changeset 764 6718ef6143b8
parent 753 d94fdbef1a4f
child 874 ffe02fd574a5
equal deleted inserted replaced
763:4e628958c01a 764:6718ef6143b8
  1558 module.
  1558 module.
  1561 \subsection*{Where Have Derivatives Gone?}
  1561 \subsection*{Where Have Derivatives Gone?}
  1563 Still to be done\bigskip
  1563 %%Still to be done\bigskip
  1565 %\noindent
  1565 \noindent
  1566 %By now you are probably fed up with this text. It is now way too long
  1566 By now you are probably fed up with this text. It is now way too long
  1567 %for one lecture, but there is still one aspect of the
  1567 for one lecture, but there is still one aspect of the
  1568 %automata-regular-expression-connection I like to describe. Perhaps by
  1568 automata-regular-expression-connection I like to describe:\medskip
  1569 %now you are asking yourself: Where have the derivatives gone? Did we
  1570 %just forget them?  Well, they have a place in the picture of
  1570 \noindent
  1571 %calculating a DFA from the regular expression.
  1571 Where have the derivatives gone? Did we just forget them?  Well, they
  1572 actually do play a role of generating a DFA from a regular expression.
  1573 %To be done
  1573 And we can also see this in our implementation\ldots{}because there is
  1574 %
  1574 one flaw in our representation of automata and transitions as partial
  1575 %\begin{center}
  1575 functions. We can represent automata with infinite states, which is
  1576 %\begin{tikzpicture}
  1576 actually forbidden by the definition of what an automaton is. We can
  1577 %  [level distance=25mm,very thick,auto,
  1577 exploit this flaw as follows: Suppose our alphabet consists of the
  1578 %   level 1/.style={sibling distance=30mm},
  1578 characters $c_1$ to $c_n$. Then we can generate an ``automaton''
  1579 %   level 2/.style={sibling distance=15mm},
  1579 (it is not really one because it has infinite states) by taking
  1580 %   every node/.style={minimum size=30pt,
  1580 as starting state the regular expression $r$ for which we
  1581 %                    inner sep=0pt,circle,draw=blue!50,very thick,
  1581 want to generate an automaton. There are $n$ next-states which
  1582 %                    fill=blue!20}]
  1582 corresponds to the derivatives of $r$ according to $c_1$ to $c_n$.
  1583 %  \node {$r$} [grow=right]
  1583 Implementing this in our slightly ``flawed'' representation is
  1584 %  child[->] {node (cn) {$d_{c_n}$}
  1584 not too difficult. This will give a picture for the ``automaton''
  1585 %    child { node {$dd_{c_nc_n}$}}
  1585 looking something like this, except that it extends infinitely
  1586 %    child { node {$dd_{c_nc_1}$}}
  1586 far to the right:
  1587 %    %edge from parent node[left] {$c_n$}
  1588 %  }
  1589 %  child[->] {node (c1) {$d_{c_1}$}
  1589 \begin{center}
  1590 %    child { node {$dd_{c_1c_n}$}}
  1590 \begin{tikzpicture}
  1591 %    child { node {$dd_{c_1c_1}$}}
  1591  [level distance=25mm,very thick,auto,
  1592 %    %edge from parent node[left] {$c_1$}
  1592   level 1/.style={sibling distance=30mm},
  1593 %  };
  1593   level 2/.style={sibling distance=15mm},
  1594 %  %%\draw (cn) -- (c1) node {\vdots}; 
  1594   every node/.style={minimum size=30pt,
  1595 %\end{tikzpicture}  
  1595                    inner sep=0pt,circle,draw=blue!50,very thick,
  1596 %\end{center}
  1596                    fill=blue!20}]
  1597  \node {$r$} [grow=right]
  1598  child[->] {node (cn) {$d_{c_n}$}
  1599    child { node {$dd_{c_nc_n}$}}
  1600    child { node {$dd_{c_nc_1}$}}
  1601    %edge from parent node[left] {$c_n$}
  1602  }
  1603  child[->] {node (c1) {$d_{c_1}$}
  1604    child { node {$dd_{c_1c_n}$}}
  1605    child { node {$dd_{c_1c_1}$}}
  1606    %edge from parent node[left] {$c_1$}
  1607  };
  1608  %%\draw (cn) -- (c1) node {\vdots}; 
  1609 \end{tikzpicture}  
  1610 \end{center}
  1612 \noindent
  1613 I let you implement this ``automaton''.
  1615 While this makes all sense (modulo the flaw with the infinite states),
  1616 does this automaton teach us anything? The answer is no, because it
  1617 boils down to just another implementation of the Brzozowski
  1618 algorithm. There \emph{is} something interesting in this construction
  1619 which Brzozowski already cleverly found out, because there is
  1620 a way to restrict the number of states to something finite.
  1621 However, this would lead us far, far away from what we should
  1622 discuss here.
  1598 %\section*{Further Reading}
  1626 %\section*{Further Reading}
  1600 %Compare what a ``human expert'' would create as an automaton for the
  1628 %Compare what a ``human expert'' would create as an automaton for the
  1601 %regular expression $a\cdot (b + c)^*$ and what the Thomson
  1629 %regular expression $a\cdot (b + c)^*$ and what the Thomson
  1602 %algorithm generates.
  1630 %algorithm generates.
  1604 %http://www.inf.ed.ac.uk/teaching/courses/ct/
  1605 \end{document}
  1632 \end{document}
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