author Christian Urban <christian dot urban at kcl dot ac dot uk>
Thu, 26 Nov 2015 00:11:10 +0000
changeset 386 31295bb945c6
parent 257 70c307641d05
child 399 5c1fbb39c93e
permissions -rw-r--r--

// A crawler which checks whether there are 
// dead links in web-pages

import io.Source
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import scala.util._

// gets the first 10K of a web-page
def get_page(url: String) : String = {
  Try(Source.fromURL(url).take(10000).mkString) getOrElse 
    { println(s"  Problem with: $url"); ""}

// regex for URLs
val http_pattern = """"https?://[^"]*"""".r

// drops the first and last character from a string
def unquote(s: String) = s.drop(1).dropRight(1)

def get_all_URLs(page: String) : Set[String] = 

// naive version of crawl - searches until a given depth,
// visits pages potentially more than once
def crawl(url: String, n: Int) : Unit = {
  if (n == 0) ()
  else {
    println(s"Visiting: $n $url")
    for (u <- get_all_URLs(get_page(url))) crawl(u, n - 1)

// some starting URLs for the crawler
//val startURL = """"""
val startURL = """"""

crawl(startURL, 2)