author Christian Urban <>
Fri, 17 Nov 2023 20:06:43 +0000
changeset 955 47acfd7f9096
parent 922 e86ea06e3b25
child 968 d8d8911a3d6f
permissions -rw-r--r--

\setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX]{Palatino Linotype}

%%% for regular expressions and values
\newcommand{\ZERO}{\mbox{\bf 0}}
\newcommand{\ONE}{\mbox{\bf 1}}

%%% url pointers

\newcommand{\dn}{\stackrel{\mbox{\scriptsize def}}{=}}



%% a line after figures


\newcommand{\HEADER}{{\bf Please submit your solutions via email. Please submit 
only PDFs! Every solution should be preceeded by the corresponding 
question text, like:

Q$n$: & \ldots a difficult question from me\ldots\\
A:    & \ldots an answer from you \ldots\\
Q$n+1$ & \ldots another difficult question\ldots\\
A:     & \ldots another brilliant answer from you\ldots

\noindent Solutions will only be accepted until 20th December! Please send only
one homework per email.}\bigskip}

{\bf (Optional)} This question is for you to provide 
regular feedback to me: for example
what were the most interesting, least interesting, or confusing 
parts in this lecture? Any problems with my Scala code? Please 
feel free to share any other questions or concerns. Also, all my
material is \st{crap} imperfect. If you have any suggestions for
improvement, I am very grateful to hear.\medskip

If *you* want to share anything (code, videos, links), you are
encouraged to do so. Just drop me an email or send a message to the Forum.} 

% CW deadlines
\def\cwONE{16 October}
\def\cwTWO{10 November}  
\def\cwTHREE{27 November} 
\def\cwFOUR{14 December}
\def\cwFIVE{12 January}

%%\def\cwISABELLE{11 December}

%% lualatex testing commandline arguments
\newcommand{\luaif}[1]{\ifnum1=\directlua{if #1 then tex.sprint(1) else tex.sprint(0) end} }

\luaif{arg[2] == "sol"}
  \end{quote}} \else