// for testing tokenisation
import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}
import $file.cw05_add
import cw05_add._
// programs to tokenise (and how many tokens)
val uprogs = List(("fact.fun", 113),
("hanoi.fun", 92),
("mand.fun", 226),
("mand2.fun", 245),
("sqr.fun", 78))
for ((file, no) <- uprogs) {
print(s"Testing tokenisation of $file ")
val str = os.read(os.pwd / file)
Try(test_string(str)) match {
case Success(v) => println(s"--> Success. Lexed tokens.")
//case Success(v) => println(s"--> Success? Lexed ${v.length} tokens (should be $no).\n $v") ; throw new Exception("Different")
case Failure(e) => println(s"--> FAIL. Exception raised.") ; throw(e)