author Christian Urban <christian.urban@kcl.ac.uk>
Mon, 03 Feb 2025 13:25:59 +0000 (4 weeks ago)
changeset 980 0c491eff5b01
parent 967 ce5de01b9632
permissions -rw-r--r--


\section*{Homework 2}


\item What is the difference between \emph{basic} regular expressions  
  and \emph{extended} regular expressions?

  \solution{Basic regular expressions are $\ZERO$, $\ONE$, $c$, $r_1 + r_2$,
    $r_1 \cdot r_2$, $r^*$. The extended ones are the bounded
    repetitions, not, etc.

    Maybe explain here how the extended regular expressions
    are defined in terms of the basic ones.
\item What is the language recognised by the regular
  expressions $(\ZERO^*)^*$.

  \solution{$L(\ZERO^*{}^*) = \{[]\}$,
    remember * always includes the empty string}

\item Review the first handout about sets of strings and read
      the second handout. Assuming the alphabet is the set
      $\{a, b\}$, decide which of the following equations are
      true in general for arbitrary languages $A$, $B$ and

      (A \cup B) @ C & =^? & A @ C \cup B @ C\nonumber\\
      A^* \cup B^*   & =^? & (A \cup B)^*\nonumber\\
      A^* @ A^*      & =^? & A^*\nonumber\\
      (A \cap B)@ C  & =^? & (A@C) \cap (B@C)\nonumber

      \noindent In case an equation is true, give an
      explanation; otherwise give a counter-example.

      \solution{1 + 3 are equal; 2 + 4 are not. Interesting is 4 where
        $A = \{[a]\}$, $B = \{[]\}$ and $C = \{[a], []\}$ is an

        For equations like 3 it is always a good idea to prove the
        two inclusions

          A^* \subseteq  A^* @ A^*   \qquad
          A^* @ A^* \subseteq A^*

        This means for every string $s$ we have to show

          s \in A^*    \;\textit{implies}\;  s \in A^* @ A^* \qquad
          s \in A^* @ A^* \;\textit{implies}\;  s \in A^*

        The first one is easy because $[] \in A^*$ and therefore
        $s @ [] \in A^* @ A^*$.

        The second one says that $s$ must be of the form $s = s_1 @ s_2$ with
        $s_1 \in A^*$ and $s_2 \in A^*$. We have to show that
        $s_1 @ s_2 \in A^*$.

        If $s_1 \in A^*$ then there exists an $n$ such that $s_1 \in A^n$, and
        if $s_2 \in A^*$ then there exists an $m$ such that $s_2 \in A^m$.\bigskip

        Aside: We are going to show the following power law

        A^n \,@\, A^m = A^{n+m}  

        We prove that by induction on $n$.

        Case $n = 0$: $A^0 \,@\, A^m = A^{0+m}$ holds because $A^0 = \{[]\}$
        and $\{[]\} \,@\, A^m = A ^ m$ and $0 + m = m$.\medskip
        Case $n + 1$: The induction hypothesis is

        \[ A^n \,@\, A^m = A^{n+m}

        We need to prove

        A^{n+1} \,@\, A^m = A^{(n+1)+m}  

        The left-hand side is $(A \,@\, A^n) \,@\, A^m$ by the definition of
        the power operation. We can rearrange that
        to $A \,@\, (A^n \,@\, A^m)$.   \footnote{Because for all languages $A$, $B$, $C$ we have $(A @ B) @ C = A @ (B @ C)$.}

        By the induction hypothesis we know that $A^n \,@\, A^m = A^{n+m}$.

        So we have $A \,@\, (A^{n+m})$. But this is $A^{(n+m)+1}$ again if we
        apply the definition of the power operator. If we
        rearrange that we get $A^{(n+1)+m}$ and are done with
        what we need to prove for the power law.\bigskip

        Picking up where we left, we know that $s_1 \in A^n$ and $s_2 \in A^m$. This now implies that $s_1 @ s_2\in A^n @ A^m$. By the power law this means
        $s_1 @ s_2\in A^{n+m}$. But this also means $s_1 @ s_2\in A^*$.

\item Given the regular expressions $r_1 = \ONE$ and $r_2 =
      \ZERO$ and $r_3 = a$. How many strings can the regular
      expressions $r_1^*$, $r_2^*$ and $r_3^*$ each match?

      \solution{$r_1$ and $r_2$ can match the empty string only, $r_3$ can
        match $[]$, $a$, $aa$, ....}

\item Give regular expressions for (a) decimal numbers and for
      (b) binary numbers. Hint: Observe that the empty string
      is not a number. Also observe that leading 0s are
      normally not written---for example the JSON format for numbers
      explicitly forbids this. So 007 is not a number according to JSON.

      \solution{Just numbers without leading 0s: $0 + (1..9)\cdot(0..9)^*$;
        can be extended to decimal; similar for binary numbers

\item Decide whether the following two regular expressions are
      equivalent $(\ONE + a)^* \equiv^? a^*$ and $(a \cdot
      b)^* \cdot a \equiv^? a \cdot (b \cdot a)^*$.

      \solution{Both are equivalent, but why the second? Essentially you have to show that each string in one set is in the other. For 2 this means you can do an induction proof that $(ab)^na$ is the same string as $a(ba)^n$, where the former is in the first set and the latter in the second.}

\item Give an argument for why the following holds:
  if $r$ is nullable then $r^{\{n\}} \equiv r^{\{..n\}}$.

  \solution{ This requires an inductive proof. There are a number of
    ways to prove this. It is clear that if $s \in L (r^{\{n\}})$ then
    also $s \in L (r^{\{..n\}})$.

    So one way to prove this is to show
    that if $s \in L (r^{\{..n\}})$ then also $s \in L (r^{\{n\}})$
    (under the assumption that $r$ is nullable, otherwise it would not
    be true).  The assumption $s \in L (r^{\{..n\}})$ means
    that $s \in L(r^{\{i\}})$ with $i \leq n$ holds
    and we have to show that $s \in L(r^{\{n\}})$ holds. 

    One can do this by induction for languages as follows:

      \textit{if}\; [] \in A \;\textit{and}\; s \in A^n
      \;\textit{then}\; s \in A^{n+m}

    The proof is by induction on $m$. The base case $m=0$ is trivial.
    For the $m + 1$ case we have the induction hypothesis:

      \textit{if}\; [] \in A \;\textit{and}\; s \in A^n
      \;\textit{then}\; s \in A^{n+m}  

    and we have to show

    s \in A^{n+m+1}   

    under the assumption $[] \in A$ and $s \in A^n$. From the
    assumptions and the IH we can infer that $s\in A^{n + m}$.
    Then using the assumption $[] \in A$ we can infer that also

      s\in A \,@\, A^{n + m}

    which is equivalent to what we need to show $s \in A^{n+m+1}$.

    Now we know $s \in L(r^{\{i\}})$ with $i \leq n$. Since $i + m = n$
    for some $m$ we can conclude that $s \in L(r^{\{n\}})$. Done.

\item Given the regular expression $r = (a \cdot b + b)^*$.
      Compute what the derivative of $r$ is with respect to
      $a$, $b$ and $c$. Is $r$ nullable?
\item Define what is meant by the derivative of a regular
      expressions with respect to a character. (Hint: The
      derivative is defined recursively.)

      \solution{The recursive function for $der$.}
\item  Assume the set $Der$ is defined as

    $Der\,c\,A \dn \{ s \;|\;  c\!::\!s \in A\}$

      What is the relation between $Der$ and the notion of
      derivative of regular expressions?

      \solution{Main property is $L(der\,c\,r) = Der\,c\,(L(r))$.}

\item Give a regular expression over the alphabet $\{a,b\}$
      recognising all strings that do not contain any
      substring $bb$ and end in $a$.

      \solution{$((ba)^* \cdot (a)^*)^*\,\cdot\,a + ba$ \quad Not sure whether this can be simplified.}

\item Do $(a + b)^* \cdot b^+$ and $(a^* \cdot b^+) +
  (b^*\cdot b^+)$ define the same language?

  \solution{No, the first one can match for example abababababbbbb
  while the second can only match for example aaaaaabbbbb or bbbbbbb}

\item Define the function $zeroable$ by recursion over regular
      expressions. This function should satisfy the property

  zeroable(r) \;\;\text{if and only if}\;\;L(r) = \{\}\qquad(*)

      The function $nullable$ for the not-regular expressions
      can be defined by 

  nullable(\sim r) \dn \neg(nullable(r))

      Unfortunately, a similar definition for $zeroable$ does
      not satisfy the property in $(*)$:

  zeroable(\sim r) \dn \neg(zeroable(r))

  Find a counter example?

    Here the idea is that nullable for NOT can be defined as

    \[nullable(\sim r) \dn \neg(nullable(r))\]

    This will satisfy the property
    $nullable(r) \;\;\text{if and only if}\;\;[] \in L(r)$. (Remember how
    $L(\sim r)$ is defined).\bigskip

    But you cannot define

    \[zeroable(\sim r) \dn \neg(zeroable(r))\]

    because if $r$ for example is $\ONE$ then $\sim \ONE$ can match
    some strings (all non-empty strings). So $zeroable$ should be false. But if we follow
    the above definition we would obtain $\neg(zeroable(\ONE))$. According
    to the definition of $zeroable$ for $\ONE$ this would be false,
    but if we now negate false, we get actually true. So the above
    definition would not satisfy the property

      zeroable(r) \;\;\text{if and only if}\;\;L(r) = \{\}

\item Give a regular expressions that can recognise all
      strings from the language $\{a^n\;|\;\exists k.\; n = 3 k
      + 1 \}$.

\item Give a regular expression that can recognise an odd 
  number of $a$s or an even number of $b$s.

    If the a's and b's are meant to be separate, then this is easy 

    \[a(aa)^* + (bb)^*\]

    If the letters are mixed, then this is difficult

    \[(aa|bb|(ab|ba)\cdot (aa|bb)^* \cdot (ba|ab))^* \cdot (b|(ab|ba)(bb|aa)^* \cdot a)

    (copied from somewhere ;o)

    The idea behind this monstrous regex is essentially the DFA

\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1,>=stealth',very thick,
                    every state/.style={minimum size=0pt,
                    draw=blue!50,very thick,fill=blue!20}]
  \node[state,initial]   (q0) at (0,2) {$q_0$};
  \node[state,accepting] (q1) at (2,2) {$q_1$};
  \node[state]           (q2) at (0,0) {$q_2$};
  \node[state]           (q3) at (2,0) {$q_3$};

 \path[->]  (q0) edge[bend left] node[above] {$a$} (q1)
            (q1) edge[bend left] node[above] {$a$} (q0)
            (q2) edge[bend left] node[above] {$a$} (q3)
            (q3) edge[bend left] node[above] {$a$} (q2)
            (q0) edge[bend left] node[right] {$b$} (q2)
            (q2) edge[bend left] node[left]  {$b$} (q0)
            (q1) edge[bend left] node[right] {$b$} (q3)
            (q3) edge[bend left] node[left]  {$b$} (q1);

  Maybe a good idea to reconsider this example in Lecture 3
  where the Brzozowski algorithm for DFA $\rightarrow$ Regex
  can be used.



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