1 // NFAs and Thompson's construction |
1 // NFAs in Scala based on sets of partial functions |
2 |
2 |
3 // helper function for recording time |
3 // type abbreviation for partial functions |
4 def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = { |
4 type :=>[A, B] = PartialFunction[A, B] |
5 val start = System.nanoTime() |
5 |
6 for (j <- 1 to i) code |
6 case class NFA[A, C](starts: Set[A], // starting states |
7 val end = System.nanoTime() |
7 delta: Set[(A, C) :=> A], // transitions |
8 (end - start)/(i * 1.0e9) |
8 fins: A => Boolean) { // final states |
9 |
10 // given a state and a character, what is the set of next states? |
11 // if there is none => empty set |
12 def next(q: A, c: C) : Set[A] = |
13 delta.flatMap(_.lift.apply(q, c)) |
14 |
15 def nexts(qs: Set[A], c: C) : Set[A] = |
16 qs.flatMap(next(_, c)) |
17 |
18 def deltas(qs: Set[A], s: List[C]) : Set[A] = s match { |
19 case Nil => qs |
20 case c::cs => deltas(nexts(qs, c), cs) |
21 } |
22 |
23 def accepts(s: List[C]) : Boolean = |
24 deltas(starts, s).exists(fins) |
9 } |
25 } |
10 |
26 |
11 |
12 // state nodes |
13 abstract class State |
14 type States = Set[State] |
15 |
16 case class IntState(i: Int) extends State |
17 |
18 object NewState { |
19 var counter = 0 |
20 |
21 def apply() : IntState = { |
22 counter += 1; |
23 new IntState(counter - 1) |
24 } |
25 } |
26 |
27 |
28 case class NFA(states: States, |
29 start: State, |
30 delta: (State, Char) => States, |
31 eps: State => States, |
32 fins: States) { |
33 |
34 def epsclosure(qs: States) : States = { |
35 val ps = qs ++ qs.flatMap(eps(_)) |
36 if (qs == ps) ps else epsclosure(ps) |
37 } |
38 |
39 def deltas(qs: States, s: List[Char]) : States = s match { |
40 case Nil => epsclosure(qs) |
41 case c::cs => deltas(epsclosure(epsclosure(qs).flatMap (delta (_, c))), cs) |
42 } |
43 |
44 def accepts(s: String) : Boolean = |
45 deltas(Set(start), s.toList) exists (fins contains (_)) |
46 } |
47 |
48 // A small example NFA from the lectures |
49 val Q0 = NewState() |
50 val Q1 = NewState() |
51 val Q2 = NewState() |
52 |
53 val delta : (State, Char) => States = { |
54 case (Q0, 'a') => Set(Q0) |
55 case (Q1, 'a') => Set(Q1) |
56 case (Q2, 'b') => Set(Q2) |
57 case (_, _) => Set () |
58 } |
59 |
60 val eps : State => States = { |
61 case Q0 => Set(Q1, Q2) |
62 case _ => Set() |
63 } |
64 |
65 val NFA1 = NFA(Set(Q0, Q1, Q2), Q0, delta, eps, Set(Q2)) |
66 |
67 NFA1.accepts("aa") |
68 NFA1.accepts("aaaaa") |
69 NFA1.accepts("aaaaabbb") |
70 NFA1.accepts("aaaaabbbaaa") |
71 NFA1.accepts("ac") |
72 |
73 |
74 // explicit construction of some NFAs; used in |
75 // Thompson's construction |
76 |
77 // NFA that does not accept any string |
78 def NFA_NULL() : NFA = { |
79 val Q = NewState() |
80 NFA(Set(Q), Q, { case (_, _) => Set() }, { case _ => Set() }, Set()) |
81 } |
82 |
83 // NFA that accepts the empty string |
84 def NFA_EMPTY() : NFA = { |
85 val Q = NewState() |
86 NFA(Set(Q), Q, { case (_, _) => Set() }, { case _ => Set() }, Set(Q)) |
87 } |
88 |
89 // NFA that accepts the string "c" |
90 def NFA_CHAR(c: Char) : NFA = { |
91 val Q1 = NewState() |
92 val Q2 = NewState() |
93 NFA(Set(Q1, Q2), |
94 Q1, |
95 { case (Q1, d) if (c == d) => Set(Q2) |
96 case (_, _) => Set() }, |
97 { case _ => Set() }, |
98 Set(Q2)) |
99 } |
100 |
101 // alternative of two NFAs |
102 def NFA_ALT(nfa1: NFA, nfa2: NFA) : NFA = { |
103 val Q = NewState() |
104 NFA(Set(Q) ++ nfa1.states ++ nfa2.states, |
105 Q, |
106 { case (q, c) if (nfa1.states contains q) => nfa1.delta(q, c) |
107 case (q, c) if (nfa2.states contains q) => nfa2.delta(q, c) |
108 case (_, _) => Set() }, |
109 { case Q => Set(nfa1.start, nfa2.start) |
110 case q if (nfa1.states contains q) => nfa1.eps(q) |
111 case q if (nfa2.states contains q) => nfa2.eps(q) |
112 case _ => Set() }, |
113 nfa1.fins ++ nfa2.fins) |
114 } |
115 |
116 // sequence of two NFAs |
117 def NFA_SEQ(nfa1: NFA, nfa2: NFA) : NFA = { |
118 NFA(nfa1.states ++ nfa2.states, |
119 nfa1.start, |
120 { case (q, c) if (nfa1.states contains q) => nfa1.delta(q, c) |
121 case (q, c) if (nfa2.states contains q) => nfa2.delta(q, c) |
122 case (_, _) => Set() }, |
123 { case q if (nfa1.fins contains q) => nfa1.eps(q) ++ Set(nfa2.start) |
124 case q if (nfa1.states contains q) => nfa1.eps(q) |
125 case q if (nfa2.states contains q) => nfa2.eps(q) |
126 case _ => Set() }, |
127 nfa2.fins) |
128 } |
129 |
130 // star of an NFA |
131 def NFA_STAR(nfa: NFA) : NFA = { |
132 val Q = NewState() |
133 NFA(Set(Q) ++ nfa.states, |
134 Q, |
135 nfa.delta, |
136 { case Q => Set(nfa.start) |
137 case q if (nfa.fins contains q) => nfa.eps(q) ++ Set(Q) |
138 case q if (nfa.states contains q) => nfa.eps(q) |
139 case _ => Set() }, |
140 Set(Q)) |
141 } |
142 |
143 |
144 // regular expressions used for Thompson's construction |
145 abstract class Rexp |
146 |
147 case object NULL extends Rexp |
148 case object EMPTY extends Rexp |
149 case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp |
150 case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp |
151 case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp |
152 case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp |
153 |
154 // some convenience for typing in regular expressions |
155 def charlist2rexp(s : List[Char]) : Rexp = s match { |
156 case Nil => EMPTY |
157 case c::Nil => CHAR(c) |
158 case c::s => SEQ(CHAR(c), charlist2rexp(s)) |
159 } |
160 implicit def string2rexp(s : String) : Rexp = charlist2rexp(s.toList) |
161 |
162 |
163 |
164 def thompson (r: Rexp) : NFA = r match { |
165 case NULL => NFA_NULL() |
166 case EMPTY => NFA_EMPTY() |
167 case CHAR(c) => NFA_CHAR(c) |
168 case ALT(r1, r2) => NFA_ALT(thompson(r1), thompson(r2)) |
169 case SEQ(r1, r2) => NFA_SEQ(thompson(r1), thompson(r2)) |
170 case STAR(r1) => NFA_STAR(thompson(r1)) |
171 } |
172 |
173 // some examples for Thompson's |
174 val A = thompson(CHAR('a')) |
175 |
176 println(A.accepts("a")) |
177 println(A.accepts("c")) |
178 println(A.accepts("aa")) |
179 |
180 val B = thompson(ALT("ab","ac")) |
181 |
182 println(B.accepts("ab")) |
183 println(B.accepts("ac")) |
184 println(B.accepts("bb")) |
185 println(B.accepts("aa")) |
186 |
187 val C = thompson(STAR("ab")) |
188 |
189 println(C.accepts("")) |
190 println(C.accepts("a")) |
191 println(C.accepts("ababab")) |
192 println(C.accepts("ab")) |
193 println(C.accepts("ac")) |
194 println(C.accepts("bb")) |
195 println(C.accepts("aa")) |
196 |
197 // regular expression matcher using Thompson's |
198 def matcher(r: Rexp, s: String) : Boolean = thompson(r).accepts(s) |
199 |
200 |
201 //optional |
202 def OPT(r: Rexp) = ALT(r, EMPTY) |
203 |
204 //n-times |
205 def NTIMES(r: Rexp, n: Int) : Rexp = n match { |
206 case 0 => EMPTY |
207 case 1 => r |
208 case n => SEQ(r, NTIMES(r, n - 1)) |
209 } |
210 |
211 // evil regular exproession |
212 def EVIL(n: Int) = SEQ(NTIMES(OPT("a"), n), NTIMES("a", n)) |
213 |
214 // test harness for the matcher |
215 for (i <- 0 to 100 by 5) { |
216 println(i + ": " + "%.5f".format(time_needed(1, matcher(EVIL(i), "a" * i)))) |
217 } |
218 |
219 |
220 // regular expression matching via search and backtracking |
221 def accepts2(nfa: NFA, s: String) : Boolean = { |
222 |
223 def search(q: State, s: List[Char]) : Boolean = s match { |
224 case Nil => nfa.fins contains (q) |
225 case c::cs => |
226 (nfa.delta(q, c) exists (search(_, cs))) || |
227 (nfa.eps(q) exists (search(_, c::cs))) |
228 } |
229 |
230 search(nfa.start, s.toList) |
231 } |
232 |
233 def matcher2(r: Rexp, s: String) : Boolean = accepts2(thompson(r), s) |
234 |
235 // test harness for the backtracking matcher |
236 for (i <- 0 to 20 by 1) { |
237 println(i + ": " + "%.5f".format(time_needed(1, matcher2(EVIL(i), "a" * i)))) |
238 } |
239 |
240 |
241 |
242 |