Curated list of awesome resources on Compilers, Interpreters and Runtimes Forth (Book to read)=================Nice compiler overview talk (examples) functional programming language compiling to the JVM tail call elimination on the JVM approach to compiler construction courses book links about SSA Lisp compiler for Lua as a DSL in Scala with regexes analysis lecture notes from the Starting Forth book Byte Code for SCALA - ML for the JVM for LLVM ---------------Type inference languages (calculator RPN) explorer a compiler books languages helpershttps://regex101.com performance benchmark parser megatutorial regex to LLVM code analysis compiler simple recursive regular expression matcher written in Scala. neat little tool to build presentations using the Scala REPL Static Single Assignment FormMax Wagner and Denis LohnerThis formalization is an extension to "Verified Construction of Static Single Assignment Form". In their work, the authors have shown that Braun et al.'s static single assignment (SSA) construction algorithm produces minimal SSA form for input programs with a reducible control flow graph (CFG). However Braun et al. also proposed an extension to their algorithm that they claim produces minimal SSA form even for irreducible CFGs.In this formalization we support that claim by giving a mechanized proof.As the extension of Braun et al.'s algorithm aims for removing so-called redundant strongly connected components of phi functions, we show that this suffices to guarantee minimality according to Cytron et al.. Clang compiles a function