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\section*{Homework 1}+ −
+ −
+ −
\begin{enumerate}+ −
+ −
\item {\bf (Optional)} If you want to run the code presented+ −
in the lectures, install the Scala programming language+ −
available (for free) from+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\url{http://www.scala-lang.org}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
If you want to follow the code I present during the+ −
lectures, read the handout about Scala.+ −
+ −
\item {\bf (Optional)} Have a look at the crawler programs.+ −
Can you find a usage for them in your daily programming+ −
life? Can you improve them? (For example in cases there+ −
are links that appear on different recursion levels, the+ −
crawlers visit such web-pages several times. Can this be+ −
avoided?)+ −
+ −
\item Read the handout of the first lecture and the handout+ −
about notation. Make sure you understand the concepts of+ −
strings and languages. In the context of the AFL-course,+ −
what is meant by the term \emph{language}?+ −
+ −
\item Give the definition for regular expressions. What is the+ −
meaning of a regular expression? (Hint: The meaning is+ −
defined recursively.)+ −
+ −
\item Assume the concatenation operation of two strings is+ −
written as $s_1 @ s_2$. Define the operation of+ −
\emph{concatenating} two sets of strings. This operation+ −
is also written as $\_ \,@\, \_$. According to + −
this definition, what is $A \,@\, \{\}$ equal to?+ −
+ −
\item Assume a set $A$ contains 4 strings and a set $B$+ −
contains 7 strings. None of the strings is the empty+ −
string. How many strings are in $A \,@\, B$?+ −
+ −
\item How is the power of a language defined? (Hint: There are two+ −
rules, one for $\_^0$ and one for $\_^{n+1}$.)+ −
+ −
\item Let $A = \{[a], [b], [c], [d]\}$. (1) How many strings+ −
are in $A^4$? (2) Consider also the case of $A^4$ where one of+ −
the strings in $A$ is the empty string, for example $A =+ −
\{[a], [b], [c], []\}$.+ −
+ −
\item (1)How many basic regular expressions are there to match+ −
the string $abcd$? (2) How many if they cannot include+ −
$\ONE$ and $\ZERO$? (3) How many if they are also not+ −
allowed to contain stars? (4) How many if they are also+ −
not allowed to contain $\_ + \_$?+ −
+ −
\item When are two regular expressions equivalent? Can you+ −
think of instances where two regular expressions match+ −
the same strings, but it is not so obvious that they do?+ −
For example $a + b$ and $b + a$ do not count\ldots they+ −
obviously match the same strings, namely $[a]$ and+ −
$[b]$.+ −
+ −
\item What is meant by the notions \emph{evil regular expressions}+ −
and by \emph{catastrophic backtracking}? + −
+ −
\item \POSTSCRIPT + −
\end{enumerate}+ −
+ −
\end{document}+ −
+ −
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