changeset 507 fdbc7d0ec04f
parent 498 ea47c3b8f35f
child 550 71fc4a7a7039
--- a/hws/hw01.tex	Tue Sep 26 14:38:45 2017 +0100
+++ b/hws/hw01.tex	Wed Sep 27 14:46:20 2017 +0100
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
       the strings in $A$ is the empty string, for example $A =
       \{[a], [b], [c], []\}$.
-\item (1)How many basic regular expressions are there to match
+\item (1) How many basic regular expressions are there to match
       the string $abcd$? (2) How many if they cannot include
       $\ONE$ and $\ZERO$? (3) How many if they are also not
       allowed to contain stars? (4) How many if they are also