author Christian Urban <>
Mon, 29 Aug 2022 01:16:32 +0200 (2022-08-28)
changeset 873 a25da86f7c8c
parent 863 d59bcff69998
child 902 b40aaffe0793
permissions -rw-r--r--
// Glue code for CW4
// generates j-files and runs class-files
// needs 
//  tokenise(s: String) : List[Token]
//  Stmts - parser consuming Tokens
//  compile(bl: Block, class_name: String) : String

import ammonite.ops._

def parse_tks(tks : List[Token]) = {

def compile_to_file(bl: Block, class_name: String) : Unit = {
  println(s"Start of compilation")
  write.over(pwd / s"$class_name.j", compile(bl, class_name))  
  println(s"generated $class_name.j file")
  os.proc("java", "-jar", "jasmin.jar", s"$class_name.j").call()
  println(s"generated $class_name.class file ")

def main(fname: String) = {
    val path = os.pwd / fname
    val class_name = fname.stripSuffix("." ++ path.ext)
    val tks = tokenise(
    val ast = parse_tks(tks)
    compile_to_file(ast, class_name)

def run(fname: String) = {
    val path = os.pwd / fname
    val class_name = fname.stripSuffix("." ++ path.ext)
    val tks = tokenise(
    val ast = parse_tks(tks)
    compile_to_file(ast, class_name)
    os.proc("java", s"${class_name}/${class_name}").call(stdout = os.Inherit, stdin = os.Inherit)