1 // A Small LLVM Compiler for a Simple Functional Language |
2 // (includes an external lexer and parser) |
3 // |
4 // call with |
5 // |
6 // amm fun_llvm.sc write fact.fun |
7 // |
8 // amm fun_llvm.sc write defs.fun |
9 // |
10 // this will generate a .ll file. Other options are compile and run. |
11 // |
12 // You can interpret an .ll file using lli. |
13 // |
14 // The optimiser can be invoked as |
15 // |
16 // opt -O1 -S in_file.ll > out_file.ll |
17 // opt -O3 -S in_file.ll > out_file.ll |
18 // |
19 // The code produced for the various architectures can be obtains with |
20 // |
21 // llc -march=x86 -filetype=asm in_file.ll -o - |
22 // llc -march=arm -filetype=asm in_file.ll -o - |
23 // |
24 // Producing an executable can be achieved by |
25 // |
26 // llc -filetype=obj in_file.ll |
27 // gcc in_file.o -o a.out |
28 // ./a.out |
29 |
30 |
31 import $file.fun_tokens, fun_tokens._ |
32 import $file.fun_parser, fun_parser._ |
33 import scala.util._ |
34 |
35 |
36 // for generating new labels |
37 var counter = -1 |
38 |
39 def Fresh(x: String) = { |
40 counter += 1 |
41 x ++ "_" ++ counter.toString() |
42 } |
43 |
44 // Internal CPS language for FUN |
45 abstract class KExp |
46 abstract class KVal |
47 |
48 case class KVar(s: String) extends KVal |
49 case class KNum(i: Int) extends KVal |
50 case class Kop(o: String, v1: KVal, v2: KVal) extends KVal |
51 case class KCall(o: String, vrs: List[KVal]) extends KVal |
52 case class KWrite(v: KVal) extends KVal |
53 |
54 case class KIf(x1: String, e1: KExp, e2: KExp) extends KExp { |
55 override def toString = s"KIf $x1\nIF\n$e1\nELSE\n$e2" |
56 } |
57 case class KLet(x: String, e1: KVal, e2: KExp) extends KExp { |
58 override def toString = s"let $x = $e1 in \n$e2" |
59 } |
60 case class KReturn(v: KVal) extends KExp |
61 |
62 |
63 // CPS translation from Exps to KExps using a |
64 // continuation k. |
65 def CPS(e: Exp)(k: KVal => KExp) : KExp = e match { |
66 case Var(s) => k(KVar(s)) |
67 case Num(i) => k(KNum(i)) |
68 case Aop(o, e1, e2) => { |
69 val z = Fresh("tmp") |
70 CPS(e1)(y1 => |
71 CPS(e2)(y2 => KLet(z, Kop(o, y1, y2), k(KVar(z))))) |
72 } |
73 case If(Bop(o, b1, b2), e1, e2) => { |
74 val z = Fresh("tmp") |
75 CPS(b1)(y1 => |
76 CPS(b2)(y2 => |
77 KLet(z, Kop(o, y1, y2), KIf(z, CPS(e1)(k), CPS(e2)(k))))) |
78 } |
79 case Call(name, args) => { |
80 def aux(args: List[Exp], vs: List[KVal]) : KExp = args match { |
81 case Nil => { |
82 val z = Fresh("tmp") |
83 KLet(z, KCall(name, vs), k(KVar(z))) |
84 } |
85 case e::es => CPS(e)(y => aux(es, vs ::: List(y))) |
86 } |
87 aux(args, Nil) |
88 } |
89 case Sequence(e1, e2) => |
90 CPS(e1)(_ => CPS(e2)(y2 => k(y2))) |
91 case Write(e) => { |
92 val z = Fresh("tmp") |
93 CPS(e)(y => KLet(z, KWrite(y), k(KVar(z)))) |
94 } |
95 } |
96 |
97 //initial continuation |
98 def CPSi(e: Exp) = CPS(e)(KReturn) |
99 |
100 // some testcases |
101 val e1 = Aop("*", Var("a"), Num(3)) |
102 CPSi(e1) |
103 |
104 val e2 = Aop("+", Aop("*", Var("a"), Num(3)), Num(4)) |
105 CPSi(e2) |
106 |
107 val e3 = Aop("+", Num(2), Aop("*", Var("a"), Num(3))) |
108 CPSi(e3) |
109 |
110 val e4 = Aop("+", Aop("-", Num(1), Num(2)), Aop("*", Var("a"), Num(3))) |
111 CPSi(e4) |
112 |
113 val e5 = If(Bop("==", Num(1), Num(1)), Num(3), Num(4)) |
114 CPSi(e5) |
115 |
116 val e6 = If(Bop("!=", Num(10), Num(10)), e5, Num(40)) |
117 CPSi(e6) |
118 |
119 val e7 = Call("foo", List(Num(3))) |
120 CPSi(e7) |
121 |
122 val e8 = Call("foo", List(Aop("*", Num(3), Num(1)), Num(4), Aop("+", Num(5), Num(6)))) |
123 CPSi(e8) |
124 |
125 val e9 = Sequence(Aop("*", Var("a"), Num(3)), Aop("+", Var("b"), Num(6))) |
126 CPSi(e9) |
127 |
128 val e = Aop("*", Aop("+", Num(1), Call("foo", List(Var("a"), Num(3)))), Num(4)) |
129 CPSi(e) |
130 |
131 |
132 |
133 |
134 // convenient string interpolations |
135 // for instructions, labels and methods |
136 import scala.language.implicitConversions |
137 import scala.language.reflectiveCalls |
138 |
139 implicit def sring_inters(sc: StringContext) = new { |
140 def i(args: Any*): String = " " ++ sc.s(args:_*) ++ "\n" |
141 def l(args: Any*): String = sc.s(args:_*) ++ ":\n" |
142 def m(args: Any*): String = sc.s(args:_*) ++ "\n" |
143 } |
144 |
145 // mathematical and boolean operations |
146 def compile_op(op: String) = op match { |
147 case "+" => "add i32 " |
148 case "*" => "mul i32 " |
149 case "-" => "sub i32 " |
150 case "/" => "sdiv i32 " |
151 case "%" => "srem i32 " |
152 case "==" => "icmp eq i32 " |
153 case "<=" => "icmp sle i32 " // signed less or equal |
154 case "<" => "icmp slt i32 " // signed less than |
155 } |
156 |
157 def compile_val(v: KVal) : String = v match { |
158 case KNum(i) => s"$i" |
159 case KVar(s) => s"%$s" |
160 case Kop(op, x1, x2) => |
161 s"${compile_op(op)} ${compile_val(x1)}, ${compile_val(x2)}" |
162 case KCall(x1, args) => |
163 s"call i32 @$x1 (${args.map(compile_val).mkString("i32 ", ", i32 ", "")})" |
164 case KWrite(x1) => |
165 s"call i32 @printInt (i32 ${compile_val(x1)})" |
166 } |
167 |
168 // compile K expressions |
169 def compile_exp(a: KExp) : String = a match { |
170 case KReturn(v) => |
171 i"ret i32 ${compile_val(v)}" |
172 case KLet(x: String, v: KVal, e: KExp) => |
173 i"%$x = ${compile_val(v)}" ++ compile_exp(e) |
174 case KIf(x, e1, e2) => { |
175 val if_br = Fresh("if_branch") |
176 val else_br = Fresh("else_branch") |
177 i"br i1 %$x, label %$if_br, label %$else_br" ++ |
178 l"\n$if_br" ++ |
179 compile_exp(e1) ++ |
180 l"\n$else_br" ++ |
181 compile_exp(e2) |
182 } |
183 } |
184 |
185 |
186 val prelude = """ |
187 @.str = private constant [4 x i8] c"%d\0A\00" |
188 |
189 declare i32 @printf(i8*, ...) |
190 |
191 define i32 @printInt(i32 %x) { |
192 %t0 = getelementptr [4 x i8], [4 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0 |
193 call i32 (i8*, ...) @printf(i8* %t0, i32 %x) |
194 ret i32 %x |
195 } |
196 |
197 """ |
198 |
199 |
200 // compile function for declarations and main |
201 def compile_decl(d: Decl) : String = d match { |
202 case Def(name, args, body) => { |
203 m"define i32 @$name (${args.mkString("i32 %", ", i32 %", "")}) {" ++ |
204 compile_exp(CPSi(body)) ++ |
205 m"}\n" |
206 } |
207 case Main(body) => { |
208 m"define i32 @main() {" ++ |
209 compile_exp(CPS(body)(_ => KReturn(KNum(0)))) ++ |
210 m"}\n" |
211 } |
212 } |
213 |
214 // main compiler functions |
215 |
216 def compile_prog(prog: List[Decl]) : String = |
217 prelude ++ (prog.map(compile_decl).mkString) |
218 |
219 |
220 @main |
221 def compile(fname: String) = { |
222 val path = os.pwd / fname |
223 val file = fname.stripSuffix("." ++ path.ext) |
224 val tks = tokenise(os.read(path)) |
225 val ast = parse_tks(tks) |
226 println(compile_prog(ast)) |
227 } |
228 |
229 @main |
230 def write(fname: String) = { |
231 val path = os.pwd / fname |
232 val file = fname.stripSuffix("." ++ path.ext) |
233 val tks = tokenise(os.read(path)) |
234 val ast = parse_tks(tks) |
235 val code = compile_prog(ast) |
236 os.write.over(os.pwd / (file ++ ".ll"), code) |
237 } |
238 |
239 @main |
240 def run(fname: String) = { |
241 val path = os.pwd / fname |
242 val file = fname.stripSuffix("." ++ path.ext) |
243 val tks = tokenise(os.read(path)) |
244 val ast = parse_tks(tks) |
245 val code = compile_prog(ast) |
246 os.write.over(os.pwd / (file ++ ".ll"), code) |
247 os.proc("llc", "-filetype=obj", file ++ ".ll").call() |
248 os.proc("gcc", file ++ ".o", "-o", file).call() |
249 print(os.proc(os.pwd / file).call().out.string) |
250 } |
251 |
252 |
253 |
254 |
255 |