\documentclass{article}+ −
\usepackage{../style}+ −
\usepackage{../langs}+ −
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+ −
%%http://regexcrossword.com/challenges/cities/puzzles/1+ −
%%https://jex.im/regulex/+ −
%%https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammingLanguages/comments/42dlem/mona_compiler_development_part_2_parsing/+ −
%%https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammingLanguages/comments/43wlkq/formal_grammar_for_csh_tsch_sh_or_bash/+ −
+ −
%% regex displayers+ −
%% https://regexper.com/#a%7Ca+ −
%% https://www.debuggex.com+ −
%% https://jex.im/regulex/#!embed=false&flags=&re=%5E(a%7Cb)*%3F%24+ −
+ −
%% email validator+ −
%% http://www.ex-parrot.com/%7Epdw/Mail-RFC822-Address.html+ −
+ −
%% regex testers+ −
% https://regex101.com+ −
% http://regexr.com+ −
+ −
%% emacs regexes+ −
%% https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Regular-Expressions.html+ −
+ −
%% reasons for a new prgramming language+ −
%% http://beautifulracket.com+ −
+ −
\begin{document}+ −
\fnote{\copyright{} Christian Urban, King's College London, 2014, 2015, 2016}+ −
+ −
\section*{Handout 1}+ −
+ −
This module is about text processing, be it for web-crawlers,+ −
compilers, dictionaries, DNA-data and so on. When looking for+ −
a particular string, like $abc$ in a large text we can use the+ −
Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm, which is currently the most+ −
efficient general string search algorithm. But often we do+ −
\emph{not} just look for a particular string, but for string+ −
patterns. For example in program code we need to identify what+ −
are the keywords, what are the identifiers etc. A pattern for+ −
identifiers could be stated as: they start with a letter,+ −
followed by zero or more letters, numbers and underscores.+ −
Also often we face the problem that we are given a string (for+ −
example some user input) and want to know whether it matches a+ −
particular pattern---be it an email address, for example. In+ −
this way we can exclude user input that would otherwise have+ −
nasty effects on our program (crashing it or making it go into+ −
an infinite loop, if not worse).+ −
+ −
\defn{Regular expressions} help with conveniently specifying+ −
such patterns. The idea behind regular expressions is that+ −
they are a simple method for describing languages (or sets of+ −
strings)\ldots at least languages we are interested in in+ −
computer science. For example there is no convenient regular+ −
expression for describing the English language short of+ −
enumerating all English words. But they seem useful for+ −
describing for example simple email addresses.\footnote{See+ −
``8 Regular Expressions You Should Know''+ −
\url{http://goo.gl/5LoVX7}} Consider the following regular+ −
expression+ −
+ −
\begin{equation}\label{email}+ −
\texttt{[a-z0-9\_.-]+ @ [a-z0-9.-]+ . [a-z.]\{2,6\}}+ −
\end{equation}+ −
+ −
\noindent where the first part matches one or more lowercase+ −
letters (\pcode{a-z}), digits (\pcode{0-9}), underscores, dots+ −
and hyphens. The \pcode{+} at the end of the brackets ensures+ −
the ``one or more''. Then comes the \pcode{@}-sign, followed+ −
by the domain name which must be one or more lowercase+ −
letters, digits, underscores, dots or hyphens. Note there+ −
cannot be an underscore in the domain name. Finally there must+ −
be a dot followed by the toplevel domain. This toplevel domain+ −
must be 2 to 6 lowercase letters including the dot. Example+ −
strings which follow this pattern are:+ −
+ −
\begin{lstlisting}[language={},numbers=none,keywordstyle=\color{black}]+ −
niceandsimple@example.org+ −
very.common@example.co.uk+ −
a.little.lengthy.but.fine@dept.example.ac.uk+ −
other.email-with-dash@example.edu+ −
\end{lstlisting}+ −
+ −
+ −
\noindent+ −
But for example the following two do not+ −
+ −
\begin{lstlisting}[language={},numbers=none,keywordstyle=\color{black}]+ −
user@localserver+ −
disposable.style.email.with+symbol@example.com+ −
\end{lstlisting}+ −
+ −
\noindent according to the regular expression we specified in+ −
\eqref{email}. Whether this is intended or not is a different+ −
question (the second email above is actually an acceptable+ −
email address acording to the RFC 5322 standard for email+ −
addresses).+ −
+ −
As mentioned above, identifiers, or variables, in program code+ −
are often required to satisfy the constraints that they start+ −
with a letter and then can be followed by zero or more letters+ −
or numbers and also can include underscores, but not as the+ −
first character. Such identifiers can be recognised with the+ −
regular expression+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\pcode{[a-zA-Z] [a-zA-Z0-9_]*}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent Possible identifiers that match this regular expression + −
are \pcode{x}, \pcode{foo}, \pcode{foo_bar_1}, \pcode{A_very_42_long_object_name},+ −
but not \pcode{_i} and also not \pcode{4you}.+ −
+ −
Many programming languages offer libraries that can be used to+ −
validate such strings against regular expressions. Also there+ −
are some common, and I am sure very familiar, ways of how to+ −
construct regular expressions. For example in Scala we have+ −
a library implementing the following regular expressions: + −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\begin{tabular}{lp{9cm}}+ −
\pcode{re*} & matches 0 or more occurrences of preceding + −
expression\\+ −
\pcode{re+} & matches 1 or more occurrences of preceding+ −
expression\\+ −
\pcode{re?} & matches 0 or 1 occurrence of preceding + −
expression\\+ −
\pcode{re\{n\}} & matches exactly \pcode{n} number of + −
occurrences of preceding expression\\+ −
\pcode{re\{n,m\}} & matches at least \pcode{n} and at most {\tt m}+ −
occurences of the preceding expression\\+ −
\pcode{[...]} & matches any single character inside the + −
brackets\\+ −
\pcode{[^...]} & matches any single character not inside the + −
brackets\\+ −
\pcode{...-...} & character ranges\\+ −
\pcode{\\d} & matches digits; equivalent to \pcode{[0-9]}\\+ −
\pcode{.} & matches every character except newline\\+ −
\pcode{(re)} & groups regular expressions and remembers + −
matched text+ −
\end{tabular}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent With this table you can figure out the purpose of+ −
the regular expressions in the web-crawlers shown Figures+ −
\ref{crawler1}, \ref{crawler2} and+ −
\ref{crawler3}.\footnote{There is an interesting twist in the+ −
web-scraper where \pcode{re*?} is used instead of+ −
\pcode{re*}.} Note, however, the regular expression for+ −
http-addresses in web-pages in Figure~\ref{crawler1}, Line 15,+ −
is intended to be+ −
+ −
\[+ −
\pcode{"https?://[^"]*"}+ −
\]+ −
+ −
\noindent It specifies that web-addresses need to start with a+ −
double quote, then comes \texttt{http} followed by an optional+ −
\texttt{s} and so on until the closing double quote comes.+ −
Usually we would have to escape the double quotes in order to+ −
make sure we interpret the double quote as character, not as+ −
double quote for a string. But Scala's trick with triple+ −
quotes allows us to omit this kind of escaping. As a result we+ −
can just write:+ −
+ −
\[+ −
\pcode{""""https?://[^"]*"""".r}+ −
\]+ −
+ −
\noindent Note also that the convention in Scala is that+ −
\texttt{.r} converts a string into a regular expression. I+ −
leave it to you to ponder whether this regular expression+ −
really captures all possible web-addresses.+ −
+ −
\subsection*{Why Study Regular Expressions?}+ −
+ −
Regular expressions were introduced by Kleene in the 1950ies+ −
and they have been object of intense study since then. They+ −
are nowadays pretty much ubiquitous in computer science. There+ −
are many libraries implementing regular expressions. I am sure+ −
you have come across them before (remember PRA?). Why on earth+ −
then is there any interest in studying them again in depth in+ −
this module? Well, one answer is in the following graph about+ −
regular expression matching in Python and in Ruby.+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\begin{tikzpicture}+ −
\begin{axis}[+ −
xlabel={strings of {\tt a}s},+ −
ylabel={time in secs},+ −
enlargelimits=false,+ −
xtick={0,5,...,30},+ −
xmax=33,+ −
ymax=35,+ −
ytick={0,5,...,30},+ −
scaled ticks=false,+ −
axis lines=left,+ −
width=7cm,+ −
height=4.5cm, + −
legend entries={Python,Ruby}, + −
legend pos=north west,+ −
legend cell align=left]+ −
\addplot[blue,mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] + −
table {re-python.data};+ −
\addplot[brown,mark=triangle*, mark options={fill=white}] + −
table {re-ruby.data}; + −
\end{axis}+ −
\end{tikzpicture}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent This graph shows that Python needs approximately 29+ −
seconds for finding out whether a string of 28 \texttt{a}s+ −
matches the regular expression \texttt{[a?]\{28\}[a]\{28\}}.+ −
Ruby is even slightly worse.\footnote{In this example Ruby+ −
uses the slightly different regular expression+ −
\texttt{a?a?a?...a?a?aaa...aa}, where the \texttt{a?} and+ −
\texttt{a} each occur $n$ times. More such test cases can be+ −
found at \url{http://www.computerbytesman.com/redos/}.}+ −
Admittedly, this regular expression is carefully chosen to+ −
exhibit this exponential behaviour, but similar ones occur+ −
more often than one wants in ``real life''. They are sometimes+ −
called \emph{evil regular expressions} because they have the+ −
potential to make regular expression matching engines to+ −
topple over, like in Python and Ruby. The problem with evil+ −
regular expressions is that they can have some serious+ −
consequences, for example, if you use them in your+ −
web-application. The reason is that hackers can look for these+ −
instances where the matching engine behaves badly and then+ −
mount a nice DoS-attack against your application. These+ −
attacks are already have their own name: + −
\emph{Regular Expression Denial of Service Attacks (ReDoS)}.+ −
+ −
It will be instructive to look behind the ``scenes'' to find+ −
out why Python and Ruby (and others) behave so badly when+ −
matching with evil regular expressions. But we will also look+ −
at a relatively simple algorithm that solves this problem much+ −
better than Python and Ruby do\ldots actually it will be two+ −
versions of the algorithm: the first one will be able to+ −
process strings of approximately 1,000 \texttt{a}s in 30+ −
seconds, while the second version will even be able to process+ −
up to 12,000 in less than 10(!) seconds, see the graph below:+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\begin{tikzpicture}+ −
\begin{axis}[+ −
xlabel={strings of \pcode{a}s},+ −
ylabel={time in secs},+ −
enlargelimits=false,+ −
xtick={0,3000,...,12000},+ −
xmax=12500,+ −
ymax=35,+ −
ytick={0,5,...,30},+ −
scaled ticks=false,+ −
axis lines=left,+ −
width=9cm,+ −
height=4.5cm]+ −
\addplot[green,mark=square*,mark options={fill=white}] table {re2b.data};+ −
\addplot[black,mark=square*,mark options={fill=white}] table {re3.data};+ −
\end{axis}+ −
\end{tikzpicture}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\subsection*{Basic Regular Expressions}+ −
+ −
The regular expressions shown earlier for Scala, we+ −
will call \emph{extended regular expressions}. The ones we+ −
will mainly study in this module are \emph{basic regular+ −
expressions}, which by convention we will just call+ −
\emph{regular expressions}, if it is clear what we mean. The+ −
attraction of (basic) regular expressions is that many+ −
features of the extended ones are just syntactic sugar.+ −
(Basic) regular expressions are defined by the following+ −
grammar:+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\begin{tabular}{r@{\hspace{1mm}}r@{\hspace{1mm}}l@{\hspace{13mm}}l}+ −
$r$ & $::=$ & $\ZERO$ & null language\\+ −
& $\mid$ & $\ONE$ & empty string / \texttt{""} / []\\+ −
& $\mid$ & $c$ & single character\\+ −
& $\mid$ & $r_1 + r_2$ & alternative / choice\\+ −
& $\mid$ & $r_1 \cdot r_2$ & sequence\\+ −
& $\mid$ & $r^*$ & star (zero or more)\\+ −
\end{tabular}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent Because we overload our notation, there are some+ −
subtleties you should be aware of. When regular expressions+ −
are referred to, then $\ZERO$ (in bold font) does not stand for+ −
the number zero: rather it is a particular pattern that does+ −
not match any string. Similarly, in the context of regular+ −
expressions, $\ONE$ does not stand for the number one but for+ −
a regular expression that matches the empty string. The letter+ −
$c$ stands for any character from the alphabet at hand. Again+ −
in the context of regular expressions, it is a particular+ −
pattern that can match the specified character. You should+ −
also be careful with our overloading of the star: assuming you+ −
have read the handout about our basic mathematical notation,+ −
you will see that in the context of languages (sets of+ −
strings) the star stands for an operation on languages. Here+ −
$r^*$ stands for a regular expression, which is different from+ −
the operation on sets is defined as+ −
+ −
\[+ −
A\star\dn \bigcup_{0\le n} A^n+ −
\]+ −
+ −
\noindent + −
Note that this expands to+ −
+ −
\[+ −
A\star \dn A^0 \cup A^1 \cup A^2 \cup A^3 \cup A^4 \cup \ldots+ −
\]+ −
+ −
\noindent which is equivalent to+ −
+ −
\[+ −
A\star \dn \{[]\} \cup A \cup A@A \cup A@A@A \cup A@A@A@A \cup \ldots+ −
\]+ −
+ −
\noindent + −
Remember that $A^0$ is always the set containing the empty + −
string.+ −
+ −
We will use parentheses to disambiguate regular expressions.+ −
Parentheses are not really part of a regular expression, and+ −
indeed we do not need them in our code because there the tree+ −
structure of regular expressions is always clear. But for+ −
writing them down in a more mathematical fashion, parentheses+ −
will be helpful. For example we will write $(r_1 + r_2)^*$,+ −
which is different from, say $r_1 + (r_2)^*$. The former means+ −
roughly zero or more times $r_1$ or $r_2$, while the latter+ −
means $r_1$ or zero or more times $r_2$. This will turn out to+ −
be two different patterns, which match in general different+ −
strings. We should also write $(r_1 + r_2) + r_3$, which is+ −
different from the regular expression $r_1 + (r_2 + r_3)$, but+ −
in case of $+$ and $\cdot$ we actually do not care about the+ −
order and just write $r_1 + r_2 + r_3$, or $r_1 \cdot r_2+ −
\cdot r_3$, respectively. The reasons for this will become+ −
clear shortly. + −
+ −
In the literature you will often find that the choice $r_1 ++ −
r_2$ is written as $r_1\mid{}r_2$ or $r_1\mid\mid{}r_2$. Also,+ −
often our $\ZERO$ and $\ONE$ are written $\varnothing$ and+ −
$\epsilon$, respectively. Following the convention in the+ −
literature, we will often omit the $\cdot$ all together. This+ −
is to make some concrete regular expressions more readable.+ −
For example the regular expression for email addresses shown+ −
in \eqref{email} would look like+ −
+ −
\[+ −
\texttt{[...]+} \;\cdot\; \texttt{@} \;\cdot\; + −
\texttt{[...]+} \;\cdot\; \texttt{.} \;\cdot\; + −
\texttt{[...]\{2,6\}}+ −
\]+ −
+ −
\noindent+ −
which is much less readable than \eqref{email}. Similarly for+ −
the regular expression that matches the string $hello$ we + −
should write+ −
+ −
\[+ −
h \cdot e \cdot l \cdot l \cdot o+ −
\]+ −
+ −
\noindent+ −
but often just write {\it hello}.+ −
+ −
If you prefer to think in terms of the implementation+ −
of regular expressions in Scala, the constructors and+ −
classes relate as follows\footnote{More about Scala is + −
in the handout about \emph{A Crash-Course on Scala}.}+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\begin{tabular}{rcl}+ −
$\ZERO$ & $\mapsto$ & \texttt{ZERO}\\+ −
$\ONE$ & $\mapsto$ & \texttt{ONE}\\+ −
$c$ & $\mapsto$ & \texttt{CHAR(c)}\\+ −
$r_1 + r_2$ & $\mapsto$ & \texttt{ALT(r1, r2)}\\+ −
$r_1 \cdot r_2$ & $\mapsto$ & \texttt{SEQ(r1, r2)}\\+ −
$r^*$ & $\mapsto$ & \texttt{STAR(r)}+ −
\end{tabular}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
A source of confusion might arise from the fact that we+ −
use the term \emph{basic regular expression} for the regular+ −
expressions used in ``theory'' and defined above, and+ −
\emph{extended regular expression} for the ones used in+ −
``practice'', for example in Scala. If runtime is not an+ −
issue, then the latter can be seen as syntactic sugar of+ −
the former. For example we could replace+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\begin{tabular}{rcl}+ −
$r+$ & $\mapsto$ & $r\cdot r^*$\\+ −
$r?$ & $\mapsto$ & $\ONE + r$\\+ −
$\backslash d$ & $\mapsto$ & $0 + 1 + 2 + \ldots + 9$\\+ −
$[\text{\it a - z}]$ & $\mapsto$ & $a + b + \ldots + z$\\+ −
\end{tabular}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
+ −
\subsection*{The Meaning of Regular Expressions}+ −
+ −
So far we have only considered informally what the+ −
\emph{meaning} of a regular expression is. This is not good+ −
enough for specifications of what algorithms are supposed to+ −
do or which problems they are supposed to solve.+ −
+ −
To define the meaning of a regular expression we will+ −
associate with every regular expression a language, or set of+ −
strings. This language contains all the strings the regular+ −
expression is supposed to match. To understand what is going+ −
on here it is crucial that you have read the handout+ −
about basic mathematical notations.+ −
+ −
The \defn{meaning of a regular expression} can be defined+ −
by a recursive function called $L$ (for language), which+ −
is defined as follows+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\begin{tabular}{rcll}+ −
$L(\ZERO)$ & $\dn$ & $\{\}$\\+ −
$L(\ONE)$ & $\dn$ & $\{[]\}$\\+ −
$L(c)$ & $\dn$ & $\{"c"\}$ & or equivalently $\dn \{[c]\}$\\+ −
$L(r_1+ r_2)$ & $\dn$ & $L(r_1) \cup L(r_2)$\\+ −
$L(r_1 \cdot r_2)$ & $\dn$ & $L(r_1) \,@\, L(r_2)$\\+ −
$L(r^*)$ & $\dn$ & $(L(r))\star$\\+ −
\end{tabular}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent As a result we can now precisely state what the+ −
meaning, for example, of the regular expression $h \cdot+ −
e \cdot l \cdot l \cdot o$ is, namely+ −
+ −
\[+ −
L(h \cdot e \cdot l \cdot l \cdot o) = \{"hello"\}+ −
\]+ −
+ −
\noindent This is expected because this regular expression + −
is only supposed to match the ``$hello$''-string. Similarly if+ −
we have the choice-regular-expression $a + b$, its meaning is+ −
+ −
\[+ −
L(a + b) = \{"a", "b"\}+ −
\]+ −
+ −
\noindent You can now also see why we do not make a difference+ −
between the different regular expressions $(r_1 + r_2) + r_3$+ −
and $r_1 + (r_2 + r_3)$\ldots they are not the same regular+ −
expression, but they have the same meaning. For example+ −
you can do the following calculation which shows they+ −
have the same meaning:+ −
+ −
\begin{eqnarray*}+ −
L((r_1 + r_2) + r_3) & = & L(r_1 + r_2) \cup L(r_3)\\+ −
& = & L(r_1) \cup L(r_2) \cup L(r_3)\\+ −
& = & L(r_1) \cup L(r_2 + r_3)\\+ −
& = & L(r_1 + (r_2 + r_3))+ −
\end{eqnarray*}+ −
+ −
The point of the definition of $L$ is that we can use it to+ −
precisely specify when a string $s$ is matched by a regular+ −
expression $r$, namely if and only if $s \in L(r)$. In fact we+ −
will write a program \pcode{match} that takes any string $s$+ −
and any regular expression $r$ as argument and returns+ −
\emph{yes}, if $s \in L(r)$ and \emph{no}, if $s \not\in+ −
L(r)$. We leave this for the next lecture.+ −
+ −
There is one more feature of regular expressions that is worth+ −
mentioning. Given some strings, there are in general many+ −
different regular expressions that can recognise these+ −
strings. This is obvious with the regular expression $a + b$+ −
which can match the strings $a$ and $b$. But also the regular+ −
expression $b + a$ would match the same strings. However,+ −
sometimes it is not so obvious whether two regular expressions+ −
match the same strings: for example do $r^*$ and $\ONE + r+ −
\cdot r^*$ match the same strings? What about $\ZERO^*$+ −
and $\ONE^*$? This suggests the following relation between+ −
\defn{equivalent regular expressions}: + −
+ −
\[+ −
r_1 \equiv r_2 \;\dn\; L(r_1) = L(r_2)+ −
\]+ −
+ −
\noindent That means two regular expressions are said to be+ −
equivalent if they match the same set of strings. Therefore we+ −
do not really distinguish between the different regular+ −
expression $(r_1 + r_2) + r_3$ and $r_1 + (r_2 + r_3)$,+ −
because they are equivalent. I leave you to the question+ −
whether+ −
+ −
\[+ −
\ZERO^* \equiv \ONE^*+ −
\]+ −
+ −
\noindent holds or not? Such equivalences will be important+ −
for our matching algorithm, because we can use them to+ −
simplify regular expressions, which will mean we can speed+ −
up the calculations. + −
+ −
\subsection*{My Fascination for Regular Expressions}+ −
+ −
Up until a few years ago I was not really interested in+ −
regular expressions. They have been studied for the last 60+ −
years (by smarter people than me)---surely nothing new can be+ −
found out about them. I even have the vague recollection that+ −
I did not quite understand them during my study. If I remember+ −
correctly,\footnote{That was really a long time ago.} I got+ −
utterly confused about $\ONE$ (which my lecturer wrote as+ −
$\epsilon$) and the empty string.\footnote{Obviously the+ −
lecturer must have been bad.} Since my study, I have used+ −
regular expressions for implementing lexers and parsers as I+ −
have always been interested in all kinds of programming+ −
languages and compilers, which invariably need regular+ −
expression in some form or shape. + −
+ −
To understand my fascination \emph{nowadays} with regular+ −
expressions, you need to know that my main scientific interest+ −
for the last 14 years has been with theorem provers. I am a+ −
core developer of one of+ −
them.\footnote{\url{http://isabelle.in.tum.de}} Theorem+ −
provers are systems in which you can formally reason about+ −
mathematical concepts, but also about programs. In this way+ −
they can help with writing bug-free code. Theorem provers have+ −
proved already their value in a number of systems (even in+ −
terms of hard cash), but they are still clunky and difficult+ −
to use by average programmers.+ −
+ −
Anyway, in about 2011 I came across the notion of+ −
\defn{derivatives of regular expressions}. This notion allows+ −
one to do almost all calculations in regular language theory+ −
on the level of regular expressions, not needing any automata.+ −
This is important because automata are graphs and it is rather+ −
difficult to reason about graphs in theorem provers. In+ −
contrast, to reason about regular expressions is easy-peasy in+ −
theorem provers. Is this important? I think yes, because+ −
according to Kuklewicz nearly all POSIX-based regular+ −
expression matchers are+ −
buggy.\footnote{\url{http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Regex_Posix}}+ −
With my PhD student Fahad Ausaf I am currently working on+ −
proving the correctness for one such matcher that was+ −
proposed by Sulzmann and Lu in+ −
2014.\footnote{\url{http://goo.gl/bz0eHp}} This would be an+ −
attractive results since we will be able to prove that the+ −
algorithm is really correct, but also that the machine code(!)+ −
that implements this code efficiently is correct. Writing+ −
programs in this way does not leave any room for potential+ −
errors or bugs. How nice!+ −
+ −
What also helped with my fascination with regular expressions+ −
is that we could indeed find out new things about them that+ −
have surprised some experts in the field of regular+ −
expressions. Together with two colleagues from China, I was+ −
able to prove the Myhill-Nerode theorem by only using regular+ −
expressions and the notion of derivatives. Earlier versions of+ −
this theorem used always automata in the proof. Using this+ −
theorem we can show that regular languages are closed under+ −
complementation, something which Gasarch in his+ −
blog\footnote{\url{http://goo.gl/2R11Fw}} assumed can only be+ −
shown via automata. Even sombody who has written a 700+-page+ −
book\footnote{\url{http://goo.gl/fD0eHx}} on regular+ −
exprssions did not know better. Well, we showed it can also be+ −
done with regular expressions only.\footnote{\url{http://www.inf.kcl.ac.uk/staff/urbanc/Publications/rexp.pdf}} + −
What a feeling if you are an outsider to the subject!+ −
+ −
To conclude: Despite my early ignorance about regular+ −
expressions, I find them now very interesting. They have a+ −
beautiful mathematical theory behind them, which can be+ −
sometimes quite deep and contain hidden snares. They have+ −
practical importance (remember the shocking runtime of the+ −
regular expression matchers in Python and Ruby in some+ −
instances). People who are not very familiar with the+ −
mathematical background of regular expressions get them+ −
consistently wrong. The hope is that we can do better in the+ −
future---for example by proving that the algorithms actually+ −
satisfy their specification and that the corresponding+ −
implementations do not contain any bugs. We are close, but not+ −
yet quite there.+ −
+ −
Notwithstanding my fascination, I am also happy to admit that regular+ −
expressions have their shortcomings. There are some well-known+ −
``theoretical'' shortcomings, for example recognising strings+ −
of the form $a^{n}b^{n}$. I am not so bothered by them. What I+ −
am bothered about is when regular expressions are in the way+ −
of practical programming. For example, it turns out that the+ −
regular expression for email addresses shown in \eqref{email}+ −
is hopelessly inadequate for recognising all of them (despite+ −
being touted as something every computer scientist should know+ −
about). The W3 Consortium (which standardises the Web)+ −
proposes to use the following, already more complicated+ −
regular expressions for email addresses:+ −
+ −
{\small\begin{lstlisting}[language={},keywordstyle=\color{black},numbers=none]+ −
[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*+ −
\end{lstlisting}}+ −
+ −
\noindent But they admit that by using this regular expression+ −
they wilfully violate the RFC 5322 standard which specifies+ −
the syntax of email addresses. With their proposed regular+ −
expression they are too strict in some cases and too lax in+ −
others. Not a good situation to be in. A regular expression+ −
that is claimed to be closer to the standard is shown in+ −
Figure~\ref{monster}. Whether this claim is true or not, I+ −
would not know---the only thing I can say to this regular+ −
expression is it is a monstrosity. However, this might+ −
actually be an argument against the RFC standard, rather than+ −
against regular expressions. A similar argument is made in+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\url{https://elliot.land/validating-an-email-address}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
+ −
\noindent which explains some of the crazier parts of email+ −
addresses. Still it is good to know that some tasks in text+ −
processing just cannot be achieved by using regular+ −
expressions.+ −
+ −
+ −
\begin{figure}[p]+ −
\lstinputlisting{../progs/crawler1.scala}+ −
+ −
\caption{The Scala code for a simple web-crawler that checks+ −
for broken links in a web-page. It uses the regular expression+ −
\texttt{http\_pattern} in Line~\ref{httpline} for recognising+ −
URL-addresses. It finds all links using the library function+ −
\texttt{findAllIn} in Line~\ref{findallline}.\label{crawler1}}+ −
+ −
\end{figure}+ −
+ −
+ −
\begin{figure}[p]+ −
\lstinputlisting{../progs/crawler2.scala}+ −
+ −
\caption{A version of the web-crawler that only follows links+ −
in ``my'' domain---since these are the ones I am interested in+ −
to fix. It uses the regular expression \texttt{my\_urls} in+ −
Line~\ref{myurlline} to check for my name in the links. The+ −
main change is in+ −
Lines~\ref{changestartline}--\ref{changeendline} where there+ −
is a test whether URL is in ``my'' domain or+ −
not.\label{crawler2}}+ −
+ −
\end{figure}+ −
+ −
\begin{figure}[p]+ −
\lstinputlisting{../progs/crawler3.scala}+ −
+ −
\caption{A small email harvester---whenever we download a+ −
web-page, we also check whether it contains any email+ −
addresses. For this we use the regular expression+ −
\texttt{email\_pattern} in Line~\ref{emailline}. The main+ −
change is in Line~\ref{mainline} where all email addresses+ −
that can be found in a page are printed.\label{crawler3}}+ −
+ −
\end{figure}+ −
+ −
\begin{figure}[p]+ −
\tiny+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\begin{minipage}{0.8\textwidth}+ −
\lstinputlisting[language={},keywordstyle=\color{black},numbers=none]{../progs/email-rexp}+ −
\end{minipage}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\caption{Nothing that can be said about this regular+ −
expression\ldots\label{monster}}+ −
\end{figure}+ −
+ −
+ −
\end{document}+ −
+ −
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