\tikzset{onslide/.code args={<#1>#2}{%
\only<#1>{\pgfkeysalso{#2}} % \pgfkeysalso doesn't change the path
\pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{1pt}{0pt}}{\pgfpoint{\wd #2}{\ht #2}}%
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% beamer stuff
\renewcommand{\slidecaption}{CFL 10, King's College London}
\begin{tabular}{@ {}c@ {}}
\LARGE Compilers and \\[-2mm]
\LARGE Formal Languages (10)\\[3mm]
Email: & christian.urban at kcl.ac.uk\\
Office: & N7.07 (North Wing, Bush House)\\
Slides: & KEATS (also home work is there)\\
Using a compiler, \\how can you mount the\\ perfect attack against a system?
What is a \alert{perfect} attack?}\bigskip
\item you can potentially completely take over a target system
\item your attack is (nearly) undetectable
\item the victim has (almost) no chance to recover
\node (A) at (0,0) [draw=black, rectangle, very thick, minimum height=18mm, minimum width=17mm] {};
\node [below right] at (A.north west) {\footnotesize\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}
\node (B) at (-2,2) [draw=black, rectangle, very thick, minimum height=10mm, minimum width=12mm] {};
\node [below right] at (B.north west) {\footnotesize\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}login\\(src)\end{tabular}};
\node (C) at (2,2) [draw=black, rectangle, very thick, minimum height=10mm, minimum width=12mm] {};
\node [below right] at (C.north west) {\footnotesize\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}login\\(bin)\end{tabular}};
\draw[->, line width=2mm] (B) -- (C);
\onslide<3->{\node [above left=-1.5mm] at (C.south east) {\footnotesize \alert{$\blacksquare$}};}
\node (A) at (0,0) [draw=black, rectangle, very thick, minimum height=18mm, minimum width=14mm] {};
\node [below right] at (A.north west) {\small V0.01};
\node [below right] (A1) at (A.south west) {\small Scala};
\node [below right] (A1) at (A1.south west) {\small\textcolor{gray}{host language}};
\node [above right] at (A.north west) {my compiler (src)};}
\node (B) at (1.8,0) [draw=black, rectangle, very thick, minimum height=18mm, minimum width=14mm] {};
\node [below right] at (B.north west) {\small V0.02};
\node [below right] at (B.south west) {\small Scala};
\node at (3,0) {\ldots};
\node (C) at (5,0) [draw=black, rectangle, very thick, minimum height=18mm, minimum width=14mm] {};
\node [below right] at (C.north west) {\small V1.00};
\node [below right] at (C.south west) {\small Scala};}
\node (D) at (6.8,0) [draw=black, rectangle, very thick, minimum height=18mm, minimum width=14mm] {};
\node [below right] at (D.north west) {\small V1.00};
\node (E) at (6.8,2) [draw=black, rectangle, very thick, minimum height=18mm, minimum width=14mm] {};
\node [below right] at (E.north west) {\small V1.01};}
\node (F) at (8.6,0) [draw=black, rectangle, very thick, minimum height=18mm, minimum width=14mm] {};
\node [below right] at (F.north west) {\small V1.01};
\node (G) at (8.6,2) [draw=black, rectangle, very thick, minimum height=18mm, minimum width=14mm] {};
\node [below right] at (G.north west) {\small V1.02};
\node at (9.8,0) {\ldots};
\node at (9.8,2) {\ldots};
\node at (8,-2) {\textcolor{gray}{\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}no host language\\needed\end{tabular}}};
\frametitle{\LARGE\begin{tabular}{c}Hacking Compilers
%Why is it so paramount to have a small trusted code base (TCB)?
\begin{tabular}{c@ {}}
\footnotesize Ken Thompson\\[-1.8mm]
\footnotesize Turing Award, 1983\\
\begin{tabular}{l@ {\hspace{1mm}}p{8cm}}
& Ken Thompson showed how to hide a Trojan Horse in a
compiler \textcolor{red}{without} leaving any traces in the source code.\\[2mm]
& No amount of source level verification will protect
you from such Thompson-hacks.\\[2mm]
& Therefore in safety-critical systems it is important to rely
on only a very small TCB.
\draw (0,0) node[inner sep=3mm,fill=cream, ultra thick, draw=red, rounded corners=2mm]
\item[1)] Assume you ship the compiler as binary and also with sources.
\item[2)] Make the compiler aware when it compiles itself.
\item[3)] Add the Trojan horse.
\item[4)] Compile.
\item[5)] Delete Trojan horse from the sources of the compiler.
\item[6)] Go on holiday for the rest of your life. ;o)\\[-7mm]\mbox{}
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