# HG changeset patch
# User Christian Urban <christian dot urban at kcl dot ac dot uk>
# Date 1415611116 0
# Node ID 1daaf6f6e45b9b76f2aa490cee08efa1487c9e1c
# Parent  4439c56d96cf253320a61243dacc613440662e4c

diff -r 4439c56d96cf -r 1daaf6f6e45b coursework/cw03.pdf
Binary file coursework/cw03.pdf has changed
diff -r 4439c56d96cf -r 1daaf6f6e45b coursework/cw03.tex
--- a/coursework/cw03.tex	Mon Nov 10 09:14:24 2014 +0000
+++ b/coursework/cw03.tex	Mon Nov 10 09:18:36 2014 +0000
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
 You should implement a parser for the WHILE language using
 parser combinators. Be careful that the parser takes as input
 a stream, or list, of tokens generated by the tokenizer from
-the previous coursework. Your parser should be able to handle
+the previous coursework. For this you might filter out 
+whitespaces and comments. Your parser should be able to handle
 the WHILE programs in Figures~\ref{fib} and \ref{loop}.
 In addition give the parse tree for the statement: