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\begin{document}+ −
+ −
\section*{Handout 6}+ −
+ −
While regular expressions are very useful for lexing and for recognising+ −
many patterns (like email addresses), they have their limitations. For+ −
example there is no regular expression that can recognise the language + −
$a^nb^n$. Another example is the language of well-parenthesised + −
expressions. In languages like Lisp, which use parentheses rather+ −
extensively, it might be of interest whether the following two expressions+ −
are well-parenthesised (the left one is, the right one is not):+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
$(((()()))())$ \hspace{10mm} $(((()()))()))$+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
In order to solve such recognition problems, we need more powerful + −
techniques than regular expressions. We will in particular look at \emph{context-free+ −
languages}. They include the regular languages as the picture below shows:+ −
+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\begin{tikzpicture}+ −
[rect/.style={draw=black!50, top color=white,bottom color=black!20, rectangle, very thick, rounded corners}]+ −
+ −
\draw (0,0) node [rect, text depth=30mm, text width=46mm] {all languages};+ −
\draw (0,-0.4) node [rect, text depth=20mm, text width=44mm] {decidable languages};+ −
\draw (0,-0.65) node [rect, text depth=13mm] {context sensitive languages};+ −
\draw (0,-0.84) node [rect, text depth=7mm, text width=35mm] {context-free languages};+ −
\draw (0,-1.05) node [rect] {regular languages};+ −
\end{tikzpicture}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent+ −
Context-free languages play an important role in `day-to-day' text processing and in+ −
programming languages. Context-free languages are usually specified by grammars.+ −
For example a grammar for well-parenthesised expressions is+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
$P \;\;\rightarrow\;\; ( \cdot P \cdot ) \cdot P \;|\; \epsilon$+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent+ −
In general grammars consist of finitely many rules built up from terminal symbols (usually lower-case letters)+ −
and non-terminal symbols (upper-case letters). Rules have the shape+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
$NT \;\;\rightarrow\;\; \textit{rhs}$+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent+ −
where on the left-hand side is a single non-terminal and on the right a string consisting+ −
of both terminals and non-terminals including the $\epsilon$-symbol for indicating the+ −
empty string. We use the convention to separate components on+ −
the right hand-side by using the $\cdot$ symbol, as in the grammar for well-parenthesised expressions.+ −
We also use the convention to use $|$ as a shorthand notation for several rules. For example+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
$NT \;\;\rightarrow\;\; \textit{rhs}_1 \;|\; \textit{rhs}_2$+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent+ −
means that the non-terminal $NT$ can be replaced by either $\textit{rhs}_1$ or $\textit{rhs}_2$.+ −
If there are more than one non-terminal on the left-hand side of the rules, then we need to indicate+ −
what is the \emph{starting} symbol of the grammar. For example the grammar for arithmetic expressions+ −
can be given as follows+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\begin{tabular}{lcl}+ −
$E$ & $\rightarrow$ & $N$ \\+ −
$E$ & $\rightarrow$ & $E \cdot + \cdot E$ \\+ −
$E$ & $\rightarrow$ & $E \cdot - \cdot E$ \\+ −
$E$ & $\rightarrow$ & $E \cdot * \cdot E$ \\+ −
$E$ & $\rightarrow$ & $( \cdot E \cdot )$\\+ −
$N$ & $\rightarrow$ & $N \cdot N \;|\; 0 \;|\; 1 \;|\: \ldots \;|\; 9$ + −
\end{tabular}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent+ −
where $E$ is the starting symbol. A \emph{derivation} for a grammar+ −
starts with the staring symbol of the grammar and in each step replaces one+ −
non-terminal by a right-hand side of a rule. A derivation ends with a string+ −
in which only terminal symbols are left. For example a derivation for the+ −
string $(1 + 2) + 3$ is as follows:+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\begin{tabular}{lll}+ −
$E$ & $\rightarrow$ & $E+E$\\+ −
& $\rightarrow$ & $(E)+E$\\+ −
& $\rightarrow$ & $(E+E)+E$\\+ −
& $\rightarrow$ & $(E+E)+N$\\+ −
& $\rightarrow$ & $(E+E)+3$\\+ −
& $\rightarrow$ & $(N+E)+3$\\ + −
& $\rightarrow^+$ & $(1+2)+3$\\+ −
\end{tabular} + −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent+ −
The \emph{language} of a context-free grammar $G$ with start symbol $S$ + −
is defined as the set of strings derivable by a derivation, that is+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
$\{c_1\ldots c_n \;|\; S \rightarrow^* c_1\ldots c_n \;\;\text{with all} \; c_i \;\text{being non-terminals}\}$+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent+ −
A \emph{parse-tree} encodes how a string is derived with the starting symbol on + −
top and each non-terminal containing a subtree for how it is replaced in a derivation.+ −
The parse tree for the string $(1 + 23)+4$ is as follows:+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\begin{tikzpicture}[level distance=8mm, black]+ −
\node {$E$}+ −
child {node {$E$} + −
child {node {$($}}+ −
child {node {$E$} + −
child {node {$E$} child {node {$N$} child {node {$1$}}}}+ −
child {node {$+$}}+ −
child {node {$E$} + −
child {node {$N$} child {node {$2$}}}+ −
child {node {$N$} child {node {$3$}}}+ −
} + −
}+ −
child {node {$)$}}+ −
}+ −
child {node {$+$}}+ −
child {node {$E$}+ −
child {node {$N$} child {node {$4$}}}+ −
};+ −
\end{tikzpicture}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent+ −
We are often interested in these parse-trees since they encode the structure of+ −
how a string is derived by a grammar. Before we come to the problem of constructing+ −
such parse-trees, we need to consider the following two properties of grammars.+ −
A grammar is \emph{left-recursive} if there is a derivation starting from a non-terminal, say+ −
$NT$ which leads to a string which again starts with $NT$. This means a derivation of the+ −
form.+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
$NT \rightarrow \ldots \rightarrow NT \cdot \ldots$+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent+ −
It can be easily seems that the grammar above for arithmetic expressions is left-recursive:+ −
for example the rules $E \rightarrow E\cdot + \cdot E$ and $N \rightarrow N\cdot N$ + −
show that this grammar is left-recursive. Some algorithms cannot cope with left-recursive + −
grammars. Fortunately every left-recursive grammar can be transformed into one that is+ −
not left-recursive, although this transformation might make the grammar less human-readable.+ −
For example if we want to give a non-left-recursive grammar for numbers we might+ −
specify+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
$N \;\;\rightarrow\;\; 0\;|\;\ldots\;|\;9\;|\;1\cdot N\;|\;2\cdot N\;|\;\ldots\;|\;9\cdot N$+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent+ −
Using this grammar we can still derive every number string, but we will never be able + −
to derive a string of the form $\ldots \rightarrow N \cdot \ldots$.+ −
+ −
The other property we have to watch out is when a grammar is+ −
\emph{ambiguous}. A grammar is said to be ambiguous if there are two parse-trees+ −
for one string. Again the grammar for arithmetic expressions shown above is ambiguous.+ −
While the shown parse tree for the string $(1 + 23) + 4$ is unique, there are two parse+ −
trees for the string $1 + 2 + 3$, namely+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\begin{tabular}{c@{\hspace{10mm}}c}+ −
\begin{tikzpicture}[level distance=8mm, black]+ −
\node {$E$}+ −
child {node {$E$} child {node {$N$} child {node {$1$}}}}+ −
child {node {$+$}}+ −
child {node {$E$}+ −
child {node {$E$} child {node {$N$} child {node {$2$}}}}+ −
child {node {$+$}}+ −
child {node {$E$} child {node {$N$} child {node {$3$}}}}+ −
}+ −
;+ −
\end{tikzpicture} + −
&+ −
\begin{tikzpicture}[level distance=8mm, black]+ −
\node {$E$}+ −
child {node {$E$}+ −
child {node {$E$} child {node {$N$} child {node {$1$}}}}+ −
child {node {$+$}}+ −
child {node {$E$} child {node {$N$} child {node {$2$}}}} + −
}+ −
child {node {$+$}}+ −
child {node {$E$} child {node {$N$} child {node {$3$}}}}+ −
;+ −
\end{tikzpicture}+ −
\end{tabular} + −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent+ −
In particular in programming languages we will try to avoid ambiguous+ −
grammars because two different parse-trees for a string mean a program can+ −
be interpreted in two different ways. In such cases we have to somehow make sure+ −
the two different ways do not matter, or disambiguate the grammar in+ −
some way (for example making the $+$ left-associative). Unfortunately already + −
the problem of deciding whether a grammar+ −
is ambiguous or not is in general undecidable. + −
+ −
Let us now turn to the problem of generating a parse-tree for a grammar and string.+ −
In what follows we explain \emph{parser combinators}, because they are easy+ −
to implement and closely resemble grammar rules. Imagine that a grammar+ −
describes the strings of natural numbers, such as the grammar $N$ shown above.+ −
For all such strings we want to generate the parse-trees or later on we actually + −
want to extract the meaning of these strings, that is the concrete integers ``behind'' + −
these strings. The parser combinators will be functions of type+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\texttt{I $\Rightarrow$ Set[(T, I)]}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent + −
that is they take as input something of type \texttt{I}, typically a list of tokens or a string,+ −
and return a set of pairs. The first component of these pairs corresponds to what the+ −
parser combinator was able to process from the input and the second is the unprocessed + −
part of the input. As we shall see shortly, a parser combinator might return more than one such pair,+ −
with the idea that there are potentially several ways how to interpret the input.+ −
+ −
The abstract class for parser combinators requires the implementation of the function+ −
\texttt{parse} taking an argument of type \texttt{I} and returns a set of type + −
\mbox{\texttt{Set[(T, I)]}}.+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\begin{lstlisting}[language=Scala,basicstyle=\small\ttfamily, numbers=none]+ −
abstract class Parser[I, T] {+ −
def parse(ts: I): Set[(T, I)]+ −
+ −
def parse_all(ts: I): Set[T] =+ −
for ((head, tail) <- parse(ts); if (tail.isEmpty)) + −
yield head+ −
}+ −
\end{lstlisting}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent+ −
One of the simplest parser combinators recognises just a character, say $c$, + −
from the beginning of strings. Its behaviour is as follows:+ −
+ −
\begin{itemize}+ −
\item if the head of the input string starts with a $c$, it returns + −
the set $\{(c, \textit{tail of}\; s)\}$+ −
\item otherwise it returns the empty set $\varnothing$ + −
\end{itemize}+ −
+ −
\noindent+ −
The input type of this simple parser combinator for characters is+ −
\texttt{String} and the output type \mbox{\texttt{Set[(Char, String)]}}. + −
The code in Scala is as follows:+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\begin{lstlisting}[language=Scala,basicstyle=\small\ttfamily, numbers=none]+ −
case class CharParser(c: Char) extends Parser[String, Char] {+ −
def parse(sb: String) = + −
if (sb.head == c) Set((c, sb.tail)) else Set()+ −
}+ −
\end{lstlisting}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
+ −
\end{document}+ −
+ −
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