author Christian Urban <>
Mon, 03 Feb 2025 12:35:54 +0000
changeset 979 398a37bc784c
parent 921 bb54e7aa1a3f
permissions -rwxr-xr-x

#!/usr/bin/env -S scala-cli shebang -no-indent
//> using scala "3.3.1"
//> using toolkit latest

// course work directories
val cws = List("cw1", "cw2", "cw3", "cw4", "cw5")

// main files that need testing
val files = Map("cw1" -> "", 
                "cw2" -> "",
		 		"cw3" -> "",
		 		"cw4" -> "",
		 		"cw5" -> ""

// test files used as input
val test_files = Map(
    "cw1" -> Nil,
    "cw2" -> List("collatz.while",
    "cw3" -> List("collatz.while",
    "cw4" -> List("collatz2.while",
    "cw5" -> List("",

for (cw <- cws) {
	val main_file = files(cw)
	for (arg <- test_files(cw)) {
		println(s"Testing $cw/$main_file with $arg")
		val subdir = os.pwd / cw
		os.proc("amm", main_file, "test", arg).call(cwd = subdir)