changeset 93 4794759139ea
parent 92 e85600529ca5
equal deleted inserted replaced
92:e85600529ca5 93:4794759139ea
     1 package object parser {
     3 // parser combinators 
     4 // with input type I and return type T
     5 //
     6 // needs to be compiled with scalac parser3.scala
     8 abstract class Parser[I <% Seq[_], T] {
     9   def parse(ts: I): Set[(T, I)]
    11   def parse_all(ts: I) : Set[T] =
    12     for ((head, tail) <- parse(ts); if (tail.isEmpty)) yield head
    14   def parse_single(ts: I) : T = parse_all(ts).toList match {
    15     case t::Nil => t
    16     case _ => { println ("Parse Error") ; sys.exit(-1) }
    17   }
    19   def || (right : => Parser[I, T]) : Parser[I, T] = new AltParser(this, right)
    20   def ==>[S] (f: => T => S) : Parser [I, S] = new FunParser(this, f)
    21   def ~[S] (right : => Parser[I, S]) : Parser[I, (T, S)] = new SeqParser(this, right)
    22   def ~>[S] (right : => Parser[I, S]) : Parser[I, S] = this ~ right ==> (_._2)
    23   def <~[S] (right : => Parser[I, S]) : Parser[I, T] = this ~ right ==> (_._1)
    24 }
    26 class SeqParser[I <% Seq[_], T, S](p: => Parser[I, T], q: => Parser[I, S]) extends Parser[I, (T, S)] {
    27   def parse(sb: I) = 
    28     for ((head1, tail1) <- p.parse(sb); 
    29          (head2, tail2) <- q.parse(tail1)) yield ((head1, head2), tail2)
    30 }
    32 class AltParser[I <% Seq[_], T](p: => Parser[I, T], q: => Parser[I, T]) extends Parser[I, T] {
    33   def parse(sb: I) = p.parse(sb) ++ q.parse(sb)   
    34 }
    36 class FunParser[I <% Seq[_], T, S](p: => Parser[I, T], f: T => S) extends Parser[I, S] {
    37   def parse(sb: I) = 
    38     for ((head, tail) <- p.parse(sb)) yield (f(head), tail)
    39 }
    41 }