1 |
abstract class Rexp
2 |
3 |
case object NULL extends Rexp
4 |
case object EMPTY extends Rexp
5 |
case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
6 |
case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp
7 |
case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp
8 |
case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp
9 |
10 |
// whether it can match the empty string
11 |
def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
12 |
case NULL => false
13 |
case EMPTY => true
14 |
case CHAR(_) => false
15 |
case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
16 |
case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
17 |
case STAR(_) => true
18 |
19 |
20 |
// derivative of a regular expression
21 |
def deriv (r: Rexp, c: Char) : Rexp = r match {
22 |
case NULL => NULL
23 |
case EMPTY => NULL
24 |
case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) EMPTY else NULL
25 |
case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(deriv(r1, c), deriv(r2, c))
26 |
case SEQ(r1, r2) =>
27 |
if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(deriv(r1, c), r2), deriv(r2, c))
28 |
else SEQ(deriv(r1, c), r2)
29 |
case STAR(r) => SEQ(deriv(r, c), STAR(r))
30 |
31 |
32 |
def derivs (r: Rexp, s: List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
33 |
case Nil => r
34 |
case c::cs => derivs(deriv(r, c), cs)
35 |
36 |
37 |
// regular expression matching
38 |
def matches(r: Rexp, s: String) : Boolean = nullable(derivs(r, s.toList))
39 |
40 |
/* Examples */
41 |
42 |
println(matches(SEQ(SEQ(CHAR('c'), CHAR('a')), CHAR('b')),"cab"))
43 |
44 |
45 |
/* Convenience using implicits */
46 |
implicit def string2rexp(s : String) : Rexp = {
47 |
s.foldRight (EMPTY: Rexp) ( (c, r) => SEQ(CHAR(c), r) )
48 |
49 |
50 |
println(matches("cab" ,"cab"))
51 |
52 |