author Christian Urban <christian dot urban at kcl dot ac dot uk>
Thu, 16 Oct 2014 17:30:05 +0100 (2014-10-16)
changeset 283 c14e5ebf0c3b
parent 282 3e3b927a85cf
child 284 0afe43616b6a
permissions -rw-r--r--


\section*{Handout 4 (Sulzmann \& Lu Algorithm)}

So far our algorithm based on derivatives was only able to say
yes or no depending on whether a string was matched by regular
expression or not. Often a more interesting question is to
find out \emph{how} a regular expression matched a string?
Answering this question will help us with the problem we are
after, namely tokenising an input string, that is splitting it
up into its ``word'' components. The algorithm we will be
looking at was designed by Sulzmann \& Lu in a rather recent
paper. A link to it is provided on KEATS, in case you are
interested.\footnote{In my humble opinion this is an
interesting instance of the research literature: it contains a
very neat idea, but its presentation is rather sloppy. In
earlier versions of their paper, students and I found several
rather annoying typos in their examples and definitions.}

In order to give an answer for how a regular expression matched
a string, Sulzmann and Lu introduce \emph{values}. A value 
will be the output of the algorithm whenever the regular 
expression matches the string. If not, an error will be raised.
Since the first phase of the algorithm is identical to the
derivative based matcher from the first coursework, the 
function $nullable$ will be used to decide whether as string
is matched by a regular expression. If $nullable$ says
yes, then values are constructed that reflect how the regular
expression matched the string. The definitions for regular 
expressions $r$ and values $v$ is shown below:

  $r$ & $::=$  & $\varnothing$\\
      & $\mid$ & $\epsilon$   \\
      & $\mid$ & $c$          \\
      & $\mid$ & $r_1 \cdot r_2$\\
      & $\mid$ & $r_1 + r_2$   \\
      & $\mid$ & $r^*$         \\
  $v$ & $::=$  & \\
      &        & $Empty$   \\
      & $\mid$ & $Char(c)$          \\
      & $\mid$ & $Seq(v_1,v_2)$\\
      & $\mid$ & $Left(v)$   \\
      & $\mid$ & $Right(v)$  \\
      & $\mid$ & $[v_1,\ldots\,v_n]$ \\

\noindent As you can see there is a very strong correspondence
between regular expressions and values. There is no value for
the $\varnothing$ regular expression (since it does not match
any string). Then there is exactly one value corresponding to 
each regular expression. with the exception of $r_1 + r_2$ 
where there are two values $Left(v)$ and $Right(v)$ 
corresponding  to the two alternatives. Note that $r^*$
is associated with a list of values, one for each copy of $r$ 
that was needed to match the string. This mean we might also 
return the empty list $[]$, if no copy was needed.

Graphically the algorithm can be represneted by the 
picture in Figure~\ref{Sulz} where the path involving $der/nullable$ is the first
phase of the algorithm and $mkeps/inj$ the second phase.
This picture shows the steps required when a regular
expression, say $r_1$, matches the string $abc$. We first
build the three derivatives (according to $a$, $b$ and $c$).
We then use $nullable$ to find out whether the resulting
regular expression can match the empty string. If yes
we call the function $mkeps$.

\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2,node distance=1.2cm,
                    every node/.style={minimum size=7mm}]
\node (r1)  {$r_1$};
\node (r2) [right=of r1]{$r_2$};
\draw[->,line width=1mm](r1)--(r2) node[above,midway] {$der\,a$};
\node (r3) [right=of r2]{$r_3$};
\draw[->,line width=1mm](r2)--(r3) node[above,midway] {$der\,b$};
\node (r4) [right=of r3]{$r_4$};
\draw[->,line width=1mm](r3)--(r4) node[above,midway] {$der\,c$};
\draw (r4) node[anchor=west] {\;\raisebox{3mm}{$nullable$}};
\node (v4) [below=of r4]{$v_4$};
\draw[->,line width=1mm](r4) -- (v4);
\node (v3) [left=of v4] {$v_3$};
\draw[->,line width=1mm](v4)--(v3) node[below,midway] {$inj\,c$};
\node (v2) [left=of v3]{$v_2$};
\draw[->,line width=1mm](v3)--(v2) node[below,midway] {$inj\,b$};
\node (v1) [left=of v2] {$v_1$};
\draw[->,line width=1mm](v2)--(v1) node[below,midway] {$inj\,a$};
\draw (r4) node[anchor=north west] {\;\raisebox{-8mm}{$mkeps$}};
\caption{The two phases of the algorithm by Sulzmann \& Lu.

The $mkeps$ function calculates a value for how a regular
expression could have matched the empty string. Its definition
is as follows:

  $mkeps(\epsilon)$       & $\dn$ & $Empty$\\
  $mkeps(r_1 + r_2)$      & $\dn$ & if $nullable(r_1)$  \\
                          &       & then $Left(mkeps(r_1))$\\
                          &       & else $Right(mkeps(r_2))$\\
  $mkeps(r_1 \cdot r_2)$  & $\dn$ & $Seq(mkeps(r_1),mkeps(r_2))$\\
  $mkeps(r^*)$            & $\dn$ & $[]$  \\

\noindent There are no cases for $\epsilon$ and $c$, since
these regular expression cannot match the empty string. 
Note that in case of alternatives we give preference to the
regular expression on the left-hand side. This will become
important later on.

The algorithm is organised recursively such that it will 
calculate a value for how the derivative regular expression
has matched a string where the first character has been
chopped off. Now we need a function that reverses this
``chopping off'' for values. The corresponding function
is called $inj$ for injection. This function takes
three arguments: the first one is a regular expression
for which we want to calculate the value, the second is the 
character we want to inject and the third argument is the
value where we will inject the character. The result
of this function is a new value. The definition of $inj$ 
is as follows: 

  $inj\,(c)\,c\,Empty$            & $\dn$  & $Char\,c$\\
  $inj\,(r_1 + r_2)\,c\,Left(v)$  & $\dn$  & $Left(inj\,r_1\,c\,v)$\\
  $inj\,(r_1 + r_2)\,c\,Right(v)$ & $\dn$  & $Right(inj\,r_2\,c\,v)$\\
  $inj\,(r_1 \cdot r_2)\,c\,Seq(v_1,v_2)$ & $\dn$  & $Seq(inj\,r_1\,c\,v_1,v_2)$\\
  $inj\,(r_1 \cdot r_2)\,c\,Left(Seq(v_1,v_2))$ & $\dn$  & $Seq(inj\,r_1\,c\,v_1,v_2)$\\
  $inj\,(r_1 \cdot r_2)\,c\,Right(v)$ & $\dn$  & $Seq(mkeps(r_1),inj\,r_2\,c\,v)$\\
  $inj\,(r^*)\,c\,Seq(v,vs)$         & $\dn$  & $inj\,r\,c\,v\,::\,vs$\\

\noindent This definition is by recursion on the
regular expression and by analysing the shape of the values. 
Therefore there are, for example, three cases for sequnece
regular expressions. The last clause returns a list where 
the first element is $inj\,r\,c\,v$ and the other elements 
are $vs$.

To understand what is going on, it might be best to do some
example calculations and compare with Figure~\ref{Sulz}. For
this note that we have not yet dealt with the need of
simplifying regular expreesions (this will be a topic on its
own later). Suppose the regular expression is $a \cdot (b
\cdot c)$ and the input string is $abc$. The derivatives are
as follows:

$r_1$: & $a \cdot (b \cdot c)$\\
$r_2$: & $\epsilon \cdot (b \cdot c)$\\
$r_3$: & $(\varnothing \cdot (b \cdot c)) + (\epsilon \cdot c)$\\
$r_4$: & $(\varnothing \cdot (b \cdot c)) + ((\varnothing \cdot c) + \epsilon)$\\

\noindent According to the simple algorithm. we would test
whether $r_4$ is nullable, which it is. This means we can
use the function $mkeps$ to calculate a value for how $r_4$
was able to match the empty string. Remember that this 
function gives preference for alternatives on the left-hand
side. However there is only $\epsilon$ on the very right-hand
side of $r_4$ that matches the empty string. Therefore
$mkeps$ returns the value


\noindent The point is that from this value we can directly 
read off which part of $r_4$ matched the empty string. Next we 
have to ``inject'' the last character, that is $c$ in the
running example, into this value in order to calculate how
$r_3$ could have matched the string $c$. According to the 
definition of $inj$ we obtain

$v_3:\;Right(Seq(Empty, Char(c)))$

\noindent This is the correct result, because $r_3$ needs
to use the right-hand alternative, and then $\epsilon$ needs
to match the empty string and $c$ needs to match $c$.
Next we need to inject back the letter $b$ into $v_3$. This

$v_2:\;Seq(Empty, Seq(Char(b), Char(c)))$

\noindent Finally we need to inject back the letter $a$ into
$v_2$ giving the final result

$v_1:\;Seq(Char(a), Seq(Char(b), Char(c)))$

\noindent This now corresponds to how the regular
expression $a \cdot (b \cdot c)$ matched the string $abc$.
This is the expected result. So at least in this case the
algorithm seems to calculate what it is supposed to.

There are a few auxiliary function that are of interest
in analysing this algorithm. One is called \emph{flatten},
written $|\_|$, which extracts the string ``underlying'' a 
value. It is defined as

  $|Empty|$     & $\dn$ & $[]$\\
  $|Char(c)|$   & $\dn$ & $[c]$\\
  $|Left(v)|$   & $\dn$ & $|v|$\\
  $|Right(v)|$  & $\dn$ & $|v|$\\
  $|Seq(v_1,v_2)|$& $\dn$ & $|v_1| \,@\, |v_2|$\\
  $|[v_1,\ldots ,v_n]|$ & $\dn$ & $|v_1| \,@\ldots @\, |v_n|$\\

\noindent Using flatten we can see what is the string behind 
the values calculated by $mkeps$ and $inj$ in our running 

$v_4$: & $[]$\\
$v_3$: & $c$\\
$v_2$: & $bc$\\
$v_1$: & $abc$

This indicates that $inj$ indeed is injecting, or adding, back
a character into the value.


Generally the matching algorithms based on derivatives do
poorly unless the regular expressions are simplified after
each derivatives step.

Algorithm by Sulzmann, Lexing


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