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8 \usepackage{xcolor} |
9 |
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11 |
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16 |
17 \lstdefinelanguage{scala}{ |
18 morekeywords={abstract,case,catch,class,def,% |
19 do,else,extends,false,final,finally,% |
20 for,if,implicit,import,match,mixin,% |
21 new,null,object,override,package,% |
22 private,protected,requires,return,sealed,% |
23 super,this,throw,trait,true,try,% |
24 type,val,var,while,with,yield}, |
25 otherkeywords={=>,<-,<\%,<:,>:,\#,@}, |
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28 morecomment=[n]{/*}{*/}, |
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30 morestring=[b]', |
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47 |
48 \begin{document} |
49 |
50 \section*{Handout 2} |
51 |
52 Having specified what problem our matching algorithm, $match$, is supposed to solve, namely |
53 for a given regular expression $r$ and string $s$ answer $true$ if and only if |
54 |
55 \[ |
56 s \in L(r) |
57 \] |
58 |
59 \noindent |
60 Clearly we cannot use the function $L$ directly in order to solve this problem, because in general |
61 the set of strings $L$ returns is infinite (recall what $L(a^*)$ is). In such cases there is no algorithm |
62 then can test exhaustively, whether a string is member of this set. |
63 |
64 The algorithm we define below consists of two parts. One is the function $nullable$ which takes a |
65 regular expression as argument and decides whether it can match the empty string. This can be easily |
66 defined recursively as follows: |
67 |
68 |
69 \end{document} |
70 |
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74 %%% End: |