51 \end{center} |
51 \end{center} |
52 |
52 |
53 \end{frame} |
53 \end{frame} |
54 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
54 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
55 |
55 |
56 |
56 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
57 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
57 \begin{frame}[c] |
58 \begin{frame}[c] |
58 %%\frametitle{Test Program} |
59 \frametitle{Parser Combinators} |
59 |
60 |
60 \mbox{}\\[-18mm]\mbox{} |
61 One of the simplest ways to implement a parser, see |
61 |
62 {\small\url{https://vimeo.com/142341803}} (by Haoyi Li)\bigskip |
62 {\lstset{language=While}%%\fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont |
63 |
63 \texttt{\lstinputlisting{../progs/while-tests/loops.while}}} |
64 \begin{itemize} |
64 |
65 \item[$\bullet$] build-in library in Scala |
65 \end{frame} |
66 \item[$\bullet$] fastparse (2) library by Haoyi Li; is part of Ammonite |
66 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
67 \item[$\bullet$] possible exponential runtime behaviour |
67 |
68 \end{itemize} |
68 |
69 |
70 \end{frame} |
71 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
72 |
73 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
74 \begin{frame}[c] |
75 \frametitle{Parser Combinators} |
76 |
77 Parser combinators: \bigskip |
78 |
79 \begin{minipage}{1.1\textwidth} |
80 \begin{center} |
81 \mbox{}\hspace{-12mm}\mbox{}$\underbrace{\text{list of tokens}}_{\text{input}}$ \bl{$\Rightarrow$} |
82 $\underbrace{\text{set of (parsed input, unparsed input)}}_{\text{output}}$ |
83 \end{center} |
84 \end{minipage}\bigskip |
85 |
86 \begin{itemize} |
87 \item atomic parsers |
88 \item sequencing |
89 \item alternative |
90 \item semantic action (map-parser) |
91 \end{itemize} |
92 |
93 \end{frame} |
94 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
95 |
96 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
97 \begin{frame}[c] |
98 |
99 Atomic parsers, for example, number tokens |
100 |
101 \begin{center} |
102 \bl{$\texttt{Num(123)}::rest \;\Rightarrow\; \{(\texttt{Num(123)}, rest)\}$} |
103 \end{center}\bigskip |
104 |
105 \begin{itemize} |
106 \item you consume one or more token from the\\ |
107 input (stream) |
108 \item also works for characters and strings |
109 \end{itemize} |
110 \end{frame} |
111 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
112 |
113 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
114 \begin{frame}[c] |
115 |
116 Alternative parser (code \bl{$p\;||\;q$})\bigskip |
117 |
118 \begin{itemize} |
119 \item apply \bl{$p$} and also \bl{$q$}; then combine |
120 the outputs |
121 \end{itemize} |
122 |
123 \begin{center} |
124 \large \bl{$p(\text{input}) \cup q(\text{input})$} |
125 \end{center} |
126 |
127 \end{frame} |
128 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
129 |
130 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
131 \begin{frame}[c] |
132 |
133 Sequence parser (code \bl{$p\sim q$})\bigskip |
134 |
135 \begin{itemize} |
136 \item apply first \bl{$p$} producing a set of pairs |
137 \item then apply \bl{$q$} to the unparsed part |
138 \item then combine the results:\medskip |
139 \begin{center} |
140 ((output$_1$, output$_2$), unparsed part) |
141 \end{center} |
142 \end{itemize} |
143 |
144 \begin{center} |
145 \begin{tabular}{l} |
146 \large \bl{$\{((o_1, o_2), u_2) \;|\;$}\\[2mm] |
147 \large\mbox{}\hspace{15mm} \bl{$(o_1, u_1) \in p(\text{input}) \wedge$}\\[2mm] |
148 \large\mbox{}\hspace{15mm} \bl{$(o_2, u_2) \in q(u_1)\}$} |
149 \end{tabular} |
150 \end{center} |
151 |
152 |
153 \end{frame} |
154 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
155 |
156 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
157 \begin{frame}[c] |
158 |
159 Map-parser (code \bl{$p.map(f)\;$})\bigskip |
160 |
161 \begin{itemize} |
162 \item apply \bl{$p$} producing a set of pairs |
163 \item then apply the function \bl{$f$} to each first component |
164 \end{itemize} |
165 |
166 \begin{center} |
167 \begin{tabular}{l} |
168 \large \bl{$\{(f(o_1), u_1) \;|\; (o_1, u_1) \in p(\text{input})\}$} |
169 \end{tabular} |
170 \end{center}\bigskip\bigskip\pause |
171 |
172 \bl{$f$} is the semantic action (``what to do with the parsed input'') |
173 |
174 \end{frame} |
175 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
176 |
177 |
178 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
179 \mode<presentation>{ |
180 \begin{frame}[c] |
181 \frametitle{\begin{tabular}{c}Semantic Actions\end{tabular}} |
182 |
183 Addition |
184 |
185 \begin{center} |
186 \bl{$\meta{T} \sim + \sim \meta{E} \Rightarrow \underbrace{f\,((x,y), z) \Rightarrow x + z}_{\text{semantic action}}$} |
187 \end{center}\pause |
188 |
189 Multiplication |
190 |
191 \begin{center} |
192 \bl{$\meta{F} \sim * \sim \meta{T} \Rightarrow f\,((x,y), z) \Rightarrow x * z$} |
193 \end{center}\pause |
194 |
195 Parenthesis |
196 |
197 \begin{center} |
198 \bl{$\text{(} \sim \meta{E} \sim \text{)} \Rightarrow f\,((x,y), z) \Rightarrow y$} |
199 \end{center} |
200 |
201 \end{frame}} |
202 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
203 |
204 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
205 \begin{frame}[c] |
206 \frametitle{Types of Parsers} |
207 |
208 \begin{itemize} |
209 \item {\bf Sequencing}: if \bl{$p$} returns results of type \bl{$T$}, and \bl{$q$} results of type \bl{$S$}, |
210 then \bl{$p \sim q$} returns results of type |
211 |
212 \begin{center} |
213 \bl{$T \times S$} |
214 \end{center}\pause |
215 |
216 \item {\bf Alternative}: if \bl{$p$} returns results of type \bl{$T$} then \bl{$q$} \alert{must} also have results of type \bl{$T$}, |
217 and \bl{$p \;||\; q$} returns results of type |
218 |
219 \begin{center} |
220 \bl{$T$} |
221 \end{center}\pause |
222 |
223 \item {\bf Semantic Action}: if \bl{$p$} returns results of type \bl{$T$} and \bl{$f$} is a function from |
224 \bl{$T$} to \bl{$S$}, then |
225 \bl{$p \Rightarrow f$} returns results of type |
226 |
227 \begin{center} |
228 \bl{$S$} |
229 \end{center} |
230 |
231 \end{itemize} |
232 |
233 \end{frame} |
234 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
235 |
236 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
237 \begin{frame}[c] |
238 \frametitle{Input Types of Parsers} |
239 |
240 \begin{itemize} |
241 \item input: \alert{token list} |
242 \item output: set of (output\_type, \alert{token list}) |
243 \end{itemize}\bigskip\pause |
244 |
245 actually it can be any input type as long as it is a kind of |
246 sequence (for example a string) |
247 |
248 \end{frame} |
249 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
250 |
251 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
252 \begin{frame}[c] |
253 \frametitle{Scannerless Parsers} |
254 |
255 \begin{itemize} |
256 \item input: \alert{string} |
257 \item output: set of (output\_type, \alert{string}) |
258 \end{itemize}\bigskip\bigskip |
259 |
260 but using lexers is better because whitespaces or comments can be |
261 filtered out; then input is a sequence of tokens |
262 |
263 \end{frame} |
264 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
265 |
266 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
267 \begin{frame}[c] |
268 \frametitle{Successful Parses} |
269 |
270 \begin{itemize} |
271 \item input: string |
272 \item output: \alert{set of} (output\_type, string) |
273 \end{itemize}\bigskip |
274 |
275 a parse is successful whenever the input has been fully |
276 ``consumed'' (that is the second component is empty) |
277 |
278 \end{frame} |
279 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
280 |
281 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
282 \begin{frame}[c] |
283 \frametitle{Abstract Parser Class} |
284 |
285 \small |
286 \lstinputlisting[language=Scala,xleftmargin=1mm] |
287 {../progs/app7.scala} |
288 \end{frame} |
289 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
290 |
291 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
292 \begin{frame}[c] |
293 |
294 \small |
295 \fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont |
296 \lstinputlisting[language=Scala,xleftmargin=1mm] |
297 {../progs/app8.scala} |
298 \end{frame} |
299 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
300 |
301 |
302 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
303 \begin{frame}[c] |
304 \frametitle{Two Grammars} |
305 |
306 Which languages are recognised by the following two grammars? |
307 |
308 \begin{center} |
309 \bl{\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
310 $\meta{S}$ & $\rightarrow$ & $1 \cdot \meta{S} \cdot \meta{S}$\\ |
311 & $|$ & $\epsilon$ |
312 \end{tabular}} |
313 \end{center}\bigskip |
314 |
315 \begin{center} |
316 \bl{\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
317 $\meta{U}$ & $\rightarrow$ & $1 \cdot \meta{U}$\\ |
318 & $|$ & $\epsilon$ |
319 \end{tabular}} |
320 \end{center} |
321 |
322 \end{frame} |
323 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
324 |
325 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
326 \begin{frame}[t] |
327 \frametitle{Ambiguous Grammars} |
328 |
329 \begin{center} |
330 \begin{tikzpicture} |
331 \begin{axis}[xlabel={\pcode{1}s},ylabel={time in secs}, |
332 enlargelimits=false, |
333 xtick={0,100,...,1000}, |
334 xmax=1050, |
335 ymax=33, |
336 ytick={0,5,...,30}, |
337 scaled ticks=false, |
338 axis lines=left, |
339 width=11cm, |
340 height=7cm, |
341 legend entries={unambiguous,ambiguous}, |
342 legend pos=north east, |
343 legend cell align=left, |
344 x tick label style={font=\small,/pgf/number format/1000 sep={}}] |
345 \addplot[blue,mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] |
346 table {s-grammar1.data}; |
347 \only<2>{ |
348 \addplot[red,mark=triangle*, mark options={fill=white}] |
349 table {s-grammar2.data};} |
350 \end{axis} |
351 \end{tikzpicture} |
352 \end{center} |
353 |
354 \end{frame} |
355 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
356 |
69 |
357 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
70 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
358 \begin{frame} |
71 \begin{frame} |
359 \frametitle{While-Language} |
72 \frametitle{While-Language} |
360 \mbox{}\\[-23mm]\mbox{} |
73 \mbox{}\\[-23mm]\mbox{} |
487 \end{frame}} |
213 \end{frame}} |
488 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
214 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
489 |
215 |
490 |
216 |
491 |
217 |
492 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
218 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
493 \begin{frame}[t] |
219 % \begin{frame}[t] |
494 \frametitle{% |
220 % \frametitle{% |
495 \begin{tabular}{@ {}c@ {}} |
221 % \begin{tabular}{@ {}c@ {}} |
496 \\[-3mm] |
222 % \\[-3mm] |
497 \LARGE Compilers and \\[-2mm] |
223 % \LARGE Compilers and \\[-2mm] |
498 \LARGE Formal Languages\\[3mm] |
224 % \LARGE Formal Languages\\[3mm] |
499 \end{tabular}} |
225 % \end{tabular}} |
500 |
226 |
501 \normalsize |
227 % \normalsize |
502 \begin{center} |
228 % \begin{center} |
503 \begin{tabular}{ll} |
229 % \begin{tabular}{ll} |
504 Email: & christian.urban at kcl.ac.uk\\ |
230 % Email: & christian.urban at kcl.ac.uk\\ |
505 %Office Hours: & Thursdays 12 -- 14\\ |
231 % %Office Hours: & Thursdays 12 -- 14\\ |
506 %Location: & N7.07 (North Wing, Bush House)\\ |
232 % %Location: & N7.07 (North Wing, Bush House)\\ |
507 Slides \& Progs: & KEATS (also homework is there)\\ |
233 % Slides \& Progs: & KEATS (also homework is there)\\ |
508 \end{tabular} |
234 % \end{tabular} |
509 \end{center} |
235 % \end{center} |
510 |
236 |
511 \begin{center} |
237 % \begin{center} |
512 \begin{tikzpicture} |
238 % \begin{tikzpicture} |
513 \node[drop shadow,fill=white,inner sep=0pt] |
239 % \node[drop shadow,fill=white,inner sep=0pt] |
514 {\footnotesize\rowcolors{1}{capri!10}{white} |
240 % {\footnotesize\rowcolors{1}{capri!10}{white} |
515 \begin{tabular}{|p{4.8cm}|p{4.8cm}|}\hline |
241 % \begin{tabular}{|p{4.8cm}|p{4.8cm}|}\hline |
516 1 Introduction, Languages & \cellcolor{blue!50} 6 While-Language \\ |
242 % 1 Introduction, Languages & \cellcolor{blue!50} 6 While-Language \\ |
517 2 Regular Expressions, Derivatives & 7 Compilation, JVM \\ |
243 % 2 Regular Expressions, Derivatives & 7 Compilation, JVM \\ |
518 3 Automata, Regular Languages & 8 Compiling Functional Languages \\ |
244 % 3 Automata, Regular Languages & 8 Compiling Functional Languages \\ |
519 4 Lexing, Tokenising & 9 Optimisations \\ |
245 % 4 Lexing, Tokenising & 9 Optimisations \\ |
520 5 Grammars, Parsing & 10 LLVM \\ \hline |
246 % 5 Grammars, Parsing & 10 LLVM \\ \hline |
521 \end{tabular}% |
247 % \end{tabular}% |
522 }; |
248 % }; |
523 \end{tikzpicture} |
249 % \end{tikzpicture} |
524 \end{center} |
250 % \end{center} |
525 |
251 |
526 \end{frame} |
252 % \end{frame} |
527 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
253 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
528 |
254 |
529 |
255 |
530 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
256 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
531 % \begin{frame}[c] |
257 % \begin{frame}[c] |
532 % \small |
258 % \small |
1242 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
968 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1243 % |
969 % |
1244 |
970 |
1245 \end{document} |
971 \end{document} |
1246 |
972 |
973 |
974 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
975 \begin{frame}[c] |
976 \frametitle{Parser Combinators} |
977 |
978 One of the simplest ways to implement a parser, see |
979 {\small\url{https://vimeo.com/142341803}} (by Haoyi Li)\bigskip |
980 |
981 \begin{itemize} |
982 \item[$\bullet$] build-in library in Scala |
983 \item[$\bullet$] fastparse (2) library by Haoyi Li; is part of Ammonite |
984 \item[$\bullet$] possible exponential runtime behaviour |
985 \end{itemize} |
986 |
987 \end{frame} |
988 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
989 |
990 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
991 \begin{frame}[c] |
992 \frametitle{Parser Combinators} |
993 |
994 Parser combinators: \bigskip |
995 |
996 \begin{minipage}{1.1\textwidth} |
997 \begin{center} |
998 \mbox{}\hspace{-12mm}\mbox{}$\underbrace{\text{list of tokens}}_{\text{input}}$ \bl{$\Rightarrow$} |
999 $\underbrace{\text{set of (parsed input, unparsed input)}}_{\text{output}}$ |
1000 \end{center} |
1001 \end{minipage}\bigskip |
1002 |
1003 \begin{itemize} |
1004 \item atomic parsers |
1005 \item sequencing |
1006 \item alternative |
1007 \item semantic action (map-parser) |
1008 \end{itemize} |
1009 |
1010 \end{frame} |
1011 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1012 |
1013 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1014 \begin{frame}[c] |
1015 |
1016 Atomic parsers, for example, number tokens |
1017 |
1018 \begin{center} |
1019 \bl{$\texttt{Num(123)}::rest \;\Rightarrow\; \{(\texttt{Num(123)}, rest)\}$} |
1020 \end{center}\bigskip |
1021 |
1022 \begin{itemize} |
1023 \item you consume one or more token from the\\ |
1024 input (stream) |
1025 \item also works for characters and strings |
1026 \end{itemize} |
1027 \end{frame} |
1028 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1029 |
1030 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1031 \begin{frame}[c] |
1032 |
1033 Alternative parser (code \bl{$p\;||\;q$})\bigskip |
1034 |
1035 \begin{itemize} |
1036 \item apply \bl{$p$} and also \bl{$q$}; then combine |
1037 the outputs |
1038 \end{itemize} |
1039 |
1040 \begin{center} |
1041 \large \bl{$p(\text{input}) \cup q(\text{input})$} |
1042 \end{center} |
1043 |
1044 \end{frame} |
1045 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1046 |
1047 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1048 \begin{frame}[c] |
1049 |
1050 Sequence parser (code \bl{$p\sim q$})\bigskip |
1051 |
1052 \begin{itemize} |
1053 \item apply first \bl{$p$} producing a set of pairs |
1054 \item then apply \bl{$q$} to the unparsed part |
1055 \item then combine the results:\medskip |
1056 \begin{center} |
1057 ((output$_1$, output$_2$), unparsed part) |
1058 \end{center} |
1059 \end{itemize} |
1060 |
1061 \begin{center} |
1062 \begin{tabular}{l} |
1063 \large \bl{$\{((o_1, o_2), u_2) \;|\;$}\\[2mm] |
1064 \large\mbox{}\hspace{15mm} \bl{$(o_1, u_1) \in p(\text{input}) \wedge$}\\[2mm] |
1065 \large\mbox{}\hspace{15mm} \bl{$(o_2, u_2) \in q(u_1)\}$} |
1066 \end{tabular} |
1067 \end{center} |
1068 |
1069 |
1070 \end{frame} |
1071 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1072 |
1073 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1074 \begin{frame}[c] |
1075 |
1076 Map-parser (code \bl{$p.map(f)\;$})\bigskip |
1077 |
1078 \begin{itemize} |
1079 \item apply \bl{$p$} producing a set of pairs |
1080 \item then apply the function \bl{$f$} to each first component |
1081 \end{itemize} |
1082 |
1083 \begin{center} |
1084 \begin{tabular}{l} |
1085 \large \bl{$\{(f(o_1), u_1) \;|\; (o_1, u_1) \in p(\text{input})\}$} |
1086 \end{tabular} |
1087 \end{center}\bigskip\bigskip\pause |
1088 |
1089 \bl{$f$} is the semantic action (``what to do with the parsed input'') |
1090 |
1091 \end{frame} |
1092 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1093 |
1094 |
1095 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1096 \mode<presentation>{ |
1097 \begin{frame}[c] |
1098 \frametitle{\begin{tabular}{c}Semantic Actions\end{tabular}} |
1099 |
1100 Addition |
1101 |
1102 \begin{center} |
1103 \bl{$\meta{T} \sim + \sim \meta{E} \Rightarrow \underbrace{f\,((x,y), z) \Rightarrow x + z}_{\text{semantic action}}$} |
1104 \end{center}\pause |
1105 |
1106 Multiplication |
1107 |
1108 \begin{center} |
1109 \bl{$\meta{F} \sim * \sim \meta{T} \Rightarrow f\,((x,y), z) \Rightarrow x * z$} |
1110 \end{center}\pause |
1111 |
1112 Parenthesis |
1113 |
1114 \begin{center} |
1115 \bl{$\text{(} \sim \meta{E} \sim \text{)} \Rightarrow f\,((x,y), z) \Rightarrow y$} |
1116 \end{center} |
1117 |
1118 \end{frame}} |
1119 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1120 |
1121 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1122 \begin{frame}[c] |
1123 \frametitle{Types of Parsers} |
1124 |
1125 \begin{itemize} |
1126 \item {\bf Sequencing}: if \bl{$p$} returns results of type \bl{$T$}, and \bl{$q$} results of type \bl{$S$}, |
1127 then \bl{$p \sim q$} returns results of type |
1128 |
1129 \begin{center} |
1130 \bl{$T \times S$} |
1131 \end{center}\pause |
1132 |
1133 \item {\bf Alternative}: if \bl{$p$} returns results of type \bl{$T$} then \bl{$q$} \alert{must} also have results of type \bl{$T$}, |
1134 and \bl{$p \;||\; q$} returns results of type |
1135 |
1136 \begin{center} |
1137 \bl{$T$} |
1138 \end{center}\pause |
1139 |
1140 \item {\bf Semantic Action}: if \bl{$p$} returns results of type \bl{$T$} and \bl{$f$} is a function from |
1141 \bl{$T$} to \bl{$S$}, then |
1142 \bl{$p \Rightarrow f$} returns results of type |
1143 |
1144 \begin{center} |
1145 \bl{$S$} |
1146 \end{center} |
1147 |
1148 \end{itemize} |
1149 |
1150 \end{frame} |
1151 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1152 |
1153 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1154 \begin{frame}[c] |
1155 \frametitle{Input Types of Parsers} |
1156 |
1157 \begin{itemize} |
1158 \item input: \alert{token list} |
1159 \item output: set of (output\_type, \alert{token list}) |
1160 \end{itemize}\bigskip\pause |
1161 |
1162 actually it can be any input type as long as it is a kind of |
1163 sequence (for example a string) |
1164 |
1165 \end{frame} |
1166 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1167 |
1168 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1169 \begin{frame}[c] |
1170 \frametitle{Scannerless Parsers} |
1171 |
1172 \begin{itemize} |
1173 \item input: \alert{string} |
1174 \item output: set of (output\_type, \alert{string}) |
1175 \end{itemize}\bigskip\bigskip |
1176 |
1177 but using lexers is better because whitespaces or comments can be |
1178 filtered out; then input is a sequence of tokens |
1179 |
1180 \end{frame} |
1181 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1182 |
1183 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1184 \begin{frame}[c] |
1185 \frametitle{Successful Parses} |
1186 |
1187 \begin{itemize} |
1188 \item input: string |
1189 \item output: \alert{set of} (output\_type, string) |
1190 \end{itemize}\bigskip |
1191 |
1192 a parse is successful whenever the input has been fully |
1193 ``consumed'' (that is the second component is empty) |
1194 |
1195 \end{frame} |
1196 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1197 |
1198 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1199 \begin{frame}[c] |
1200 \frametitle{Abstract Parser Class} |
1201 |
1202 \small |
1203 \lstinputlisting[language=Scala,xleftmargin=1mm] |
1204 {../progs/app7.scala} |
1205 \end{frame} |
1206 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1207 |
1208 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1209 \begin{frame}[c] |
1210 |
1211 \small |
1212 \fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont |
1213 \lstinputlisting[language=Scala,xleftmargin=1mm] |
1214 {../progs/app8.scala} |
1215 \end{frame} |
1216 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1217 |
1218 |
1219 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1220 \begin{frame}[c] |
1221 \frametitle{Two Grammars} |
1222 |
1223 Which languages are recognised by the following two grammars? |
1224 |
1225 \begin{center} |
1226 \bl{\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
1227 $\meta{S}$ & $\rightarrow$ & $1 \cdot \meta{S} \cdot \meta{S}$\\ |
1228 & $|$ & $\epsilon$ |
1229 \end{tabular}} |
1230 \end{center}\bigskip |
1231 |
1232 \begin{center} |
1233 \bl{\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
1234 $\meta{U}$ & $\rightarrow$ & $1 \cdot \meta{U}$\\ |
1235 & $|$ & $\epsilon$ |
1236 \end{tabular}} |
1237 \end{center} |
1238 |
1239 \end{frame} |
1240 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1241 |
1242 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1243 \begin{frame}[t] |
1244 \frametitle{Ambiguous Grammars} |
1245 |
1246 \begin{center} |
1247 \begin{tikzpicture} |
1248 \begin{axis}[xlabel={\pcode{1}s},ylabel={time in secs}, |
1249 enlargelimits=false, |
1250 xtick={0,100,...,1000}, |
1251 xmax=1050, |
1252 ymax=33, |
1253 ytick={0,5,...,30}, |
1254 scaled ticks=false, |
1255 axis lines=left, |
1256 width=11cm, |
1257 height=7cm, |
1258 legend entries={unambiguous,ambiguous}, |
1259 legend pos=north east, |
1260 legend cell align=left, |
1261 x tick label style={font=\small,/pgf/number format/1000 sep={}}] |
1262 \addplot[blue,mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] |
1263 table {s-grammar1.data}; |
1264 \only<2>{ |
1265 \addplot[red,mark=triangle*, mark options={fill=white}] |
1266 table {s-grammar2.data};} |
1267 \end{axis} |
1268 \end{tikzpicture} |
1269 \end{center} |
1270 |
1271 \end{frame} |
1272 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1273 |
1274 |
1275 |
1276 |
1247 %%% Local Variables: |
1277 %%% Local Variables: |
1248 %%% mode: latex |
1278 %%% mode: latex |
1249 %%% TeX-master: t |
1279 %%% TeX-master: t |
1250 %%% End: |
1280 %%% End: |
1251 |
1281 |