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78 |
79 |
80 % The data files, written on the first run. |
81 \begin{filecontents}{re-python.data} |
82 1 0.029 |
83 5 0.029 |
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89 19 0.084 |
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92 22 0.464 |
93 23 0.899 |
94 24 1.773 |
95 25 3.505 |
96 26 6.993 |
97 27 14.503 |
98 28 29.307 |
99 #29 58.886 |
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101 |
102 \begin{filecontents}{re1.data} |
103 1 0.00179 |
104 2 0.00011 |
105 3 0.00014 |
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107 5 0.00050 |
108 6 0.00095 |
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117 15 0.02377 |
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120 18 0.65310 |
121 19 2.11360 |
122 20 6.31606 |
123 21 21.46013 |
124 \end{filecontents} |
125 |
126 \begin{filecontents}{re2.data} |
127 1 0.00240 |
128 2 0.00013 |
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130 4 0.00030 |
131 5 0.00049 |
132 6 0.00083 |
133 7 0.00146 |
134 8 0.00228 |
135 9 0.00351 |
136 10 0.00640 |
137 11 0.01217 |
138 12 0.02565 |
139 13 0.01382 |
140 14 0.02423 |
141 15 0.05065 |
142 16 0.06522 |
143 17 0.02140 |
144 18 0.05176 |
145 19 0.18254 |
146 20 0.51898 |
147 21 1.39631 |
148 22 2.69501 |
149 23 8.07952 |
150 \end{filecontents} |
151 |
152 \begin{filecontents}{re-internal.data} |
153 1 0.00069 |
154 301 0.00700 |
155 601 0.00297 |
156 901 0.00470 |
157 1201 0.01301 |
158 1501 0.01175 |
159 1801 0.01761 |
160 2101 0.01787 |
161 2401 0.02717 |
162 2701 0.03932 |
163 3001 0.03470 |
164 3301 0.04349 |
165 3601 0.05411 |
166 3901 0.06181 |
167 4201 0.07119 |
168 4501 0.08578 |
169 \end{filecontents} |
170 |
171 \begin{filecontents}{re3.data} |
172 1 0.001605 |
173 501 0.131066 |
174 1001 0.057885 |
175 1501 0.136875 |
176 2001 0.176238 |
177 2501 0.254363 |
178 3001 0.37262 |
179 3501 0.500946 |
180 4001 0.638384 |
181 4501 0.816605 |
182 5001 1.00491 |
183 5501 1.232505 |
184 6001 1.525672 |
185 6501 1.757502 |
186 7001 2.092784 |
187 7501 2.429224 |
188 8001 2.803037 |
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194 \begin{document} |
195 |
196 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
197 \mode<presentation>{ |
198 \begin{frame}<1>[t] |
199 \frametitle{% |
200 \begin{tabular}{@ {}c@ {}} |
201 \\[-3mm] |
202 \LARGE Automata and \\[-2mm] |
203 \LARGE Formal Languages (6)\\[3mm] |
204 \end{tabular}} |
205 |
206 \normalsize |
207 \begin{center} |
208 \begin{tabular}{ll} |
209 Email: & christian.urban at kcl.ac.uk\\ |
210 Of$\!$fice: & S1.27 (1st floor Strand Building)\\ |
211 Slides: & KEATS (also home work is there)\\ |
212 \end{tabular} |
213 \end{center} |
214 |
215 |
216 \end{frame}} |
217 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
218 |
219 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
220 \mode<presentation>{ |
221 \begin{frame}[c] |
222 \frametitle{\begin{tabular}{c}ReDoS\end{tabular}} |
223 |
224 \begin{itemize} |
225 \item \alert{R}egular \alert{e}xpression \alert{D}enial \alert{o}f \alert{S}ervice\bigskip |
226 \item ``Regular Expressions Will Stab You in the Back''\bigskip |
227 \item Evil regular expressions\medskip |
228 \begin{itemize} |
229 \item \bl{$(a?\{n\})a\{n\}$} |
230 \item \bl{$(a^+)^+$} |
231 \item \bl{$([a-zA-Z]^+)^*$} |
232 \item \bl{$(a + aa)^+$} |
233 \item \bl{$(a + a?)^+$} |
234 \end{itemize} |
235 \end{itemize} |
236 |
237 \end{frame}} |
238 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
239 |
240 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
241 \mode<presentation>{ |
242 \begin{frame}[c] |
243 \frametitle{\begin{tabular}{c}Regexp Matching\end{tabular}} |
244 |
245 Given a regular expression |
246 |
247 \begin{enumerate} |
248 \item you might convert it into a DFA (subset construction) |
249 \item you might try all possible paths in an NFA via backtracking |
250 \item you might try all paths in an NFA in parallel |
251 \item you might try to convert the DFA ``lazily'' |
252 \end{enumerate}\bigskip |
253 |
254 Often No~2 is implemented (sometimes there are even good reasons for doing this). |
255 |
256 \end{frame}} |
257 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
258 |
259 |
260 |
261 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
262 \mode<presentation>{ |
263 \begin{frame}[c] |
264 \frametitle{\begin{tabular}{c}\bl{$(a?\{n\})a\{n\}$} in Python\end{tabular}} |
265 |
266 \begin{tikzpicture}[y=.2cm, x=.3cm] |
267 %axis |
268 \draw (0,0) -- coordinate (x axis mid) (30,0); |
269 \draw (0,0) -- coordinate (y axis mid) (0,30); |
270 %ticks |
271 \foreach \x in {0,5,...,30} |
272 \draw (\x,1pt) -- (\x,-3pt) |
273 node[anchor=north] {\x}; |
274 \foreach \y in {0,5,...,30} |
275 \draw (1pt,\y) -- (-3pt,\y) |
276 node[anchor=east] {\y}; |
277 %labels |
278 \node[below=0.6cm] at (x axis mid) {\bl{a}s}; |
279 \node[rotate=90, left=1.2cm] at (y axis mid) {secs}; |
280 |
281 %plots |
282 \draw[color=blue] plot[mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] |
283 file {re-python.data}; |
284 \only<2->{ |
285 \draw[color=red] plot[mark=triangle*, mark options={fill=white} ] |
286 file {re1.data};} |
287 \only<3->{ |
288 \draw[color=green] plot[mark=square*, mark options={fill=white} ] |
289 file {re2.data};} |
290 |
291 %legend |
292 \begin{scope}[shift={(4,20)}] |
293 \draw[color=blue] (0,0) -- |
294 plot[mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] (0.25,0) -- (0.5,0) |
295 node[right]{\small Python}; |
296 \only<2->{\draw[yshift=\baselineskip, color=red] (0,0) -- |
297 plot[mark=triangle*, mark options={fill=white}] (0.25,0) -- (0.5,0) |
298 node[right]{\small Scala V1};} |
299 \only<3->{ |
300 \draw[yshift=2\baselineskip, color=green] (0,0) -- |
301 plot[mark=square*, mark options={fill=white}] (0.25,0) -- (0.5,0) |
302 node[right]{\small Scala V2 with simplifications};} |
303 \end{scope} |
304 \end{tikzpicture} |
305 |
306 \end{frame}} |
307 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
308 |
309 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
310 \mode<presentation>{ |
311 \begin{frame}[c] |
312 |
313 |
314 \begin{tikzpicture}[y=.7cm, x=.0009cm] |
315 %axis |
316 \draw (0,0) -- coordinate (x axis mid) (10000,0); |
317 \draw (0,0) -- coordinate (y axis mid) (0,6); |
318 %ticks |
319 \foreach \x in {0,2000,...,10000} |
320 \draw (\x,1pt) -- (\x,-3pt) |
321 node[anchor=north] {\x}; |
322 \foreach \y in {0,1,...,6} |
323 \draw (1pt,\y) -- (-3pt,\y) |
324 node[anchor=east] {\y}; |
325 %labels |
326 \node[below=0.6cm] at (x axis mid) {\bl{a}s}; |
327 \node[rotate=90, left=1.2cm] at (y axis mid) {secs}; |
328 |
329 %plots |
330 \draw[color=blue] plot[mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] |
331 file {re-internal.data}; |
332 \only<2->{ |
333 \draw[color=red] plot[mark=triangle*, mark options={fill=white} ] |
334 file {re3.data};} |
335 |
336 %legend |
337 \begin{scope}[shift={(2000,4)}] |
338 \draw[color=blue] (0,0) -- |
339 plot[mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] (0.25,0) -- (0.5,0) |
340 node[right]{\small Scala Internal}; |
341 \only<2->{ |
342 \draw[yshift=\baselineskip, color=red] (0,0) -- |
343 plot[mark=triangle*, mark options={fill=white}] (0.25,0) -- (0.5,0) |
344 node[right]{\small Scala V3 with explicit $\_\{\_\}$};} |
345 \end{scope} |
346 \end{tikzpicture} |
347 |
348 \end{frame}} |
349 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
350 |
351 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
352 \mode<presentation>{ |
353 \begin{frame}[c] |
354 \frametitle{\begin{tabular}{c}Last Week\end{tabular}} |
355 |
356 Last week I showed you\bigskip |
357 |
358 \begin{itemize} |
359 \item an algorithm for automata minimisation |
360 |
361 \item an algorithm for transforming a regular expression into an NFA |
362 |
363 \item an algorithm for transforming an NFA into a DFA (subset construction) |
364 |
365 \end{itemize} |
366 |
367 \end{frame}} |
368 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
369 |
370 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
371 \mode<presentation>{ |
372 \begin{frame}[c] |
373 \frametitle{\begin{tabular}{c}This Week\end{tabular}} |
374 |
375 Go over the algorithms again, but with two new things and \ldots\medskip |
376 |
377 \begin{itemize} |
378 \item with the example: what is the regular expression that accepts every string, except those ending |
379 in \bl{aa}?\medskip |
380 |
381 \item Go over the proof for \bl{$L(rev(r)) = Rev(L(r))$}.\medskip |
382 |
383 \item Anything else so far. |
384 \end{itemize} |
385 |
386 \end{frame}} |
387 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
388 |
389 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
390 \mode<presentation>{ |
391 \begin{frame}[c] |
392 \frametitle{\begin{tabular}{c}Proofs By Induction\end{tabular}} |
393 |
394 \begin{itemize} |
395 \item \bl{$P$} holds for \bl{$\varnothing$}, \bl{$\epsilon$} and \bl{c}\bigskip |
396 \item \bl{$P$} holds for \bl{r$_1$ + r$_2$} under the assumption that \bl{$P$} already |
397 holds for \bl{r$_1$} and \bl{r$_2$}.\bigskip |
398 \item \bl{$P$} holds for \bl{r$_1$ $\cdot$ r$_2$} under the assumption that \bl{$P$} already |
399 holds for \bl{r$_1$} and \bl{r$_2$}. |
400 \item \bl{$P$} holds for \bl{r$^*$} under the assumption that \bl{$P$} already |
401 holds for \bl{r}. |
402 \end{itemize} |
403 |
404 \begin{center} |
405 \bl{$P(r):\;\;L(rev(r)) = Rev(L(r))$} |
406 \end{center} |
407 |
408 \end{frame}} |
409 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
410 |
411 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
412 \mode<presentation>{ |
413 \begin{frame}[t] |
414 |
415 What is the regular expression that accepts every string, except those ending |
416 in \bl{aa}?\pause\bigskip |
417 |
418 \begin{center} |
419 \begin{tabular}{l} |
420 \bl{(a + b)$^*$ba}\\ |
421 \bl{(a + b)$^*$ab}\\ |
422 \bl{(a + b)$^*$bb}\\\pause |
423 \bl{a}\\ |
424 \bl{\texttt{""}} |
425 \end{tabular} |
426 \end{center}\pause |
427 |
428 What are the strings to be avoided?\pause\medskip |
429 |
430 \begin{center} |
431 \bl{(a + b)$^*$aa} |
432 \end{center} |
433 |
434 \end{frame}} |
435 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
436 |
437 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
438 \mode<presentation>{ |
439 \begin{frame}[t] |
440 |
441 An NFA for \bl{(a + b)$^*$aa} |
442 |
443 \begin{center} |
444 \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2, line width=0.5mm] |
445 \node[state, initial] (q0) at ( 0,1) {$q_0$}; |
446 \node[state] (q1) at ( 1,1) {$q_1$}; |
447 \node[state, accepting] (q2) at ( 2,1) {$q_2$}; |
448 \path[->] (q0) edge node[above] {$a$} (q1) |
449 (q1) edge node[above] {$a$} (q2) |
450 (q0) edge [loop below] node {$a$} () |
451 (q0) edge [loop above] node {$b$} () |
452 ; |
453 \end{tikzpicture} |
454 \end{center}\pause |
455 |
456 Minimisation for DFAs\\ |
457 Subset Construction for NFAs |
458 |
459 \end{frame}} |
460 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
461 |
462 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
463 \mode<presentation>{ |
464 \begin{frame}[c] |
465 \frametitle{\begin{tabular}{c}DFA Minimisation\end{tabular}} |
466 |
467 |
468 \begin{enumerate} |
469 \item Take all pairs \bl{(q, p)} with \bl{q $\not=$ p} |
470 \item Mark all pairs that accepting and non-accepting states |
471 \item For all unmarked pairs \bl{(q, p)} and all characters \bl{c} tests wether |
472 \begin{center} |
473 \bl{($\delta$(q,c), $\delta$(p,c))} |
474 \end{center} |
475 are marked. If yes, then also mark \bl{(q, p)}. |
476 \item Repeat last step until nothing changed. |
477 \item All unmarked pairs can be merged. |
478 \end{enumerate} |
479 |
480 \end{frame}} |
481 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
482 |
483 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
484 \mode<presentation>{ |
485 \begin{frame}[c] |
486 |
487 Minimal DFA \only<1>{\bl{(a + b)$^*$aa}}\only<2->{\alert{not} \bl{(a + b)$^*$aa}} |
488 |
489 \begin{center} |
490 \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2, line width=0.5mm] |
491 \only<1>{\node[state, initial] (q0) at ( 0,1) {$q_0$};} |
492 \only<2->{\node[state, initial,accepting] (q0) at ( 0,1) {$q_0$};} |
493 \only<1>{\node[state] (q1) at ( 1,1) {$q_1$};} |
494 \only<2->{\node[state,accepting] (q1) at ( 1,1) {$q_1$};} |
495 \only<1>{\node[state, accepting] (q2) at ( 2,1) {$q_2$};} |
496 \only<2->{\node[state] (q2) at ( 2,1) {$q_2$};} |
497 \path[->] (q0) edge[bend left] node[above] {$a$} (q1) |
498 (q1) edge[bend left] node[above] {$b$} (q0) |
499 (q2) edge[bend left=50] node[below] {$b$} (q0) |
500 (q1) edge node[above] {$a$} (q2) |
501 (q2) edge [loop right] node {$a$} () |
502 (q0) edge [loop below] node {$b$} () |
503 ; |
504 \end{tikzpicture} |
505 \end{center} |
506 |
507 \onslide<3>{How to get from a DFA to a regular expression?} |
508 |
509 \end{frame}} |
510 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
511 |
512 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
513 \mode<presentation>{ |
514 \begin{frame}[c] |
515 |
516 \begin{center} |
517 \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2, line width=0.5mm] |
518 \only<1->{\node[state, initial] (q0) at ( 0,1) {$q_0$};} |
519 \only<1->{\node[state] (q1) at ( 1,1) {$q_1$};} |
520 \only<1->{\node[state] (q2) at ( 2,1) {$q_2$};} |
521 \path[->] (q0) edge[bend left] node[above] {$a$} (q1) |
522 (q1) edge[bend left] node[above] {$b$} (q0) |
523 (q2) edge[bend left=50] node[below] {$b$} (q0) |
524 (q1) edge node[above] {$a$} (q2) |
525 (q2) edge [loop right] node {$a$} () |
526 (q0) edge [loop below] node {$b$} () |
527 ; |
528 \end{tikzpicture} |
529 \end{center}\pause\bigskip |
530 |
531 \onslide<2->{ |
532 \begin{center} |
533 \begin{tabular}{r@ {\hspace{2mm}}c@ {\hspace{2mm}}l} |
534 \bl{$q_0$} & \bl{$=$} & \bl{$2\, q_0 + 3 \,q_1 + 4\, q_2$}\\ |
535 \bl{$q_1$} & \bl{$=$} & \bl{$2 \,q_0 + 3\, q_1 + 1\, q_2$}\\ |
536 \bl{$q_2$} & \bl{$=$} & \bl{$1\, q_0 + 5\, q_1 + 2\, q_2$}\\ |
537 |
538 \end{tabular} |
539 \end{center} |
540 } |
541 |
542 \end{frame}} |
543 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
544 |
545 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
546 \mode<presentation>{ |
547 \begin{frame}[c] |
548 |
549 \begin{center} |
550 \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2, line width=0.5mm] |
551 \only<1->{\node[state, initial] (q0) at ( 0,1) {$q_0$};} |
552 \only<1->{\node[state] (q1) at ( 1,1) {$q_1$};} |
553 \only<1->{\node[state] (q2) at ( 2,1) {$q_2$};} |
554 \path[->] (q0) edge[bend left] node[above] {$a$} (q1) |
555 (q1) edge[bend left] node[above] {$b$} (q0) |
556 (q2) edge[bend left=50] node[below] {$b$} (q0) |
557 (q1) edge node[above] {$a$} (q2) |
558 (q2) edge [loop right] node {$a$} () |
559 (q0) edge [loop below] node {$b$} () |
560 ; |
561 \end{tikzpicture} |
562 \end{center}\bigskip |
563 |
564 \onslide<2->{ |
565 \begin{center} |
566 \begin{tabular}{r@ {\hspace{2mm}}c@ {\hspace{2mm}}l} |
567 \bl{$q_0$} & \bl{$=$} & \bl{$\epsilon + q_0\,b + q_1\,b + q_2\,b$}\\ |
568 \bl{$q_1$} & \bl{$=$} & \bl{$q_0\,a$}\\ |
569 \bl{$q_2$} & \bl{$=$} & \bl{$q_1\,a + q_2\,a$}\\ |
570 |
571 \end{tabular} |
572 \end{center} |
573 } |
574 |
575 \onslide<3->{ |
576 Arden's Lemma: |
577 \begin{center} |
578 If \bl{$q = q\,r + s$}\; then\; \bl{$q = s\, r^*$} |
579 \end{center} |
580 } |
581 |
582 \end{frame}} |
583 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
584 |
585 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
586 \mode<presentation>{ |
587 \begin{frame}[c] |
588 \frametitle{\begin{tabular}{c}Algorithms on Automata\end{tabular}} |
589 |
590 |
591 \begin{itemize} |
592 \item Reg $\rightarrow$ NFA: Thompson-McNaughton-Yamada method\medskip |
593 \item NFA $\rightarrow$ DFA: Subset Construction\medskip |
594 \item DFA $\rightarrow$ Reg: Brzozowski's Algebraic Method\medskip |
595 \item DFA minimisation: Hopcrofts Algorithm\medskip |
596 \item complement DFA |
597 \end{itemize} |
598 |
599 \end{frame}} |
600 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
601 \newcommand{\qq}{\mbox{\texttt{"}}} |
602 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
603 \mode<presentation>{ |
604 \begin{frame}[c] |
605 \frametitle{\begin{tabular}{c}Grammars\end{tabular}} |
606 |
607 \begin{center} |
608 \bl{\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
609 $E$ & $\rightarrow$ & $F + (F \cdot \qq*\qq \cdot F) + (F \cdot \qq\backslash\qq \cdot F)$\\ |
610 $F$ & $\rightarrow$ & $T + (T \cdot \qq\texttt{+}\qq \cdot T) + (T \cdot \qq\texttt{-}\qq \cdot T)$\\ |
611 $T$ & $\rightarrow$ & $num + (\qq\texttt{(}\qq \cdot E \cdot \qq\texttt{)}\qq)$\\ |
612 \end{tabular}} |
613 \end{center} |
614 |
615 \bl{$E$}, \bl{$F$} and \bl{$T$} are non-terminals\\ |
616 \bl{$E$} is start symbol\\ |
617 \bl{$num$}, \bl{(}, \bl{)}, \bl{+} \ldots are terminals\bigskip\\ |
618 |
619 |
620 \bl{\texttt{(2*3)+(3+4)}} |
621 |
622 \end{frame}} |
623 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
624 |
625 |
626 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
627 \mode<presentation>{ |
628 \begin{frame}[c] |
629 |
630 \begin{center} |
631 \bl{\begin{tabular}{lcl} |
632 $E$ & $\rightarrow$ & $F + (F \cdot \qq*\qq \cdot F) + (F \cdot \qq\backslash\qq \cdot F)$\\ |
633 $F$ & $\rightarrow$ & $T + (T \cdot \qq\texttt{+}\qq \cdot T) + (T \cdot \qq\texttt{-}\qq \cdot T)$\\ |
634 $T$ & $\rightarrow$ & $num + (\qq\texttt{(}\qq \cdot E \cdot \qq\texttt{)}\qq)$\\ |
635 \end{tabular}} |
636 \end{center} |
637 |
638 \begin{center} |
639 \begin{tikzpicture}[level distance=8mm, blue] |
640 \node {E} |
641 child {node {F} |
642 child {node {T} |
643 child {node {\qq(\qq\,E\,\qq)\qq} |
644 child {node{F \qq*\qq{} F} |
645 child {node {T} child {node {2}}} |
646 child {node {T} child {node {3}}} |
647 } |
648 } |
649 } |
650 child {node {\qq+\qq}} |
651 child {node {T} |
652 child {node {\qq(\qq\,E\,\qq)\qq} |
653 child {node {F} |
654 child {node {T \qq+\qq{} T} |
655 child {node {3}} |
656 child {node {4}} |
657 } |
658 }} |
659 }}; |
660 \end{tikzpicture} |
661 \end{center} |
662 |
663 \begin{textblock}{5}(1, 5) |
664 \bl{\texttt{(2*3)+(3+4)}} |
665 \end{textblock} |
666 |
667 \end{frame}} |
668 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
669 |
670 \end{document} |
671 |
672 %%% Local Variables: |
673 %%% mode: latex |
674 %%% TeX-master: t |
675 %%% End: |
676 |