author Christian Urban <>
Wed, 29 Sep 2021 21:04:41 +0100
changeset 841 564840440523
parent 836 a3418ee8c404
child 853 568671822d52
permissions -rw-r--r--

% !TEX program = xelatex


\section*{Coursework 5}

\noindent This coursework is worth 25\% and is due on \cwFIVE{} at
18:00. You are asked to implement a compiler targeting the LLVM-IR.
Be careful that this CW needs some material about the LLVM-IR
that has not been shown in the lectures and your own experiments
might be required. You can find information about the LLVM-IR at

\item \url{}
\item \url{}  

You can do the implementation of your compiler in any programming
language you like, but you need to submit the source code with which
you generated the LLVM-IR files, otherwise a mark of 0\% will be
awarded. You should use the lexer and parser from the previous
courseworks, but you need to make some modifications to them for the
`typed' fun-language. I will award up to 5\% if a lexer and a parser are
correctly implemented. At the end, please package everything(!) in a zip-file
that creates a directory with the name \texttt{YournameYourFamilyname}
on my end.


It should be understood that the work you submit represents your own
effort. You have not copied from anyone else. An exception is the
Scala code I showed during the lectures or uploaded to KEATS, which
you can both use. You can also use your own code from the CW~1 --


The goal is to lex and parse the Mandelbrot program shown in
Figure~\ref{mand} and generate corresponding code for the
LLVM-IR. Unfortunately the calculations for the Mandelbrot set require
floating point arithmetic and therefore we cannot be as simple-minded
about types as we have been so far (remember the LLVM-IR is a
fully-typed language and needs to know the exact types of each
expression). The idea is to deal appropriately with three types,
namely \texttt{Int}, \texttt{Double} and \texttt{Void} (they are
represented in the LLVM-IR as \texttt{i32}, \texttt{double} and
\texttt{void}). You need to extend the lexer and parser accordingly in
order to deal with type annotations. The Fun-language includes global
constants, such as

  val Ymin: Double = -1.3;
  val Maxiters: Int = 1000;

where you want to assume that they are `normal' identifiers, just
starting with a capital letter---all other identifiers should have
lower-case letters. Function definitions can take arguments of
type \texttt{Int} or \texttt{Double}, and need to specify a return
type, which can be \texttt{Void}, for example

  def foo(n: Int, x: Double) : Double = ...
  def bar() : Void = ...

The idea is to record all typing information that is given
in the program, but then delay any further typing inference to
after the CPS-translation. That means the parser should
generate ASTs given by the Scala dataypes:

abstract class Exp 
abstract class BExp  
abstract class Decl 

case class Def(name: String, args: List[(String, String)],
               ty: String, body: Exp) extends Decl
case class Main(e: Exp) extends Decl
case class Const(name: String, v: Int) extends Decl
case class FConst(name: String, x: Float) extends Decl

case class Call(name: String, args: List[Exp]) extends Exp
case class If(a: BExp, e1: Exp, e2: Exp) extends Exp
case class Var(s: String) extends Exp
case class Num(i: Int) extends Exp    // integer numbers
case class FNum(i: Float) extends Exp // floating numbers
case class Aop(o: String, a1: Exp, a2: Exp) extends Exp
case class Sequence(e1: Exp, e2: Exp) extends Exp
case class Bop(o: String, a1: Exp, a2: Exp) extends BExp

This datatype distinguishes whether the global constant is an integer
constant or floating constant. Also a function definition needs to
record the return type of the function, namely the argument
\texttt{ty} in \texttt{Def}, and the arguments consist of an pairs of
identifier names and types (\texttt{Int} or \texttt{Double}). The hard
part of the CW is to design the K-intermediate language and infer all
necessary types in order to generate LLVM-IR code. You can check
your LLVM-IR code by running it with the interpreter \texttt{lli}.

\caption{The Mandelbrot program in the `typed' Fun-language.\label{mand}}

\caption{Ascii output of the Mandelbrot program.\label{mand}}


There are some subtleties in the LLVM-IR you need to be aware of:

\item \textbf{Global constants}: While global constants such as

val Max : Int = 10;

can be easily defined in the LLVM-IR as follows

@Max = global i32 10

they cannot easily be referenced. If you want to use
this constant then you need to generate code such as

%tmp_22 = load i32, i32* @Max

first, which treats \texttt{@Max} as an Integer-pointer (type
\texttt{i32*}) that needs to be loaded into a local variable,
here \texttt{\%tmp\_22}.

\item \textbf{Void-Functions}: While integer and double functions
  can easily be called and their results can be allocated to a
  temporary variable:

   %tmp_23 = call i32 @sqr (i32 %n)

  void-functions cannot be allocated to a variable. They need to be
  called just as

  call void @print_int (i32 %tmp_23)

\item \textbf{Floating-Point Operations}: While integer operations
  are specified in the LLVM-IR as

  def compile_op(op: String) = op match {
    case "+" => "add i32 "
    case "*" => "mul i32 "
    case "-" => "sub i32 "
    case "==" => "icmp eq i32 "
    case "<=" => "icmp sle i32 " // signed less or equal
    case "<"  => "icmp slt i32 " // signed less than

  the corresponding operations on doubles are

  def compile_dop(op: String) = op match {
    case "+" => "fadd double "
    case "*" => "fmul double "
    case "-" => "fsub double "
    case "==" => "fcmp oeq double "
    case "<=" => "fcmp ole double "   
    case "<"  => "fcmp olt double "   

\item \textbf{Typing}: In order to leave the CPS-translations
  as is, it makes sense to defer the full type-inference to the
  K-intermediate-language. For this it is good to define
  the \texttt{KVar} constructor as

case class KVar(s: String, ty: Ty = "UNDEF") extends KVal\end{lstlisting}

  where first a default type, for example \texttt{UNDEF}, is
  given. Then you need to define two typing functions

    def typ_val(v: KVal, ts: TyEnv) = ???
    def typ_exp(a: KExp, ts: TyEnv) = ???

  Both functions require a typing-environment that updates
  the information about what type each variable, operation
  and so on receives. Once the types are inferred, the
  LLVM-IR code can be generated. Since we are dealing only
  with simple first-order functions, nothing on the scale
  as the `Hindley-Milner' typing-algorithm is needed. I suggest
  to just look at what data is avaliable and generate all
  missing information by ``simple means''\ldots rather than
  looking at the literature which solves the problem
  with much heavier machinery.

\item \textbf{Build-In Functions}: The `prelude' comes
  with several build-in functions: \texttt{new\_line()},
  \texttt{skip}, \texttt{print\_int(n)}, \texttt{print\_space()}
  and \texttt{print\_star()}. You can find the `prelude' for
  example in the file \texttt{sqr.ll}.


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