1 |
// A Small Compiler for the WHILE Language
2 |
// (stub for including arrays)
3 |
4 |
// the abstract syntax trees
5 |
abstract class Stmt
6 |
abstract class AExp
7 |
abstract class BExp
8 |
type Block = List[Stmt]
9 |
10 |
// statements
11 |
case object Skip extends Stmt
12 |
case class If(a: BExp, bl1: Block, bl2: Block) extends Stmt
13 |
case class While(b: BExp, bl: Block) extends Stmt
14 |
case class Assign(s: String, a: AExp) extends Stmt
15 |
case class AssignA(s: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends Stmt
16 |
case class Write(s: String) extends Stmt // writes out a variable
17 |
case class Array(s: String, n: Int) extends Stmt
18 |
19 |
// arithmetic expressions
20 |
case class Var(s: String) extends AExp
21 |
case class Num(i: Int) extends AExp
22 |
case class Aop(o: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends AExp
23 |
case class Ref(s: String, a1: AExp) extends AExp
24 |
25 |
// boolean expressions
26 |
case object True extends BExp
27 |
case object False extends BExp
28 |
case class Bop(o: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends BExp
29 |
30 |
31 |
// compiler headers needed for the JVM
32 |
// (contains an init method, as well as methods for read and write)
33 |
val beginning = """
34 |
.class public XXX.XXX
35 |
.super java/lang/Object
36 |
37 |
.method public <init>()V
38 |
39 |
invokenonvirtual java/lang/Object/<init>()V
40 |
41 |
.end method
42 |
43 |
.method public static write(I)V
44 |
.limit locals 1
45 |
.limit stack 2
46 |
getstatic java/lang/System/out Ljava/io/PrintStream;
47 |
iload 0
48 |
49 |
invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream/print(C)V
50 |
51 |
.end method
52 |
53 |
.method public static main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
54 |
.limit locals 200
55 |
.limit stack 200
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
val ending = """
60 |
61 |
62 |
63 |
.end method
64 |
65 |
66 |
println("Start compilation")
67 |
68 |
69 |
// for generating new labels
70 |
var counter = -1
71 |
72 |
def Fresh(x: String) = {
73 |
counter += 1
74 |
x ++ "_" ++ counter.toString()
75 |
76 |
77 |
// environments and instructions
78 |
type Env = Map[String, String]
79 |
type Instrs = List[String]
80 |
81 |
// arithmetic expression compilation
82 |
def compile_aexp(a: AExp, env : Env) : Instrs = a match {
83 |
case Num(i) => List("ldc " + i.toString + "\n")
84 |
case Var(s) => List("iload " + env(s) + "\n")
85 |
case Aop("+", a1, a2) =>
86 |
compile_aexp(a1, env) ++
87 |
compile_aexp(a2, env) ++ List("iadd\n")
88 |
case Aop("-", a1, a2) =>
89 |
compile_aexp(a1, env) ++ compile_aexp(a2, env) ++ List("isub\n")
90 |
case Aop("*", a1, a2) =>
91 |
compile_aexp(a1, env) ++ compile_aexp(a2, env) ++ List("imul\n")
92 |
case Ref(s, a1) =>
93 |
List("aload " + env(s) + "\n") ++ compile_aexp(a1, env) ++ List("iaload \n")
94 |
95 |
96 |
// boolean expression compilation
97 |
def compile_bexp(b: BExp, env : Env, jmp: String) : Instrs = b match {
98 |
case True => Nil
99 |
case False => List("goto " + jmp + "\n")
100 |
case Bop("=", a1, a2) =>
101 |
compile_aexp(a1, env) ++ compile_aexp(a2, env) ++
102 |
List("if_icmpne " + jmp + "\n")
103 |
case Bop("!=", a1, a2) =>
104 |
compile_aexp(a1, env) ++ compile_aexp(a2, env) ++
105 |
List("if_icmpeq " + jmp + "\n")
106 |
case Bop("<", a1, a2) =>
107 |
compile_aexp(a1, env) ++ compile_aexp(a2, env) ++
108 |
List("if_icmpge " + jmp + "\n")
109 |
110 |
111 |
// statement compilation
112 |
def compile_stmt(s: Stmt, env: Env) : (Instrs, Env) = s match {
113 |
case Skip => (Nil, env)
114 |
case Assign(x, a) => {
115 |
val index = if (env.isDefinedAt(x)) env(x) else
116 |
117 |
(compile_aexp(a, env) ++
118 |
List("istore " + index + "\n"), env + (x -> index))
119 |
120 |
case If(b, bl1, bl2) => {
121 |
val if_else = Fresh("If_else")
122 |
val if_end = Fresh("If_end")
123 |
val (instrs1, env1) = compile_block(bl1, env)
124 |
val (instrs2, env2) = compile_block(bl2, env1)
125 |
(compile_bexp(b, env, if_else) ++
126 |
instrs1 ++
127 |
List("goto " + if_end + "\n") ++
128 |
List("\n" + if_else + ":\n\n") ++
129 |
instrs2 ++
130 |
List("\n" + if_end + ":\n\n"), env2)
131 |
132 |
case While(b, bl) => {
133 |
val loop_begin = Fresh("Loop_begin")
134 |
val loop_end = Fresh("Loop_end")
135 |
val (instrs1, env1) = compile_block(bl, env)
136 |
(List("\n" + loop_begin + ":\n\n") ++
137 |
compile_bexp(b, env, loop_end) ++
138 |
instrs1 ++
139 |
List("goto " + loop_begin + "\n") ++
140 |
List("\n" + loop_end + ":\n\n"), env1)
141 |
142 |
case Write(x) =>
143 |
(List("iload " + env(x) + "\n" +
144 |
"invokestatic XXX/XXX/write(I)V\n"), env)
145 |
case Array(s, n) => {
146 |
val index = if (env.isDefinedAt(s)) throw new Exception("Array already defined") else
147 |
148 |
(List("ldc " ++ n.toString ++ "\n",
149 |
"newarray int \n",
150 |
"astore " ++ index ++ "\n"), env + (s -> index))
151 |
152 |
case AssignA(s, a1, a2) => {
153 |
val index = if (env.isDefinedAt(s)) env(s) else
154 |
throw new Exception("Array not yet defined")
155 |
(List("aload " + index + "\n") ++
156 |
compile_aexp(a1, env) ++
157 |
compile_aexp(a2, env) ++
158 |
List("iastore \n"), env)
159 |
160 |
161 |
162 |
// compilation of a block (i.e. list of instructions)
163 |
def compile_block(bl: Block, env: Env) : (Instrs, Env) = bl match {
164 |
case Nil => (Nil, env)
165 |
case s::bl => {
166 |
val (instrs1, env1) = compile_stmt(s, env)
167 |
val (instrs2, env2) = compile_block(bl, env1)
168 |
(instrs1 ++ instrs2, env2)
169 |
170 |
171 |
172 |
// main compilation function for blocks
173 |
def compile(bl: Block, class_name: String) : String = {
174 |
val instructions = compile_block(bl, Map.empty)._1
175 |
(beginning ++ instructions.mkString ++ ending).replaceAllLiterally("XXX", class_name)
176 |
177 |
178 |
179 |
// compiling and running files
180 |
181 |
// JVM files can be assembled with
182 |
183 |
// java -jar jvm/jasmin-2.4/jasmin.jar fib.j
184 |
185 |
// and started with
186 |
187 |
// java fib/fib
188 |
189 |
190 |
191 |
import scala.util._
192 |
import scala.sys.process._
193 |
import scala.io
194 |
195 |
def compile_tofile(bl: Block, class_name: String) = {
196 |
val output = compile(bl, class_name)
197 |
val fw = new java.io.FileWriter(class_name + ".j")
198 |
199 |
200 |
201 |
202 |
def compile_all(bl: Block, class_name: String) : Unit = {
203 |
compile_tofile(bl, class_name)
204 |
println("compiled ")
205 |
val test = ("java -jar jvm/jasmin-2.4/jasmin.jar " + class_name + ".j").!!
206 |
println("assembled ")
207 |
208 |
209 |
def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
210 |
val start = System.nanoTime()
211 |
for (j <- 1 to i) code
212 |
val end = System.nanoTime()
213 |
(end - start)/(i * 1.0e9)
214 |
215 |
216 |
217 |
def compile_run(bl: Block, class_name: String) : Unit = {
218 |
println("Start compilation")
219 |
compile_all(bl, class_name)
220 |
println("Time: " + time_needed(1, ("java " + class_name + "/" + class_name).!))
221 |
222 |
223 |
224 |
// Fibonacci numbers as a test-case
225 |
val fib_test =
226 |
List(Assign("n", Num(10)), // n := 10;
227 |
Assign("minus1",Num(0)), // minus1 := 0;
228 |
Assign("minus2",Num(1)), // minus2 := 1;
229 |
Assign("temp",Num(0)), // temp := 0;
230 |
While(Bop("<",Num(0),Var("n")), // while n > 0 do {
231 |
List(Assign("temp",Var("minus2")), // temp := minus2;
232 |
233 |
// minus2 := minus1 + minus2;
234 |
Assign("minus1",Var("temp")), // minus1 := temp;
235 |
Assign("n",Aop("-",Var("n"),Num(1))))), // n := n - 1 };
236 |
Write("minus1")) // write minus1
237 |
238 |
239 |
compile_run(fib_test, "fib")
240 |
241 |
242 |
val arr_test =
243 |
List(Array("a", 10), // a[10]
244 |
Array("b", 2), // b[2]
245 |
AssignA("a", Num(0), Num(10)), // a[0] := 10
246 |
Assign("x", Ref("a", Num(0))), // x := a[0]
247 |
Write("x"), // write x
248 |
AssignA("b", Num(1), Num(5)), // b[1] := 5
249 |
Assign("x", Ref("b", Num(1))), // x := b[1]
250 |
Write("x")) // write x
251 |
252 |
compile_run(arr_test, "a")
253 |
254 |
255 |
256 |
// Parser Combinators
257 |
258 |
259 |
import scala.language.implicitConversions
260 |
import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
261 |
262 |
263 |
abstract class Parser[I <% Seq[_], T] {
264 |
def parse(ts: I): Set[(T, I)]
265 |
266 |
def parse_all(ts: I) : Set[T] =
267 |
for ((head, tail) <- parse(ts); if (tail.isEmpty)) yield head
268 |
269 |
270 |
class SeqParser[I <% Seq[_], T, S](p: => Parser[I, T], q: => Parser[I, S]) extends Parser[I, (T, S)] {
271 |
def parse(sb: I) =
272 |
for ((head1, tail1) <- p.parse(sb);
273 |
(head2, tail2) <- q.parse(tail1)) yield ((head1, head2), tail2)
274 |
275 |
276 |
class AltParser[I <% Seq[_], T](p: => Parser[I, T], q: => Parser[I, T]) extends Parser[I, T] {
277 |
def parse(sb: I) = p.parse(sb) ++ q.parse(sb)
278 |
279 |
280 |
class FunParser[I <% Seq[_], T, S](p: => Parser[I, T], f: T => S) extends Parser[I, S] {
281 |
def parse(sb: I) =
282 |
for ((head, tail) <- p.parse(sb)) yield (f(head), tail)
283 |
284 |
285 |
286 |
import scala.util.matching.Regex
287 |
case class RegexParser(reg: Regex) extends Parser[String, String] {
288 |
def parse(sb: String) = reg.findPrefixMatchOf(sb) match {
289 |
case None => Set()
290 |
case Some(m) => Set((m.matched, m.after.toString))
291 |
292 |
293 |
294 |
def StringParser(s: String) = RegexParser(Regex.quote(s).r)
295 |
296 |
297 |
implicit def string2parser(s : String) = StringParser(s)
298 |
299 |
implicit def ParserOps[I<% Seq[_], T](p: Parser[I, T]) = new {
300 |
def | (q : => Parser[I, T]) = new AltParser[I, T](p, q)
301 |
def ==>[S] (f: => T => S) = new FunParser[I, T, S](p, f)
302 |
def ~[S] (q : => Parser[I, S]) = new SeqParser[I, T, S](p, q)
303 |
304 |
305 |
implicit def StringOps(s: String) = new {
306 |
def | (q : => Parser[String, String]) = new AltParser[String, String](s, q)
307 |
def | (r: String) = new AltParser[String, String](s, r)
308 |
def ==>[S] (f: => String => S) = new FunParser[String, String, S](s, f)
309 |
def ~[S](q : => Parser[String, S]) =
310 |
new SeqParser[String, String, S](s, q)
311 |
def ~ (r: String) =
312 |
new SeqParser[String, String, String](s, r)
313 |
314 |
315 |
316 |
val NumParser = RegexParser("[0-9]+".r) ==> (s => s.toInt : Int)
317 |
val IdParser = RegexParser("[a-z][a-z,0-9]*".r)
318 |
319 |
320 |
321 |
// Grammar Rules
322 |
323 |
lazy val AExp: Parser[String, AExp] =
324 |
(Te ~ "+" ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, _), z) => Aop("+", x, z):AExp } |
325 |
(Te ~ "-" ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, _), z) => Aop("-", x, z):AExp } | Te
326 |
lazy val Te: Parser[String, AExp] =
327 |
(Fa ~ "*" ~ Te) ==> { case ((x, _), z) => Aop("*", x, z):AExp } | Fa
328 |
lazy val Fa: Parser[String, AExp] =
329 |
("(" ~ AExp ~ ")") ==> { case ((_, y), _) => y } |
330 |
(IdParser ~ "[" ~ AExp ~ "]") ==> { case (((x, _), y), _) => Ref(x, y) } |
331 |
IdParser ==> Var |
332 |
NumParser ==> Num
333 |
334 |
// boolean expressions
335 |
lazy val BExp: Parser[String, BExp] =
336 |
(AExp ~ "=" ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Bop("=", x, z):BExp } |
337 |
(AExp ~ "!=" ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Bop("!=", x, z):BExp } |
338 |
(AExp ~ "<" ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Bop("<", x, z):BExp } |
339 |
(AExp ~ ">" ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Bop("<", z, x):BExp } |
340 |
("true" ==> ((_) => True:BExp )) |
341 |
("false" ==> ((_) => False:BExp )) |
342 |
("(" ~ BExp ~ ")") ==> { case ((x, y), z) => y}
343 |
344 |
lazy val Stmt: Parser[String, Stmt] =
345 |
("skip" ==> (_ => Skip: Stmt)) |
346 |
(IdParser ~ ":=" ~ AExp) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => Assign(x, z): Stmt } |
347 |
(IdParser ~ "[" ~ AExp ~ "]" ~ ":=" ~ AExp) ==> {
348 |
case (((((x, y), z), v), w), u) => AssignA(x, z, u): Stmt } |
349 |
("if" ~ BExp ~ "then" ~ Block ~ "else" ~ Block) ==>
350 |
{ case (((((x,y),z),u),v),w) => If(y, u, w): Stmt } |
351 |
("while" ~ BExp ~ "do" ~ Block) ==> { case (((x, y), z), w) => While(y, w) } |
352 |
("new" ~ IdParser ~ "[" ~ NumParser ~ "]") ==> { case ((((x, y), z), u), v) => Array(y, u) } |
353 |
("write" ~ IdParser) ==> { case (_, y) => Write(y) }
354 |
355 |
lazy val Stmts: Parser[String, Block] =
356 |
(Stmt ~ ";" ~ Stmts) ==> { case ((x, y), z) => x :: z : Block } |
357 |
(Stmt ==> ((s) => List(s) : Block))
358 |
359 |
360 |
lazy val Block: Parser[String, Block] =
361 |
("{" ~ Stmts ~ "}") ==> { case ((x, y), z) => y} |
362 |
(Stmt ==> (s => List(s)))
363 |
364 |
365 |
366 |
367 |
368 |
369 |
370 |
371 |
372 |
val fib = """
373 |
n := 10;
374 |
minus1 := 0;
375 |
minus2 := 1;
376 |
377 |
while (n > 0) do {
378 |
temp := minus2;
379 |
minus2 := minus1 + minus2;
380 |
minus1 := temp;
381 |
n := n - 1};
382 |
result := minus2;
383 |
write result
384 |
""".replaceAll("\\s+", "")
385 |
386 |
val fib_prog = Stmts.parse_all(fib).toList
387 |
//compile_run(fib_prog.head, "fib")
388 |
389 |
390 |
// BF
391 |
392 |
// simple instructions
393 |
def instr(c: Char) : String = c match {
394 |
case '>' => "ptr := ptr + 1;"
395 |
case '<' => "ptr := ptr - 1;"
396 |
case '+' => "field[ptr] := field[ptr] + 1;"
397 |
case '-' => "field[ptr] := field[ptr] - 1;"
398 |
case '.' => "x := field[ptr]; write x;"
399 |
//case ',' => "XXX" // "ptr = getchar();\n"
400 |
case '[' => "while (field[ptr] != 0) do {"
401 |
case ']' => "skip};"
402 |
case _ => ""
403 |
404 |
405 |
def instrs(prog: String) : String =
406 |
407 |
408 |
409 |
def splice(cs: List[Char], acc: List[(Char, Int)]) : List[(Char, Int)] = (cs, acc) match {
410 |
case (Nil, acc) => acc
411 |
case (c :: cs, Nil) => splice(cs, List((c, 1)))
412 |
case (c :: cs, (d, n) :: acc) =>
413 |
if (c == d) splice(cs, (c, n + 1) :: acc)
414 |
else splice(cs, (c, 1) :: (d, n) :: acc)
415 |
416 |
417 |
def spl(s: String) = splice(s.toList, Nil).reverse
418 |
419 |
def instr2(c: Char, n: Int) : String = c match {
420 |
case '>' => "ptr := ptr + " + n.toString + ";"
421 |
case '<' => "ptr := ptr - " + n.toString + ";"
422 |
case '+' => "field[ptr] := field[ptr] + " + n.toString + ";"
423 |
case '-' => "field[ptr] := field[ptr] - " + n.toString + ";"
424 |
case '.' => "x := field[ptr]; write x;" //* n
425 |
//case ',' => "*ptr = getchar();\n" * n
426 |
case '[' => "while (field[ptr] != 0) do {" * n
427 |
case ']' => "skip};" * n
428 |
case _ => ""
429 |
430 |
431 |
def instrs2(prog: String) : String =
432 |
spl(prog).map{ case (c, n) => instr2(c, n) }.mkString
433 |
434 |
435 |
def bf_str(prog: String) : String = {
436 |
"\n" ++
437 |
//"new field[30000];\n" ++
438 |
"ptr := 15000;" ++
439 |
instrs2(prog) ++
440 |
441 |
442 |
443 |
def bf_run(prog: String, name: String) = {
444 |
println("BF processing start")
445 |
val bf_string = bf_str(prog).replaceAll("\\s", "")
446 |
println(s"BF parsing start (string length ${bf_string.length})")
447 |
val bf_prog = Stmts.parse_all(bf_string).toList.head
448 |
println("BF Compile start")
449 |
compile_run(Array("field", 30000) :: bf_prog, name)
450 |
451 |
452 |
453 |
454 |
val bf1 = """++++++++[>+>++++<<-]>++>>+<[-[>>+<<-]+>>]>+[-<<<[
455 |
456 |
457 |
458 |
bf_run(bf1, "sier")
459 |
460 |
461 |
..+++.>>.<-.<.+++.------.--------.>>+.>++.""", "hello")
462 |
463 |
464 |
465 |
466 |
467 |
468 |
469 |
470 |
471 |
472 |
473 |
[-]]<<[>>+>+<<<-]>>>[<<<+>>>-]<<[<+>-]>[<+>-]<<<-]""", "fibs")