--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cw4_marking/cw4_test.sh Mon Feb 03 12:34:38 2025 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+# to make the script fail safely
+set -euo pipefail
+echo -e "" > $out
+echo `date` | tee -a $out
+echo "" >> $out
+echo "Below is the feedback and provisional marks for your CW 4 submission." >> $out
+echo "Please note all marks are provisional until ratified by the" >> $out
+echo "assessment board -- this is not an official results transcript." >> $out
+echo "" >> $out
+echo "The feedback for your submission for cw04.sc" >> $out
+echo "" >> $out
+# marks for CW 4
+marks=$(( 0.0 ))
+# compilation tests
+function scala_compile {
+ (ulimit -t 30; JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1g" amm -s "$1" 2> c$out 1> c$out)
+# functional tests
+function scala_assert {
+ rm -rf /Users/cu/.ammonite/cache/3.0.0-M2/* 2> /dev/null ;
+ (ulimit -t 30; JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1g -XX:MaxJavaStackTraceDepth=10" amm -s "$1" 1>> $out 2>> $out)
+function scala_fail {
+ (ulimit -t 30; JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1g -XX:MaxJavaStackTraceDepth=10" amm -s "$1" 1>> $out 2>> $out)
+### compilation test
+echo -e "0) cw04.sc compiles?" | tee -a $out
+if (scala_compile "c.sc")
+ echo -e " --> yes cw04.sc compiles\n" | tee -a $out
+ tsts=$(( 0 ))
+ echo -e " --> AMM DID NOT compile cw04.sc\n" | tee -a $out
+ cat c$out | tee -a $out
+ tsts=$(( 1 ))
+### fib.j test
+echo >> $out
+#echo -e "\n\n\n" >> $out
+if [ $tsts -eq 0 ]
+ echo -e "1.1) fib.j is not empty?" | tee -a $out
+ if [ -s fib.j ]
+ then
+ echo -e " --> success" | tee -a $out
+ tstsA=$(( 0 ))
+ else
+ echo -e " --> FAIL\n" | tee -a $out
+ tstsA=$(( 1 ))
+ fi
+echo >> $out
+if [ $tstsA -eq 0 ]
+ echo -e "1.2) Generating a class-file for fib.j:" | tee -a $out
+ echo -e " java -jar jasmin.jar fib.j\n" | tee -a $out
+ java -jar /Users/cu/jasmin.jar fib.j 1> /dev/null 2> outj
+ if [ -s outj ]
+ then
+ echo -e " --> The jasmin assembler generated the following error message:\n" | tee -a $out
+ cat outj >> $out
+ else
+ echo -e " --> success (+ 5.0 Marks)\n" | tee -a $out
+ marks=$(( marks + 5.0 ))
+ fi
+### for test
+echo >> $out
+#echo -e "\n\n\n" >> $out
+if [ $tsts -eq 0 ]
+ echo -e "2.1) Generating j-file for the file:\n" | tee -a $out
+ cat "for.while" | pr -to10 >> $out
+ echo >> $out
+ cat cw04.sc c1_add.sc > cw041_add.sc
+ if (scala_assert "c1.sc")
+ then
+ echo -e " --> success" | tee -a $out
+ tstsB=$(( 0 ))
+ else
+ echo -e " --> FAIL\n" | tee -a $out
+ cat c$out >> $out
+ tail -25 $out | pr -to10
+ tstsB=$(( 1 ))
+ fi
+echo >> $out
+if [ $tstsB -eq 0 ]
+ echo -e "2.2) Generating a class-file for this file:" | tee -a $out
+ echo -e " java -jar jasmin.jar for.j\n" | tee -a $out
+ java -jar /Users/cu/jasmin.jar for.j 1> /dev/null 2> outj
+ if [ -s outj ]
+ then
+ echo -e " --> The jasmin assembler generated the following error message:\n" | tee -a $out
+ cat outj >> $out
+ tstsB=$(( 1 ))
+ else
+ echo -e " --> success\n" | tee -a $out
+ tstsB=$(( 0 ))
+ fi
+if [ $tstsB -eq 0 ]
+ echo -e "2.3) Running for.j" | tee -a $out
+ if (scala_assert "c2.sc")
+ then
+ echo -e " --> success (+ 5.0 Marks)\n" | tee -a $out
+ marks=$(( marks + 5.0 ))
+ else
+ echo -e " --> FAIL\n" | tee -a $out
+ tail -25 $out | pr -to10
+ cat c$out >> $out
+ fi
+### break test
+echo >> $out
+#echo -e "\n\n\n" >> $out
+if [ $tsts -eq 0 ]
+ echo -e "3.1) Generating j-file for the file:\n" | tee -a $out
+ cat "br.while" | pr -to10 >> $out
+ echo >> $out
+ cat cw04.sc c1_add.sc > cw041_add.sc
+ if (scala_assert "c3.sc")
+ then
+ echo -e " --> success" | tee -a $out
+ tstsC=$(( 0 ))
+ else
+ echo -e " --> FAIL\n" | tee -a $out
+ cat c$out >> $out
+ tail -25 $out | pr -to10
+ tstsC=$(( 1 ))
+ fi
+echo >> $out
+if [ $tstsC -eq 0 ]
+ echo -e "3.2) Generating a class-file for this file:" | tee -a $out
+ echo -e " java -jar jasmin.jar br.j\n" | tee -a $out
+ java -jar /Users/cu/jasmin.jar br.j 1> /dev/null 2> outj
+ if [ -s outj ]
+ then
+ echo -e " --> The jasmin assembler generated the following error message:\n" | tee -a $out
+ cat outj >> $out
+ tstsC=$(( 1 ))
+ else
+ echo -e " --> success\n" | tee -a $out
+ tstsC=$(( 0 ))
+ fi
+if [ $tstsC -eq 0 ]
+ echo -e "3.3) Running br.j" | tee -a $out
+ if (scala_assert "c4.sc")
+ then
+ echo -e " --> success (+ 5.0 Marks)\n" | tee -a $out
+ marks=$(( marks + 5.0 ))
+ else
+ echo -e " --> FAIL\n" | tee -a $out
+ tail -25 $out | pr -to10
+ cat c$out >> $out
+ fi
+echo >> $out
+## final marks
+echo >> $out
+echo "Overall mark for CW 4" | tee -a $out
+printf " %0.2f\n" $marks | tee -a $out