author Christian Urban <christian dot urban at kcl dot ac dot uk>
Tue, 17 Nov 2015 04:38:01 +0000
changeset 374 0e25fb72d339
parent 359 db106e5b7c4d
child 393 494b44b439bf
permissions -rw-r--r--



\section*{Homework 7}


\item Suppose the context-sensitive grammar

$S$ & $\rightarrow$ &  $bSAA\;|\; \epsilon$\\
$A$ & $\rightarrow$ & $a$\\
$bA$ & $\rightarrow$ & $Ab$\\

where $S$ is the starting symbol of the grammar. 
Give a derivation  of the string $"\!aaabaaabb"$. 
What can you say about the number of as and bs in the
strings recognised by this grammar.

\item Consider the following grammar 

$S \rightarrow N\cdot P$\\
$P \rightarrow V\cdot N$\\
$N \rightarrow N\cdot N$\\
$N \rightarrow A \cdot N$\\
$N \rightarrow \texttt{student} \;|\; \texttt{trainer} \;|\; \texttt{team} \;|\; \texttt{trains}$\\
$V \rightarrow \texttt{trains} \;|\; \texttt{team}$\\
$A \rightarrow \texttt{The} \;|\; \texttt{the}$\\

where $S$ is the start symbol and $S$, $P$, $N$, $V$ and $A$ are non-terminals.
Using the CYK-algorithm, check whether or not the following string can be parsed
by the grammar:

\texttt{The trainer trains the student team}

\item Transform the grammar

$A$ & $\rightarrow$ & $0A1 \;|\; BB$\\
$B$ & $\rightarrow$ & $\epsilon \;|\; 2B$

into Chomsky normal form.

\item Consider the following grammar $G$

$S \rightarrow \texttt{if0} \cdot E \cdot \texttt{then} \cdot S$\\
$S \rightarrow \texttt{print} \cdot S$\\
$S \rightarrow \texttt{begin} \cdot B\cdot \texttt{end}$\\
$B \rightarrow S\cdot \texttt{;}$\\
$B \rightarrow S\cdot \texttt{;} \cdot B$\\
$E \rightarrow num$

where $S$ is the start symbol and $S$, $E$ and $B$ are

Check each rule below and decide whether, when added to $G$,
the combined grammar is ambiguous. If yes, give a string that
has more than one parse tree.

(i)   & $S \rightarrow \texttt{if0} \cdot E\cdot \texttt{then} \cdot S\cdot \texttt{else} \cdot S$\\
(ii)  & $B \rightarrow B \cdot B$\\
(iii) & $E \rightarrow ( \cdot E \cdot )$\\
(iv)  & $E \rightarrow E \cdot + \cdot E$

%\item {\bf (Optional)} The task is to match strings where the letters are in alphabetical order---for example, 
%\texttt{abcfjz} would pass, but \texttt{acb} would not. Whitespace should be ignored---for example
%\texttt{ab c d} should pass. The point is to try to get the regular expression as short as possible!



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