\documentclass{article}\usepackage{charter}\usepackage{hyperref}\usepackage{amssymb}\usepackage{amsmath}\begin{document}\section*{Homework 2}\begin{enumerate}\item Review the first handout about sets of strings and read the second handout. Assuming the alphabet is $\{a, b\}$, decide which of the following equations are truein general for arbitrary languages $A$, $B$ and $C$:\begin{eqnarray}(A \cup B) @ C & = & A @ C \cup B @ C\nonumber\\A^* \cup B^* & = & (A \cup B)^*\nonumber\\A^* @ A^* & = & A^*\nonumber\\(A \cap B)@ C & = & (A@C) \cap (B@C)\nonumber\end{eqnarray}\noindentIn case an equation is true, give an explanation; otherwise give a counter-example.\item What is the meaning of a regular expression? Give an inductive definition.\item Given the regular expressions $r_1 = \epsilon$ and $r_2 = \varnothing$ and $r_3 = a$.How many strings can the regular expressions $r_1^*$, $r_2^*$ and $r_3^*$ each match?\item Give regular expressions for (a) decimal numbers and for (b) binary numbers. (Hint: Observe that the empty string is not a number. Also observe that leading 0s are normally not written.)\item Decide whether the following two regular expressions are equivalent $(\epsilon + a)^* \equiv^? a^*$ and $(a \cdot b)^* \cdot a \equiv^? a \cdot (b \cdot a)^*$.\item Given the regular expression $r = (a \cdot b + b)^*$. Compute what the derivative of $r$ is with respect to$a$ and $b$. Is $r$ nullable?\item Prove that for all regular expressions $r$ we have\begin{center}$\text{nullable}(r)$ \quad if and only if \quad $\texttt{""} \in L(r)$\end{center}\end{enumerate}\end{document}%%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex%%% TeX-master: t%%% End: