diff -r feb8a2a42625 -r 17acdd516ccd slides/slides09.tex-bak --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/slides/slides09.tex-bak Wed Nov 29 08:47:22 2017 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,766 @@ +\documentclass[dvipsnames,14pt,t]{beamer} +\usepackage{../slides} +\usepackage{../langs} +\usepackage{../data} +\usepackage{../graphics} +\usepackage{../grammar} +\usepackage{soul} + +\tikzset{onslide/.code args={<#1>#2}{% + \only<#1>{\pgfkeysalso{#2}} % \pgfkeysalso doesn't change the path +}} + +\makeatletter +\newenvironment<>{btHighlight}[1][] +{\begin{onlyenv}#2\begingroup\tikzset{bt@Highlight@par/.style={#1}}\begin{lrbox}{\@tempboxa}} +{\end{lrbox}\bt@HL@box[bt@Highlight@par]{\@tempboxa}\endgroup\end{onlyenv}} + +\newcommand<>\btHL[1][]{% + \only#2{\begin{btHighlight}[#1]\bgroup\aftergroup\bt@HL@endenv}% +} +\def\bt@HL@endenv{%b jm + \end{btHighlight}% + \egroup +} +\newcommand{\bt@HL@box}[2][]{% + \tikz[#1]{% + \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{1pt}{0pt}}{\pgfpoint{\wd #2}{\ht #2}}% + \pgfusepath{use as bounding box}% + \node[anchor=base west, fill=orange!30,outer sep=0pt,inner xsep=1pt, inner ysep=0pt, rounded corners=3pt, minimum height=\ht\strutbox+1pt,#1]{\raisebox{1pt}{\strut}\strut\usebox{#2}}; + }% +} +\makeatother + +\lstset{morekeywords={def,if,then,else,write,read},keywordstyle=\color{codepurple}\bfseries} + +% beamer stuff +\renewcommand{\slidecaption}{CFL 09, King's College London} +\newcommand{\bl}[1]{\textcolor{blue}{#1}} + + +\begin{document} + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\begin{frame}[t] +\frametitle{% + \begin{tabular}{@ {}c@ {}} + \\[-3mm] + \LARGE Compilers and \\[-2mm] + \LARGE Formal Languages (8)\\[3mm] + \end{tabular}} + + \normalsize + \begin{center} + \begin{tabular}{ll} + Email: & christian.urban at kcl.ac.uk\\ + Office: & N7.07 (North Wing, Bush House)\\ + Slides: & KEATS (also home work is there)\\ + \end{tabular} + \end{center} + +\end{frame} +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\begin{frame}[t,fragile] +\frametitle{Compiling AExps} + +For example \bl{$1 + ((2 * 3) + (4 - 3))$}:\medskip + +\begin{columns}[T] +\begin{column}{.3\textwidth} +\begin{center} +\bl{\begin{tikzpicture} +\tikzset{level distance=12mm,sibling distance=4mm} +\tikzset{edge from parent/.style={draw,very thick}} \Tree [.$+$ [.$1$ ] [.$+$ [.$*$ $2$ $3$ ] [.$-$ $4$ $3$ ]]] \end{tikzpicture}} +\end{center} +\end{column} +\begin{column}{.3\textwidth} +\begin{lstlisting}[language=JVMIS,numbers=none] +ldc 1 +ldc 2 +ldc 3 +imul +ldc 4 +ldc 3 +isub +iadd +iadd +\end{lstlisting} +\end{column} +\end{columns}\bigskip + +\small +Traverse tree in post-order \bl{$\Rightarrow$} code for +stack-machine + +\end{frame} +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\begin{frame}[c,fragile] +\frametitle{Compiling AExps} + +\bl{ +\begin{center} +\begin{tabular}{lcl} +$\textit{compile}(n, E)$ & $\dn$ & $\pcode{ldc}\;n$\smallskip\\ +$\textit{compile}(a_1 + a_2, E)$ & $\dn$ \\ +\multicolumn{3}{c}{$\qquad\textit{compile}(a_1, E) \;@\;\textit{compile}(a_2, E)\;@\; \pcode{iadd}$}\smallskip\\ +$\textit{compile}(a_1 - a_2, E)$ & $\dn$ \\ +\multicolumn{3}{c}{$\qquad\textit{compile}(a_1, E) \;@\; \textit{compile}(a_2, E)\;@\; \pcode{isub}$}\smallskip\\ +$\textit{compile}(a_1 * a_2, E)$ & $\dn$ \\ +\multicolumn{3}{c}{$\qquad\textit{compile}(a_1, E) \;@\; \textit{compile}(a_2, E)\;@\; \pcode{imul}$}\smallskip\\ +$\textit{compile}(a_1 \backslash a_2, E)$ & $\dn$\\ +\multicolumn{3}{c}{$\qquad\textit{compile}(a_1, E) \;@\; \textit{compile}(a_2, E)\;@\; \pcode{idiv}$}\smallskip\\ +$\textit{compile}(x, E)$ & $\dn$ & $\pcode{iload}\;E(x)$\\ +\end{tabular} +\end{center}} + +\end{frame} +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\begin{frame}[c,fragile] +\frametitle{Compiling Ifs} + +For example + +\begin{lstlisting}[mathescape,numbers=none,language=While] +if 1 = 1 then x := 2 else y := 3 +\end{lstlisting} + + +\begin{center} +\begin{lstlisting}[mathescape,language=JVMIS,numbers=none] + ldc 1 + ldc 1 + if_icmpne L_ifelse $\quad\tikz[remember picture] \node (C) {\mbox{}};$ + ldc 2 + istore 0 + goto L_ifend $\quad\tikz[remember picture] \node (A) {\mbox{}};$ +L_ifelse: $\quad\tikz[remember picture] \node[] (D) {\mbox{}};$ + ldc 3 + istore 1 +L_ifend: $\quad\tikz[remember picture] \node[] (B) {\mbox{}};$ +\end{lstlisting} +\end{center} + +\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay] \draw[->,very thick] (A) edge [->,to path={-- ++(10mm,0mm) + -- ++(0mm,-17.3mm) |- (\tikztotarget)},line width=1mm] (B.east); + \draw[->,very thick] (C) edge [->,to path={-- ++(10mm,0mm) + -- ++(0mm,-17.3mm) |- (\tikztotarget)},line width=1mm] (D.east); \end{tikzpicture} + +\end{frame} +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\begin{frame}[c,fragile] +\frametitle{Compiling Whiles} + +For example + +\begin{lstlisting}[mathescape,numbers=none,language=While] +while x <= 10 do x := x + 1 +\end{lstlisting} + + +\begin{center} +\begin{lstlisting}[mathescape,language=JVMIS,numbers=none] +L_wbegin: $\quad\tikz[remember picture] \node[] (LB) {\mbox{}};$ + iload 0 + ldc 10 + if_icmpgt L_wend $\quad\tikz[remember picture] \node (LC) {\mbox{}};$ + iload 0 + ldc 1 + iadd + istore 0 + goto L_wbegin $\quad\tikz[remember picture] \node (LA) {\mbox{}};$ +L_wend: $\quad\tikz[remember picture] \node[] (LD) {\mbox{}};$ +\end{lstlisting} +\end{center} + +\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay] + \draw[->,very thick] (LA) edge [->,to path={-- ++(12mm,0mm) + -- ++(0mm,17.3mm) |- (\tikztotarget)},line width=1mm] (LB.east); + \draw[->,very thick] (LC) edge [->,to path={-- ++(12mm,0mm) + -- ++(0mm,-17.3mm) |- (\tikztotarget)},line width=1mm] (LD.east); \end{tikzpicture} + +\end{frame} +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\begin{frame}[c,fragile] +\frametitle{Compiling Writes} + +\small +\begin{lstlisting}[language=JVMIS,mathescape, + numbers=none,xleftmargin=-6mm] +.method public static write(I)V + .limit locals 1 + .limit stack 2 + getstatic java/lang/System/out + Ljava/io/PrintStream; + iload 0 + invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream/println(I)V + return +.end method + + + +iload $E(x)$ +invokestatic XXX/XXX/write(I)V +\end{lstlisting} + +\end{frame} +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\begin{frame}[c,fragile] +\frametitle{Compiling Main} + +\footnotesize +\begin{lstlisting}[language=JVMIS,mathescape, + numbers=none,xleftmargin=-6mm] +.class public XXX.XXX +.super java/lang/Object + +.method public ()V + aload_0 + invokenonvirtual java/lang/Object/()V + return +.end method + +.method public static main([Ljava/lang/String;)V + .limit locals 200 + .limit stack 200 + + $\textit{\ldots{}here comes the compiled code\ldots}$ + + return +.end method +\end{lstlisting} + +\end{frame} +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\begin{frame}[c,fragile] +\frametitle{Functional Programming} + +\footnotesize +\begin{textblock}{13}(0.9,3) +\begin{lstlisting}[]numbers=none] +def fib(n) = if n == 0 then 0 + else if n == 1 then 1 + else fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2); + +def fact(n) = if n == 0 then 1 else n * fact(n - 1); + +def ack(m, n) = if m == 0 then n + 1 + else if n == 0 then ack(m - 1, 1) + else ack(m - 1, ack(m, n - 1)); + +def gcd(a, b) = if b == 0 then a else gcd(b, a % b); +\end{lstlisting} +\end{textblock} + +\end{frame} +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\begin{frame}[c] +\frametitle{Fun Grammar} +\bl{ +\begin{plstx}[rhs style=] +: \meta{Exp} ::= \meta{Var} | \meta{Num}{\hspace{3cm}} + | \meta{Exp} + \meta{Exp} | ... | (\meta{Exp}) + | \code{if} \meta{BExp} \code{then} \meta{Exp} \code{else} \meta{Exp} + | \code{write} \meta{Exp} {\hspace{3cm}} + | \meta{Exp} ; \meta{Exp} + | \textit{FunName} (\meta{Exp}, ... , \meta{Exp})\\ +: \meta{BExp} ::= ...\\ +: \meta{Decl} ::= \meta{Def} ; \meta{Decl} + | \meta{Exp}\\ +: \meta{Def} ::= \code{def} \textit{FunName} ($\hspace{0.4mm}x_1$, ... , $x_n$) = \meta{Exp}\\ +\end{plstx}} + + + +\end{frame} +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\begin{frame}[c, fragile] +\frametitle{Abstract Syntax Trees} + +\footnotesize +\begin{lstlisting}[language=Scala, numbers=none, xleftmargin=-1mm] +abstract class Exp +abstract class BExp +abstract class Decl + +case class Var(s: String) extends Exp +case class Num(i: Int) extends Exp +case class Aop(o: String, a1: Exp, a2: Exp) extends Exp +case class If(a: BExp, e1: Exp, e2: Exp) extends Exp +case class Write(e: Exp) extends Exp +case class Sequ(e1: Exp, e2: Exp) extends Exp +case class Call(name: String, args: List[Exp]) extends Exp + +case class Bop(o: String, a1: Exp, a2: Exp) extends BExp + +case class Def(name: String, + args: List[String], + body: Exp) extends Decl +case class Main(e: Exp) extends Decl +\end{lstlisting} + +\end{frame} +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\begin{frame}[c, fragile] +\frametitle{Sequences} + +Compiling \texttt{exp1 ; exp2}:\bigskip + + +\begin{lstlisting}[mathescape,language=JVMIS, numbers=none] +$\textit{compile}$(exp1) +pop +$\textit{compile}$(exp2) +\end{lstlisting} + +\end{frame} +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\begin{frame}[c, fragile] +\frametitle{Write} + +Compiling call to \texttt{write(1+2)}:\bigskip + + +\begin{lstlisting}[mathescape,language=JVMIS, numbers=none] +$\textit{compile}$(1+2) +dup +invokestatic XXX/XXX/write(I)V +\end{lstlisting}\bigskip + +\small +needs the helper method + +\footnotesize +\begin{lstlisting}[language=JVMIS, + xleftmargin=2mm, + numbers=none] +.method public static write(I)V + .limit locals 1 + .limit stack 2 + getstatic java/lang/System/out Ljava/io/PrintStream; + iload 0 + invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream/println(I)V + return +.end method +\end{lstlisting} +\end{frame} +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + + + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\begin{frame}[t, fragile] +\frametitle{Function Definitions} + +\footnotesize +\begin{lstlisting}[language=JVMIS, + xleftmargin=2mm, + numbers=none] +.method public static write(I)V + .limit locals 1 + .limit stack 2 + getstatic java/lang/System/out Ljava/io/PrintStream; + iload 0 + invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream/println(I)V + return +.end method +\end{lstlisting}\bigskip + +\small We will need for definitions, like\footnotesize\medskip + +\begin{lstlisting}[language=JVMIS, + xleftmargin=2mm, + numbers=none] +def fname (x1, ... , xn) = ... + +.method public static fname (I...I)I + .limit locals ?? + .limit stack ?? + ?? +.end method +\end{lstlisting} + +\end{frame} +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\begin{frame}[c, fragile] +\frametitle{Stack Estimation} +\small +\mbox{}\\[-15mm] + +\bl{\begin{center} +\begin{tabular}{@{\hspace{-4mm}}l@{\hspace{2mm}}c@{\hspace{2mm}}l@{}} +$\textit{estimate}(n)$ & $\dn$ & $1$\\ +$\textit{estimate}(x)$ & $\dn$ & $1$\\ +$\textit{estimate}(a_1\;aop\;a_2)$ & $\dn$ & +$\textit{estimate}(a_1) + \textit{estimate}(a_2)$\\ +$\textit{estimate}(\pcode{if}\;b\;\pcode{then}\;e_1\;\pcode{else}\;e_2)$ & $\dn$ & +$\textit{estimate}(b) +$\\ +& & $\quad max(\textit{estimate}(e_1), \textit{estimate}(e_2))$\\ +$\textit{estimate}(\pcode{write}(e))$ & $\dn$ & +$\textit{estimate}(e) + 1$\\ +$\textit{estimate}(e_1 ; e_2)$ & $\dn$ & +$max(\textit{estimate}(e_1), \textit{estimate}(e_2))$\\ +$\textit{estimate}(f(e_1, ..., e_n))$ & $\dn$ & +$\sum_{i = 1..n}\;estimate(e_i)$\medskip\\ +$\textit{estimate}(a_1\;bop\;a_2)$ & $\dn$ & +$\textit{estimate}(a_1) + \textit{estimate}(a_2)$\\ +\end{tabular} +\end{center}} + +\end{frame} +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\begin{frame}[fragile] +\frametitle{Successor Function} + +\begin{textblock}{7}(1,2.5)\footnotesize +\begin{minipage}{6cm} +\begin{lstlisting}[language=JVMIS,basicstyle=\ttfamily, numbers=none] +.method public static suc(I)I +.limit locals 1 +.limit stack 2 + iload 0 + ldc 1 + iadd + ireturn +.end method +\end{lstlisting} +\end{minipage} +\end{textblock} + +\begin{textblock}{7}(6,8) +\begin{bubble}[5cm]\small +\begin{lstlisting}[language=Lisp, + basicstyle=\ttfamily, + numbers=none, + xleftmargin=1mm] +def suc(x) = x + 1; +\end{lstlisting} +\end{bubble} +\end{textblock} + +\end{frame} +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\begin{frame}[fragile] +\frametitle{Addition Function} + +\begin{textblock}{7}(1,1.9)\footnotesize +\begin{minipage}{6cm} +\begin{lstlisting}[language=JVMIS,basicstyle=\ttfamily, numbers=none] +.method public static add(II)I +.limit locals 2 +.limit stack 5 + iload 0 + ldc 0 + if_icmpne If_else + iload 1 + goto If_end +If_else: + iload 0 + ldc 1 + isub + iload 1 + invokestatic XXX/XXX/add(II)I + invokestatic XXX/XXX/suc(I)I +If_end: + ireturn +.end method +\end{lstlisting} +\end{minipage} +\end{textblock} + +\begin{textblock}{7}(6,6.6) +\begin{bubble}[7cm]\small +\begin{lstlisting}[language=Lisp, + basicstyle=\ttfamily, + numbers=none, + xleftmargin=1mm] +def add(x, y) = + if x == 0 then y + else suc(add(x - 1, y)); +\end{lstlisting} +\end{bubble} +\end{textblock} + +\end{frame} +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\begin{frame}[fragile] +\frametitle{Factorial} + +\begin{textblock}{7}(1,1.5)\footnotesize +\begin{minipage}{6cm} +\begin{lstlisting}[language=JVMIS,basicstyle=\ttfamily, numbers=none] +.method public static facT(II)I +.limit locals 2 +.limit stack 6 + iload 0 + ldc 0 + if_icmpne If_else_2 + iload 1 + goto If_end_3 +If_else_2: + iload 0 + ldc 1 + isub + iload 0 + iload 1 + imul + invokestatic fact/fact/facT(II)I +If_end_3: + ireturn +.end method +\end{lstlisting} +\end{minipage} +\end{textblock} + +\begin{textblock}{7}(6,7) +\begin{bubble}[7cm]\small +\begin{lstlisting}[language=Lisp, + basicstyle=\ttfamily, + numbers=none, + xleftmargin=1mm] +def facT(n, acc) = + if n == 0 then acc + else facT(n - 1, n * acc); +\end{lstlisting} +\end{bubble} +\end{textblock} + +\end{frame} +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\begin{frame}[fragile] + +\begin{textblock}{7}(1,-0.2)\footnotesize +\begin{minipage}{6cm} +\begin{lstlisting}[language=JVMIS,basicstyle=\ttfamily, numbers=none, escapeinside={(*@}{@*)}] +.method public static facT(II)I +.limit locals 2 +.limit stack 6 +(*@\hl{facT\_Start:} @*) + iload 0 + ldc 0 + if_icmpne If_else_2 + iload 1 + goto If_end_3 +If_else_2: + iload 0 + ldc 1 + isub + iload 0 + iload 1 + imul + (*@\hl{istore 1} @*) + (*@\hl{istore 0} @*) + (*@\hl{goto facT\_Start} @*) +If_end_3: + ireturn +.end method +\end{lstlisting} +\end{minipage} +\end{textblock} + +\begin{textblock}{7}(6,7) +\begin{bubble}[7cm]\small +\begin{lstlisting}[language=Lisp, + basicstyle=\ttfamily, + numbers=none, + xleftmargin=1mm] +def facT(n, acc) = + if n == 0 then acc + else facT(n - 1, n * acc); +\end{lstlisting} +\end{bubble} +\end{textblock} + +\end{frame} +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\begin{frame}[c, fragile] +\frametitle{Tail Recursion} + +A call to \texttt{f(args)} is usually compiled as\medskip + +{\small\begin{lstlisting}[basicstyle=\ttfamily, numbers=none] + args onto stack + invokestatic .../f +\end{lstlisting}}\pause + + +A call is in tail position provided:\medskip + +{\small\begin{itemize} +\item \texttt{if Bexp then \hl{Exp} else \hl{Exp}} +\item \texttt{Exp ; \hl{Exp}} +\item \texttt{Exp op Exp} +\end{itemize}}\medskip + +then a call \texttt{f(args)} can be compiled as\medskip\small + +\begin{lstlisting}[basicstyle=\ttfamily, numbers=none] + prepare environment + jump to start of function +\end{lstlisting} + +\end{frame} +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\begin{frame}[c, fragile] +\frametitle{Tail Recursive Call} +\footnotesize + +\begin{textblock}{13}(-0.3,2) +\begin{lstlisting}[language=Scala,basicstyle=\ttfamily, numbers=none] +def compile_expT(a: Exp, env: Mem, name: String): Instrs = + ... + case Call(n, args) => if (name == n) + { + val stores = args.zipWithIndex.map + { case (x, y) => "istore " + y.toString + "\n" } + args.flatMap(a => compile_expT(a, env, "")) ++ + stores.reverse ++ + List ("goto " + n + "_Start\n") + } + else + { + val is = "I" * args.length + args.flatMap(a => compile_expT(a, env, "")) ++ + List ("invokestatic XXX/XXX/" + n + "(" + is + ")I\n") + } +\end{lstlisting} +\end{textblock} + +\end{frame} +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + \begin{frame}[c] + \frametitle{Dijkstra on Testing} + + \begin{bubble}[10cm] + ``Program testing can be a very effective way to show the + presence of bugs, but it is hopelessly inadequate for showing + their absence.'' + \end{bubble}\bigskip + + \small + What is good about compilers: the either seem to work, + or go horribly wrong (most of the time). + + \end{frame} +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\begin{frame}[c] +\frametitle{\Large Proving Programs to be Correct} + +\begin{bubble}[10cm] +\small +{\bf Theorem:} There are infinitely many prime +numbers.\medskip\\ + +{\bf Proof} \ldots\\ +\end{bubble}\bigskip + + +similarly\bigskip + +\begin{bubble}[10cm] +\small +{\bf Theorem:} The program is doing what +it is supposed to be doing.\medskip + +{\bf Long, long proof} \ldots\\ +\end{bubble}\bigskip\medskip + +\small This can be a gigantic proof. The only hope is to have +help from the computer. `Program' is here to be understood to be +quite general (compiler, OS, \ldots). + +\end{frame} +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +\begin{frame}[c] +\frametitle{Can This Be Done?} + +\begin{itemize} +\item in 2008, verification of a small C-compiler +\begin{itemize} +\item ``if my input program has a certain behaviour, then the compiled machine code has the same behaviour'' +\item is as good as \texttt{gcc -O1}, but much, much less buggy +\end{itemize} +\end{itemize} + +\begin{center} + \includegraphics[scale=0.12]{../pics/compcert.png} +\end{center} + +\end{frame} +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\begin{frame}[c] +\frametitle{Fuzzy Testing C-Compilers} + +\begin{itemize} +\item tested GCC, LLVM and others by randomly generating +C-programs +\item found more than 300 bugs in GCC and also +many in LLVM (some of them highest-level critical)\bigskip +\item about CompCert: + +\begin{bubble}[10cm]\small ``The striking thing about our CompCert +results is that the middle-end bugs we found in all other +compilers are absent. As of early 2011, the under-development +version of CompCert is the only compiler we have tested for +which Csmith cannot find wrong-code errors. This is not for +lack of trying: we have devoted about six CPU-years to the +task.'' +\end{bubble} +\end{itemize} + +\end{frame} +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +\end{document} + +%%% Local Variables: +%%% mode: latex +%%% TeX-master: t +%%% End: +