# HG changeset patch
# User Christian Urban <christian dot urban at kcl dot ac dot uk>
# Date 1385893130 0
# Node ID 8f3f8d82da8b60a14525dd5666e1bef572aa2aff
# Parent  cd6066f1056aef75423ace1621c29a8eb398cca9
added two new packages

diff -r cd6066f1056a -r 8f3f8d82da8b data.sty
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/data.sty	Sun Dec 01 10:18:50 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+% The data files, written on the first run.
+1 0.029
+5 0.029
+10 0.029
+15 0.032
+16 0.042
+17 0.042
+18 0.055
+19 0.084
+20 0.136
+21 0.248
+22 0.464
+23 0.899
+24 1.773
+25 3.505
+26 6.993
+27 14.503
+28 29.307
+#29 58.886
+1 0.00006
+2 0.00003
+3 0.00001
+4 0.00001
+5 0.00001
+6 0.00002
+7 0.00002
+8 0.00004
+9 0.00007
+10 0.00013
+11 0.00026
+12 0.00055
+13 0.00106
+14 0.00196
+15 0.00378
+16 0.00764
+17 0.01606
+18 0.03094
+19 0.06508
+20 0.12420
+21 0.25393
+22 0.51449
+23 1.02174
+24 2.05998
+25 4.22514
+26 8.42479
+27 16.88678
+28 34.79653
+1 0.00179
+2 0.00011
+3 0.00014
+4 0.00026
+5 0.00050
+6 0.00095
+7 0.00190
+8 0.00287
+9 0.00779
+10 0.01399
+11 0.01894
+12 0.03666
+13 0.07994
+14 0.08944
+15 0.02377
+16 0.07392
+17 0.22798
+18 0.65310
+19 2.11360
+20 6.31606
+21 21.46013
+1 0.00227
+5 0.00027
+10 0.00075
+15 0.00178
+20 0.00102
+25 0.00028
+30 0.00040
+35 0.00052
+40 0.00075
+45 0.00125
+50 0.00112
+55 0.00099
+60 0.00113
+65 0.00137
+70 0.00170
+1 0.00020
+51 0.00080
+101 0.00678
+151 0.01792
+201 0.04815
+251 0.09648
+301 0.23195
+351 0.52646
+401 0.96277
+451 1.57726
+501 2.00166
+551 2.98341
+601 4.81181
+651 6.57054
+701 9.73973
+751 14.25762
+801 14.80760
+851 19.60958
+901 25.43550
+951 31.96038
+1 0.001605
+501 0.131066
+1001 0.057885
+1501 0.136875
+2001 0.176238
+2501 0.254363
+3001 0.37262
+3501 0.500946
+4001 0.638384
+4501 0.816605
+5001 1.00491
+5501 1.232505
+6001 1.525672
+6501 1.757502
+7001 2.092784
+7501 2.429224
+8001 2.803037
+8501 3.463045
+9001 3.609
+9501 4.081504
+10001 4.54569
+10501 6.17789
+11001 6.77242
+11501 7.95864
+0  0.00099
+5  0.01304
+10  0.05350
+15  0.10152
+20  0.10876
+25  0.06984
+30  0.09693
+35  0.04805
+40  0.07512
+45  0.07624
+50  0.10451
+55  0.13285
+60  0.15748
+65  0.19982
+70  0.24075
+75  0.28963
+80  0.35734
+85  0.43735
+90  0.49692
+95  0.59551
+100  0.72236
+0  0.00009
+1  0.00147
+2  0.00030
+3  0.00062
+4  0.00132
+5  0.00177
+6  0.00487
+7  0.00947
+8  0.01757
+9  0.02050
+10  0.02091
+11  0.04002
+12  0.08662
+13  0.17269
+14  0.37255
+15  0.81935
+16  1.76254
+17  3.89442
+18  8.42263
+19  17.89661
+20  38.21481
+%1 0.234146
+%5000 0.227539
+%10000 0.280748
+50000 1.087897
+100000 3.713165
+250000 21.6624545
+500000 85.872613
+750000 203.6408015
+1000000 345.736574
+%1 0.00503
+200 1.005863
+400 7.8296765
+500 15.43106
+600 27.2321885
+800 65.249271
+1000 135.4493445
+1200 232.134097
+1400 382.527227
+%1 0.00503
+200 1.005863
+400 7.8296765
+600 27.2321885
+800 65.249271
+1000 135.4493445
+1200 232.134097
+1400 382.527227
+200 0.222058
+400 0.215204
+600 0.202031
+800 0.21986
+1000 0.205934
+1200 0.1981615
+1400 0.207116
+1 0.01152
+51 0.07973
+101 0.09726
+151 0.09320
+201 0.10010
+251 0.16997
+301 0.26662
+351 0.46118
+401 0.62516
+451 0.87247
+501 1.16334
+551 1.71152
+601 2.10958
+651 2.44360
+701 2.98488
+751 3.50326
+801 4.11036
+851 4.93394
+901 5.77465
+951 7.39123
+1 0.01280
+2 0.00064
+3 0.00173
+4 0.00355
+5 0.00965
+6 0.02674
+7 0.06953
+8 0.11166
+9 0.18707
+10 0.09189
+11 0.12724
+12 0.24337
+13 0.59304
+14 1.53594
+15 4.01195
+16 10.73582
+17 29.51587
+#18 73.14163
diff -r cd6066f1056a -r 8f3f8d82da8b langs.sty
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/langs.sty	Sun Dec 01 10:18:50 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
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