author Christian Urban <>
Sat, 02 Dec 2023 21:37:04 +0000
changeset 958 fddf099a82f8
parent 946 bee7c57c18c3
child 968 d8d8911a3d6f
permissions -rw-r--r--

% !TEX program = xelatex


\section*{Coursework 2}

\noindent This coursework is worth 10\% and is due on \cwTWO{} at
16:00. You are asked to implement the Sulzmann \& Lu lexer for the
WHILE language. You can do the implementation in any programming
language you like, but you need to submit the source code with which
you answered the questions, otherwise a mark of 0\% will be
awarded. You need to submit your written answers as pdf---see attached
questionaire.  Code send as code. If you use Scala in your code, a
good place to start is the file \texttt{} and
\texttt{} uploaded to KEATS. The template file on Github is
called \texttt{}. Your code needs to be uploaded to Github by
the deadline.


It should be understood that the work you submit represents
your own effort. You have not copied from anyone else
including CoPilot, ChatGPT \& Co. An
exception is the Scala code from KEATS and the code I showed
during the lectures, which you can both freely use. You can
also use your own code from the CW~1.
%But do not
%be tempted to ask Github Copilot for help or do any other
%shenanigans like this!

\subsection*{Question 1}

To implement a lexer for the WHILE language, you first
need to design the appropriate regular expressions for the
following eleven syntactic entities:

\item keywords are


\item operators are:

\item letters are uppercase and lowercase

\item symbols are letters plus the characters
  \texttt{,} (comma),
  \texttt{$\backslash$} and

\item parentheses are \texttt{(}, \texttt{\{}, \texttt{)} and \texttt{\}}
\item digits are \pcode{0} to \pcode{9}
\item there are semicolons \texttt{;}
\item whitespaces are either \texttt{" "} (one or more) or \texttt{$\backslash$n} or
  \texttt{$\backslash$t} or \texttt{$\backslash$r}
\item identifiers are letters followed by underscores \texttt{\_\!\_}, letters
  or digits  
\item numbers for numbers give 
a regular expression that can recognise \pcode{0}, but not numbers 
with leading zeroes, such as \pcode{001}
\item strings are enclosed by double quotes, like \texttt{"\ldots"}, and consisting of
  symbols, digits, parentheses, whitespaces and \texttt{$\backslash$n} (note the latter is not the escaped version but \texttt{$\backslash$} followed by \texttt{n}, otherwise we would not be able to indicate in our strings when to write a newline).
\item comments start with \texttt{//} and contain symbols, spaces, parentheses and digits until the end-of-the-line markers
\item endo-of-line-markers are \texttt{$\backslash$n} and \texttt{$\backslash$r$\backslash$n}  

You can use the basic regular expressions 

\ZERO,\; \ONE,\; c,\; r_1 + r_2,\; r_1 \cdot r_2,\; r^*

but also the following extended regular expressions

$[c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_n]$ & a set of characters\\
$r^+$ & one or more times $r$\\
$r^?$ & optional $r$\\
$r^{\{n\}}$ & n-times $r$\\

Later on you will also need the record regular expression:

$REC(x:r)$ & record regular expression\\

\noindent Try to design your regular expressions to be as
small as possible. For example you should use character sets
for identifiers and numbers. Feel free to use the general
character constructor \textit{CFUN} introduced in CW 1.

\subsection*{Question 2}

Implement the Sulzmann \& Lu lexer from the lectures. For
this you need to implement the functions $nullable$ and $der$
(you can use your code from CW~1), as well as $mkeps$ and
$inj$. These functions need to be appropriately extended for
the extended regular expressions from Q1. Write down in the
questionaire at the end the 
clauses for

\begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {\hspace{2mm}}c@ {\hspace{2mm}}l@ {}}
$mkeps([c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_n])$  & $\dn$ & $?$\\
$mkeps(r^+)$                   & $\dn$ & $?$\\
$mkeps(r^?)$                   & $\dn$ & $?$\\
$mkeps(r^{\{n\}})$             & $\dn$ & $?$\medskip\\
$inj\, ([c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_n])\,c\,\ldots$  & $\dn$ & $?$\\
$inj\, (r^+)\,c\,\ldots$                   & $\dn$ & $?$\\
$inj\, (r^?)\,c\,\ldots$                   & $\dn$ & $?$\\
$inj\, (r^{\{n\}})\,c\,\ldots$             & $\dn$ & $?$\\

\noindent where $inj$ takes three arguments: a regular
expression, a character and a value. Test your lexer code
with at least the two small examples below:

regex: & string:\smallskip\\
$a^{\{3\}}$ & $aaa$\\
$(a + \ONE)^{\{3\}}$ & $aa$

\noindent Both strings should be successfully lexed by the
respective regular expression, that means the lexer returns 
in both examples a value.

Also add the record regular expression from the
lectures to your lexer and implement a function, say
\pcode{env}, that returns all assignments from a value (such
that you can extract easily the tokens from a value).\medskip 

Finally give \textbf{all} the tokens for your regular expressions from Q1 and the

\code{"read n;"}

and use your \pcode{env} function to give the token sequence.

\subsection*{Question 3}

Extend your lexer from Q2 to also simplify regular expressions after
each derivation step and rectify the computed values after each
injection. Use this lexer to tokenize six WHILE programs some of which
are given in Figures~\ref{fib} -- \ref{collatz}. You can find these programms also on
Github under the \texttt{cw2} directory. Give the tokens of these
programs where whitespaces and comments are
filtered out. Make sure you can tokenise \textbf{exactly} these

\caption{Fibonacci program in the WHILE language.\label{fib}}

\caption{The three-nested-loops program in the WHILE language. 
(Usually used for timing measurements.)\label{loop}}

\caption{A program that calculates factors for numbers in the WHILE

\caption{A program that calculates the Collatz series for numbers
  between 1 and 100.\label{collatz}}



\textbf{Question 2:}\\ (Use mathematical notation, such as $r^+$, rather than code, such as \code{PLUS(r)})

\begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {\hspace{2mm}}c@ {\hspace{2mm}}l@ {}}
$mkeps([c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_n])$  & $\dn$ & \uline{\hspace{8cm}}\\
$mkeps(r^+)$                   & $\dn$ & \uline{\hspace{8cm}}\\
$mkeps(r^?)$                   & $\dn$ & \uline{\hspace{8cm}}\\
$mkeps(r^{\{n\}})$             & $\dn$ & \uline{\hspace{8cm}}\bigskip\\
$inj\, ([c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_n])\,c\,\ldots$  & $\dn$ & \uline{\hspace{8cm}}\\
$inj\, (r^+)\,c\,\ldots$                   & $\dn$ & \uline{\hspace{8cm}}\\
$inj\, (r^?)\,c\,\ldots$                   & $\dn$ & \uline{\hspace{8cm}}\\
$inj\, (r^{\{n\}})\,c\,\ldots$             & $\dn$ & \uline{\hspace{8cm}}\\

Tokens for \code{"read n;"}\\






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