1 // A Small Compiler for the WHILE Language |
2 // |
3 // - this compiler contains support for "static" integer |
4 // arrays (they are mutable but cannot be re-sized) |
5 // |
6 // Call with |
7 // |
8 // amm compile_arrays.sc |
9 |
10 |
11 // the abstract syntax trees for WHILE |
12 |
13 abstract class Stmt |
14 abstract class AExp |
15 abstract class BExp |
16 type Block = List[Stmt] |
17 |
18 // statements |
19 case object Skip extends Stmt |
20 case class ArrayDef(s: String, n: Int) extends Stmt // array definition |
21 case class If(a: BExp, bl1: Block, bl2: Block) extends Stmt |
22 case class While(b: BExp, bl: Block) extends Stmt |
23 case class Assign(s: String, a: AExp) extends Stmt // var := exp |
24 case class AssignA(s: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends Stmt // arr[exp1] := exp2 |
25 case class Write(s: String) extends Stmt |
26 |
27 |
28 // arithmetic expressions |
29 case class Var(s: String) extends AExp |
30 case class Num(i: Int) extends AExp |
31 case class Aop(o: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends AExp |
32 case class Ref(s: String, a: AExp) extends AExp |
33 |
34 // boolean expressions |
35 case object True extends BExp |
36 case object False extends BExp |
37 case class Bop(o: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends BExp |
38 |
39 |
40 // compiler headers needed for the JVM |
41 // |
42 // - contains a main method and a method for writing out an integer |
43 // |
44 // - the stack and locals are hard-coded |
45 // |
46 |
47 val beginning = """ |
48 .class public XXX.XXX |
49 .super java/lang/Object |
50 |
51 .method public static write(I)V |
52 .limit locals 1 |
53 .limit stack 2 |
54 getstatic java/lang/System/out Ljava/io/PrintStream; |
55 iload 0 |
56 invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream/print(I)V |
57 return |
58 .end method |
59 |
60 .method public static main([Ljava/lang/String;)V |
61 .limit locals 200 |
62 .limit stack 200 |
63 |
65 |
66 """ |
67 |
68 val ending = """ |
70 return |
71 |
72 .end method |
73 """ |
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 // for generating new labels |
78 var counter = -1 |
79 |
80 def Fresh(x: String) = { |
81 counter += 1 |
82 x ++ "_" ++ counter.toString() |
83 } |
84 |
85 // environments for variables and indices |
86 type Env = Map[String, Int] |
87 |
88 // convenient string interpolations |
89 // for generating instructions and labels |
90 |
91 implicit def sring_inters(sc: StringContext) = new { |
92 def i(args: Any*): String = " " ++ sc.s(args:_*) ++ "\n" |
93 def l(args: Any*): String = sc.s(args:_*) ++ ":\n" |
94 } |
95 |
96 def compile_num(i: Int) = |
97 if (0 <= i && i <= 5) i"iconst_$i" else |
98 if (-128 <= i && i <= 127) i"bipush $i" else i"ldc $i" |
99 |
100 def compile_aload(i: Int) = |
101 if (0 <= i && i <= 3) i"aload_$i" else i"aload $i" |
102 |
103 def compile_astore(i: Int) = |
104 if (0 <= i && i <= 3) i"astore_$i" else i"astore $i" |
105 |
106 def compile_iload(i: Int) = |
107 if (0 <= i && i <= 3) i"iload_$i" else i"iload $i" |
108 |
109 def compile_istore(i: Int) = |
110 if (0 <= i && i <= 3) i"istore_$i" else i"istore $i" |
111 |
112 |
113 def compile_op(op: String) = op match { |
114 case "+" => i"iadd" |
115 case "-" => i"isub" |
116 case "*" => i"imul" |
117 } |
118 |
119 // arithmetic expression compilation |
120 def compile_aexp(a: AExp, env : Env) : String = a match { |
121 case Num(i) => compile_num(i) |
122 case Var(s) => compile_iload(env(s)) |
123 case Aop(op, a1, a2) => |
124 compile_aexp(a1, env) ++ compile_aexp(a2, env) ++ compile_op(op) |
125 case Ref(s, a) => |
126 compile_aload(env(s)) ++ compile_aexp(a, env) ++ i"iaload" |
127 } |
128 |
129 // boolean expression compilation |
130 def compile_bexp(b: BExp, env : Env, jmp: String) : String = b match { |
131 case True => "" |
132 case False => i"goto $jmp" |
133 case Bop("==", a1, a2) => |
134 compile_aexp(a1, env) ++ compile_aexp(a2, env) ++ i"if_icmpne $jmp" |
135 case Bop("!=", a1, a2) => |
136 compile_aexp(a1, env) ++ compile_aexp(a2, env) ++ i"if_icmpeq $jmp" |
137 case Bop("<", a1, a2) => |
138 compile_aexp(a1, env) ++ compile_aexp(a2, env) ++ i"if_icmpge $jmp" |
139 } |
140 |
141 // statement compilation |
142 def compile_stmt(s: Stmt, env: Env) : (String, Env) = s match { |
143 case Skip => ("", env) |
144 case Assign(x, a) => { |
145 val index = env.getOrElse(x, env.keys.size) |
146 (compile_aexp(a, env) ++ compile_istore(index), env + (x -> index)) |
147 } |
148 case If(b, bl1, bl2) => { |
149 val if_else = Fresh("If_else") |
150 val if_end = Fresh("If_end") |
151 val (instrs1, env1) = compile_block(bl1, env) |
152 val (instrs2, env2) = compile_block(bl2, env1) |
153 (compile_bexp(b, env, if_else) ++ |
154 instrs1 ++ |
155 i"goto $if_end" ++ |
156 l"$if_else" ++ |
157 instrs2 ++ |
158 l"$if_end", env2) |
159 } |
160 case While(b, bl) => { |
161 val loop_begin = Fresh("Loop_begin") |
162 val loop_end = Fresh("Loop_end") |
163 val (instrs1, env1) = compile_block(bl, env) |
164 (l"$loop_begin" ++ |
165 compile_bexp(b, env, loop_end) ++ |
166 instrs1 ++ |
167 i"goto $loop_begin" ++ |
168 l"$loop_end", env1) |
169 } |
170 case Write(x) => |
171 (compile_iload(env(x)) ++ |
172 i"invokestatic XXX/XXX/write(I)V", env) |
173 case ArrayDef(s: String, n: Int) => { |
174 val index = if (env.isDefinedAt(s)) throw new Exception("array def error") else |
175 env.keys.size |
176 (compile_num(n) ++ |
177 i"newarray int" ++ |
178 compile_astore(index), env + (s -> index)) |
179 } |
180 case AssignA(s, a1, a2) => { |
181 val index = if (env.isDefinedAt(s)) env(s) else |
182 throw new Exception("array not defined") |
183 (compile_aload(env(s)) ++ |
184 compile_aexp(a1, env) ++ |
185 compile_aexp(a2, env) ++ |
186 i"iastore", env) |
187 } |
188 } |
189 |
190 // compile a block (i.e. list of statements) |
191 def compile_block(bl: Block, env: Env) : (String, Env) = bl match { |
192 case Nil => ("", env) |
193 case s::bl => { |
194 val (instrs1, env1) = compile_stmt(s, env) |
195 val (instrs2, env2) = compile_block(bl, env1) |
196 (instrs1 ++ instrs2, env2) |
197 } |
198 } |
199 |
200 |
201 // main compile function for blocks (adds headers and proper JVM names) |
202 def compile(bl: Block, class_name: String) : String = { |
203 val instructions = compile_block(bl, Map())._1 |
204 (beginning ++ instructions ++ ending).replace("XXX", class_name) |
205 } |
206 |
207 |
208 |
209 // contrived example involving arrays |
210 val array_test = |
211 List(ArrayDef("a", 10), // array a[10] |
212 ArrayDef("b", 2), // array b[2] |
213 AssignA("a", Num(0), Num(10)), // a[0] := 10 |
214 Assign("x", Ref("a", Num(0))), // x := a[0] |
215 Write("x"), |
216 AssignA("b", Num(1), Num(5)), // b[1] := 5 |
217 Assign("x", Ref("b", Num(1))), // x := b[1] |
218 Write("x")) |
219 |
220 |
221 // prints out the JVM-assembly instructions for fib above |
222 // |
223 // println(compile(array_test, "arr")) |
224 // |
225 // can be assembled by hand with |
226 // |
227 // java -jar jasmin.jar arr.j |
228 // |
229 // and run with |
230 // |
231 // java arr/arr |
232 |
233 // automating the above |
234 import ammonite.ops._ |
235 |
236 def compile_to_file(bl: Block, class_name: String) : Unit = |
237 write.over(pwd / s"$class_name.j", compile(bl, class_name)) |
238 |
239 def compile_and_run(bl: Block, class_name: String) : Unit = { |
240 println(s"Start of compilation") |
241 compile_to_file(bl, class_name) |
242 println(s"generated $class_name.j file") |
243 os.proc("java", "-jar", "jasmin.jar", s"$class_name.j").call() |
244 println(s"generated $class_name.class file ") |
245 //println(os.proc("java", s"${class_name}/${class_name}").call().out.text()) |
246 os.proc("java", s"${class_name}/${class_name}").call(stdout = os.Inherit) |
247 println(s"done.") |
248 } |
249 |
250 |
251 |
252 @main def main() = { |
253 compile_and_run(array_test, "arr") |
254 } |
255 |
256 |