-", x, z): AExp } || T  
-lazy val T: Parser[List[Token], AExp] = 
-  (F ~ T_OP("*") ~ T) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Aop("*", x, z): AExp } || F
-lazy val F: Parser[List[Token], AExp] = 
-  (T_LPAREN ~> AExp <~ T_RPAREN) || 
-  IdParser ==> Var || 
-  NumParser ==> Num
-// boolean expressions
-lazy val BExp: Parser[List[Token], BExp] = 
-  (T_KWD("true") ==> ((_) => True: BExp)) || 
-  (T_KWD("false") ==> ((_) => False: BExp)) ||
-  (T_LPAREN ~> BExp <~ T_RPAREN) ||
-  (AExp ~ T_OP("=") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Relop("=", x, z): BExp } || 
-  (AExp ~ T_OP("!=") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Relop("!=", x, z): BExp } || 
-  (AExp ~ T_OP("<") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Relop("<", x, z): BExp } || 
-  (AExp ~ T_OP(">") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Relop("<", z, x): BExp } 
-lazy val Stmt: Parser[List[Token], Stmt] =
-  (T_KWD("skip") ==> ((_) => Skip: Stmt)) ||
-  (IdParser ~ T_OP(":=") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Assign(x, z): Stmt } ||
-  (T_KWD("if") ~ BExp ~ T_KWD("then") ~ Block ~ T_KWD("else") ~ Block) ==>
-    { case (((((x,y),z),u),v),w) => If(y, u, w): Stmt } ||
-  (T_KWD("while") ~ BExp ~ T_KWD("do") ~ Block) ==> { case (((x, y), z), w) => While(y, w) } || 
-  (T_KWD("write") ~ IdParser) ==> { case (x, y) => Write(y) } 
-lazy val Stmts: Parser[List[Token], Block] =
-  (Stmt ~ T_SEMI ~ Stmts) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => x :: z : Block } ||
-  (Stmt ==> ((s) => List(s) : Block))
-lazy val Block: Parser[List[Token], Block] =
-  (T_BEGIN ~> Stmts <~ T_END) || 
-  (Stmt ==> ((s) => List(s)))
-// compiler
-val beginning = """
-.class public XXX.XXX
-.super java/lang/Object
-.method public <init>()V
-   aload_0
-   invokenonvirtual java/lang/Object/<init>()V
-   return
-.end method
-.method public static write(I)V 
-    .limit locals 5 
-    .limit stack 5 
-    iload 0 
-    getstatic java/lang/System/out Ljava/io/PrintStream; 
-    swap 
-    invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream/println(I)V 
-    return 
-.end method
-.method public static main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
-   .limit locals 200
-   .limit stack 200
-val ending = """
-   return
-.end method
-// for generating new labels
-var counter = -1
-def Fresh(x: String) = {
-  counter += 1
-  x ++ "_" ++ counter.toString()
-type Env = Map[String, String]
-type Instrs = List[String]
-def compile_aexp(a: AExp, env : Env) : Instrs = a match {
-  case Num(i) => List("ldc " + i.toString + "\n")
-  case Var(s) => List("iload " + env(s) + "\n")
-  case Aop("+", a1, a2) => compile_aexp(a1, env) ++ compile_aexp(a2, env) ++ List("iadd\n")
-  case Aop("-", a1, a2) => compile_aexp(a1, env) ++ compile_aexp(a2, env) ++ List("isub\n")
-  case Aop("*", a1, a2) => compile_aexp(a1, env) ++ compile_aexp(a2, env) ++ List("imul\n")
-def compile_bexp(b: BExp, env : Env, jmp: String) : Instrs = b match {
-  case True => Nil
-  case False => List("goto " + jmp + "\n")
-  case Relop("=", a1, a2) => 
-    compile_aexp(a1, env) ++ compile_aexp(a2, env) ++ List("if_icmpne " + jmp + "\n")
-  case Relop("!=", a1, a2) => 
-    compile_aexp(a1, env) ++ compile_aexp(a2, env) ++ List("if_icmpeq " + jmp + "\n")
-  case Relop("<", a1, a2) => 
-    compile_aexp(a1, env) ++ compile_aexp(a2, env) ++ List("if_icmpge " + jmp + "\n")
-def compile_stmt(s: Stmt, env: Env) : (Instrs, Env) = s match {
-  case Skip => (Nil, env)
-  case Assign(x, a) => {
-    val index = if (env.isDefinedAt(x)) env(x) else env.keys.size.toString
-    (compile_aexp(a, env) ++ 
-     List("istore " + index + "\n"), env + (x -> index))
-  } 
-  case If(b, bl1, bl2) => {
-    val if_else = Fresh("If_else")
-    val if_end = Fresh("If_end")
-    val (instrs1, env1) = compile_bl(bl1, env)
-    val (instrs2, env2) = compile_bl(bl2, env1)
-    (compile_bexp(b, env, if_else) ++
-     instrs1 ++
-     List("goto " + if_end + "\n") ++
-     List("\n" + if_else + ":\n\n") ++
-     instrs2 ++
-     List("\n" + if_end + ":\n\n"), env2)
-  }
-  case While(b, bl) => {
-    val loop_begin = Fresh("Loop_begin")
-    val loop_end = Fresh("Loop_end")
-    val (instrs1, env1) = compile_bl(bl, env)
-    (List("\n" + loop_begin + ":\n\n") ++
-     compile_bexp(b, env, loop_end) ++
-     instrs1 ++
-     List("goto " + loop_begin + "\n") ++
-     List("\n" + loop_end + ":\n\n"), env1)
-  }
-  case Write(x) => 
-    (List("iload " + env(x) + "\n" + "invokestatic XXX/XXX/write(I)V\n"), env)
-def compile_bl(bl: Block, env: Env) : (Instrs, Env) = bl match {
-  case Nil => (Nil, env)
-  case s::bl => {
-    val (instrs1, env1) = compile_stmt(s, env)
-    val (instrs2, env2) = compile_bl(bl, env1)
-    (instrs1 ++ instrs2, env2)
-  }
-def compile(input: String) : String = {
-  val class_name = input.split('.')(0)
-  val tks = Tok.fromFile(input)
-  val ast = Stmts.parse_single(tks)
-  val instructions = compile_bl(ast, Map.empty)._1
-  (beginning ++ instructions.mkString ++ ending).replaceAllLiterally("XXX", class_name)
-def compile_to(input: String, output: String) = {
-  val fw = new java.io.FileWriter(output) 
-  fw.write(compile(input)) 
-  fw.close()
-val tks = Tok.fromString("x := x + 1")
-val ast = Stmt.parse_single(tks)
-println(compile_stmt(ast, Map("x" -> "n"))._1.mkString)
-compile_to("loops.while", "loops.j")
-//compile_to("fib.while", "fib.j")
-// testing cases for time measurements
-def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
-  val start = System.nanoTime()
-  for (j <- 1 to i) code
-  val end = System.nanoTime()
-  (end - start)/(i * 1.0e9)
-// for testing
-import scala.sys.process._
-val test_prog = """
-start := XXX;
-x := start;
-y := start;
-z := start;
-while 0 < x do {
- while 0 < y do {
-  while 0 < z do {
-    z := z - 1
-  };
-  z := start;
-  y := y - 1
- };     
- y := start;
- x := x - 1
-write x;
-write y;
-write z
-def compile_test(n: Int) : Unit = {
-  val class_name = "LOOP"
-  val tks = Tok.fromString(test_prog.replaceAllLiterally("XXX", n.toString))
-  val ast = Stmts.parse_single(tks)
-  val instructions = compile_bl(ast, Map.empty)._1
-  val assembly = (beginning ++ instructions.mkString ++ ending).replaceAllLiterally("XXX", class_name)
-  val fw = new java.io.FileWriter(class_name + ".j") 
-  fw.write(assembly) 
-  fw.close()
-  val test = ("java -jar jvm/jasmin-2.4/jasmin.jar " + class_name + ".j").!!
-  println(n + " " + time_needed(2, ("java " + class_name + "/" + class_name).!!))
-List(1, 5000, 10000, 50000, 100000, 250000, 500000, 750000, 1000000).map(compile_test(_))
-// javabyte code assmbler
-// java -jar jvm/jasmin-2.4/jasmin.jar loops.j
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/lexer.scala
--- a/progs/lexer.scala	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-// A simple lexer inspired by work of Sulzmann & Lu
-import scala.language.implicitConversions    
-import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
-// regular expressions including records
-abstract class Rexp 
-case object ZERO extends Rexp
-case object ONE extends Rexp
-case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
-case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-case class RECD(x: String, r: Rexp) extends Rexp
-// values  
-abstract class Val
-case object Empty extends Val
-case class Chr(c: Char) extends Val
-case class Sequ(v1: Val, v2: Val) extends Val
-case class Left(v: Val) extends Val
-case class Right(v: Val) extends Val
-case class Stars(vs: List[Val]) extends Val
-case class Rec(x: String, v: Val) extends Val
-// some convenience for typing in regular expressions
-def charlist2rexp(s : List[Char]): Rexp = s match {
-  case Nil => ONE
-  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
-  case c::s => SEQ(CHAR(c), charlist2rexp(s))
-implicit def string2rexp(s : String) : Rexp = 
-  charlist2rexp(s.toList)
-implicit def RexpOps(r: Rexp) = new {
-  def | (s: Rexp) = ALT(r, s)
-  def % = STAR(r)
-  def ~ (s: Rexp) = SEQ(r, s)
-implicit def stringOps(s: String) = new {
-  def | (r: Rexp) = ALT(s, r)
-  def | (r: String) = ALT(s, r)
-  def % = STAR(s)
-  def ~ (r: Rexp) = SEQ(s, r)
-  def ~ (r: String) = SEQ(s, r)
-  def $ (r: Rexp) = RECD(s, r)
-def nullable(r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
-  case ZERO => false
-  case ONE => true
-  case CHAR(_) => false
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
-  case STAR(_) => true
-  case RECD(_, r1) => nullable(r1)
-def der(c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
-  case ZERO => ZERO
-  case ONE => ZERO
-  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) ONE else ZERO
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
-    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
-    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
-  case STAR(r) => SEQ(der(c, r), STAR(r))
-  case RECD(_, r1) => der(c, r1)
-// extracts a string from value
-def flatten(v: Val) : String = v match {
-  case Empty => ""
-  case Chr(c) => c.toString
-  case Left(v) => flatten(v)
-  case Right(v) => flatten(v)
-  case Sequ(v1, v2) => flatten(v1) + flatten(v2)
-  case Stars(vs) => vs.map(flatten).mkString
-  case Rec(_, v) => flatten(v)
-// extracts an environment from a value;
-// used for tokenise a string
-def env(v: Val) : List[(String, String)] = v match {
-  case Empty => Nil
-  case Chr(c) => Nil
-  case Left(v) => env(v)
-  case Right(v) => env(v)
-  case Sequ(v1, v2) => env(v1) ::: env(v2)
-  case Stars(vs) => vs.flatMap(env)
-  case Rec(x, v) => (x, flatten(v))::env(v)
-// The Injection Part of the lexer
-def mkeps(r: Rexp) : Val = r match {
-  case ONE => Empty
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => 
-    if (nullable(r1)) Left(mkeps(r1)) else Right(mkeps(r2))
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => Sequ(mkeps(r1), mkeps(r2))
-  case STAR(r) => Stars(Nil)
-  case RECD(x, r) => Rec(x, mkeps(r))
-def inj(r: Rexp, c: Char, v: Val) : Val = (r, v) match {
-  case (STAR(r), Sequ(v1, Stars(vs))) => Stars(inj(r, c, v1)::vs)
-  case (SEQ(r1, r2), Sequ(v1, v2)) => Sequ(inj(r1, c, v1), v2)
-  case (SEQ(r1, r2), Left(Sequ(v1, v2))) => Sequ(inj(r1, c, v1), v2)
-  case (SEQ(r1, r2), Right(v2)) => Sequ(mkeps(r1), inj(r2, c, v2))
-  case (ALT(r1, r2), Left(v1)) => Left(inj(r1, c, v1))
-  case (ALT(r1, r2), Right(v2)) => Right(inj(r2, c, v2))
-  case (CHAR(d), Empty) => Chr(c) 
-  case (RECD(x, r1), _) => Rec(x, inj(r1, c, v))
-// some "rectification" functions for simplification
-def F_ID(v: Val): Val = v
-def F_RIGHT(f: Val => Val) = (v:Val) => Right(f(v))
-def F_LEFT(f: Val => Val) = (v:Val) => Left(f(v))
-def F_ALT(f1: Val => Val, f2: Val => Val) = (v:Val) => v match {
-  case Right(v) => Right(f2(v))
-  case Left(v) => Left(f1(v))
-def F_SEQ(f1: Val => Val, f2: Val => Val) = (v:Val) => v match {
-  case Sequ(v1, v2) => Sequ(f1(v1), f2(v2))
-def F_SEQ_Empty1(f1: Val => Val, f2: Val => Val) = 
-  (v:Val) => Sequ(f1(Empty), f2(v))
-def F_SEQ_Empty2(f1: Val => Val, f2: Val => Val) = 
-  (v:Val) => Sequ(f1(v), f2(Empty))
-def F_RECD(f: Val => Val) = (v:Val) => v match {
-  case Rec(x, v) => Rec(x, f(v))
-def F_ERROR(v: Val): Val = throw new Exception("error")
-def simp(r: Rexp): (Rexp, Val => Val) = r match {
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => {
-    val (r1s, f1s) = simp(r1)
-    val (r2s, f2s) = simp(r2)
-    (r1s, r2s) match {
-      case (ZERO, _) => (r2s, F_RIGHT(f2s))
-      case (_, ZERO) => (r1s, F_LEFT(f1s))
-      case _ => if (r1s == r2s) (r1s, F_LEFT(f1s))
-                else (ALT (r1s, r2s), F_ALT(f1s, f2s)) 
-    }
-  }
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => {
-    val (r1s, f1s) = simp(r1)
-    val (r2s, f2s) = simp(r2)
-    (r1s, r2s) match {
-      case (ZERO, _) => (ZERO, F_ERROR)
-      case (_, ZERO) => (ZERO, F_ERROR)
-      case (ONE, _) => (r2s, F_SEQ_Empty1(f1s, f2s))
-      case (_, ONE) => (r1s, F_SEQ_Empty2(f1s, f2s))
-      case _ => (SEQ(r1s,r2s), F_SEQ(f1s, f2s))
-    }
-  }
-  case r => (r, F_ID)
-// lexing functions including simplification
-def lex_simp(r: Rexp, s: List[Char]) : Val = s match {
-  case Nil => if (nullable(r)) mkeps(r) else 
-    { throw new Exception("lexing error") } 
-  case c::cs => {
-    val (r_simp, f_simp) = simp(der(c, r))
-    inj(r, c, f_simp(lex_simp(r_simp, cs)))
-  }
-def lexing_simp(r: Rexp, s: String) = 
-  env(lex_simp(r, s.toList))
-// The Lexing Rules for the Fun Language
-def PLUS(r: Rexp) = r ~ r.%
-def Range(s : List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
-  case Nil => ZERO
-  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
-  case c::s => ALT(CHAR(c), Range(s))
-def RANGE(s: String) = Range(s.toList)
-val SYM = RANGE("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_")
-val DIGIT = RANGE("0123456789")
-val ID = SYM ~ (SYM | DIGIT).% 
-val KEYWORD : Rexp = "skip" | "while" | "do" | "if" | "then" | "else" | "read" | "write" 
-val SEMI: Rexp = ";"
-val OP: Rexp = ":=" | "=" | "-" | "+" | "*" | "!=" | "<" | ">"
-val WHITESPACE = PLUS(" " | "\n" | "\t")
-val RPAREN: Rexp = "{"
-val LPAREN: Rexp = "}"
-val STRING: Rexp = "\"" ~ SYM.% ~ "\""
-val WHILE_REGS = (("k" $ KEYWORD) | 
-                  ("i" $ ID) | 
-                  ("o" $ OP) | 
-                  ("n" $ NUM) | 
-                  ("s" $ SEMI) | 
-                  ("str" $ STRING) |
-                  ("p" $ (LPAREN | RPAREN)) | 
-                  ("w" $ WHITESPACE)).%
-// Two Simple While Tests
-println("test: read n")
-val prog0 = """read n"""
-println(lexing_simp(WHILE_REGS, prog0))
-println("test: read  n; write n ")
-val prog1 = """read  n; write n"""
-println(lexing_simp(WHILE_REGS, prog1))
-// Bigger Tests
-// escapes strings and prints them out as "", "\n" and so on
-def esc(raw: String): String = {
-  import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
-  Literal(Constant(raw)).toString
-def escape(tks: List[(String, String)]) =
-  tks.map{ case (s1, s2) => (s1, esc(s2))}
-val prog2 = """
-write "Fib";
-read n;
-minus1 := 0;
-minus2 := 1;
-while n > 0 do {
-  temp := minus2;
-  minus2 := minus1 + minus2;
-  minus1 := temp;
-  n := n - 1
-write "Result";
-write minus2
-println("lexing Fib")
-println(escape(lexing_simp(WHILE_REGS, prog2)).mkString("\n"))
-val prog3 = """
-start := 1000;
-x := start;
-y := start;
-z := start;
-while 0 < x do {
- while 0 < y do {
-  while 0 < z do {
-    z := z - 1
-  };
-  z := start;
-  y := y - 1
- };     
- y := start;
- x := x - 1
-println("lexing Loops")
-println(escape(lexing_simp(WHILE_REGS, prog3)).mkString("\n"))
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/lexer/lexer.sc
--- a/progs/lexer/lexer.sc	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ b/progs/lexer/lexer.sc	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
-// extracts a string from value
+// extracts a string from a value
 def flatten(v: Val) : String = v match {
   case Empty => ""
   case Chr(c) => c.toString
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/loops.while
--- a/progs/loops.while	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-start := 1000; 
-x := start;
-y := start;
-z := start;
-while 0 < x do {
- while 0 < y do {
-  while 0 < z do { z := z - 1 };
-  z := start;
-  y := y - 1
- };     
- y := start;
- x := x - 1
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/matcher/build.sc
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/progs/matcher/build.sc	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import mill._
+import scalalib._
+val baseDir = build.millSourcePath
+object matcher extends ScalaModule {
+  def scalaVersion = "2.13.2"
+  def mainClass = Some("re1 all")
+  //override def resources  = T.sources(baseDir)
+  override def sources    = T.sources(baseDir / "re1.sc")
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/matcher/build.sh
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/progs/matcher/build.sh	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+set -euo pipefail
+amm re1.sc all
+amm re2.sc all
+amm re3.sc all
+amm re4.sc all
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/matcher/re2.sc
--- a/progs/matcher/re2.sc	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ b/progs/matcher/re2.sc	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -74,20 +74,23 @@
-// test: (a?{n}) (a{n})
 @doc("Test (a?{n}) (a{n})")
 def test1() = {
+  println("Test (a?{n}) (a{n})")
   for (i <- 0 to 1000 by 100) {
     println(f"$i: ${time_needed(2, matcher(EVIL1(i), "a" * i))}%.5f")
-// test: (a*)* b
 @doc("Test (a*)* b")
 def test2() = {
-  for (i <- 0 to 20) {
+  println("Test (a*)* b")
+  for (i <- 0 to 20 by 2) {
     println(f"$i: ${time_needed(2, matcher(EVIL2, "a" * i))}%.5f")
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/matcher/re3.sc
--- a/progs/matcher/re3.sc	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ b/progs/matcher/re3.sc	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -96,19 +96,23 @@
-//test: (a?{n}) (a{n})
 @doc("Test (a?{n}) (a{n})")
 def test1() = {
+  println("Test (a?{n}) (a{n})")
   for (i <- 0 to 8000 by 1000) {
     println(f"$i: ${time_needed(3, matcher(EVIL1(i), "a" * i))}%.5f")
-//test: (a*)* b
 @doc("Test (a*)* b")
 def test2() = {
+  println("Test (a*)* b")
   for (i <- 0 to 6000000 by 500000) {
     println(f"$i: ${time_needed(3, matcher(EVIL2, "a" * i))}%.5f")
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/matcher/re4.sc
--- a/progs/matcher/re4.sc	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ b/progs/matcher/re4.sc	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -3,11 +3,14 @@
 // call the test cases with X = {1,2}
-//   amm re3.sc testX
+//   amm re4.sc testX
 // or 
-//   amm re3.sc all
+//   amm re4.sc all
+// !! FOR CW1 & 2! USE re3.sc INSTEAD             !!
 abstract class Rexp
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/mllex.scala
--- a/progs/mllex.scala	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-:load matcher.scala
-// some regular expressions
-val KEYWORDS =  ALTS(List("#", "(", ")", ",", "->", "...", ":", ":>", ";", "=",
-  "=>", "[", "]", "_", "{", "|", "}", "abstype", "and", "andalso", "as",
-  "case", "datatype", "do", "else", "end", "eqtype", "exception", "fn",
-  "fun", "functor", "handle", "if", "in", "include", "infix", "infixr",
-  "let", "local", "nonfix", "of", "op", "open", "orelse", "raise", "rec",
-  "sharing", "sig", "signature", "struct", "structure", "then", "type",
-  "val", "where", "while", "with", "withtype"))
-val DIGITS = RANGE("0123456789")
-val NONZERODIGITS = RANGE("123456789")
-val COMMENT = SEQS("/*", NOT(SEGS(STAR(ALL), "*/", STAR(ALL))), "*/")
-val LPAREN = CHAR('(')
-val RPAREN = CHAR(')')
-val WHITESPACE = PLUS(RANGE(" \n".toList))
-val OPS = RANGE("+-*".toList)
-// for classifying the strings that have been recognised
-abstract class Token
-case object T_WHITESPACE extends Token
-case object T_NUM extends Token
-case class T_OP(s: String) extends Token
-case object T_LPAREN extends Token
-case object T_RPAREN extends Token
-case class T_NT(s: String, rhs: List[Token]) extends Token
-def tokenizer(rs: List[Rule[Token]], s: String) : List[Token] = 
-  tokenize(rs, s.toList).filterNot(_ match {
-    case T_WHITESPACE => true
-    case _ => false
-  })
-// lexing rules for arithmetic expressions
-val lexing_rules: List[Rule[Token]]= 
-  List((NUMBER, (s) => T_NUM),
-       (WHITESPACE, (s) => T_WHITESPACE),
-       (LPAREN, (s) => T_LPAREN),
-       (RPAREN, (s) => T_RPAREN),
-       (OPS, (s) => T_OP(s.mkString)))
-tokenize_file(Nil, "nominal_library.ML")
-type Grammar = List[(String, List[Token])]
-// grammar for arithmetic expressions
-val grammar = 
-  List ("E" -> List(T_NUM),
-        "E" -> List(T_NT("E", Nil), T_OP("+"), T_NT("E", Nil)),
-        "E" -> List(T_NT("E", Nil), T_OP("-"), T_NT("E", Nil)),
-        "E" -> List(T_NT("E", Nil), T_OP("*"), T_NT("E", Nil)),    
-        "E" -> List(T_LPAREN, T_NT("E", Nil), T_RPAREN))
-def startsWith[A](ts1: List[A], ts2: List[A]) : Boolean = (ts1, ts2) match {
-  case (_, Nil) => true
-  case (T_NT(e, _)::ts1,T_NT(f, _)::ts2) => (e == f) && startsWith(ts1, ts2)
-  case (t1::ts1, t2::ts2) => (t1 == t2) && startsWith(ts1, ts2)
-  case _ => false
-def chop[A](ts1: List[A], prefix: List[A], ts2: List[A]) : Option[(List[A], List[A])] = 
-  ts1 match {
-    case Nil => None
-    case t::ts => 
-      if (startsWith(ts1, prefix)) Some(ts2.reverse, ts1.drop(prefix.length))
-      else chop(ts, prefix, t::ts2)
-  }
-// examples
-chop(List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), List(4,5), Nil)  
-chop(List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), List(3,5), Nil)  
-def replace[A](ts: List[A], out: List[A], in: List [A]) = 
-  chop(ts, out, Nil) match {
-    case None => None
-    case Some((before, after)) => Some(before ::: in ::: after)
-  }  
-def parse1(g: Grammar, ts: List[Token]) : Boolean = ts match {
-  case List(T_NT("E", tree)) => { println(tree); true }
-  case _ => {
-    val tss = for ((lhs, rhs) <- g) yield replace(ts, rhs, List(T_NT(lhs, rhs)))
-    tss.flatten.exists(parse1(g, _))
-  }
-println() ; parse1(grammar, tokenizer(lexing_rules, "2 + 3 * 4 + 1"))
-println() ; parse1(grammar, tokenizer(lexing_rules, "(2 + 3) * (4 + 1)"))
-println() ; parse1(grammar, tokenizer(lexing_rules, "(2 + 3) * 4 (4 + 1)"))
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/parser-combinators/build.sh
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/progs/parser-combinators/build.sh	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+set -euo pipefail
+amm comb1.sc
+amm comb2.sc
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/parser-combinators/comb1.sc
--- a/progs/parser-combinators/comb1.sc	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ b/progs/parser-combinators/comb1.sc	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
 // Parser Combinators: Simple Version
+// Call with
+//  amm comb1.sc
-  Note, in the lectures I did not show the implicit type constraint
-  I : IsSeq, which means that the input type 'I' needs to be
-  a sequence. 
+//  Note, in the lectures I did not show the implicit type constraint
+//  I : IsSeq, which means that the input type 'I' needs to be
+//  a sequence. 
 type IsSeq[A] = A => Seq[_]
@@ -33,12 +36,14 @@
   def parse(in: I) = p.parse(in) ++ q.parse(in)   
-// parser map
+// map parser
 class MapParser[I : IsSeq, T, S](p: => Parser[I, T], 
                                  f: T => S) extends Parser[I, S] {
   def parse(in: I) = for ((hd, tl) <- p.parse(in)) yield (f(hd), tl)
 // an example of an atomic parser for characters
 case class CharParser(c: Char) extends Parser[String, Char] {
   def parse(in: String) = 
@@ -59,6 +64,7 @@
 val NumParser = RegexParser("[0-9]+".r)
 def StrParser(s: String) = RegexParser(Regex.quote(s).r)
 // NumParserInt transforms a "string integer" into a propper Int
 // (needs "new" because MapParser is not a case class)
@@ -210,7 +216,7 @@
 // a problem with the arithmetic expression parser: it 
-// gets vert slow with deeply nested parentheses
+// gets very slow with deeply nested parentheses
 println("Runtime problem")
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/parser-combinators/comb2.sc
--- a/progs/parser-combinators/comb2.sc	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ b/progs/parser-combinators/comb2.sc	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -1,18 +1,28 @@
-// Parser Combinators: Simple Version
+// Parser Combinators:
+// Simple Version for WHILE-language
+// with some added convenience for
+// map-parsers and grammar rules
+// call with
+//    amm comb2.sc
-// more convenience for the map parsers later on
+// more convenience for the map parsers later on;
+// it allows writing nested patterns as
+// case x ~ y ~ z => ...
 case class ~[+A, +B](_1: A, _2: B)
-  Note, in the lectures I did not show the implicit type constraint
-  I : IsSeq, which means that the input type 'I' needs to be
-  a sequence. 
+// constraint for the input
 type IsSeq[A] = A => Seq[_]
 abstract class Parser[I : IsSeq, T]{
   def parse(in: I): Set[(T, I)]
@@ -141,7 +151,7 @@
    (p"false".map[BExp]{ _ => False }) ||
    (p"(" ~ BExp ~ p")").map[BExp]{ case _ ~ x ~ _ => x }
-// statement 
+// a single statement 
 lazy val Stmt: Parser[String, Stmt] =
   ((p"skip".map[Stmt]{_ => Skip }) ||
    (IdParser ~ p":=" ~ AExp).map[Stmt]{ case x ~ _ ~ z => Assign(x, z) } ||
@@ -223,7 +233,7 @@
 def eval(bl: Block) : Env = eval_bl(bl, Map())
 // parse + evaluate fib program; then lookup what is
-// stored under the variable result 
+// stored under the variable "result" 
@@ -243,6 +253,7 @@
 // calculate all prime numbers up to a number 
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/parser1.scala
--- a/progs/parser1.scala	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-// A naive bottom-up parser with backtracking
-// Needs:
-//   :load matcher.scala
-// some regular expressions
-val DIGIT = RANGE("0123456789")
-val NONZERODIGIT = RANGE("123456789")
-val LPAREN = CHAR('(')
-val RPAREN = CHAR(')')
-val OPS = RANGE("+-*")
-// for classifying the strings that have been recognised
-abstract class Token
-case object T_WHITESPACE extends Token
-case object T_NUM extends Token
-case class T_OP(s: String) extends Token
-case object T_LPAREN extends Token
-case object T_RPAREN extends Token
-case class NT(s: String) extends Token
-// lexing rules for arithmetic expressions
-val lexing_rules: List[Rule[Token]]= 
-  List((NUMBER, (s) => T_NUM),
-       (WHITESPACE, (s) => T_WHITESPACE),
-       (LPAREN, (s) => T_LPAREN),
-       (RPAREN, (s) => T_RPAREN),
-       (OPS, (s) => T_OP(s.mkString)))
-// the tokenizer
-val Tok = Tokenizer(lexing_rules, List(T_WHITESPACE))
-type Grammar = List[(String, List[Token])]
-// grammar for arithmetic expressions
-val grammar = 
-  List ("F" -> List(T_NUM),
-        "E" -> List(T_NUM),
-        "E" -> List(NT("E"), T_OP("+"), NT("E")),
-        "E" -> List(NT("E"), T_OP("-"), NT("E")),
-        "E" -> List(NT("E"), T_OP("*"), NT("E")),    
-        "E" -> List(T_LPAREN, NT("E"), T_RPAREN))
-def chop[A](ts1: List[A], prefix: List[A], ts2: List[A]) : Option[(List[A], List[A])] = 
-  ts1 match {
-    case Nil => None
-    case t::ts => 
-      if (ts1.startsWith(prefix)) Some(ts2.reverse, ts1.drop(prefix.length))
-      else chop(ts, prefix, t::ts2)
-  }
-// examples for chop 
-chop(List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), List(4,5), Nil)  
-chop(List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), List(3,5), Nil)  
-def replace[A](ts: List[A], out: List[A], in: List [A]) = 
-  chop(ts, out, Nil) match {
-    case None => None
-    case Some((before, after)) => Some(before ::: in ::: after)
-  }  
-def parse(g: Grammar, ts: List[Token]) : Boolean = {
-  println(ts)
-  if (ts == List(NT("E"))) true
-  else {
-    val tss = for ((lhs, rhs) <- g) yield replace(ts, rhs, List(NT(lhs)))
-    tss.flatten.exists(parse(g, _))
-  }
-def parser(g: Grammar, s: String) = {
-  println("\n")
-  parse(g, Tok.fromString(s))
-parser(grammar, "2 + 3 *    4 +       1")
-parser(grammar, "(2 + 3) * (4 + 1)")
-parser(grammar, "(2 + 3) * 4 (4 + 1)")
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/parser4.scala
--- a/progs/parser4.scala	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-// parser combinators with input type I and return type T
-case class SubString(s: String, l: Int, h: Int) {
-  def low = l
-  def high = h
-  def length = h - l
-  def substring(l: Int = l, h: Int = h) = s.slice(l, h)
-  def set(low: Int = l, high: Int = h) = SubString(s, low, high)
-type Ctxt = List[(String, SubString)]
-abstract class Parser[T] {
-  def parse(ts: SubString, ctxt: Ctxt): Set[(T, SubString)]
-  def parse_all(s: String) : Set[T] =
-    for ((head, tail) <- parse(SubString(s, 0, s.length), Nil); if (tail.substring() == "")) yield head
-  def || (right : => Parser[T]) : Parser[T] = new AltParser(this, right)
-  def ==>[S] (f: => T => S) : Parser [S] = new FunParser(this, f)
-  def ~[S] (right : => Parser[S]) : Parser[(T, S)] = new SeqParser(this, right)
-class SeqParser[T, S](p: => Parser[T], q: => Parser[S]) extends Parser[(T, S)] {
-  def parse(sb: SubString, ctxt: Ctxt) = 
-    for ((head1, tail1) <- p.parse(sb, ctxt); 
-         (head2, tail2) <- q.parse(tail1, ctxt)) yield ((head1, head2), tail2)
-class AltParser[T](p: => Parser[T], q: => Parser[T]) extends Parser[T] {
-  def parse(sb: SubString, ctxt: Ctxt) = p.parse(sb, ctxt) ++ q.parse(sb, ctxt)   
-class FunParser[T, S](p: => Parser[T], f: T => S) extends Parser[S] {
-  def parse(sb: SubString, ctxt: Ctxt) = 
-    for ((head, tail) <- p.parse(sb, ctxt)) yield (f(head), tail)
-case class SubStringParser(s: String) extends Parser[SubString] {
-  val n = s.length
-  def parse(sb: SubString, ctxt: Ctxt) = {
-    if (n <= sb.length && sb.substring(sb.low, sb.low + n) == s) 
-      Set((sb.set(high = sb.low + n), sb.set(low = sb.low + n))) 
-    else Set()
-  }
-implicit def string2parser(s: String) = SubStringParser(s) ==> (_.substring())
-class IgnLst[T](p: => Parser[T]) extends Parser[T] {
-  def parse(sb: SubString, ctxt: Ctxt) = {
-    if (sb.length == 0) Set()
-    else for ((head, tail) <- p.parse(sb.set(high = sb.high - 1), ctxt)) 
-         yield (head, tail.set(high = tail.high + 1))
-  }
-class CHECK[T](nt: String, p: => Parser[T]) extends Parser[T] {
-  def parse(sb: SubString, ctxt: Ctxt) = {
-    val should_trim = ctxt.contains (nt, sb)
-    if (should_trim && sb.length == 0) Set()
-    else if (should_trim) new IgnLst(p).parse(sb, (nt, sb)::ctxt)
-    else p.parse(sb, (nt, sb)::ctxt)
-  }
-// ambigous grammar
-lazy val E: Parser[Int] = 
-  new CHECK("E", (E ~ "+" ~ E) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => x + z} || 
-                 (E ~ "*" ~ E) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => x * z} ||
-                 ("(" ~ E ~ ")") ==> { case ((x, y), z) => y} ||
-                 "0" ==> { (s) => 0 } ||
-                 "1" ==> { (s) => 1 } ||
-                 "2" ==> { (s) => 2 } ||
-                 "3" ==> { (s) => 3 })
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/pprint/README
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/progs/pprint/README	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+To obtain pdf via chrome
+/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --headless --disable-gpu --print-to-pdf index.html
+To autocrop the pdf to the smallest size
+pdf-crop-margins -s -u -p 0 output.pdf 
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/pprint/style.css
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/progs/pprint/style.css	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+@media print {
+  @page { margin: 0; }
+  body { margin: 1.6cm; }
+body {
+  font-family: Calibri, Segoe, "Segoe UI", "Gill Sans", "Gill Sans MT", sans-serif;
+/* It's supposed to look like a tree diagram */
+.tree, .tree ul, .tree li {
+    list-style: none;
+    margin: 0;
+    padding: 0;
+    position: relative;
+.tree {
+    margin: 0 0 1em;
+    text-align: center;
+.tree, .tree ul {
+    display: table;
+.tree ul {
+  width: 100%;
+    .tree li {
+        display: table-cell;
+        padding: .5em 0;
+        vertical-align: top;
+    }
+        /* _________ */
+        .tree li:before {
+            outline: solid 1px #666;
+            content: "";
+            left: 0;
+            position: absolute;
+            right: 0;
+            top: 0;
+        }
+        .tree li:first-child:before {left: 50%;}
+        .tree li:last-child:before {right: 50%;}
+        .tree code, .tree span {
+            border: solid .1em #666;
+            border-radius: .2em;
+            display: inline-block;
+            margin: 0 .2em .5em;
+            padding: .2em .5em;
+            position: relative;
+        }
+        /* If the tree represents DOM structure */
+        .tree code {
+            font-family: monaco, Consolas, 'Lucida Console', monospace;
+        }
+            /* | */
+            .tree ul:before,
+            .tree code:before,
+            .tree span:before {
+                outline: solid 1px #666;
+                content: "";
+                height: .5em;
+                left: 50%;
+                position: absolute;
+            }
+            .tree ul:before {
+                top: -.5em;
+            }
+            .tree code:before,
+            .tree span:before {
+                top: -.55em;
+            }
+/* The root node doesn't connect upwards */
+.tree > li {margin-top: 0;}
+    .tree > li:before,
+    .tree > li:after,
+    .tree > li > code:before,
+    .tree > li > span:before {
+      outline: none;
+    }
+/* Create two equal columns that floats next to each other */
+.column {
+  float: left;
+  width: 40%;
+  padding: 10px;
+/* Clear floats after the columns */
+.row:after {
+  content: "";
+  display: table;
+  clear: both;
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/pprint/tree.sc
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/progs/pprint/tree.sc	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+// scalatags 
+import ammonite.ops._
+import $ivy.`com.lihaoyi::scalatags:0.8.2` 
+import scalatags.Text.all._
+import scalatags.Text._
+// regular expressions including records
+abstract class Rexp 
+case object ZERO extends Rexp
+case object ONE extends Rexp
+case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
+case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp 
+case class SPECIAL(s: String) extends Rexp
+def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
+  case ZERO => false
+  case ONE => true
+  case CHAR(_) => false
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
+  case STAR(_) => true
+def der(c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
+  case ZERO => ZERO
+  case ONE => ZERO
+  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) ONE else ZERO
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
+    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
+    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
+  case STAR(r1) => SEQ(der(c, r1), STAR(r1))
+def ders(s: List[Char], r: Rexp) : Rexp = s match {
+  case Nil => r
+  case c::s => ders(s, der(c, r))
+def simp(r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => (simp(r1), simp(r2)) match {
+    case (ZERO, r2s) => r2s
+    case (r1s, ZERO) => r1s
+    case (r1s, r2s) => if (r1s == r2s) r1s else ALT (r1s, r2s)
+  }
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) =>  (simp(r1), simp(r2)) match {
+    case (ZERO, _) => ZERO
+    case (_, ZERO) => ZERO
+    case (ONE, r2s) => r2s
+    case (r1s, ONE) => r1s
+    case (r1s, r2s) => SEQ(r1s, r2s)
+  }
+  case r => r
+def ders_simp(s: List[Char], r: Rexp) : Rexp = s match {
+  case Nil => r
+  case c::s => ders_simp(s, simp(der(c, r)))
+def pp(r: Rexp) : TypedTag[String] = r match {
+  case CHAR(c) => li(code(c.toString))
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => li(code("+"), ul(pp(r1), pp(r2)))
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => li(code(raw("&middot")), ul(pp(r1), pp(r2)))
+  case STAR(r1) => li(code("*"), ul(pp(r1)))
+  case ZERO => li(code("0"))
+  case ONE => li(code("1"))
+  case SPECIAL(s) => li(code(raw(s)))
+def mktree(r: Rexp) = 
+   ul(cls := "tree")(pp(r))
+def index(rs: List[Rexp]) = 
+  html(
+    head(link(rel := "stylesheet", href := "./style.css")),
+    body(rs.map(mktree))
+  )
+println(index(List(simple, test, evil2)))
+val simple = CHAR('a')
+val test = ALT(CHAR('a'), CHAR('b'))
+    index(List(evil2, 
+               ders("a".toList, evil2),
+               ders("aa".toList, evil2),
+               ders("aaa".toList, evil2))))
+val evil2 = SEQ(STAR(STAR(CHAR('a'))), CHAR('b'))
+val r1 = STAR(ALT(SPECIAL("<i>r<sub>1</sub></i>"), SPECIAL("<i>r<sub>2</sub></i>")))
+val r2 = ALT(SPECIAL("<i>r<sub>1</sub></i>"), STAR(SPECIAL("<i>r<sub>2</sub></i>")))
+def main(fname: String) = {
+  val content = index(List(r1))
+  write.over(pwd / fname, content)
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/primes.while
--- a/progs/primes.while	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-// prints out prime numbers from
-// 2 to 100 (end)
-end := 100;
-n := 2;
-while (n < end) do {
-  f := 2;
-  tmp := 0;
-  while ((f < n / 2 + 1) && (tmp == 0)) do {
-    if ((n / f) * f == n) then  { tmp := 1 } else { skip };
-    f := f + 1
-  };
-  if (tmp == 0) then { write(n) } else { skip };
-  n  := n + 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/re-alt.scala
--- a/progs/re-alt.scala	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-trait RegExp {
-  def nullable: Boolean
-  def derive(c: Char): RegExp
-case object Empty extends RegExp {
-  def nullable = false
-  def derive(c: Char) = Empty
-case object Eps extends RegExp {
-  def nullable = true
-  def derive(c: Char) = Empty
-case class Str(s: String) extends RegExp {
-  def nullable = s.isEmpty
-  def derive(c: Char) =
-    if (s.isEmpty || s.head != c) Empty
-    else Str(s.tail)
-case class Cat(r: RegExp, s: RegExp) extends RegExp {
-  def nullable = r.nullable && s.nullable
-  def derive(c: Char) =
-    if (r.nullable) Or(Cat(r.derive(c), s), s.derive(c)) 
-    else Cat(r.derive(c), s)
-case class Star(r: RegExp) extends RegExp {
-  def nullable = true
-  def derive(c: Char) = Cat(r.derive(c), this)
-case class Or(r: RegExp, s: RegExp) extends RegExp {
-  def nullable = r.nullable || s.nullable
-  def derive(c: Char) = Or(r.derive(c), s.derive(c))
-case class And(r: RegExp, s: RegExp) extends RegExp {
-  def nullable = r.nullable && s.nullable
-  def derive(c: Char) = And(r.derive(c), s.derive(c))
-case class Not(r: RegExp) extends RegExp {
-  def nullable = !r.nullable
-  def derive(c: Char) = Not(r.derive(c))
-object Matcher {
-  def matches(r: RegExp, s: String): Boolean = {
-    if (s.isEmpty) r.nullable
-    else matches(r.derive(s.head), s.tail)
-  }
-object Pimps {
-  implicit def string2RegExp(s: String) = Str(s)
-  implicit def regExpOps(r: RegExp) = new {
-    def | (s: RegExp) = Or(r, s)
-    def & (s: RegExp) = And(r, s)
-    def % = Star(r)
-    def %(n: Int) = rep(r, n)
-    def ? = Or(Eps, r)
-    def ! = Not(r)
-    def ++ (s: RegExp) = Cat(r, s)
-    def ~ (s: String) = Matcher.matches(r, s)
-  }
-  implicit def stringOps(s: String) = new {
-    def | (r: RegExp) = Or(s, r)
-    def | (r: String) = Or(s, r)
-    def & (r: RegExp) = And(s, r)
-    def & (r: String) = And(s, r)
-    def % = Star(s)
-    def % (n: Int) = rep(Str(s), n)
-    def ? = Or(Eps, s)
-    def ! = Not(s)
-    def ++ (r: RegExp) = Cat(s, r)
-    def ++ (r: String) = Cat(s, r)
-    def ~ (t: String) = Matcher.matches(s, t)
-  }
-  def rep(r: RegExp, n: Int): RegExp =
-    if (n <= 0) Star(r)
-    else Cat(r, rep(r, n - 1))
-object Test {
-  import Pimps._
-  val digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
-  val int = ("+" | "-").? ++ digit.%(1)
-  val real = ("+" | "-").? ++ digit.%(1) ++ ("." ++ digit.%(1)).? ++ (("e" | "E") ++ ("+" | "-").? ++ digit.%(1)).?
-  def main(args: Array[String]) {
-    val ints = List("0", "-4534", "+049", "99")
-    val reals = List("0.9", "-12.8", "+91.0", "9e12", "+9.21E-12", "-512E+01")
-    val errs = List("", "-", "+", "+-1", "-+2", "2-")
-    ints.foreach(s => assert(int ~ s))
-    reals.foreach(s => assert(!(int ~ s)))
-    errs.foreach(s => assert(!(int ~ s)))
-    ints.foreach(s => assert(real ~ s))
-    reals.foreach(s => assert(real ~ s))
-    errs.foreach(s => assert(!(real ~ s)))
-  }
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/re-internal.scala
--- a/progs/re-internal.scala	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-// measures the time a function needs
-def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
-  val start = System.nanoTime()
-  for (j <- 1 to i) code
-  val end = System.nanoTime()
-  (end - start)/(i * 1.0e9)
-for (i <- 1 to 10001 by 300) {
-  val re = ("((a?){" + i + "})(a{" + i + "})")
-  println(i + " " + "%.5f".format(time_needed(1, ("a" * i).matches(re))))  
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/re-sulzmann-partial.scala
--- a/progs/re-sulzmann-partial.scala	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-import scala.language.implicitConversions
-import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
-abstract class Rexp
-case object NULL extends Rexp
-case object EMPTY extends Rexp
-case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
-case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-abstract class Pat
-case class VAR(x: String, r: Rexp) extends Pat
-case class GRP(x: String, p: Pat) extends Pat
-case class PSEQ(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) extends Pat
-case class PALT(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) extends Pat
-case class PSTAR(p: Pat) extends Pat
-def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
-  case NULL => false
-  case EMPTY => true
-  case CHAR(_) => false
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
-  case STAR(_) => true
-def down (p: Pat) : Rexp = p match {
-  case VAR(x: String, w: String, r: Rexp) => r
-  case GRP(x: String, w: String, p: Pat) => down(p)
-  case PSEQ(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) => SEQ(down(p1), down(p2))
-  case PALT(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) => ALT(down(p1), down(p2))
-  case PSTAR(p: Pat) => STAR(down(p))
-def patnullable (p: Pat) : Boolean = p match {
-  case PVar(_, r) => nullable(r)
-  case PSEQ(p1, p2) => patnullable(p1) && patnullable(p2)
-  case PCHOICE(p1, p2) => patnullable(p1) || patnullable(p2)
-  case PSTAR(p) => true
-  case PatVar(_, p) => patnullable(p)
-//type Env = Set[List[(String, String)]]
-type Env = Map[Int, String]
-def update(n: Int, c: Char) (env: Env) = 
-  env + (n -> (env.getOrElse(n, "") + c.toString))
-def pderivPat (p: Pat, c: Char) : Set[(Pat, Env => Env)] = p match {
-  case PVar(n: Int, r: Rexp) => {
-    val pds = pderiv(r, c)
-    if (pds.isEmpty) Set()
-    else Set((PVar(n, toRexp(pds.toList)), update(n, c)))
-  }
-  case PSEQ(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) => {
-    val pats : Set[(Pat, Env => Env)] = 
-      for ((p, f) <- pderivPat(p1, c)) yield (PSEQ(p, p2), f)
-    if (nullable(strip(p1))) pats ++ pderivPat(p2, c)  
-    else pats
-  }
-  case PCHOICE(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) => pderivPat(p1, c) ++ pderivPat(p2, c)
-  case PSTAR(p1: Pat) => 
-    for ((p, f) <- pderivPat(p1, c)) yield (PSEQ(p, PSTAR(p1)), f)
-  case PatVar(n: Int, p1: Pat) => 
-    for ((p, f) <- pderivPat(p1, c)) yield (PatVar(n, p), f compose (update (n, c)))
-val p2 = PSEQ(PVar(1, STAR("A")), PVar(2, STAR("A")))
-pderivPat(p2, 'A').mkString("\n")
-def greedy_aux(env: Set[(Pat, Env)], w: List[Char]) : Set[Env] = w match {
-  case Nil => 
-    for ((p, e) <- env if patnullable(p)) yield e
-  case c::cs => {
-    val env2 = for ((p, e) <- env; (p1, f) <- pderivPat(p, c)) yield (p1, f(e))
-    greedy_aux(env2, cs)
-  }
-def greedy(p: Pat, w: String) = {
-  val res = greedy_aux(Set((p, Map())), w.toList)
-  if (res.isEmpty) None else Some(res)
-// some convenience for typing in regular expressions
-def charlist2rexp (s : List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
-  case Nil => EMPTY
-  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
-  case c::s => SEQ(CHAR(c), charlist2rexp(s))
-implicit def string2rexp (s : String) : Rexp = charlist2rexp(s.toList)
-implicit def RexpOps (r: Rexp) = new {
-  def | (s: Rexp) = ALT(r, s)
-  def % = STAR(r)
-  def ~ (s: Rexp) = SEQ(r, s)
-implicit def stringOps (s: String) = new {
-  def | (r: Rexp) = ALT(s, r)
-  def | (r: String) = ALT(s, r)
-  def % = STAR(s)
-  def ~ (r: Rexp) = SEQ(s, r)
-  def ~ (r: String) = SEQ(s, r)
-implicit def PatOps (p: Pat) = new {
-  def | (q: Pat) = PALT(p, q)
-  def % = PSTAR(p)
-  def ~ (q: Pat) = PSEQ(p, q)
-val p3 = PSTAR(PSEQ(PVar(1, "A"), PVar(2, "B")))
-greedy2(Set((p3, Map())), "ABAB".toList)
-val p4 = PVar(1, "A")
-greedy2(Set((p4, Map())), "A".toList)
-val p5 = PSEQ(PVar(1, "A"), PVar(1, "B"))
-greedy2(Set((p5, Map())), "AB".toList)
-val res = pderivPat(p5, 'A')
-for ((_, f) <- res) yield f(Map())
-val p6 = PatVar(4,PSTAR(PCHOICE(PCHOICE(PVar(1, "A"), PVar(2, "AB")), PVar(3, "B"))))
-greedy(p6, "ABA")
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/re-sulzmann.scala
--- a/progs/re-sulzmann.scala	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-import scala.language.implicitConversions
-import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
-abstract class Rexp
-case object NULL extends Rexp
-case object EMPTY extends Rexp
-case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
-case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-abstract class Pat
-case class VAR(x: String, w: String, r: Rexp) extends Pat
-case class GRP(x: String, w: String, p: Pat) extends Pat
-case class PSEQ(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) extends Pat
-case class PALT(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) extends Pat
-case class PSTAR(p: Pat) extends Pat
-object VAR { def apply(x: String, r: Rexp) : VAR = VAR(x, "", r) }
-object GRP { def apply(x: String, p: Pat) : GRP = GRP(x, "", p) }
-def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
-  case NULL => false
-  case EMPTY => true
-  case CHAR(_) => false
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
-  case STAR(_) => true
-// derivative of a regular expression w.r.t. a character
-def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
-  case NULL => NULL
-  case EMPTY => NULL
-  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) EMPTY else NULL
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
-    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
-    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
-  case STAR(r) => SEQ(der(c, r), STAR(r))
-def down (p: Pat) : Rexp = p match {
-  case VAR(x: String, w: String, r: Rexp) => r
-  case GRP(x: String, w: String, p: Pat) => down(p)
-  case PSEQ(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) => SEQ(down(p1), down(p2))
-  case PALT(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) => ALT(down(p1), down(p2))
-  case PSTAR(p: Pat) => STAR(down(p))
-def empty (p: Pat) : Pat = p match {
-  case VAR(x: String, w: String, r: Rexp) => 
-    if (nullable(r)) VAR(x, w, EMPTY) 
-    else VAR(x, w, NULL)
-  case GRP(x: String, w: String, p: Pat) => GRP(x, w, empty(p))
-  case PSEQ(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) => PSEQ(empty(p1), empty(p2))
-  case PALT(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) => PALT(empty(p1), empty(p2))
-  case PSTAR(p: Pat) => PSTAR(empty(p))
-def patder (c: Char, p: Pat) : Pat = p match {
-  case VAR(x: String, w: String, r: Rexp) => VAR(x, w + c, der(c, r))
-  case GRP(x: String, w: String, p: Pat) => GRP(x, w + c, patder(c, p))
-  case PSEQ(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) => 
-    if (nullable(down(p1))) PALT(PSEQ(patder(c, p1), p2), PSEQ(empty(p1), patder(c, p2)))
-    else PSEQ(patder(c, p1), p2)
-  case PALT(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) => PALT(patder(c, p1), patder(c, p2))
-  case PSTAR(p: Pat) => PSEQ(patder(c, p), PSTAR(p))
-def patders (s: List[Char], p: Pat) : Pat = s match {
-  case Nil => p
-  case c::s => patders(s, patder(c, p))
-type Env = Set[List[(String, String)]]
-def special (p: Pat, env: Env) : Env = 
-  if (env == Set() && nullable(down(p))) Set(Nil) else env
-def env (p: Pat) : Env = p match {
-  case VAR(x: String, w: String, r: Rexp) => 
-    if (nullable(r)) Set(List((x, w))) else Set()
-  case GRP(x: String, w: String, p1: Pat) => 
-    special(p, for (e <- env(p1)) yield List((x, w)) ++ e)
-  case PSEQ(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) => 
-    special(p, for (e1 <- env(p1); e2 <- env(p2)) yield (e1 ++ e2))
-  case PALT(p1: Pat, p2: Pat) => special(p, env(p1) ++ env(p2))
-  case PSTAR(p1: Pat) => special(p, env(p1))
-def matcher (p: Pat, s: String) = env(empty(patders(s.toList, p)))
-// some convenience for typing in regular expressions
-def charlist2rexp (s : List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
-  case Nil => EMPTY
-  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
-  case c::s => SEQ(CHAR(c), charlist2rexp(s))
-implicit def string2rexp (s : String) : Rexp = charlist2rexp(s.toList)
-implicit def RexpOps (r: Rexp) = new {
-  def | (s: Rexp) = ALT(r, s)
-  def % = STAR(r)
-  def ~ (s: Rexp) = SEQ(r, s)
-implicit def stringOps (s: String) = new {
-  def | (r: Rexp) = ALT(s, r)
-  def | (r: String) = ALT(s, r)
-  def % = STAR(s)
-  def ~ (r: Rexp) = SEQ(s, r)
-  def ~ (r: String) = SEQ(s, r)
-implicit def PatOps (p: Pat) = new {
-  def | (q: Pat) = PALT(p, q)
-  def % = PSTAR(p)
-  def ~ (q: Pat) = PSEQ(p, q)
-val p0 = VAR("x", "A")
-patders("A".toList, p0)
-matcher(p0, "A")
-val p1 = VAR("x", "A") | VAR("y", "A") | VAR("z", "B")
-patders("A".toList, p1)
-matcher(p1, "A")
-matcher(p1, "B")
-val p2 = VAR("x", "AB")
-matcher(p2, "AB")
-matcher(p2, "AA")
-val p3 = VAR("x", "A" ~ "B")
-matcher(p3, "AB")
-matcher(p3, "AA")
-val p4 = VAR("x", "A") ~ VAR("y", "B")
-matcher(p4, "AB")
-matcher(p4, "AA")
-val p5 = VAR("x", "A".%)
-matcher(p5, "A")
-matcher(p5, "AA")
-matcher(p5, "")
-matcher(p5, "AAA")
-val p6 = VAR("x", "A").%
-matcher(p6, "A")
-matcher(p6, "AA")
-matcher(p6, "")
-matcher(p6, "AAA")
-val p7 = (VAR("x", "A") | VAR("y", "AB") | VAR("z", "B")).%
-matcher(p7, "AB")
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/re.scala
--- a/progs/re.scala	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-// regular expressions including NOT
-abstract class Rexp
-case object NULL extends Rexp
-case object EMPTY extends Rexp
-case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
-case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp
-case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp
-case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp
-case class NOT(r: Rexp) extends Rexp
-// some convenience for typing in regular expressions
-def charlist2rexp(s : List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
-  case Nil => EMPTY
-  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
-  case c::s => SEQ(CHAR(c), charlist2rexp(s))
-implicit def string2rexp(s : String) : Rexp = charlist2rexp(s.toList)
-// nullable function: tests whether the regular 
-// expression can recognise the empty string
-def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
-  case NULL => false
-  case EMPTY => true
-  case CHAR(_) => false
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
-  case STAR(_) => true
-  case NOT(r) => !(nullable(r))
-// tests whether a regular expression 
-// cannot recognise more
-def no_more (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
-  case NULL => true
-  case EMPTY => false
-  case CHAR(_) => false
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => no_more(r1) && no_more(r2)
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => if (nullable(r1)) (no_more(r1) && no_more(r2)) else no_more(r1)
-  case STAR(_) => false
-  case NOT(r) => !(no_more(r))
-// derivative of a regular expression w.r.t. a character
-def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
-  case NULL => NULL
-  case EMPTY => NULL
-  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) EMPTY else NULL
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
-    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
-    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
-  case STAR(r) => SEQ(der(c, r), STAR(r))
-  case NOT(r) => NOT(der (c, r))
-// regular expression for specifying 
-// ranges of characters
-def RANGE(s : List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
-  case Nil => NULL
-  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
-  case c::s => ALT(CHAR(c), RANGE(s))
-//one or more
-def PLUS(r: Rexp) = SEQ(r, STAR(r))
-//some regular expressions
-val LOWERCASE = RANGE("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".toList)
-val DIGIT = RANGE("0123456789".toList)
-val NONZERODIGIT = RANGE("123456789".toList)
-val WHITESPACE = RANGE(" \n".toList)
-val COMMENT = SEQ(SEQ("/*", NOT(SEQ(SEQ(STAR(ALL), "*/"), STAR(ALL)))), "*/")
-// an example list of regular expressions
-val regs: List[Rexp]=  List("if", "then", "else", "+", IDENT, NUMBER, WHITESPACES, COMMENT) 
-def error (s: String) = throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Could not lex " + s)
-def munch(r: Rexp, s: List[Char], t: List[Char]) : Option[(List[Char], List[Char])] = 
-  s match {
-    case Nil if (nullable(r)) => Some(Nil, t)
-    case Nil => None
-    case c::s if (no_more(der (c, r)) && nullable(r)) => Some(c::s, t)
-    case c::s if (no_more(der (c, r))) => None
-    case c::s => munch(der (c, r), s, t ::: List(c))
-  }
-def one_string (regs: List[Rexp], s: List[Char]) : (List[Char], List[Char]) = {
- val somes = regs.map { munch(_, s, Nil) } .flatten
- if (somes == Nil) error(s.mkString) else (somes sortBy (_._1.length) head)
-def tokenize (regs: List[Rexp], s: List[Char]) : List[String] = s match {
-  case Nil => Nil
-  case _ => one_string(regs, s) match {
-    case (rest, s) => s.mkString :: tokenize(regs, rest) 
-  }
-println(tokenize(regs, "if true then then 42 else +".toList))
-println(tokenize(regs, "if+true+then+then+42+else +".toList))
-println(tokenize(regs, "ifff if     34 34".toList))
-println(tokenize(regs, "/*ifff if */ hhjj /*34 */".toList))
-println(tokenize(regs, "/* if true then */ then 42 else +".toList))
-//println(tokenize(regs, "ifff $ if 34".toList)) // causes an error because of the symbol $
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/re0.scala
--- a/progs/re0.scala	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-import scala.annotation.tailrec
-import scala.language.implicitConversions
-abstract class Rexp
-case object NULL extends Rexp
-case object EMPTY extends Rexp
-case object ALLCHAR extends Rexp
-case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
-case class STR(s: String) extends Rexp
-case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-case class NOT(r: Rexp) extends Rexp
-case class REP(r: Rexp, n: Int) extends Rexp 
-// some convenience for typing in regular expressions
-implicit def string2rexp(s : String) : Rexp = STR(s)
-implicit def RexpOps(r: Rexp) : Rexp = new {
-  def | (s: Rexp) = ALT(r, s)
-  def % = STAR(r)
-  def %(n: Int) = REP(r, n) 
-  def %%(n: Int) = SEQ(REP(r, n), STAR(r)) 
-  def ? = ALT(EMPTY, r)
-  def unary_! = NOT(r)
-  def ~ (s: Rexp) = SEQ(r, s)
-implicit def stringOps(s: String) : Rexp = new {
-  def | (r: Rexp) = ALT(s, r)
-  def | (r: String) = ALT(s, r)
-  def % = STAR(s)
-  def %(n: Int) = REP(s, n)
-  def %%(n: Int) = SEQ(REP(s, n), STAR(s)) 
-  def ? = ALT(EMPTY, s)
-  def unary_! = NOT(s)
-  def ~ (r: Rexp) = SEQ(s, r)
-  def ~ (r: String) = SEQ(s, r)
-// nullable function: tests whether the regular 
-// expression can recognise the empty string
-def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
-  case NULL => false
-  case EMPTY => true
-  case ALLCHAR => false
-  case CHAR(_) => false
-  case STR(s) => s.isEmpty
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
-  case STAR(_) => true
-  case NOT(r) => !(nullable(r))
-  case REP(r, i) => if (i == 0) true else nullable(r)
-// derivative of a regular expression w.r.t. a character
-def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
-  case NULL => NULL
-  case EMPTY => NULL
-  case ALLCHAR => EMPTY
-  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) EMPTY else NULL
-  case STR(s) => if (s.isEmpty || s.head != c) NULL else STR(s.tail)
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
-    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
-    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
-  case STAR(r) => SEQ(der(c, r), STAR(r))
-  case NOT(r) => NOT(der (c, r))
-  case REP(r, i) => 
-    if (i == 0) NULL else SEQ(der(c, r), REP(r, i - 1))
-// derivative w.r.t. a string (iterates der)
-def ders (s: List[Char], r: Rexp) : Rexp = s match {
-  case Nil => r
-  case c::s => ders(s, der(c, r))
-// main matcher function
-def matcher(r: Rexp, s: String) : Boolean = nullable(ders(s.toList, r))
-val digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
-val int = ("+" | "-").? ~ digit.%%(1)
-val real = ("+" | "-").? ~ digit.%%(1) ~ ("." ~ digit.%%(1)).? ~ (("e" | "E") ~ ("+" | "-").? ~ digit.%%(1)).?
-val ints = List("0", "-4534", "+049", "99")
-val reals = List("0.9", "-12.8", "+91.0", "9e12", "+9.21E-12", "-512E+01")
-val errs = List("", "-", "+", "+-1", "-+2", "2-")
-ints.map(s => matcher(int, s))
-reals.map(s => matcher(int, s))
-errs.map(s => matcher(int, s))
-ints.map(s => matcher(real, s))
-reals.map(s => matcher(real, s))
-errs.map(s => matcher(real, s))
-def RTEST(n: Int) = ("a".? %(n)) ~ ("a" %(n))
-def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
-  val start = System.nanoTime()
-  for (j <- 1 to i) code
-  val end = System.nanoTime()
-  (end - start)/(i * 1.0e9)
-for (i <- 1 to 12000 by 500) {
-  println(i + ": " + "%.5f".format(time_needed(1, matcher(RTEST(i), "a" * i))))
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/re1.scala
--- a/progs/re1.scala	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-// A simple matcher for basic regular expressions
-abstract class Rexp
-case object ZERO extends Rexp                    // matches nothing
-case object ONE extends Rexp                     // matches an empty string
-case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp            // matches a character c
-case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp  // alternative
-case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp  // sequence
-case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp            // star
-// nullable function: tests whether a regular 
-// expression can recognise the empty string
-def nullable(r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
-  case ZERO => false
-  case ONE => true
-  case CHAR(_) => false
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
-  case STAR(_) => true
-// the derivative of a regular expression w.r.t. a character
-def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
-  case ZERO => ZERO
-  case ONE => ZERO
-  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) ONE else ZERO
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
-    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
-    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
-  case STAR(r1) => SEQ(der(c, r1), STAR(r1))
-// the derivative w.r.t. a string (iterates der)
-def ders (s: List[Char], r: Rexp) : Rexp = s match {
-  case Nil => r
-  case c::s => ders(s, der(c, r))
-// the main matcher function
-def matcher(r: Rexp, s: String) : Boolean = 
-  nullable(ders(s.toList, r))
-// examples from the homework
-val r = STAR(ALT(SEQ(CHAR('a'), CHAR('b')), CHAR('b')))
-der('a', r)
-der('b', r)
-der('c', r)
-val r2 = SEQ(SEQ(CHAR('x'), CHAR('y')), CHAR('z'))
-der('x', r2)
-der('y', der('x', r2))
-der('z', der('y', der('x', r2)))
-// the optional regular expression (one or zero times)
-def OPT(r: Rexp) = ALT(r, ONE)
-// the n-times regular expression (explicitly expanded)
-def NTIMES(r: Rexp, n: Int) : Rexp = n match {
-  case 0 => ONE
-  case 1 => r
-  case n => SEQ(r, NTIMES(r, n - 1))
-// Test Cases
-// the evil regular expression  a?{n} a{n}
-def EVIL1(n: Int) = SEQ(NTIMES(OPT(CHAR('a')), n), NTIMES(CHAR('a'), n))
-// the evil regular expression (a*)*b
-val EVIL2 = SEQ(STAR(STAR(CHAR('a'))), CHAR('b'))
-// for measuring time
-def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
-  val start = System.nanoTime()
-  for (j <- 1 to i) code
-  val end = System.nanoTime()
-  (end - start) / (i * 1.0e9)
-// test: (a?{n}) (a{n})
-println("Test (a?{n}) (a{n})")
-for (i <- 0 to 20 by 2) {
-  println(f"$i: ${time_needed(2, matcher(EVIL1(i), "a" * i))}%.5f")
-// test: (a*)* b
-println("Test (a*)* b")
-for (i <- 0 to 20 by 2) {
-  println(f"$i: ${time_needed(2, matcher(EVIL2, "a" * i))}%.5f")
-// the size of a regular expressions - for testing purposes 
-def size(r: Rexp) : Int = r match {
-  case ZERO => 1
-  case ONE => 1
-  case CHAR(_) => 1
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => 1 + size(r1) + size(r2)
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 1 + size(r1) + size(r2)
-  case STAR(r) => 1 + size(r)
-// the expicit expansion in EVIL1(n) increases
-// drastically its size
-size(EVIL1(1))  // 5
-size(EVIL1(3))  // 17
-size(EVIL1(5))  // 29
-size(EVIL1(7))  // 41
-size(EVIL1(20)) // 119
-// given a regular expression and building successive
-// derivatives might result into bigger and bigger
-// regular expressions...here is an example for this:
-// (a+b)* o a o b o (a+b)*
-val BIG_aux = STAR(ALT(CHAR('a'), CHAR('b')))
-val BIG = SEQ(BIG_aux, SEQ(CHAR('a'),SEQ(CHAR('b'), BIG_aux)))
-size(ders("".toList, BIG))              // 13
-size(ders("ab".toList, BIG))            // 51
-size(ders("abab".toList, BIG))          // 112
-size(ders("ababab".toList, BIG))        // 191
-size(ders("abababab".toList, BIG))      // 288
-size(ders("ababababab".toList, BIG))    // 403
-size(ders("abababababab".toList, BIG))  // 536
-size(ders(("ab" * 200).toList, BIG))    // 366808
-for (i <- 0 to 200 by 10) {
-  println(f"$i: ${time_needed(2, matcher(BIG, "ab" * i))}%.5f")
-def concat(A: Set[String], B: Set[String]) : Set[String] =
-  for (s1 <- A; s2 <- B) yield s1 ++ s2
-val A = Set("foo", "bar")
-val B = Set("a", "b")
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/re2.scala
--- a/progs/re2.scala	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-// A Version with an explicit n-times regular expression;
-// this keeps the size of the regular expression in the
-// EVIL1 test-case quite small
-abstract class Rexp 
-case object ZERO extends Rexp
-case object ONE extends Rexp
-case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
-case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-case class NTIMES(r: Rexp, n: Int) extends Rexp   //explicit constructor for n-times
-def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
-  case ZERO => false
-  case ONE => true
-  case CHAR(_) => false
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
-  case STAR(_) => true
-  case NTIMES(r, i) => if (i == 0) true else nullable(r)
-def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
-  case ZERO => ZERO
-  case ONE => ZERO
-  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) ONE else ZERO
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
-    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
-    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
-  case STAR(r1) => SEQ(der(c, r1), STAR(r1))
-  case NTIMES(r1, i) => 
-    if (i == 0) ZERO else SEQ(der(c, r1), NTIMES(r1, i - 1))
-def ders (s: List[Char], r: Rexp) : Rexp = s match {
-  case Nil => r
-  case c::s => ders(s, der(c, r))
-def matcher(r: Rexp, s: String) : Boolean = nullable(ders(s.toList, r))
-// the optional regular expression: one or zero times
-// this regular expression is still defined in terms of ALT
-def OPT(r: Rexp) = ALT(r, ONE)
-// Test Cases
-// evil regular expressions
-def EVIL1(n: Int) = SEQ(NTIMES(OPT(CHAR('a')), n), NTIMES(CHAR('a'), n))
-val EVIL2 = SEQ(STAR(STAR(CHAR('a'))), CHAR('b'))
-def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
-  val start = System.nanoTime()
-  for (j <- 1 to i) code
-  val end = System.nanoTime()
-  (end - start) / (i * 1.0e9)
-// test: (a?{n}) (a{n})
-for (i <- 0 to 1000 by 100) {
-  println(f"$i: ${time_needed(2, matcher(EVIL1(i), "a" * i))}%.5f")
-// test: (a*)* b
-for (i <- 0 to 20) {
-  println(f"$i: ${time_needed(2, matcher(EVIL2, "a" * i))}%.5f")
-// the size of a regular expressions - for testing purposes 
-def size(r: Rexp) : Int = r match {
-  case ZERO => 1
-  case ONE => 1
-  case CHAR(_) => 1
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => 1 + size(r1) + size(r2)
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 1 + size(r1) + size(r2)
-  case STAR(r) => 1 + size(r)
-  case NTIMES(r, _) => 1 + size(r)
-// EVIL1(n) has now a constant size, no matter
-// what n is; also the derivative only grows 
-// moderately 
-size(EVIL1(1))  // 7
-size(EVIL1(3))  // 7
-size(EVIL1(5))  // 7
-size(EVIL1(7))  // 7
-size(EVIL1(20)) // 7
-size(ders("".toList, EVIL1(5)))       // 7
-size(ders("a".toList, EVIL1(5)))      // 16
-size(ders("aa".toList, EVIL1(5)))     // 35
-size(ders("aaa".toList, EVIL1(5)))    // 59
-size(ders("aaaa".toList, EVIL1(5)))   // 88
-size(ders("aaaaa".toList, EVIL1(5)))  // 122
-size(ders("aaaaaa".toList, EVIL1(5))) // 151
-// but the size of the derivatives can still grow 
-// quite dramatically in case of EVIL2
-size(ders("".toList, EVIL2))       // 5
-size(ders("a".toList, EVIL2))      // 12
-size(ders("aa".toList, EVIL2))     // 28
-size(ders("aaa".toList, EVIL2))    // 58
-size(ders("aaaa".toList, EVIL2))   // 116
-size(ders("aaaaa".toList, EVIL2))  // 230
-size(ders("aaaaaa".toList, EVIL2)) // 456
-size(ders(("a" * 20).toList, EVIL2)) // 7340068
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/re3.scala
--- a/progs/re3.scala	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-// A version with simplification of derivatives;
-// this keeps the regular expressions small, which
-// is good for the run-time
-abstract class Rexp
-case object ZERO extends Rexp
-case object ONE extends Rexp
-case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
-case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-case class NTIMES(r: Rexp, n: Int) extends Rexp 
-// the nullable function: tests whether the regular 
-// expression can recognise the empty string
-def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
-  case ZERO => false
-  case ONE => true
-  case CHAR(_) => false
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
-  case STAR(_) => true
-  case NTIMES(r, i) => if (i == 0) true else nullable(r)
-// the derivative of a regular expression w.r.t. a character
-def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
-  case ZERO => ZERO
-  case ONE => ZERO
-  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) ONE else ZERO
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
-    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
-    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
-  case STAR(r1) => SEQ(der(c, r1), STAR(r1))
-  case NTIMES(r, i) => 
-    if (i == 0) ZERO else SEQ(der(c, r), NTIMES(r, i - 1))
-def simp(r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => (simp(r1), simp(r2)) match {
-    case (ZERO, r2s) => r2s
-    case (r1s, ZERO) => r1s
-    case (r1s, r2s) => if (r1s == r2s) r1s else ALT (r1s, r2s)
-  }
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) =>  (simp(r1), simp(r2)) match {
-    case (ZERO, _) => ZERO
-    case (_, ZERO) => ZERO
-    case (ONE, r2s) => r2s
-    case (r1s, ONE) => r1s
-    case (r1s, r2s) => SEQ(r1s, r2s)
-  }
-  case r => r
-// the derivative w.r.t. a string (iterates der)
-def ders(s: List[Char], r: Rexp) : Rexp = s match {
-  case Nil => r
-  case c::s => ders(s, simp(der(c, r)))
-// the main matcher function
-def matcher(r: Rexp, s: String) : Boolean = 
-  nullable(ders(s.toList, r))
-// one or zero
-def OPT(r: Rexp) = ALT(r, ONE)
-// Test Cases
-// evil regular expressions: (a?){n} a{n}  and (a*)* b
-def EVIL1(n: Int) = SEQ(NTIMES(OPT(CHAR('a')), n), NTIMES(CHAR('a'), n))
-val EVIL2 = SEQ(STAR(STAR(CHAR('a'))), CHAR('b'))
-def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
-  val start = System.nanoTime()
-  for (j <- 1 to i) code
-  val end = System.nanoTime()
-  (end - start)/(i * 1.0e9)
-//test: (a?{n}) (a{n})
-for (i <- 0 to 8000 by 1000) {
-  println(f"$i: ${time_needed(3, matcher(EVIL1(i), "a" * i))}%.5f")
-//test: (a*)* b
-for (i <- 0 to 6000000 by 500000) {
-  println(f"$i: ${time_needed(3, matcher(EVIL2, "a" * i))}%.5f")
-// size of a regular expressions - for testing purposes 
-def size(r: Rexp) : Int = r match {
-  case ZERO => 1
-  case ONE => 1
-  case CHAR(_) => 1
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => 1 + size(r1) + size(r2)
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 1 + size(r1) + size(r2)
-  case STAR(r) => 1 + size(r)
-  case NTIMES(r, _) => 1 + size(r)
-// now the size of the derivatives grows 
-// much, much slower
-size(ders("".toList, EVIL2))      // 5
-size(ders("a".toList, EVIL2))     // 8
-size(ders("aa".toList, EVIL2))    // 8
-size(ders("aaa".toList, EVIL2))   // 8
-size(ders("aaaa".toList, EVIL2))  // 8
-size(ders("aaaaa".toList, EVIL2)) // 8
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/re3a.scala
--- a/progs/re3a.scala	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-abstract class Rexp
-case object ZERO extends Rexp
-case object ONE extends Rexp
-case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
-case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-case class NTIMES(r: Rexp, n: Int) extends Rexp 
-case class UPNTIMES(r: Rexp, n: Int) extends Rexp 
-// the nullable function: tests whether the regular 
-// expression can recognise the empty string
-def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
-  case ZERO => false
-  case ONE => true
-  case CHAR(_) => false
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
-  case STAR(_) => true
-  case NTIMES(r, i) => if (i == 0) true else nullable(r)
-  case UPNTIMES(r: Rexp, n: Int) => true
-// the derivative of a regular expression w.r.t. a character
-def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
-  case ZERO => ZERO
-  case ONE => ZERO
-  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) ONE else ZERO
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
-    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
-    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
-  case STAR(r1) => SEQ(der(c, r1), STAR(r1))
-  case NTIMES(r1, i) => 
-    if (i == 0) ZERO else
-    if (nullable(r1)) SEQ(der(c, r1), UPNTIMES(r1, i - 1))
-    else SEQ(der(c, r1), NTIMES(r1, i - 1))
-  case UPNTIMES(r1, i) => 
-    if (i == 0) ZERO
-    else SEQ(der(c, r1), UPNTIMES(r1, i - 1)) 
-def simp(r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => (simp(r1), simp(r2)) match {
-    case (ZERO, r2s) => r2s
-    case (r1s, ZERO) => r1s
-    case (r1s, r2s) => if (r1s == r2s) r1s else ALT (r1s, r2s)
-  }
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) =>  (simp(r1), simp(r2)) match {
-    case (ZERO, _) => ZERO
-    case (_, ZERO) => ZERO
-    case (ONE, r2s) => r2s
-    case (r1s, ONE) => r1s
-    case (r1s, r2s) => SEQ(r1s, r2s)
-  }
-  case r => r
-// the derivative w.r.t. a string (iterates der)
-def ders (s: List[Char], r: Rexp) : Rexp = s match {
-  case Nil => r
-  case c::s => ders(s, simp(der(c, r)))
-// the main matcher function
-def matches(r: Rexp, s: String) : Boolean = nullable(ders(s.toList, r))
-// one or zero
-def OPT(r: Rexp) = ALT(r, ONE)
-// evil regular expressions
-def EVIL1(n: Int) = SEQ(NTIMES(OPT(CHAR('a')), n), NTIMES(CHAR('a'), n))
-val EVIL2 = SEQ(STAR(STAR(CHAR('a'))), CHAR('b'))
-val EVIL3 = SEQ(STAR(ALT(CHAR('a'), SEQ(CHAR('a'),CHAR('a')))), CHAR('b'))
-def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
-  val start = System.nanoTime()
-  for (j <- 1 to i) code
-  val end = System.nanoTime()
-  "%.5f".format((end - start) / (i * 1.0e9))
-// test: (a?{n}) (a{n})
-for (i <- 0 to 8000 by 1000) {
-  println(s"$i: ${time_needed(2, matches(EVIL1(i), "a" * i))}")
-// test: (a*)* b
-for (i <- 0 to 6000000 by 500000) {
-  println(s"$i: ${time_needed(2, matches(EVIL2, "a" * i))}")
-val r0 = simp(der('a', EVIL3))
-val r1 = simp(der('a', r0))
-val r2 = simp(der('a', r1))
-val r3 = simp(der('a', r2))
-val r4 = simp(der('a', r3))
-val r5 = simp(der('a', r4))
-val r6 = simp(der('a', r5))
-//test: (a|aa)* b
-for (i <- 0 to 100 by 10) {
-  println(s"$i: ${time_needed(2, matches(EVIL3, "a" * i ++ "c"))}")
- */
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/re3ext.scala
--- a/progs/re3ext.scala	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-abstract class Rexp 
-case object ZERO extends Rexp
-case object ONE extends Rexp
-case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
-case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp
-case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-case class NTIMES(r: Rexp, n: Int) extends Rexp 
-def simp(r: Rexp): Rexp = r match {
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => {
-    (simp(r1), simp(r2)) match {
-      case (ZERO, r2s) => r2s
-      case (r1s, ZERO) => r1s
-      case (r1s, r2s) => if (r1s == r2s) r1s else ALT(r1s, r2s)
-    }
-  }
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => {
-    (simp(r1), simp(r2)) match {
-      case (ZERO, _) => ZERO
-      case (_, ZERO) => ZERO
-      case (ONE, r2s) => r2s
-      case (r1s, ONE) => r1s
-      case (r1s, r2s) => SEQ(r1s, r2s)
-    }
-  }
-  case NTIMES(r, n) => NTIMES(simp(r), n)    
-  case r => r
-def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
-  case ZERO => false
-  case ONE => true
-  case CHAR(_) => false
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
-  case STAR(_) => true
-  case NTIMES(r, i) => if (i == 0) true else nullable(r)
-def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
-  case ZERO => ZERO
-  case ONE => ZERO
-  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) ONE else ZERO
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
-    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
-    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
-  case STAR(r) => SEQ(der(c, r), STAR(r))
-  case NTIMES(r, i) => 
-    if (i == 0) ZERO else SEQ(der(c, r), NTIMES(r, i - 1))
-def ders (s: List[Char], r: Rexp) : Rexp = s match {
-  case Nil => r
-  case c::s => ders(s, simp(der(c, r)))
-def matches(r: Rexp, s: String) : Boolean = nullable(ders(s.toList, r))
-//one or zero
-def OPT(r: Rexp) = ALT(r, ONE)
-def EVIL(n: Int) = SEQ(NTIMES(OPT(CHAR('a')), n), NTIMES(CHAR('a'), n))
-def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
-  val start = System.nanoTime()
-  for (j <- 1 to i) code
-  val end = System.nanoTime()
-  (end - start)/(i * 1.0e9)
-for (i <- 1 to 9001 by 1000) {
-  println(i + " " + "%.5f".format(time_needed(1, matches(EVIL(i), "a" * i))))
-// some convenience for typing in regular expressions
-import scala.language.implicitConversions    
-import scala.language.reflectiveCalls 
-def charlist2rexp(s : List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
-  case Nil => ONE
-  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
-  case c::s => SEQ(CHAR(c), charlist2rexp(s))
-implicit def string2rexp(s : String) : Rexp = charlist2rexp(s.toList)
-implicit def RexpOps (r: Rexp) = new {
-  def | (s: Rexp) = ALT(r, s)
-  def % = STAR(r)
-  def ~ (s: Rexp) = SEQ(r, s)
-implicit def stringOps (s: String) = new {
-  def | (r: Rexp) = ALT(s, r)
-  def | (r: String) = ALT(s, r)
-  def % = STAR(s)
-  def ~ (r: Rexp) = SEQ(s, r)
-  def ~ (r: String) = SEQ(s, r)
-def PLUS(r: Rexp) = SEQ(r, STAR(r))
-def RANGE(s: List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
-  case Nil => ZERO
-  case c::s => ALT(CHAR(c), RANGE(s))
-def NMTIMES(r: Rexp, n: Int, m: Int) : Rexp =
-  if (n >= m) NTIMES(r, n) else ALT(NTIMES(r, m), NMTIMES(r, n, m - 1))
-val REG1 = PLUS(PLUS("a" ~ "a" ~ "a"))
-val REG2 = PLUS(PLUS("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" ~ OPT("a")))  // 19 as ~ a?
-//40 * aaa matches
-//43 * aaa + aa does not
-//45 * aaa + a
-println(matches(REG1, "aaa" * 40))
-println(matches(REG1, "aaa" * 43 + "aa"))
-println(matches(REG1, "aaa" * 45 + "a"))
-println(matches(REG2, "aaa" * 40))
-println(matches(REG2, "aaa" * 43 + "aa"))
-println(matches(REG2, "aaa" * 45 + "a"))
-val LOWERCASE = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
-val DIGITS = "0123456789"
-val EMAIL = PLUS(RANGE((LOWERCASE + DIGITS + "_" + "." + "-").toList)) ~ "@" ~ 
-            PLUS(RANGE((LOWERCASE + DIGITS + "." + "-").toList)) ~ "." ~
-            NMTIMES(RANGE((LOWERCASE + ".").toList), 2, 6)
-val my_email = "christian.urban@kcl.ac.uk"
-println(matches(EMAIL, my_email))
-println(matches(NTIMES("a", 2), "a"))
-println(matches(NTIMES("a", 2), "aa"))
-println(matches(NTIMES("a", 2), "aaa"))
-println(matches(NMTIMES("a", 2, 3), "a"))
-println(matches(NMTIMES("a", 2, 3), "aa"))
-println(matches(NMTIMES("a", 2, 3), "aaa"))
-println(matches(NMTIMES("a", 2, 3), "aaaa"))
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/re4.scala
--- a/progs/re4.scala	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-// A version which attempts to move whole strings, not
-// just characters, under derivatives whenever possible
-abstract class Rexp
-case object ZERO extends Rexp
-case object ONE extends Rexp
-case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
-case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-case class NTIMES(r: Rexp, n: Int) extends Rexp 
-// the nullable function: tests whether the regular 
-// expression can recognise the empty string
-def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
-  case ZERO => false
-  case ONE => true
-  case CHAR(_) => false
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
-  case STAR(_) => true
-  case NTIMES(r, i) => if (i == 0) true else nullable(r)
-// the derivative of a regular expression w.r.t. a character
-def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
-  case ZERO => ZERO
-  case ONE => ZERO
-  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) ONE else ZERO
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
-    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
-    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
-  case STAR(r1) => SEQ(der(c, r1), STAR(r1))
-  case NTIMES(r1, i) => 
-    if (i == 0) ZERO else SEQ(der(c, r1), NTIMES(r1, i - 1))
-def simp(r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => (simp(r1), simp(r2)) match {
-    case (ZERO, r2s) => r2s
-    case (r1s, ZERO) => r1s
-    case (r1s, r2s) => if (r1s == r2s) r1s else ALT (r1s, r2s)
-  }
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) =>  (simp(r1), simp(r2)) match {
-    case (ZERO, _) => ZERO
-    case (_, ZERO) => ZERO
-    case (ONE, r2s) => r2s
-    case (r1s, ONE) => r1s
-    case (r1s, r2s) => SEQ(r1s, r2s)
-  }
-  case r => r
-// an example
-val r = SEQ(SEQ(CHAR('x'), CHAR('y')), CHAR('z'))
-der('x', r)
-der('y', der('x', r))
-der('z', der('y', der('x', r)))
-simp(der('z', der('y', der('x', r))))
-// *new*
-// the derivative w.r.t. a string (iterates der)
-def ders2(s: List[Char], r: Rexp) : Rexp = (s, r) match {
-  case (Nil, r) => r
-  case (s, ZERO) => ZERO
-  case (s, ONE) => if (s == Nil) ONE else ZERO
-  case (s, CHAR(c)) => if (s == List(c)) ONE else 
-                       if (s == Nil) CHAR(c) else ZERO
-  case (s, ALT(r1, r2)) => ALT(ders2(s, r1), ders2(s, r2))
-  case (c::s, r) => ders2(s, simp(der(c, r)))
-// the main matcher function
-def matcher(r: Rexp, s: String) : Boolean = 
-  nullable(ders2(s.toList, r))
-// one or zero
-def OPT(r: Rexp) = ALT(r, ONE)
-// Test Cases
-def EVIL1(n: Int) = SEQ(NTIMES(OPT(CHAR('a')), n), NTIMES(CHAR('a'), n))
-val EVIL2 = SEQ(STAR(STAR(CHAR('a'))), CHAR('b'))
-// for measuring time
-def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
-  val start = System.nanoTime()
-  for (j <- 1 to i) code
-  val end = System.nanoTime()
-  (end - start) / (i * 1.0e9)
-// test: (a?{n}) (a{n})
-for (i <- 0 to 11000 by 1000) {
-  println(f"$i: ${time_needed(2, matcher(EVIL1(i), "a" * i))}%.5f")
-// test: (a*)* b
-for (i <- 0 to 7000000 by 500000) {
-  println(f"$i: ${time_needed(2, matcher(EVIL2, "a" * i))}%.5f")
-// the size of a regular expressions - for testing purposes 
-def size(r: Rexp) : Int = r match {
-  case ZERO => 1
-  case ONE => 1
-  case CHAR(_) => 1
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => 1 + size(r1) + size(r2)
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 1 + size(r1) + size(r2)
-  case STAR(r) => 1 + size(r)
-  case NTIMES(r, _) => 1 + size(r)
-// string of a regular expressions - for testing purposes 
-def string(r: Rexp) : String = r match {
-  case ZERO => "0"
-  case ONE => "1"
-  case CHAR(c) => c.toString 
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => s"(${string(r1)} + ${string(r2)})"
-  case SEQ(CHAR(c), CHAR(d)) => s"${c}${d}"
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => s"(${string(r1)} ~ ${string(r2)})"
-  case STAR(r) => s"(${string(r)})*"
-  case NTIMES(r, n) =>  s"(${string(r)}){${n}}"
-// test: ("a" | "aa")*
-val EVIL3 = STAR(ALT(CHAR('a'), SEQ(CHAR('a'), CHAR('a'))))
-// test: ("" | "a" | "aa")*
-val EVIL4 = STAR(ALT(ONE, ALT(CHAR('a'), SEQ(CHAR('a'), CHAR('a')))))
-val t1  = ders2("a".toList, EVIL3)
-val t1s = simp(t1) 
-val t2  = ders2("aa".toList, t1s)
-val t2s = simp(t2)
-val t3  = ders2("aaa".toList, t2s)
-val t3s = simp(t3)
-val t4  = ders2("aaaa".toList, t3s)
-val t4s = simp(t4)
-println(string(t1) + "    " + size(t1))
-println("s " + string(t1s) + "    " + size(t1s))
-println(string(t2) + "    " + size(t2))
-println("s " + string(t2s) + "    " + size(t2s))
-println(string(t3) + "    " + size(t3))
-println("s " + string(t3s) + "    " + size(t3s))
-println(string(t4) + "    " + size(t4))
-println("s " + string(t4s) + "    " + size(t4s))
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/regexp2.scala
--- a/progs/regexp2.scala	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-// regular expressions including NOT
-abstract class Rexp
-case object NULL extends Rexp
-case object EMPTY extends Rexp
-case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
-case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp
-case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp
-case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp
-case class NOT(r: Rexp) extends Rexp
-// some convenience for typing in regular expressions
-def charlist2rexp(s : List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
-  case Nil => EMPTY
-  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
-  case c::s => SEQ(CHAR(c), charlist2rexp(s))
-implicit def string2rexp(s : String) : Rexp = charlist2rexp(s.toList)
-// nullable function: tests whether the regular 
-// expression can recognise the empty string
-def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
-  case NULL => false
-  case EMPTY => true
-  case CHAR(_) => false
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
-  case STAR(_) => true
-  case NOT(r) => !(nullable(r))
-// tests whether a regular expression 
-// cannot recognise more
-def no_more (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
-  case NULL => true
-  case EMPTY => false
-  case CHAR(_) => false
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => no_more(r1) && no_more(r2)
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => if (nullable(r1)) (no_more(r1) && no_more(r2)) else no_more(r1)
-  case STAR(_) => false
-  case NOT(r) => !(no_more(r))
-// derivative of a regular expression w.r.t. a character
-def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
-  case NULL => NULL
-  case EMPTY => NULL
-  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) EMPTY else NULL
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
-    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
-    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
-  case STAR(r) => SEQ(der(c, r), STAR(r))
-  case NOT(r) => NOT(der (c, r))
-// regular expression for specifying 
-// ranges of characters
-def RANGE(s : List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
-  case Nil => NULL
-  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
-  case c::s => ALT(CHAR(c), RANGE(s))
-//one or more
-def PLUS(r: Rexp) = SEQ(r, STAR(r))
-//some regular expressions
-val LOWERCASE = RANGE("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".toList)
-val DIGIT = RANGE("0123456789".toList)
-val NONZERODIGIT = RANGE("123456789".toList)
-val WHITESPACE = RANGE(" \n".toList)
-val COMMENT = SEQ(SEQ("/*", NOT(SEQ(SEQ(STAR(ALL), "*/"), STAR(ALL)))), "*/")
-// an example list of regular expressions
-val regs: List[Rexp]=  List("if", "then", "else", "+", IDENT, NUMBER, WHITESPACES, COMMENT) 
-def error (s: String) = throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Could not lex " + s)
-def munch(r: Rexp, s: List[Char], t: List[Char]) : Option[(List[Char], List[Char])] = 
-  s match {
-    case Nil if (nullable(r)) => Some(Nil, t)
-    case Nil => None
-    case c::s if (no_more(der (c, r)) && nullable(r)) => Some(c::s, t)
-    case c::s if (no_more(der (c, r))) => None
-    case c::s => munch(der (c, r), s, t ::: List(c))
-  }
-def one_string (regs: List[Rexp], s: List[Char]) : (List[Char], List[Char]) = {
- val somes = regs.map { munch(_, s, Nil) } .flatten
- if (somes == Nil) error(s.mkString) else (somes sortBy (_._1.length) head)
-def tokenize (regs: List[Rexp], s: List[Char]) : List[String] = s match {
-  case Nil => Nil
-  case _ => one_string(regs, s) match {
-    case (rest, s) => s.mkString :: tokenize(regs, rest) 
-  }
-println(tokenize(regs, "if true then then 42 else +".toList))
-println(tokenize(regs, "if+true+then+then+42+else +".toList))
-println(tokenize(regs, "ifff if     34 34".toList))
-println(tokenize(regs, "/*ifff if */ hhjj /*34 */".toList))
-println(tokenize(regs, "/* if true then */ then 42 else +".toList))
-//println(tokenize(regs, "ifff $ if 34".toList)) // causes an error because of the symbol $
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/rev.scala
--- a/progs/rev.scala	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-def rev(r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
-  case ZERO => ZERO
-  case ONE => ONE
-  case CHAR(c) => CHAR(c)
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(rev(r1), rev(r2))
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => SEQ(rev(r2), rev(r1))
-  case STAR(r) => STAR(rev(r))
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/token-bak.scala
--- a/progs/token-bak.scala	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-import scala.language.implicitConversions
-import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
-import scala.util._
-import scala.annotation.tailrec
-sealed abstract class Rexp
-case object NULL extends Rexp
-case object EMPTY extends Rexp
-case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
-case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp
-case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp
-case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp
-def charlist2rexp(s : List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
-  case Nil => EMPTY
-  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
-  case c::s => SEQ(CHAR(c), charlist2rexp(s))
-implicit def string2rexp(s : String) : Rexp = charlist2rexp(s.toList)
-implicit def RexpOps(r: Rexp) = new {
-  def | (s: Rexp) = ALT(r, s)
-  def % = STAR(r)
-  def ~ (s: Rexp) = SEQ(r, s)
-implicit def stringOps(s: String) = new {
-  def | (r: Rexp) = ALT(s, r)
-  def | (r: String) = ALT(s, r)
-  def % = STAR(s)
-  def ~ (r: Rexp) = SEQ(s, r)
-  def ~ (r: String) = SEQ(s, r)
-def Range(s : List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
-  case Nil => NULL
-  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
-  case c::s => ALT(CHAR(c), Range(s))
-def RANGE(s: String) = Range(s.toList)
-def PLUS(r: Rexp) = SEQ(r, STAR(r))
-val SYM = RANGE("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_")
-val DIGIT = RANGE("0123456789")
-val ID = SYM ~ (SYM | DIGIT).% 
-val KEYWORD : Rexp = "skip" | "while" | "do" | "if" | "then" | "else" | "read" | "write" 
-val SEMI: Rexp = ";"
-val OP: Rexp = ":=" | "=" | "-" | "+" | "*" | "!=" | "<" | ">"
-val RPAREN: Rexp = ")"
-val LPAREN: Rexp = "("
-val BEGIN: Rexp = "{"
-val END: Rexp = "}"
-//regular expressions ranked by position in the list
-val regs: List[Rexp] = 
-def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
-  case NULL => false
-  case EMPTY => true
-  case CHAR(_) => false
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
-  case STAR(_) => true
-def zeroable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
-  case NULL => true
-  case EMPTY => false
-  case CHAR(_) => false
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => zeroable(r1) && zeroable(r2)
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => zeroable(r1) || zeroable(r2)
-  case STAR(_) => false
-def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
-  case NULL => NULL
-  case EMPTY => NULL  
-  case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) EMPTY else NULL
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => 
-    if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
-    else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
-  case STAR(r) => SEQ(der(c, r), STAR(r))
-// calculates derivatives until all of them are zeroable
-def munch(s: List[Char], 
-          pos: Int, 
-          rs: List[Rexp], 
-          last: Option[Int]): Option[Int] = rs match {
-  case Nil => last
-  case rs if (s.length <= pos) => last
-  case rs => {
-    val ders = rs.map(der(s(pos), _))
-    val rs_nzero = ders.filterNot(zeroable(_))
-    val rs_nulls = ders.filter(nullable(_))
-    val new_last = if (rs_nulls != Nil) Some(pos) else last
-    munch(s, 1 + pos, rs_nzero, new_last)
-  }
-// iterates the munching function and prints 
-// out the component strings
-def tokenize(s: String, rs: List[Rexp]) : Unit = munch(s.toList, 0, rs, None) match {
-  case None if (s == "") => println("EOF")
-  case None => println(s"Lexing error: $s")
-  case Some(n) => {
-    val (head, tail) = s.splitAt(n + 1)
-    print(s"|${head.replaceAll("\n","RET")}|")
-    tokenize(tail, rs)
-  }
-val test_prog = """
-start := XXX;
-x := start;
-y := start;
-z := start;
-while 0 < x do {
- while 0 < y do {
-  while 0 < z do {
-    z := z - 1
-  };
-  z := start;
-  y := y - 1
- };     
- y := start;
- x := x - 1
-write x;
-write y;
-write z
-tokenize(test_prog, regs)
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/while-tests/collatz.while
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/progs/while-tests/collatz.while	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+write "Input a number ";
+read n;
+while n > 1 do {
+  if n % 2 == 0 
+  then n := n/2 
+  else n := 3*n+1;
+write "Yes";
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/while-tests/factors.while
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/progs/while-tests/factors.while	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// Find all factors of a given input number
+// by J.R. Cordy August 2005
+write "Input n please";
+read n;
+write "The factors of n are";
+f := 2;
+while n != 1 do {
+    while (n / f) * f == n do {
+        write f;
+        n := n / f
+    };
+    f := f + 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/while-tests/fib.while
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/progs/while-tests/fib.while	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+write "Fib";
+read n;  
+minus1 := 0;
+minus2 := 1;
+while n > 0 do {
+       temp := minus2;
+       minus2 := minus1 + minus2;
+       minus1 := temp;
+       n := n - 1
+write "Result";
+write minus2 
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/while-tests/loops.while
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/progs/while-tests/loops.while	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+start := 1000; 
+x := start;
+y := start;
+z := start;
+while 0 < x do {
+ while 0 < y do {
+  while 0 < z do { z := z - 1 };
+  z := start;
+  y := y - 1
+ };     
+ y := start;
+ x := x - 1
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/while-tests/primes.while
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/progs/while-tests/primes.while	Thu Jul 30 13:50:54 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// prints out prime numbers from
+// 2 to 100 (end)
+end := 100;
+n := 2;
+while (n < end) do {
+  f := 2;
+  tmp := 0;
+  while ((f < n / 2 + 1) && (tmp == 0)) do {
+    if ((n / f) * f == n) then  { tmp := 1 } else { skip };
+    f := f + 1
+  };
+  if (tmp == 0) then { write(n) } else { skip };
+  n  := n + 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/while.scala
--- a/progs/while.scala	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-// A parser and evaluator for the while language
-import matcher._
-import parser._
-// some regular expressions
-val SYM = RANGE("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_")
-val DIGIT = RANGE("0123456789")
-val KEYWORD = ALTS("skip", "while", "do", "if", "then", "else", "true", "false") 
-val SEMI: Rexp = ";"
-val OP: Rexp = ALTS(":=", "=", "-", "+", "*", "!=", "<", ">")
-val RPAREN: Rexp = ")"
-val LPAREN: Rexp = "("
-val BEGIN: Rexp = "{"
-val END: Rexp = "}"
-// tokens for classifying the strings that have been recognised
-abstract class Token
-case object T_WHITESPACE extends Token
-case object T_SEMI extends Token
-case object T_LPAREN extends Token
-case object T_RPAREN extends Token
-case object T_BEGIN extends Token
-case object T_END extends Token
-case class T_ID(s: String) extends Token
-case class T_OP(s: String) extends Token
-case class T_NUM(s: String) extends Token
-case class T_KWD(s: String) extends Token
-val lexing_rules: List[(Rexp, List[Char] => Token)] = 
-  List((KEYWORD, (s) => T_KWD(s.mkString)),
-       (ID, (s) => T_ID(s.mkString)),
-       (OP, (s) => T_OP(s.mkString)),
-       (NUM, (s) => T_NUM(s.mkString)),
-       (SEMI, (s) => T_SEMI),
-       (LPAREN, (s) => T_LPAREN),
-       (RPAREN, (s) => T_RPAREN),
-       (BEGIN, (s) => T_BEGIN),
-       (END, (s) => T_END),
-       (WHITESPACE, (s) => T_WHITESPACE))
-// the tokenizer
-val Tok = Tokenizer(lexing_rules, List(T_WHITESPACE))
-// the abstract syntax trees
-abstract class Stmt
-abstract class AExp
-abstract class BExp 
-type Block = List[Stmt]
-case object Skip extends Stmt
-case class If(a: BExp, bl1: Block, bl2: Block) extends Stmt
-case class While(b: BExp, bl: Block) extends Stmt
-case class Assign(s: String, a: AExp) extends Stmt
-case class Var(s: String) extends AExp
-case class Num(i: Int) extends AExp
-case class Aop(o: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends AExp
-case object True extends BExp
-case object False extends BExp
-case class Bop(o: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends BExp
-// atomic parsers
-case class TokParser(tok: Token) extends Parser[List[Token], Token] {
-  def parse(ts: List[Token]) = ts match {
-    case t::ts if (t == tok) => Set((t, ts)) 
-    case _ => Set ()
-  }
-implicit def token2tparser(t: Token) = TokParser(t)
-case object NumParser extends Parser[List[Token], Int] {
-  def parse(ts: List[Token]) = ts match {
-    case T_NUM(s)::ts => Set((s.toInt, ts)) 
-    case _ => Set ()
-  }
-case object IdParser extends Parser[List[Token], String] {
-  def parse(ts: List[Token]) = ts match {
-    case T_ID(s)::ts => Set((s, ts)) 
-    case _ => Set ()
-  }
-def len(xs: List[(Int, Int)]): Int = xs match {
-  case Nil => 0
-  case (1, x)::xs => len(xs) + 1
-  case (_, x)::xs => len(xs) 
-def fst(p: (Int, Int)): Int = p match {
-  case Nil => 0
-  case (1, x)::xs => len(xs) + 1
-  case (_, x)::xs => len(xs) 
-// arithmetic expressions
-lazy val AExp: Parser[List[Token], AExp] = 
-  (T ~ T_OP("+") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Aop("+", x, z): AExp } ||
-  (T ~ T_OP("-") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Aop("-", x, z): AExp } || T  
-lazy val T: Parser[List[Token], AExp] = 
-  (F ~ T_OP("*") ~ T) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Aop("*", x, z): AExp } || F
-lazy val F: Parser[List[Token], AExp] = 
-  (T_LPAREN ~> AExp <~ T_RPAREN) || 
-  IdParser ==> Var || 
-  NumParser ==> Num
-// boolean expressions
-lazy val BExp: Parser[List[Token], BExp] = 
-  (AExp ~ T_OP("=") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Bop("=", x, z): BExp } || 
-  (AExp ~ T_OP("!=") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Bop("!=", x, z): BExp } || 
-  (AExp ~ T_OP("<") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Bop("<", x, z): BExp } || 
-  (AExp ~ T_OP(">") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Bop(">", x, z): BExp } || 
-  (T_KWD("true") ==> ((_) => True)) || 
-  (T_KWD("false") ==> ((_) => False: BExp))
-lazy val Stmt: Parser[List[Token], Stmt] =
-  (T_KWD("skip") ==> ((_) => Skip: Stmt)) ||
-  (IdParser ~ T_OP(":=") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Assign(x, z): Stmt } ||
-  (T_KWD("if") ~ BExp ~ T_KWD("then") ~ Block ~ T_KWD("else") ~ Block) ==>
-    { case (((((x,y),z),u),v),w) => If(y, u, w): Stmt } ||
-  (T_KWD("while") ~ BExp ~ T_KWD("do") ~ Block) ==> { case (((x, y), z), w) => While(y, w) } 
-lazy val Stmts: Parser[List[Token], Block] =
-  (Stmt ~ T_SEMI ~ Stmts) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => x :: z : Block } ||
-  (Stmt ==> ((s) => List(s) : Block))
-lazy val Block: Parser[List[Token], Block] =
-  (T_BEGIN ~> Stmts <~ T_END) || 
-  (Stmt ==> ((s) => List(s)))
-// examples
-val p1 = "x := 5"
-val p1_toks = Tok.fromString(p1) 
-val p1_ast = Block.parse_all(p1_toks)
-val p1a = "{ x := 5; y := 8}"
-val p1a_toks = Tok.fromString(p1a) 
-val p1a_ast = Block.parse_all(p1a_toks)
-val p2 = "5 = 6"
-val p2_toks = Tok.fromString(p2) 
-val p2_ast = BExp.parse_all(p2_toks)
-val p2a = "true"
-val p2a_toks = Tok.fromString(p2a) 
-val p2a_ast = BExp.parse_all(p2a_toks)
-val p3 = "if true then skip else skip"
-val p3_toks = Tok.fromString(p3) 
-val p3_ast = Stmt.parse_all(p3_toks)
-val p3a = "if true then x := 5 else x := 10"
-val p3a_toks = Tok.fromString(p3a) 
-val p3a_ast = Stmt.parse_all(p3a_toks)
-val p3b = "if false then x := 5 else x := 10"
-val p3b_toks = Tok.fromString(p3b) 
-val p3b_ast = Stmt.parse_all(p3b_toks)
-// multiplication
-val p4 = """{ x := 5;
-              y := 4;
-              r := 0;
-              while y > 0 do {
-                 r := r + x;
-                 y := y - 1
-              } 
-            }"""
-val p4_toks = Tok.fromString(p4) 
-val p4_ast = Block.parse_all(p4_toks)
-val p5 = """
- n := 9;
- minus1 := 0;
- minus2 := 1;
- temp := 0;
- while n > 0 do  {
-   temp := minus2;
-   minus2 := minus1 + minus2;
-   minus1 := temp;
-   n := n - 1
- };
- fib_res := minus2
-val p5_toks = Tok.fromString(p5) 
-val p5_ast = Stmts.parse_all(p5_toks)
-// interpreter
-type Env = Map[String, Int]
-def eval_bexp(b: BExp, env: Env) : Boolean = b match {
-  case True => true
-  case False => false
-  case Bop("=", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) == eval_aexp(a2, env)
-  case Bop("!=", a1, a2) => !(eval_aexp(a1, env) == eval_aexp(a2, env))
-  case Bop(">", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) > eval_aexp(a2, env)
-  case Bop("<", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) < eval_aexp(a2, env)
-def eval_aexp(a: AExp, env : Env) : Int = a match {
-  case Num(i) => i
-  case Var(s) => env(s)
-  case Aop("+", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) + eval_aexp(a2, env)
-  case Aop("-", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) - eval_aexp(a2, env)
-  case Aop("*", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) * eval_aexp(a2, env)
-def eval_stmt(s: Stmt, env: Env) : Env = s match {
-  case Skip => env
-  case Assign(x, a) => env + (x -> eval_aexp(a, env))
-  case If(b, bl1, bl2) => if (eval_bexp(b, env)) eval_bl(bl1, env) else eval_bl(bl2, env) 
-  case While(b, bl) => 
-    if (eval_bexp(b, env)) eval_stmt(While(b, bl), eval_bl(bl, env))
-    else env
-def eval_bl(bl: Block, env: Env) : Env = bl match {
-  case Nil => env
-  case s::bl => eval_bl(bl, eval_stmt(s, env))
-println(eval_stmt(p3a_ast.head, Map.empty))
-println(eval_stmt(p3b_ast.head, Map.empty))
-println(eval_bl(p4_ast.head, Map.empty))
-println(eval_bl(p5_ast.head, Map.empty))
diff -r e66bd5c563eb -r b5b5583a3a08 progs/while1.scala
--- a/progs/while1.scala	Mon Jul 27 11:02:48 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-// A parser and evaluator for the WHILE language
-// some regular expressions
-val SYM = RANGE("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_")
-val DIGIT = RANGE("0123456789")
-val KEYWORD = ALTS("skip", "while", "do", "if", "then", "else", "true", "false", "write") 
-val SEMI: Rexp = ";"
-val OP: Rexp = ALTS(":=", "=", "-", "+", "*", "!=", "<", ">")
-val RPAREN: Rexp = ")"
-val LPAREN: Rexp = "("
-val BEGIN: Rexp = "{"
-val END: Rexp = "}"
-val COMMENT = SEQS("/*", NOT(SEQS(STAR(ALLC), "*/", STAR(ALLC))), "*/")
-// tokens for classifying the strings that have been recognised
-abstract class Token
-case object T_WHITESPACE extends Token
-case object T_COMMENT extends Token
-case object T_SEMI extends Token
-case object T_LPAREN extends Token
-case object T_RPAREN extends Token
-case object T_BEGIN extends Token
-case object T_END extends Token
-case class T_ID(s: String) extends Token
-case class T_OP(s: String) extends Token
-case class T_NUM(s: String) extends Token
-case class T_KWD(s: String) extends Token
-val lexing_rules: List[(Rexp, List[Char] => Token)] = 
-  List((KEYWORD, (s) => T_KWD(s.mkString)),
-       (ID, (s) => T_ID(s.mkString)),
-       (OP, (s) => T_OP(s.mkString)),
-       (NUM, (s) => T_NUM(s.mkString)),
-       (SEMI, (s) => T_SEMI),
-       (LPAREN, (s) => T_LPAREN),
-       (RPAREN, (s) => T_RPAREN),
-       (BEGIN, (s) => T_BEGIN),
-       (END, (s) => T_END),
-       (WHITESPACE, (s) => T_WHITESPACE),
-       (COMMENT, (s) => T_COMMENT))
-// the tokenizer
-val Tok = Tokenizer(lexing_rules, List(T_WHITESPACE, T_COMMENT))
-// the abstract syntax trees
-abstract class Stmt
-abstract class AExp
-abstract class BExp 
-type Block = List[Stmt]
-case object Skip extends Stmt
-case class If(a: BExp, bl1: Block, bl2: Block) extends Stmt
-case class While(b: BExp, bl: Block) extends Stmt
-case class Assign(s: String, a: AExp) extends Stmt
-case class Write(s: String) extends Stmt
-case class Var(s: String) extends AExp
-case class Num(i: Int) extends AExp
-case class Aop(o: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends AExp
-case object True extends BExp
-case object False extends BExp
-case class Bop(o: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends BExp
-// atomic parsers
-case class TokParser(tok: Token) extends Parser[List[Token], Token] {
-  def parse(ts: List[Token]) = ts match {
-    case t::ts if (t == tok) => Set((t, ts)) 
-    case _ => Set ()
-  }
-implicit def token2tparser(t: Token) = TokParser(t)
-case object NumParser extends Parser[List[Token], Int] {
-  def parse(ts: List[Token]) = ts match {
-    case T_NUM(s)::ts => Set((s.toInt, ts)) 
-    case _ => Set ()
-  }
-case object IdParser extends Parser[List[Token], String] {
-  def parse(ts: List[Token]) = ts match {
-    case T_ID(s)::ts => Set((s, ts)) 
-    case _ => Set ()
-  }
-// arithmetic expressions
-lazy val AExp: Parser[List[Token], AExp] = 
-  (T ~ T_OP("+") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Aop("+", x, z): AExp } ||
-  (T ~ T_OP("-") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Aop("-", x, z): AExp } || T  
-lazy val T: Parser[List[Token], AExp] = 
-  (F ~ T_OP("*") ~ T) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Aop("*", x, z): AExp } || F
-lazy val F: Parser[List[Token], AExp] = 
-  (T_LPAREN ~> AExp <~ T_RPAREN) || 
-  IdParser ==> Var || 
-  NumParser ==> Num
-// boolean expressions
-lazy val BExp: Parser[List[Token], BExp] = 
-  (T_KWD("true") ==> ((_) => True: BExp)) || 
-  (T_KWD("false") ==> ((_) => False: BExp)) ||
-  (T_LPAREN ~> BExp <~ T_RPAREN) ||
-  (AExp ~ T_OP("=") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Bop("=", x, z): BExp } || 
-  (AExp ~ T_OP("!=") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Bop("!=", x, z): BExp } || 
-  (AExp ~ T_OP("<") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Bop("<", x, z): BExp } || 
-  (AExp ~ T_OP(">") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Bop("<", z, x): BExp }
-lazy val Stmt: Parser[List[Token], Stmt] =
-  (T_KWD("skip") ==> ((_) => Skip: Stmt)) ||
-  (IdParser ~ T_OP(":=") ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Assign(x, z): Stmt } ||
-  (T_KWD("if") ~ BExp ~ T_KWD("then") ~ Block ~ T_KWD("else") ~ Block) ==>
-    { case (((((x,y),z),u),v),w) => If(y, u, w): Stmt } ||
-  (T_KWD("while") ~ BExp ~ T_KWD("do") ~ Block) ==> { case (((x, y), z), w) => While(y, w) } || 
-  (T_KWD("write") ~ IdParser) ==> { case (x, y) => Write(y) } 
-lazy val Stmts: Parser[List[Token], Block] =
-  (Stmt ~ T_SEMI ~ Stmts) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => x :: z : Block } ||
-  (Stmt ==> ((s) => List(s) : Block))
-lazy val Block: Parser[List[Token], Block] =
-  (T_BEGIN ~> Stmts <~ T_END) || 
-  (Stmt ==> ((s) => List(s)))
-// interpreter
-type Env = Map[String, Int]
-def eval_bexp(b: BExp, env: Env) : Boolean = b match {
-  case True => true
-  case False => false
-  case Bop("=", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) == eval_aexp(a2, env)
-  case Bop("!=", a1, a2) => !(eval_aexp(a1, env) == eval_aexp(a2, env))
-  case Bop("<", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) < eval_aexp(a2, env)
-def eval_aexp(a: AExp, env : Env) : Int = a match {
-  case Num(i) => i
-  case Var(s) => env(s)
-  case Aop("+", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) + eval_aexp(a2, env)
-  case Aop("-", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) - eval_aexp(a2, env)
-  case Aop("*", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) * eval_aexp(a2, env)
-def eval_stmt(s: Stmt, env: Env) : Env = s match {
-  case Skip => env
-  case Assign(x, a) => env + (x -> eval_aexp(a, env))
-  case If(b, bl1, bl2) => if (eval_bexp(b, env)) eval_bl(bl1, env) else eval_bl(bl2, env) 
-  case While(b, bl) => 
-    if (eval_bexp(b, env)) eval_stmt(While(b, bl), eval_bl(bl, env))
-    else env
-  case Write(x) => { println(env(x)); env }
-def eval_bl(bl: Block, env: Env) : Env = bl match {
-  case Nil => env
-  case s::bl => eval_bl(bl, eval_stmt(s, env))
-def eval_prog(name: String) : Env = {
-  val tks = Tok.fromFile(name)
-  val ast = Stmts.parse_single(tks)
-  eval_bl(ast, Map.empty)
-def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
-  val start = System.nanoTime()
-  for (j <- 1 to i) code
-  val end = System.nanoTime()
-  (end - start)/(i * 1.0e9)
-val test_prog = """
-start := XXX;
-x := start;
-y := start;
-z := start;
-while 0 < x do {
- while 0 < y do {
-  while 0 < z do {
-    z := z - 1
-  };
-  z := start;
-  y := y - 1
- };     
- y := start;
- x := x - 1
-def eval_test(n: Int) : Unit = {
-  val tks = Tok.fromString(test_prog.replaceAllLiterally("XXX", n.toString))
-  val ast = Stmts.parse_single(tks)
-  println(n + " " + time_needed(2, eval_bl(ast, Map.empty)))
-List(1, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600).map(eval_test(_))